10th Blogiversary: A Brief History of My 10 Years Online

10 Year Blogiversary: 10 Years of Not Dressed As Lamb

TEN YEARS AGO TODAY. Where have 10 years gone…?

In celebration of Not Dressed As Lamb turning 10 (and the fact that I ALWAYS write a blogiversary post), I thought I’d write up a recap of each year of blogging. It’ll show how This Thing Called Blog progressed from a hobby that I started to pursue my creative interests (and save me from an office job which had become excruciatingly dull) to my full-time career.

Plus, happy birthday to me… next year is my 50th, who KNOWS what I’ll be writing next year on this date?!


[Reading time: 15 mins]

Disclosure: This blog uses affiliate links (at no cost to you). Full disclosure


10 years is a long time in terms of digital content output. Few people have been blogging that long, and even fewer have been on Instagram that long (it was launched less than a year before my blog) – or is it the other way round I wonder? I’d say that most of the blogs I followed and/or interacted with in the early days are now no longer, so for me to have lasted this long is quite an achievement.

By writing a year-by-year history you can read about all the highs and the lows and how things don’t always go to plan – and how that’s okay. 10-15 years into the evolution of blogging and I don’t think anyone could have predicted influencers, Instagram husbands or TikTok. I couldn’t have predicted the way my blog turned into a career, or any of the things I’d had the chance to do during the last 10 years.

So here’s how things started, how they’ve been going, and right at the end I’ve eluded to what’s next. Big plans are afoot.


10 Years of Not Dressed As Lamb: A History

Not Dressed As Lamb - Style Evolution 2011-2021


I started the blog on my 39th birthday in 2011. I’d followed a few fashion blogs for about a year or so and thought it’d be fun to combine my love of clothes and photography (I did a photography degree and it had always gone sorely underused) just as a hobby for a year till my 40th birthday.

I’d come down the stairs a few days before I set it up and announced to Keith I was going to start a fashion blog, and he’d have to take my photos for me (I remember it as clearly as if it were yesterday). I came up with a great blog name (still the same one!) and on 23 July 2011 I published my first outfit post on my Blogspot blog.

It started out as many of us did in those days: 2-3 posts a week, all showing the outfits I wore to the office and on weekends.

No Instagram, no Twitter, no Facebook. Just outfit blog posts – and I loved it. In those days we were obsessed with getting people to follow us on GFC (Google Friend Connect, don’t ask), Chictopia and other style sites. Asos Fashion Finder was also a new thing and being featured on there after a few months of blogging made my day (it was they who came up with the moniker “Queen of Clash” for me).

Comments took a while to come (I was VERY hesitant to tell anyone about my blog at first) but by the end of the year I’d get at least 10-12 comments on each post.

Ahhhh, simpler times.


Not Dressed As Lamb - Style Evolution 2011-2021


Six months in and I was well in the swing of the whole blog thing… I was officially a ‘Fashion Blogger’. No ‘influencer’ rubbish goings-on then. I was still publishing regularly, I was getting lots of comments, but then I got myself onto social media. I was already using Pinterest (I can remember the utter revelation that THAT was – no longer was I cutting out pictures of outfits from magazines and putting them in a scrapbook… yes I really did that) and created my @notlamb Instagram and Twitter platforms soon after. Facebook followed sometime after that, but god who really cares about Facebook =rolls eyes=

The outfit posts continued religiously – Keith and I would head out after work to shoot photos or take them at my parents’ house in the country at weekends, and our photos started really improving when we bought some fast lenses and got a little more creative than just one full-length shot. I also started to venture out into covering other topics on the blog. I started my photo tips and writing about other issues (my “musings“) like the effect of Photoshopping a 40-year-old face.

I also secured my first real collaboration; it was with Marks & Spencer, and three other bloggers and I each had to style a dress in four ways for different job interviews. It wasn’t paid (whoever heard of asking for MONEY?!), but HOLY COW I was able to choose a dress and accessories and keep them. I honestly felt like I’d made it, it was terribly exciting.

I’m convinced that it was during these crucial early years that I got noticed by many of the PR agencies and therefore got known pretty quickly (those early mentions online meant I was featured on a lot of over 40 fashion blogger lists). There were few fashion bloggers over 40, and even fewer in the UK. I was one of only a tiny handful, so it was inevitable that I got noticed by those who were on the lookout for regular women in their 40s and 50s that brands could use in their marketing campaigns.

I guess you could just call it timing and luck, but then there was a lot of perseverance and hard work on my part.

At this time I was still working in my job of 10 years in an office in sales and marketing, and it was NOT exciting. The job had become nothing like how it had started out, and I was just glad to have the blog as a creative outlet.

My 40th rolled around, and I decided to make the one-year project permanent due to the following I’d built up. I couldn’t bear the thought of not blogging anymore once my birthday rolled around, so continue it did.

And it continued, and continued, and continued.


