I’m Taking a Short Blogging Break (and Why All Bloggers Need to Take One Now and Then)

I'm Taking a Short Blogging Break (and Why All Bloggers Need to Take One Now and Then)

In Monday’s post I mentioned that I’d be taking a short blogging break – I promise it won’t be permanent, and when I say short I mean perhaps only 10-14 days or so.

However I thought I’d explain why I need to take a bit of time off, and why it’s important that all bloggers (who post a few times a week religiously) take a break now and then.

Many of you very kindly passed on your best wishes – thank you, I really appreciated them! – and hoped (assumed?) that it was for some r&r. I really wish it was…

Unfortunately, the reason is not as nice as simply needing a break. As a freelancer/full-time professional blogger (which I’ve been for the past three years) it’s always been a little bit of a struggle to ensure where my next “pay cheque” is going to come from. However, I’ve always kept my head above water and have been very lucky to have had a steady stream of paid blogging jobs come in. Plus I have [had…] a good back up of savings (mostly from my redundancy money from my full-time job).

The problem is payment. I have actually reached crisis point, to the extent that I am owed so much money – so much money – that all our savings have gone and I honestly don’t know if I’ll be able to pay the mortgage and the bills at the end of this month.

Unfortunately I’m owed money from all over the place, and to give you some idea the total I’m owed from everyone, everywhere is just shy of a five-figure sum (£ Sterling). It made me sick to the stomach when I added it all up last week. It’s for all sorts of reasons, none of which I’m going to go into detail about, but it’s fair to say that I reckon I should see (fingers crossed) about one third of the money, one third I’m going to have to fight for, and one third I’ll almost certainly never see.

So this is the side of full-time blogging no one ever writes about – companies that just don’t pay. As an example, a national newspaper for whom I wrote an article has been chased for payment since the spring but they’ve just ignored all correspondence. What can you do? It’d cost far, far more than what I’m owed to take legal action against them, and it’s impossible to find out who to talk to about it at such a massive organisation. [There are far more complicated details about this one example than I’m going to divulge here, but it’s safe to say there isn’t much I can do about this one.]

The main reason I’m taking a break

Therefore the reason for me taking a break is to be able to concentrate on sorting out this financial mess, and to take further action where I can. I’ve had lots of advice from friends and family which I’m really grateful for – so please don’t feel you need to offer advice here in the comments (that sounds ungrateful – I don’t mean it to be! I just mean that you’d need to know a lot of the back story and much more detail than I’m offering here).

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I got myself into a major pickle emotionally last week, to the point where my parents had to drive over and get me to take me away from my computer and my home office to have a restful day drinking tea and chatting. It did me a lot of good, and by the end of the day I’d at least made the decision to take this break from writing posts for a short time so I could just concentrate on the money side.

I never, ever thought I’d be in the same financial mess I was in when I was a young 20-something idiot living in London, and totally beyond my means. That was different – that was all my own doing. What’s annoyed me is that I have effectively made a success of full-time blogging – the campaigns and offers of work have never stopped coming in – but it’s the actions of others that have caused it all to go (almost) tits up for me.

I’ve worked for this money – and I’ve worked hard for it. It’s the bad financial decisions or dishonest actions of others, not mine, that have put me in this position.

I’m not one to give up without a fight, and after a bad experience a year or so ago where I was left high and dry (I’ve now accepted I’m never going to see that money), it seems I have to get through this stage and almost start from scratch yet again.


Living a more frugal life

We’re cutting back. No more trips to the cinema or restaurants. No more fancy presents at Christmas for each other. My husband will take on all the overtime hours at work he can get his hands on. I’ve just started to list things on eBay – we’re having a major clear out at home and will sell anything and everything.

At my lowest ebb last week I honestly thought it spelt the end of the blog, that I’d have to start looking for full-time employment. I’ve been so happy working from home, going to London to work on campaigns and networking at events and conferences.