Not Dressed As Lamb - Style Evolution 2011-2018


Things changed quite a bit for me in 2013. I started going to events (rewardStyle was so new they actually approached ME to join their programme, and in those days I was considered enough of an asset to attend their events) and I was starting to get offers of things like boutique hotel stays, which was a lovely perk of the job.

I met and interviewed Gok Wan. I went to London Fashion Week as I thought it was the thing to do; that didn’t last, however (that was my decision as it just wasn’t my thing. At all).

I entered my first blog awards in April that year (it was a South West England/Bath thing, I didn’t win but the experience was great) and the offers of gifting were coming in so often I managed to build up a pretty impressive wardrobe in a very short space of time. It wasn’t really the thing to do to NOT accept something in those early days; it took me a while to realise that I didn’t have to say yes to everything, and that I was doing a lot of work for no reward (except having something new to wear).

The big change came when I decided to go full-time with the blog in the Summer of 2013.

I’d been unhappy in my office job for a very long time, but the final 2-3 months there were unbearable. I lost a ton of weight, and in my desperation to leave I remembered that I’d been offered voluntary redundancy a couple of years earlier. Long story short: I asked if the offer still stood, and to my surprise (and delight) it did – I left my office job in June 2013 with a decent redundancy package but no job to go to.

I took on some part-time freelance work with a friend who ran a digital creative agency, so that gave me some regular income. I had enough paid jobs through the blog (I finally summoned up the balls to charge for blog work in this year) to keep me going throughout the summer while I worked out what sort of full-time jobs to apply for. I’d assumed social media manager or blogger outreach, that sort of thing.

I was lucky enough not to have to touch my redundancy money for quite a while, and although I’d never, ever intended to become self-employed, a friend suggested it to me. I’d only ever envisioned myself as a 9-5, Monday to Friday kinda girl, so I was like, Nooooooooo… but the seed had been planted and I thought I’d give it a go for a bit. I figured I would run out of money before long and then have to get a full-time job anyway.

But thankfully the money didn’t run out, the blogging jobs kept coming in, and by the end of 2013 I was officially a Professional Fashion Blogger.


Not Dressed As Lamb - Style Evolution 2011-2018


By 2014 my fashion blogging career had really started to take off. I won a modelling competition for Fever London and met the lovely What Lizzy Loves for the first time (we’d already chatted a lot online) and became firm friends (so much so I’m going to her wedding next month). This was the year that I started to attend a lot more events and turn some great online friendships into real life ones, something I’ll be forever grateful to the blog for.

I also won a competition to become a brand ambassador for La Redoute and got to go on a three-day trip to Paris with the brand. We had just the best time, and I realised by this point that I absolutely LOVED my job. There was always something different round the corner, never knowing who I was going to meet or work with, and yet I could still dictate my own hours and work-life balance at home. The photography was a part I loved. The writing was the other part I loved. I was well and truly loving the new life/career I’d carved out for myself, and all because I’d taken a chance and decided to see where life could take me.

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And it was a good choice, with no regrets.

By the end of that year I’d been to Paris, I’d done my first video shoot for a makeup brand (rather nervously) and my first fashion shoot (less nervously), and I’d put myself up for nomination in my first UK Blog Awards in December of that year. Blogging jobs were coming in regularly, and although I was earning a lot less than I was in my office job (A LOT less), I was happy.


Not Dressed As Lamb - Style Evolution 2011-2018


Sooooo much happened in 2015… a lot of good, but some bad as well.

I was getting trolled regularly, so learnt how to deal with that. It was water off a duck’s back eventually, but tiresome. It prompted me to start the hashtag #IWillWearWhatILike in response to trolling and being bombarded by those “10 things you shouldn’t wear after 40” lists. By then I was getting regular jobs modelling – I say modelling loosely, I think this was the year that brands really started using bloggers as regular women instead of model-models.

The most exciting thing came in April when, after having nominated myself (!) the previous year, I was shortlisted for the fashion and beauty category at the UK Blog Awards (sadly now defunct). Again, I didn’t win, BUT I wore the most beautiful vintage gown which is still brought up by people every now and then. On the night I was scouted by a talent agency who I signed with later that year, and the best part was that within a year they’d increased my rates tenfold. Hence me finding out what I was worth, and carrying that on throughout the rest of my blogging career.

Keith and I went on holiday to Santorini that year and produced some of the most stunning photos we’d ever taken.

The bad? Well, the digital marketing agency that I’d been freelancing for went under, owing me thousands. I’d stupidly continued to work for them, despite them saying “We’ll pay you next month, we promise…” for several months in a row. There’s NO WAY I’d let that happen now; I learnt my lesson the hard way.

The second bad thing was that I went on a 24-hour press trip to Paris in the November and came back with a painful leg – one that caused me not to be able to walk without a stick for about six weeks. The correct diagnosis took two years, more about that later…


Not Dressed As Lamb - Style Evolution 2011-2018


The year started well for me in terms of brand campaigns – they were coming in thick and fast – and I won my first blog award (Best Fashion Blogger at the Blogger’s Lounge), of which I was SUPER proud. I was shortlisted for the second time in a row at the UK Blog Awards; again, I didn’t win (didn’t expect to at all!) but that was the year I wore my fairy princess outfit… the same tulle skirt is going to be seen next week on the blog, so keep an eye out for that.

I was, however, in a lot of pain from my leg problems. It got better, then it got bad again, then it got better again, and so on and so on. It did hinder me somewhat, but I carried on.

That same year I started to get some really great jobs like presenting a style session with the public at a new Hobbs store, attending my first Specsavers Spectacle Wearer of the Year (SWOTY) Awards and modelling for Jaeger. I also formed the Over 40 Collective with some of my best blogger friends after a blogging event brought us together IRL for the first time (also now sadly defunct, just due to personal circumstances and distance) – we may no longer be together professionally but the friendships are what’s important.

The real bummer came when the talent agency I was signed to failed to pay me for work I’d done… long story short? They, too, went under – owing me (sound familiar?) thousands. I wrote about my financial woes in a very heartfelt post; the total amount owed to me by everyone was nearly five figures. I eventually got about a third of it back, but the other two-thirds were never seen again, and I had to write them off as a financial loss.

There were some really great moments in 2016, however; it wasn’t ALL bad. I organised the 30-40+ Blogger Meet in London and although I haven’t organised another since, I might change that next year and hold another. But let’s talk 2017 first…!


Not Dressed As Lamb - Style Evolution 2011-2018


I’ll always remember 2017 for two things: first, it was the year we got Riley (who adored posing in my photoshoots) and the year I won for the first time at the UK Blog Awards (after being shortlisted three years in a row)! I wore The Red Gown, felt like a million dollars, and got to celebrate my win with (almost) all my best blogging buddies. Certainly a night to remember.

We also all went together to the Chelsea Flower Show for a fashion brand campaign, got fed by the one and only Raymond Blanc and boiled our socks off in an unseasonal May heatwave.

In this year I started what turned out to be a long run of video shoots with brands, something I NEVER thought I’d be able to do in a million years. But practice sure makes perfect, and although I still get a little nervous, I know now what to expect, what is expected of me, and of course what to do and not do. In 2017 I also took myself firmly out of my comfort zone and went to Cambridge as a guest on a panel talk (which was fine once I was there!) and then to Amsterdam to talk at a retail conference.

Nerve-wracking? Absolutely. Glad I did it? 100%. It wasn’t just doing the talk I was proud of myself for, but for flying by myself for the first time ever. I find the whole airport/checking in process incredibly confusing, and I get in SUCH a panic that I’ll miss the plane because I’ve not gone to the right place at the right time. But I did something that scared me and it was yet another career moment to have ticked off my list (and admit that I was wrong to have been initially afraid to go through with it).

The financial woes of 2016 were, thankfully, well and truly behind me, and for the first time I was starting to make more money blogging than I did in my sales and marketing job. So, no regrets.

I also switched up my photography game by finally shooting in RAW.

I finished off the year with another blog award win: Most Addictive Blog at the Thirty Plus Awards. To say – at that point – that I was “a multi-award-winning fashion blogger” was something I could NEVER have dreamt of five years previous when I started my blog. By the end of the year I’d had many, many “pinch me” moments and couldn’t have been more grateful for the opportunities that had already come my way and the support that I’d received from so many.


Not Dressed As Lamb - Style Evolution 2011-2018


2018 started with an operation to remove a cyst in my abdomen, the cause of my chronic leg pain that had taken two years to properly diagnose (it had been pressing on a nerve that runs down your bum and the back of your leg). I got that out of the way and the leg pain finally started to go. Unfortunately I’d been offered a job in Japan (JAPAN!) modelling for a brand, but it was a couple of days after the op so I sadly couldn’t go. That was probably one of my biggest regrets in terms of jobs I missed out on. Though I did hear it poured with rain the whole time, so maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing after all.

I moved the blog from Blogger to WordPress right at the start of the year, a move I should have made much earlier. But thank goodness I finally got round to doing it.

We also moved house that summer – to a much nicer town which we absolutely love (and where we are now) and that year was the Long Hot Summer of 2018. So all my photoshoots consisted of summer outfit after summer outfit after summer outfit.

And talking of outfit shoots (which I haven’t mentioned for a bit!), by this time the blog had evolved to be an even mixture of fashion, musings, thoughts on ageing, health and beauty, women’s issues, and so on. Looking back I’m really proud of some of the issues I’ve talked about, even if it HAS truly pissed some people off that I “haven’t stuck to fashion” =rolls eyes=

The biggest surprise of 2018 was winning at the UK Blog Awards for the second time in a row. At the time these were the biggest blog awards in the UK, and to have won the fashion category not once but twice was, well… astonishing. Later that year I signed up as the fashion judge for 2019, both to do something a bit different and to most definitely NOT be able to win a third year in a row. I didn’t want to be “that” blogger who’s constantly entering awards things: it sounds incredibly conceited to say I might have won a third year in a row but I honestly NEVER expected to win twice so who knows what might have happened.