I love my job as a blogger, and always knew that as long as some money came in each month to pay the bills I’d be happy. It’d be one thing to give up blogging full time because I just couldn’t get any paid work, but it’s another thing altogether to give it up because no one will pay their bills.

Why All Bloggers Need to Take a Short Blogging Break Now and Then | Not Dressed As Lamb

So I’ll keep you updated once I return in a week or two. The Monday #iwillwearwhatilike link up posts will still continue, and I’m hoping for normal service to resume by the latter half of September.

This girl doesn’t give up easily, and now I’m over the mean reds from last week I’m in full-on fighting mode. Woe betide anyone who owes me money, I’ve been taken for a ride for too long…

… It ends right here.


Why all bloggers should take a break now and then

It’s really important to take a break from something that you just “can’t” take a break from. In five years of blogging I’ve been on holiday three times, and every one of those times I’ve scheduled posts to continue throughout my time away. And even then I’ve kept on top of my emails and social media messages – I ensured our hotel I chose for our holiday in Santorini last year had good WiFi: It’s a blogger’s prerequisite.

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But in most jobs you get a certain number of annual leave days per year, and many of those you can take and spend pottering about at home, doing the garden or the decorating, or going out for day trips. Not so with blogging (or, indeed, most types of self-employment): If you don’t work, you don’t get paid. (Or in my case, you do work, and you don’t get paid. But I’ve covered that already 😉

But as a blogger it’s very hard to convince yourself that the world won’t end if you go a couple of weeks without posting, you just have to explain why you’re doing it and when you’ll be back – as I’ve done here. Yes, my page views may drop and that’ll be detrimental to the stats that I have to provide to brands when they ask to see my media kit, but I’m fairly confident that I have a loyal readership (YOU!) and that it’ll pick back up in time.

The world won’t end. Your readers won’t desert you. The blog will still be there when you get back. So take a proper break, knowing you can just pick up where you left off.

It’ll do you the world of good, as I hope it’ll do me.



P.S. A warning about Passionfruit Ads…

If you’re a blogger with a Passionfruit Ads checkout on your blog, remove it NOW. You may or may not have heard that it’s shutting up shop at the end of the year – I only found out inadvertently via a newsletter – and it seems bloggers are fighting to get the money owed to them. I’m owed several hundred dollars from them for banner ads I’ve sold so that just added to my total. Likewise, do NOT buy a banner ad from anyone with a Passionfruit checkout – they may well not see the money, and if it’s rejected by them you may have to fight to get your PayPal payment refunded…!



  1. 29 September 2016 / 7:18 am

    Oh no, I'm so, so sorry to hear that you are in this position. It's so hard to make people pay what they owe you and that is just so wrong. You worked hard for that money and you should get what you're owed. This is exactly the reason why I've always refrained from relying solely on my freelance work. I've always worked part-time somewhere else alongside as I need the security of a regular income. It's a sad reality that these big companies think that they can rip off bloggers in this way. I sincerely hope that you manage to get this sorted and get your money.

  2. 23 September 2016 / 8:21 pm

    Thank you so much for posting this. Your honesty is really refreshing. In a world obsessed with perfect images of perfect lives we've all forgotten that life behind the curtain is beautiful and messy. Yours may be messy at the moment but it won't last just try to stay positive and positive things will happen. xxx

  3. 21 September 2016 / 8:33 pm

    Hi Catherine,
    Firstly, I am so sorry to hear your new, really I am and shocked! I'd also like to thank you for your honesty and courage and in writing your latest post – I think it was very brave of you to share.As one of your followers , from this side of the screen , it all seems very glamourous and exciting, I had no idea of the business implications behind it. I feel aggrieved for you – it seems so unfair when you have given up so much of your own time to support and encourage the rest of us. But please take heart, a deep breathe as things have a way of working out. (I'll get my angels to speak to your angels ! 😉 ) I hope it all gets resolved quickly in your favour and remember to be kind to yourself first Big Hug LA xx