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I was also shortlisted at the Vuelio Blog Awards – I didn’t win, but then I WAS up against (literally) the top fashion bloggers in the UK. To be honest, just being on that list with those others was something to be proud of.

Overall I was really happy with the way my blogging career was turning out. Sure, I had some horribly busy, stressful periods as well as having been fleeced for thousands, but I guess those are all life lessons.


Not Dressed As Lamb - Style Evolution 2011-2018


The highlight of 2019, was, without doubt, travelling to Prague and filming a TV advert for Olia hair colourant (by L’Oréal). It turned out to be the first of three collaborations with L’Oréal, two of which were TV adverts. Although it was the most amazing experience and I loved working with the brand, I was unfortunately totally exhausted, overweight and unfit.

I wrote about the imposter syndrome I felt at the time, and a few months later we sadly lost Riley. I didn’t feel like myself for a long time that year, and although the work coming in was good (and regular!), I wasn’t in a good place.

I finally started to feel better (and stronger) once I started to get fit again by going to the detox retreat towards the end of the year. When we adopted Suki the greyhound we had canine love back in our family again… it made working from home a whole lot easier again.

I enjoyed being a judge at the UK Blog Awards, something that I’d done once before (being a judge I mean, it was my first time for UKBA). At the beginning of the year I shot a video for Direct Line Insurance in my own home, talking about brands working with influencers – being on film and talking had become something I was pretty used to by that point. At the end of the year I modelled for Fantasie (lingerie, though thankfully it wasn’t a regular “in your underwear” shoot).

The difference in my confidence was all too apparent when comparing the beginning of the year to the end.


Not Dressed As Lamb - Style Evolution 2011-2018


Oh, 2020… what can we say. What a shit show.

Thankfully the pandemic didn’t have too much of a major impact on our lives [Keith and I], and for that I’m forever grateful. We didn’t lose anyone, no one we knew was ill, and we didn’t catch Covid. That’s the biggest, most important thing about 2020 for us. It affected my income MASSIVELY though… my earnings plummeted. I had zero work coming in. Nothing between February and August, and even then it was only a couple of jobs from August till the end of the year.

However, the two main campaigns I did secure were both big ones: another TV advert for Olia hair colourant and a marketing campaign for Specsavers, both shot just before Christmas (more about those under “2021”). So thankfully I had some money finally coming in, but I was also lucky to get the government grants for the self-employed. Without those, we would have been in severe financial straits.

I did lose my love for blogging somewhat in 2020, and that’s hardly surprising considering everyone was feeling the stress of the pandemic. My mojo deserted me. I didn’t post anything on the blog for a long time, I posted VERY sporadically on Instagram; Facebook… well, forget it.

What I DID do, however, was indulge in self-care. I went to the detox retreat twice in 2020, got myself fit and healthy, and started to feel so much better.

But then 2021 came around.


Not Dressed As Lamb - Style Evolution 2011-2018


The year started badly, as I think it did for so many.

After “sailing through” 2020 – or so I thought – it all came to a head in February, when the enormity of all the stress I was under OUTSIDE of the pandemic hit me. We were at the end of winter (and a miserable one at that), Christmas was over, and I’d let the fitness I’d worked so hard for at the end of 2020 slip big time. Being put into yet another lockdown meant it all came crashing down around me and I finally admitted my mental health was in a terrible state.

But writing about it was cathartic, I got myself back on track thanks to a lot of support and inner soul-searching and jobs starting to come in again. I’m finally posting regularly on the blog for the first time in over a year, and I’ve got a ton of ideas and content waiting to be written, photographed and published.

Both of the campaigns I shot before Christmas are popping up all over the place right now. Every day I get several messages saying I’ve been seen on TV (Olia) or spotted on a billboard or bus stop (Specsavers). I think after winning at the UK Blog Awards twice, these two might be my proudest moments. If you’d have told me 10 years ago I’d be on a billboard or in a TV advert, I’d have spat my tea out.

When the blog was just a few months old I was shooting some outfit photos at a family gathering, and my cousin asked me what the photos were for.

After explaining what a fashion blog was, she asked, “So what happens with this blog then? Do you make money from it?” – my response was an unclear, “Er, I don’t really know, I haven’t thought that far. I doubt it.”

I’m glad that I can look back on that conversation 10 years later and think, “If only I knew then what I know now…”


✷  ✷  ✷  ✷  ✷


What’s next – a new collaboration

Here I am, 10 years on, having turned my hobby into a career and still loving it. I’ve had a few lows, but LOTS of highs. I enjoy the freedom being self-employed gives me, I can work whatever hours I choose, I regularly get to meet and work with new people and do something different and unexpected in new and interesting locations.

So what’s next?

This is something I’m REALLY excited about. For a while I’d lost my mojo in terms of shooting outfits, and as it was the thing that started my love of blogging I was itching to get back to doing it. Unfortunately the pressure of it was eating into our weekends (I always felt guilty asking Keith to dedicate a chunk of weekend taking my outfit shots, and it became a chore in the end, especially when the weather didn’t play ball and we had other things to get on with).

So last year I worked out a way to take my own photos with a tripod, and I felt a little more in control again, and I wasn’t bothering Keith or spending our weekends “working”. However, I couldn’t stray far from home with a large tripod and no car, and photos in the driveway get a little staid after a while.

Then earlier this year, I was chatting to a very old and dear friend from my art college days who had lost his own mojo in terms of doing the photography we’d both studied. We were discussing how life had changed for both of us in so many ways, and I was saddened to find out that he’d practically hung up his camera for good. His photography was GOOD. I mean really, REALLY good. He’d worked far further down the road of fashion/portrait/event photographer than I ever had, so he knew a lot more about being an actual professional photographer than me.

Light bulb moment: I’m always needing photos, he needs to get back into photography – it was a no brainer. We made a date to meet up and shot some outfit photos together.

We’ve done two shoots together so far, and we’re planning to do more. What we want to do is to produce some fantastic fashion shots JUST FOR THE SHEER SAKE OF BEING CREATIVE. I have a ton of clothes, shoes and accessories, I’m always wanting to play dress up, and he knows what he’s doing behind the camera and needs new images for his website to relaunch his professional photography career.

I’ll introduce my freelance photographer Instagram husband next week with the first shoot we did together. But in the meantime, here’s a little sneak peek (GAHHHH I’m loving this shot)!

Catherine Summers AKA Not Dressed As Lamb | Wearing: cropped, long sleeve black lace top, pearl-effect square sunglasses, nude tulle maxi skirt, black lace-up boots | Sitting on the steps leading up to a boarded-up abandoned London town house

I hope you enjoyed the look back on my 10 years. It’ll be interesting to see where the blog – and life – has taken me in another 10 years’ time…!

How long have you been following along here, and have I jogged your memory with any of the things I’ve mentioned? Has anything really surprised you about my blogging journey? Let me know in the comments…


Stay safe XOXO

Catherine signature

Linking up to… Monday: Stylish Monday, Inspire Me Monday, Ageless Style Linkup (first Monday of the month), My Glittery Heart, On Mondays We Link Up || Tuesday: Style With a Smile, Trend Spin/Walking in Memphis in High Heels, Turning Heads Tuesday, Spread the Kindness, Confident Twosday, Happy Now Blog Link Up || Wednesday: Style Me Wednesday, WowOnWednesday || Thursday: Chic & Stylish || Friday: Neverending Style, Fancy Friday, On the Edge, Fabulous Friday, Fabulous Friday’s Link Up


  1. 14 October 2021 / 3:35 am

    congrats. I’ve been blogging for 6 years and there have been plenty of times I’ve wondered whether or not to continue. 10 years is quite an accomplishment #happynow

    • Catherine
      14 October 2021 / 9:10 pm

      Jeremy thank you – six years is also an accomplishment, I hope you continue as long as you still enjoy it!

  2. Claire
    26 September 2021 / 2:11 am

    Congratulations Catherine, and happy tenth blog birthday!

    I’ve been a reader since a few months into your blogging – I can’t remember how I found you but I’ve always enjoyed your blog, and I vividly remember the ‘grey dress, four ways’ post – in fact I think I pinned it for work outfit ideas.

    These days I live on a different continent, work mostly from home and can’t imagine wearing ‘proper’ work clothes anymore. But as much as everything has changed, a lot has stayed the same, and I’m still a happy and loyal reader. Here’s to the next ten years!

    • Catherine
      14 October 2021 / 9:08 pm

      Claire that’s such a nice thing to say, thank you so much! The grey dress feature was back in 2012 so WOWW for remembering that far back!!!!! Thank you thank you xx

  3. Jenna
    4 August 2021 / 11:04 pm

    Congrats on such an awesome milestone! love this recap of the past 10 years – I love to see this kind of growth! Here’s to many more years!
    Jenna ♥

    • Catherine
      4 August 2021 / 11:05 pm

      Thank you so much Jenna, it’s flown by tbh! x

  4. 4 August 2021 / 3:12 am


    I’ve enjoyed reading your blog for nearly six years now and I’ve learned so much about all aspects of blogging from your helpful posts as well as by the example. Thank you for all of the inspirations and congratulations on this milestone.


  5. 3 August 2021 / 8:46 pm

    What a fun look back at a decade of blogging! I totally understand why you felt bad asking Keith for photos – I’ve had exactly the same thing. Pete gets quite pissed off sometimes when I ask, so I’m going to buy a tripod. It’s not just the intrusion on family time though – sometimes I need to get photos done when he’s at work. In winter it’s even more difficult when the light goes early. Congratulations on this amazing milestone…here’s to many more years of blogging! Thanks for sharing at the #stylewithasmile link up!

    Emma xxx

  6. Joanne
    30 July 2021 / 9:28 pm

    What a fun look back at all 10 years of blogging! Happy blogiversary.