  4. 21 September 2016 / 7:49 am

    So sorry to hear that, Catherine …
    Good luck and all the best

  5. 20 September 2016 / 1:48 pm

    I have often thought of becoming a professional but it all seems so complicated and I just don't understand how it works, no matter how many posts on the topic I read. Now after reading this, I think I'll just stick to my hobby blog. But yes, I take blogging breaks all the time. At least 4x a year. I don't think it affects my stats at all. I take them when I go on vacations because even if I pre-write and schedule all my posts, when I'm on vacation I don't have time to promote my posts or respond to emails/comments and then the post doesn't get a lot of hits anyway. I just do a post explaining I'm on a vacation and I will be back on such and such a date, that's it.

  6. 20 September 2016 / 3:10 am

    I feel angry on your behalf. I am also chasing some debts at the moment (different industry, different location). It offends me that people take advantage of others in this way – if you have a problem paying then arrange a payment plan, if you are unhappy with the service, query the invoice, but otherwise act as an honourable human being and pay up.

  7. 20 September 2016 / 3:10 am

    I feel angry on your behalf. I am also chasing some debts at the moment (different industry, different location). It offends me that people take advantage of others in this way – if you have a problem paying then arrange a payment plan, if you are unhappy with the service, query the invoice, but otherwise act as an honourable human being and pay up.

  8. 19 September 2016 / 2:25 pm

    So sorry Catherine but glad things are looking up like you already explained. If there is ever anything what I could do to help, please do not hestitate to contact me. Seriously! xo Sabina

  9. 19 September 2016 / 11:42 am

    Oh Catherine, I'm so sorry to hear about this and only hope that you find a way back soon. If there's anything, absolutely anything I can do, please just ask x

  10. 19 September 2016 / 10:59 am

    Dearest Catherine, you are one of my favorite bloggers for your style and also your honesty and I hope you will have everything – or at least most of it – sorted out soon, this is so unfair because you are a hard worker ! Sending you warm wishes and I hope to read you again soon ! Many kisses

    Fashion and Cookies – fashion and beauty blog

  11. 18 September 2016 / 6:23 pm

    Catherine, I haven't been keeping up with reading my favourite blogs lately but have just seen your Instagram message. What a nightmare situation. Hopefully by now, roughly ten days or so after this blog entry, you've managed to sort your affairs out and are feeling better.

    Look forward to seeing you back soon.

    Emerald xx

  12. 15 September 2016 / 7:36 am

    Dear Catherine, I'm so very sorry to hear this sad tale – what a bunch of crooks there are out there. As well as fighting for your finances I hope you also take care and rest and recuperate as well. I don't often comment but I am a loyal reader (and usually take part in the links). We will miss you, but we know what you're doing is important. Good luck with the finances!
    With every best wish, Penny

  13. 14 September 2016 / 7:04 pm

    I'm so sorry dear Catherine to hear about this horribel situation. It is unbelievable how big companys work, if it's payday. I hope you'll find a good and quick solution for all this mess. I think of you and it's awe-inspiring how brave you are to write about this. Wish you all the best, Conny

  14. 13 September 2016 / 7:50 pm

    Dearest Catherine, this is a salutory tale for those of us who are just dipping their toes into the paying world of blogging. I have always wondered how on earth you full time bloggers make ends meet, and now I know – you barely do! Relying on others honesty is a huge leap of faith and I'm sorry to hear that you've had your fingers burnt. I do hope that it's worth the worry and reshuffle in your life to continue with this career choice. I admire your tenacity. You have great blog in place and I hope your money starts to roll in again. Good luck my lovely x

  15. 13 September 2016 / 5:23 pm

    Ugh. What horrible news. So sorry we're going to be without you for a while, Catherine. Reading your blog is always such a treat. But I understand the pain of being self-employed and at the mercy of people who don't want to pay. The shock is that it's so often big household names that are shifty about paying! 'You'll get great exposure,' is what I've been told when asked to write for free. Well, people die of exposure, don't they?