    • Catherine
      31 July 2021 / 1:01 am

      Joanne thank you!! I’m quite amazed myself at how much happened in that time…!

  7. 27 July 2021 / 7:55 pm

    I think I started reading your blog around 2015, but I do remember seeing an article the Mail picked up about photoshopping your lovely face – and I thought noooooo, you look much better as you are! But it was an interesting post and experiment and no doubt helped a lot of readers realise that our faces are fine the age they are.

    Many congratulations on your staying power, Catherine – your posts are always fun and it’s fab you made a career out of it plus many friends outwith the blog too. And well done to your photographer too. X

    • Catherine
      29 July 2021 / 1:30 pm

      I’m so pleased you’ve stuck around for so long, Emerald… my staying power is working on SOMEONE, obviously!! 😉 LOL

      Thank you for the kind words, watch this space for more from Giles and me x

  8. 27 July 2021 / 11:25 am

    Happy Blog Anniversary, Catherine! Ten years is definitely an accomplishment especially considering how many blogs have come and gone in that decade. I really enjoyed reading the annual highlights and I do remember many of your pivotal moments that you mentioned. I started my blog in 2015 after following some over 40 bloggers for about a year. Yours was one of the first blogs that I did follow and inspired me to get started on my own blog. So many thanks to you and all the others who inspired me in my early blogging days and continue to do so today! I am looking forward to your newest photoshoot! That final photo is stunning!


    • Catherine
      29 July 2021 / 1:32 pm

      Thank you Shelbee – yes when I think back *most* of the blogs from 2011 are no longer around… I guess I just loved it too much, hehe 😀

      I’m very excited about my new collab, lots of new images on the way x

  9. Maria
    27 July 2021 / 3:49 am

    Hi from Uruguay! Congratulations in your blog anniversary. I enjoy your all weather walks and today loved the walk through your blogging high and low points. I am not sure how long I’ve been following you, but it has been a while. We share a love of dogs, nature, unconventional hair color lol, and a wearwhatiplease attitude. Admire your introspection and resilience and I’m looking forward to whatever you do next.

    • Catherine
      29 July 2021 / 1:33 pm

      Hi Maria! How lovely that we share all those same interests… I guess I’m the blogger for you!! 😉 Thank you, and yes I’m hoping the new chapter will be an exciting one x

  10. 27 July 2021 / 2:03 am

    I’ve been following you for years, and loving it. You’re honest, funny, inspiring and ethical. Looking at all of these achievements – omg moment here – amazing!! Happy birthday and blog-birthday and looking forward to more of Catherine xxxx

    • Catherine
      29 July 2021 / 1:34 pm

      Ratnamurti you’ve been with me every step of the way for as long as I can remember… thank you so much for all your support over the years! It’s been a rocky journey but an exciting one as well. I hope you’ll love all the new stuff Giles & I have planned x

  11. karen ball
    26 July 2021 / 10:36 pm

    You remain one of my most favourite bloggers! I’ve read you for several years now – four or five? – and I never tire of reading your thoughts. You always look so stylish and I know from first-hand experience that you’re also very kind in replying to emails. Congratulations – and that sneak peek of new photos is enticing!

    • Catherine
      29 July 2021 / 1:39 pm

      Karen that’s so kind of you – thank you! I do hope things have improved for you since we emailed… I seem to remember us talking about being trolled a lot (I hope that’s lessened for you as it has for me?) and how life was getting pretty tough for us, it was around the time of my financial problems with me not getting paid if I remember correctly. I was so glad that my post helped you at the time, sometimes it really helps to know that others are going through the same things you are. And that couldn’t be any more relevant than it has been in the last 12-18 months, I’m sure you’d agree!!

      Sending lots of love to you, hope you are doing okay and thanks again xx

  12. 26 July 2021 / 1:10 pm

    Awwww Catherine. Congratulations on your decade of blogging. You were one of the first bloggers I ever followed and I was star struck when I met you at the Fever shoot!!!!
    It’s been lovely to look back over your blogging career and even more lovely that through blogging, we have become such good friends. Ian and I can’t wait to see you and Keith again in 12 sleeps!!!! xxxx

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 5:27 pm

      I’d counted how many sleeps to go till your wedding today too, Liz haha!!!!!

      THANK YOU for being a wonderful friend, both online and IRL… what a long way we’ve come, eh?! Thank you for those lovely words too, I do find it funny how always say you were star-struck, I think the photos of me looking tiny next to you looking like a giant at that shoot is always what comes to mind when I think back (soon dispels any thoughts of ‘star-struckness’) 😀

      Can’t wait to see you in 12 sleeps time xxxxxxx

  13. Pilar Collignon
    26 July 2021 / 3:21 am

    Congrats on your bloggniversary!!!
    10 years is a lot in the blogging world!!
    But you are amazing so that’s why you are still here!!!
    Can’t wait to see that gorgeous skirt!!! I want one!!!

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 10:35 am

      Pilar you’re an absolute love – thank you so much!! I’ve really appreciated all the support and love you’ve given me over the years xx

      P.S. Wait till you see the rest of the images with the skirt… you’ll die!!!!!!!

  14. 25 July 2021 / 9:10 pm

    I literally just thought of you, Catherine as I published a very sporadic post on my own blog and it urged me to come over and check out how you were doing.

    I don’t seem to get your post notifications anymore … I’ve looked through your posts and I think the last one I got was your mental health one in March 2021 🙁

    My bad for not noticing earlier but after our last chat on Insta DMs and seeing your odd post on there I just thought you were still taking some down time.

    I can’t not think of my blog and not think of you as right at the start in 2017 I discovered you and you’ve been such a wonderful support to me. I always said I hoped we could meet up one day.

    Anyway, happy 10th blog anniversary. I, like many others are not surprised you’re still around.

    I’m really looking forward to the next part of your journey and those fab photos … can’t wait.

    Lots of love, Sharon xo

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 10:47 am

      Oh no to the emails stopping, Sharon – I’ve sent you a DM about that! Don’t know what’d happened there…

      Thank you so much for the kind words, it’s brilliant to see you still being amazing four years on, where does the time go?! It only seems the other day you were just starting out and us chatting about starting out in the blogging world! Your support is greatly appreciated and yes, I do hope we get to meet one day (maybe at the meet I’m hoping to arrange for next year)? xx

  15. 25 July 2021 / 6:43 pm

    Congratulations on reaching the ten-year mark and Happy Birthday to you Catherine.
    What a great post to read. Your blog was one of the first that I started to read, up until then I’d never heard of blogging and you were and are such an inspiration, and gave me great advice when I started my own little blog – thank you. Great posts on fashion, photography and all the different scenarios we come across in the blogosphere – it’s a minefield as I’ve found out! So excited to see your photographs in your new collaboration, your friend sounds very talented.
    Alison xx

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 11:18 am

      Aww what a lovely comment, thank you Alison! That’s quite surprising that you’d never heard of blogging before you discovered mine… must say I’m honoured to have been one of the first you read!! x

  16. Christine
    25 July 2021 / 4:09 pm

    Congratulations Catherine! I’ve enjoyed your blog for several years. I think that I found you on Pinterest initially. Your style is so refreshing and real. I enjoy the variety and honesty in your writing. I’m 11 years your senior and truly try to embrace your #IWillWearWhat ILike attitude. I look forward to your posts and your blog is usually the only one that I read completely. Your perseverance is inspiring! Here’s to many more successful years

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 11:20 am

      So glad to hear you embrace #IWillWearWhatILike, Christine! And thank you, that’s such a lovely thing to say about the blog and my writing, I really appreciate the support <3 xx

  17. 25 July 2021 / 3:35 pm

    WOWZA, 10 years! You are one of the first bloggers I ever started reading. I followed so many of your photography tips on my own blog (and by ‘followed’, I mean, I yelled at my husband when he did anything that was outside of what you recommended for photos 😀 ).

    I love your blog for the photography, your candour, your voice, and your staunch individualism. I can’t wait to see what the next 10 years brings you, my love. Brava for your amazing presence in the blogosphere 🙂 xxx

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 11:23 am

      Poor M, getting yelled at because of me LOL 😉

      It’s been an honour to have you as my friend Lisa: can’t begin to tell you how much your support, love and friendship has meant to me! I can’t even begin to think what life would be like if we’d not met at Blognix five years ago(!!!!) I think you making me dog-crazy is the biggest thing I have to thank you for, you know what I mean. Thank you thank you xxxx

  18. Christine
    25 July 2021 / 3:32 pm

    Congratulations on your 10 year blogiversary!! I’ve been reading for the last 2 or 3 years. I loved seeing some of the spectacular award outfits that I hadn’t seen before. Love your writing and thoughts on fashion/aging/life. Excited to see the shoots w/ the new photographer!

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 11:24 am

      Thank you Christine – yes I think the blog awards outfits are some of my best, it’s amazing what a stunning gown can do for your confidence!! I think you’re going to love the new collaboration… watch this space! x

  19. Michelle
    25 July 2021 / 2:04 pm

    Hi and congratulations on your anniversary! Reading this blog I realized I must have started following you early on. I love your playful fashion sense and of course your doggos. It’s wonderful to see some succeed and be happy in their work. Here’s to 10 more years!

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 11:36 am

      Thank you so much Michelle and WOW for following for so many years… you must have seen some pretty dramatic style transformations from me in that time!! x

  20. Katherine Terry
    25 July 2021 / 2:00 pm

    Hi Catherine, I’ve been reading our blog for several years, but never commented. Congratulations on your journey. I enjoy your postings, and look forward to many more. Also, we share the same birthday…albeit, I’m a few years older. Happy post birthday to us!!