    Catherine, you deserve to be paid for your wonderful work. I hope your blogging break sees you return rested, paid (!!) and three times as enthusiastic. In the meantime, we'll all miss you.


  16. 13 September 2016 / 8:24 am

    God, some people (and businesses) are absolute b******s, aren't they? I'm so sorry you're going through such shit right now. It's so wrong for so many reasons and I hope you manage to get the money you've worked so hard for. It makes me wonder whether you ought to name and shame them!!
    Thinking of you, Catherine.
    Suzy xxx

  17. 13 September 2016 / 7:37 am

    A good piece of advice someone gave me when I had a client not paying me – go to a solicitor and ask for a demand money letter (I believe you have to pay £60) and send it to the client. What this does is demand payment or legal action will take place after a certain day. I found this is cheaper then short claim court and often scare the person/client into paying. The client did pay me after I sent him that letter and it worked out well. It doesn't hurt. I hope you are ok Catherine. xx


  18. 12 September 2016 / 8:57 pm

    Hi Catherine – When I saw (somewhere) in my feed that you were taking a short blogging break – I had to go and read (I'm from Baby Boomer and Mature Women Clothing Styles… Who came up with that name!!) Anyhow I read through the article and feel for you… you will come out of it a more experienced and wiser person. Believe me. I lost everything in my late 20s, then early 40s and aha – now it's struck me again (through financial woes through my husband – before we were married)… I have found – worrying just never fixed the problem. Us women are good at that. My husband has terminal cancer and is so positive (well compared to me!). I have found that this 3rd time has been easier – so though I'm not wishing a 3rd time for anyone – once you adjust, accept, relax, calm yourself and then organise yourself (I know you are a good one- I can tell)you'll be happier. And do take a blog break periodically. The reason? I think I heard Wall Street talking about having breaks as their men are burning out. Don't burn out! 🙂 Hugs across the miles 🙂 🙂 Deborah

  19. 12 September 2016 / 2:58 pm

    I am so sad to hear that this is happening. It's simply unacceptable! Your blog is one I rave about to *everyone* – I love your commitment and style. What is happening is absolutely shocking – imagine if that happened in any other walk of professional life?! A blogging break is exactly the right thing to do and your loyal readers are supporting you all the way. Looking forward to hearing about your success in getting what's rightfully yours. Lots of love.

    Kat x

  20. 12 September 2016 / 1:58 pm


    I pray all goes well in the next few weeks. Thanks for your transparency in this and yes I totally agree we all need a break from time to time.


  21. 12 September 2016 / 12:21 pm

    Have you tried factoring to release money from your invoices? You don't get the whole amount in the short term it helps with cash flow. Definitely try the small claims court, Citizens Advice and also writing to a consumer page of the newspaper – the Guardian is the champion of the small business and always seems to get the money owned to the customer.

    Your blog is an inspiration, I have recommended it to so many of my Wardrobe Angel clients. Take heart – your honesty will inspire.

    Wishing you all the very best and come back fighting when you are ready.

    Love x

    • 12 September 2016 / 3:59 pm

      Thanks Stephanie – unfortunately there's a lot more to it (information and details-wise) than I'm willing to offer here, so thank you but it's all in hand… But thank you so much for your kind words, and yes I hope to be back posting regularly soon!! x

  22. 12 September 2016 / 10:08 am

    I empathise Catherine and send you my good wishes and love as you take your blogging break.
    As someone who is self employed and who had been buffeted by the vagaries of self employment I completely understand your situation. It can be very vunerable being self employed, wondering where the next pay cheque will come from and wondering if you can afford to take time off with holidays but as some one who's been there and done that you will come through this.
    You have stamina and grit – two very important qualities. But in order to maintain stamina and grit you also have to have rest, reflection and recuperation. Embrace those with open arms
    All of us, all of us will still be here for you and we all send our love to you.


  23. 12 September 2016 / 4:50 am

    Wow, you have my full support to kick someone's a@@ if need be! It's never too late to focus on your Youtube channel, when I turned 50 I retired as a flight attendant back in 2010, I started my beauty blog and Youtube channel at the same time, now my channel has over 2 million views and it's a steady stream of income from Google, not like my blog which never took off. Let's see some fashion videos on YT!!!

  24. 11 September 2016 / 2:42 pm

    Very sorry to hear you're doing through such a painful ordeal. I hope you are able to resolve is ASAP! -Erin at stayathomeyogi.com

  25. 11 September 2016 / 2:42 pm

    Very sorry to hear you're doing through such a painful ordeal. I hope you are able to resolve is ASAP! -Erin at stayathomeyogi.com

  26. 11 September 2016 / 2:12 pm

    So sorry you're in the midst of this Catherine. And now I have the "mean reds" toward the companies that don't honor their commitments. Whenever you feel ready to name the names, we are ready to boycott them. I am thinking of you and wishing you the very best through a tough time. You will come through! xox


  27. 11 September 2016 / 9:35 am

    Catherine, I feel for you and I am sending you good vibes as you go after those that owe you so much and are making it difficult for you and your family. We will be right here when you return. Lots of hugs.

  28. 11 September 2016 / 7:04 am

    I won't add too much comment as the women before me covered everything already. I am thinking about you, sending you lots of strength and victories.

  29. 10 September 2016 / 1:25 pm

    I really feel for you. As a fellow freelancer I'm often shocked at how we're treated but they've got us over a barrel- make a fuss and they don't work with you again. That's apart from people wanting you to do stuff for free (or 'exposure'-aargh!). I do some work for a company that has a 95 day pay policy. I've never once had a cheque from them that I haven't had to fight over and they often pay up to nine months late but I can't afford to ditch them. It's frustrating knowing that I've done the work, I've done it well and they're sitting on MY money. Here's hoping you get back on your feet very soon and please hang in there.

  30. 10 September 2016 / 6:59 am

    I'm so sorry that you are in this awful situation and wish you well and hopefully a full recovery of all you deserve.
    I'm constantly in awe of full time bloggers (and part time ones, which I struggle to keep up with reading) but I do believe that whoever we are, whatever our profession or work, when on holidays, we need to be exactly that – ON HOLIDAYS. Abandon the internet, empty the mind of stress and deadlines and other people's expectations and rejuvenate. Look after your health and self, I'll welcome your blog back when you are ready. xx

  31. 9 September 2016 / 9:07 pm

    Oh this is horribly familiar. My husband is owed s 5 figure sum for contract work he did. We will never see it and several other other suppliers and customers of the same person/ company are in the same boat. I can only hope karma deals with him appropriately!

    I hope the break does you good and you come back fighting fit x

  32. 9 September 2016 / 12:36 pm

    So sorry to hear about this. Absolutely awful you are dealing with this Catherine, take all the time you need and I hope you name and shame anyone who has put you in this position and refuses to pay up. I cannot even imagine how frustrating it must be, all the best. xoxo

  33. 9 September 2016 / 10:30 am

    So sorry to read this Catherine, can your management chase everything for you? When people don't pay it can affect cash flow as it has here and cause so many problems. Hope this resolves quickly Vx

    • 12 September 2016 / 4:01 pm

      Sending you a DM Vicki as there's a lot more to it than I can give out here… BUT thank you sweetie!! x

  34. 9 September 2016 / 6:00 am

    Catherine I am so sorry to hear your news. No-one trying to make an honest living deserves to be treated this way. Good luck for the next few weeks and I hope I'll be reading your next post soon.

  35. 8 September 2016 / 9:17 pm

    I have been in finance all my working life. From large banks to local government and this has always gone on. So much time chasing money!! The most amazing people to get money owed are not lawyers, but Credit Control Clerks. Really good ones are worth their weight in gold. Companies know that most people will give up trying to get the money owed to them because it is so emotionally exhausting!!!
    Once you have managed to sort this current situation out try and find someone who will keep on top of the money side for you. Believe me it is a skilled job, knowing where you are with the money side will help you so much.
    I wish you all the best and look forward to your return as I only follow a few blogs and yours is one I really enjoy.