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 11:37 am

      Katherine thank you for finally saying hello and for reading for so long!! I’m so glad to hear you enjoy the blog, and happy birthday to you too – hope you had a wonderful day 😀 xxxx

  21. 25 July 2021 / 1:42 pm

    Happy Blog Birthday and Happy Birthday Catherine. What a lovely post to read … I certainly remember you in the early days although maybe not quite ten years but you have always inspired me and you and Lizzie were two of the first blogs I followed and now I have my own little lifestyle blog. Yes it is a hobby, yes it will probably always be little, I just don’t have the time, confidence or knowledge and I really do need a photographer!! But I enjoy it and that is all that really matters. Can’t wait to hear what you are doing next – 2020 and even 2021 have been absolutely rubbish so well done for getting through. Love Michelle xxx

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 2:25 pm

      Michelle how lovely that you followed me and Lizzy in the early days! And thank you for saying that I inspired you, that’s always nice to hear. I hope you continue to blog and continue to enjoy it as I do! xx

  22. Heide
    25 July 2021 / 12:41 pm

    Happy blogiversary It was SO neat to see/read where it’s come from, and the sneak peek of what’s ahead is SO COOL!!! Wishing you much success and happiness in every area of your life ❤️ Cheers to the fun ahead

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 2:29 pm

      Heide thank you – I’m so glad you enjoyed my little look back! And I’m so glad you like the sneak peek, I can’t wait to show off the rest of the images…!!

  23. Kelly Glen
    25 July 2021 / 10:16 am

    Congratulations on your 10 year blog anniversary. It’s so interesting to read about all you have achieved during this time. You should be very proud of all the blog awards you received. Here is to many more years of your blog. And a very happy birthday as well, I hope you had a lovely day.

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 2:31 pm

      Awww Kelly thank you – yes when writing it I was actually surprised at how many I’d entered AND won! Thanks also for the birthday wishes, I had a lovely day 😀

  24. 25 July 2021 / 9:47 am

    HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY, Catherine! TEN years WOOP WOOP! That’s fantastic. I was a bit worried for a little while that you might give it up, but I’m so happy to see you posting regularly again. I think I first discovered you about six years or so, more or less? And I’m so glad I did. You really inspired me, and continue to do so.
    I’m now an avid amateur photography. I bought a tripod, and a really snazzy new camera (mainly for its intervalometer mode so I can take my own photos), and I’ve also been taking portraits of other people which I’m loving. I’m constantly learning about photography, and I’m like a woman obsessed lol! On top of that, I’ve discovered a love for fine art photography with a surreal twist too. But I’m digressing! My point was I’m really excited to see your upcoming photoshoots with your photographer friend. The sneak peak is absolutely freaking GORGEOUS! I can’t wait to be inspired!!
    Suzy xx

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 2:34 pm

      Thank you Suzy my lovely! I never thought I’d completely give it up, mostly because I couldn’t think of anything else I wanted to do career-wise… I basically had to make the blog work for me again (and thank goodness)!

      I LOVE that you’re into photography like I am, and I’m so excited about the new collab with the new Instagram husband, I think we’re going to create some great stuff together x

  25. Lynn Jones
    25 July 2021 / 12:42 am

    Congratulations on making the ten year mark on blogging. If that’s not a reason for a celebration, I don’t know what is 🙂

    Have the posts jogged any memories? Well, some, yes, but being a bit Janey Come Lately, I missed the start, so it was really interesting to see some of the highlights you, uh, highlighted 😀

    I love the fashion, but in honesty, I tend to read the musings/thoughts stuff more deeply. But, we’re all different.

    Good luck for the next round.

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 2:45 pm

      Lynn thank you!! And it actually makes me really happy that you prefer the writing posts more so than the ‘What I Wore’ ones, as I LOVE writing in-depth posts like that. And some people come just for the outfits so it all works out…! 😀

  26. Sue Dunlop
    25 July 2021 / 12:16 am

    Reading this deep dive into your blogging herstory was amazing! I so enjoyed it. I think I discovered your blog around 2017. I love the mixed content and your opinionated musings – never stop. But my real interest is your incredible outfit creation and shots, so the news that you have a new collab with a photographer is very welcome.

    Thanks for sharing your stories and wisdom. Onward and upward!

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 3:27 pm

      That’s so lovely of you to say, thank you so much Sue! That’s brilliant to hear you love the outfits and images, I’m so excited for the next chapter – I’m sure you will LOVE what’s coming up!! x

  27. Michelle Springer
    24 July 2021 / 10:44 pm

    Happy Birthday Catherine! It’s interesting to think that I’ve been following you now for four years and you have introduced me to at least one other blogger that I follow (What Lizzy Loves). You have also helped me to be a lot bolder in my fashion choices, makeup and nail colors and you are just an amazing person. Thank you for listening to all the DMs and posts that I have sent your way (especially this past year).
    Here’s to another wonderful ten years… and may our fifties be the best yet!

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 5:21 pm

      Michelle that’s really lovely to hear you’ve been inspired to be bolder… clothes shouldn’t be serious and as stressful as some people make out so I’m glad you’re having fun with it! And it’s been lovely chatting with you, it’s been great having someone to vent with (you know what I mean). Thank you again, much love to you and YES to our fifties, Woop Woop!!!

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