  36. 8 September 2016 / 5:57 pm

    So sorry for this hardship in your life right now. You are right about needing to take a break and get your affairs in order. I'll look forward to seeing you when you return and I pray you will have the wisdom and strength to get things straightened out. – Amy

  37. 8 September 2016 / 4:48 pm

    I am truly very sorry for what is going on. I hope you get to sorted out soon! Good luck!

  38. 8 September 2016 / 3:44 pm

    Dear Catherine, I am sorry to see you in this situation, but very proud of your honesty and how you have told us your situation with an open heart and a hopeful mind.
    I hug you tight, and as the friend you are to me I will say no more, only that you know where I am if you need me.

  39. 8 September 2016 / 2:00 pm

    Wow…I had no idea that this kind of practice was so prevalent—it makes me want to nix the adverts.
    I, too, send my hugs & best to you.
    It's just so frustrating, and how do you counteract it?

  40. 8 September 2016 / 11:23 am

    Hi Catherine so sorry to hear this. I have been a freelancer most of my working life so know all about the ups and downs. I also had a well known magazine who never paid me for a post I did. I think when you get through this which you will we should get together as bloggers and get a professional standard contract drawn up by a solicitor to send to potential clients. I would be more than happy to contribute to the cost. Feel free to email me directly. Look after yourself. Best Josephine

    • 12 September 2016 / 4:03 pm

      Thank you Josephine for the support and love! I do send out contracts with full T&Cs and have been doing so for quite a while, so I have no problem where that's concerned… Trouble is there are many more details than I can give out here so it's all quite complicated!! xx

  41. 8 September 2016 / 8:49 am

    Hi Catherine, I am sorry to hear about your situation and furious for you too! I really hope you get everything sorted out and feel better very soon. Will miss you while you take a break but you have much more important things to do at the moment. Love and hugs, Kareema xxx

  42. 8 September 2016 / 8:33 am

    Good luck Catherine. I know you will sort everything out for yourself and will come back after your break fighting fit and re-energised. I am furious on your behalf that it has come to this though. But, you know you have a loyal readership as well as all of your blogging buddies and we will be here, looking forward to the next installment. Hugs my lovely xxxxx Liz, http://www.whatlizzyloves.com xxx

  43. 8 September 2016 / 8:03 am

    Dear Catherine, I am so sorry about the whole situation. I dislikie dishonesty so much! You are right, no one talks about this problem: bloggers work hard and they are often not paid even when there was a written contract. It's the same in Poland, that's why I refused most of the proposals I had so far, because most companies wanted me to do everything for free. Can you imagine this? No way!
    Fight for your money! You worked for it hard. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.
    Renata xox

  44. 8 September 2016 / 6:41 am

    Oh no!! Dearest Catherine…this is SO not what I was expecting when you said you'd be taking a "blogging break!!" 🙁 I'm absolutely horrified that you are in this situation; it's beyond shameful that some companies think it's okay to take advantage of "the little guy" (or gal) and not pay up for services rendered. WTF?!?! Please know that I'm sending all sorts of positive energy your way; you're nothing if not one heck of a determined lady…and you have an entire league of devoted readers and supporters awaiting your triumphant return to the blogosphere!! XOXO


  45. 8 September 2016 / 6:23 am

    Hi Catherine and Keith;

    I am so angry right now. I too work from home (in another industry) and believe it or not this happens frequently. Its disgusting, shameful and seems to be a big part of business practices these days.I truly hope some of these delinquents read your blog. I personally could not even sleep at night knowing full well that I ripped someone off.The sad thing is they will read this and sleep soundly. Disgusting!!!

    Thinking of you both and our hearts are with you.

    Robin and Monika xox

  46. 8 September 2016 / 3:37 am

    Hi Catherine, I am very sorry to read about this. Is there any way to get local media involved? They have an amazing lady here in NYC on ABC, in a segment called '7 On Your Side' and she is so good at getting companies, large or small, to pay people they owe money to. She shames them if she has to! It's so interesting that once you get a TV news station involved, the money is magically paid to the people who are owed it! Fingers crossed it all works out for you. xx

    • 12 September 2016 / 4:07 pm

      Hi Jill – than you for the support my lovely, unfortunately due to the circumstances of the whole situation (I can't give all the details here) it wouldn't be something that'd help. Plus we really only have national TV channels or just a few regional TV programmes. I'm taking the proper legal action, but thank you anyway…!

  47. 8 September 2016 / 3:27 am

    What happened to integrity in business?? I'm so sorry you're dealing with this stressful situation. Take the time you need and know that the SheSpark team supports you 100%

  48. 8 September 2016 / 1:58 am

    Catherine, I wish you the best from the very bottom of my heart! We will be here waiting for your return. Many blessings to you and your family and thanks once again for inspiring us even in though times.
    God bless.

  49. 8 September 2016 / 1:12 am

    Very sorry to hear this Catherine, there is nothing more frustrating than not being paid for your hard and deserved work.
    I'm so grateful to hear you have such wonderful and supportive parents and husband that are standing by your side and lifting you up. I hope you know you have plenty of us doing the same! We'll be here and will look forward to your return. Hopefully we'll still be seeing you on Instagram.

  50. 7 September 2016 / 10:20 pm

    I;m so sorry to hear this Catherine. I had my first deliberate non-payment last month after I'd been approached to put a link in an existing post. The stated time period for payment came and went, so I chased it up and was promised payment 'soon'. I waited another 3 weeks and chased again and basically the PR for the client said I wasn't going to get paid and to remove the link. Instead I changed the anchor text to her client's website to 'Don't buy from these arseholes, they don't pay bloggers.' In fact I think I'm going to blog about it to warn others off. I really hope you get your money. That's a huge amount to be owed! xx

  51. 7 September 2016 / 9:15 pm

    Sorry to hear about this- it's such a big problem as a freelancer- my husband is a video and motion graphics producer- we went on holiday just before back holiday weekend at which point every invoice he had issued for the last 3 months was late being paid- meaning over £10,000 owed and we didn't have enough money to cover the mortgage! I had to ask my parents to give us a bridging loan so that we could still go away. Nearly every single invoice he issues has to be chased, are late being paid and follow up emails ignored. Hope yours are sorted soon. We have got to the point of physically turning up at the company owing us money to insist on someone sitting out payment! Hope you can get it sorted.

  52. 7 September 2016 / 8:28 pm

    Oh, Catherine, I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this. It totally sucks.
    I also really appreciate that you've been open about this publicly. I think there is an element of those outside of blogging that think it's all coffee, brunch and pretty instagrams, but don't realise we're running fully fledged businesses and have to deal with the hassles that entails.
    If there's anything I, or Raj, can do to help or support you please let me know.
    I know you said you've got in hand and don't need any advice, but Raj did mention invoice financing which I've never heard of before so thought I'd mention it.

    Fingers crossed it's get sorted asap for you.


  53. 7 September 2016 / 8:04 pm

    So sorry you have to deal with this, and I hope you'll get most of that money you are owed!!!

  54. 7 September 2016 / 7:48 pm

    Oh what a bloody nightmare!! Can you go to Small Claims Court? Embarrass them on Twitter? If there's any way I can help- do shout xx

  55. 7 September 2016 / 7:46 pm

    Very sorry and angry on your behalf, Catherine. Despicable behaviour again by large companies. Kick some ass and come back even stronger. Your blog is brilliant and your return is eagerly awaited xxx

  56. 7 September 2016 / 7:45 pm

    Catherine…my heart goes out to you!
    This is the worst kind of betrayal.
    Lies, cheating and theft!

    You're honest and hardworking, and expect to be treated the way you treat others.
    The people who have done this to you are beneath contempt.

    This is typical of bigger businesses getting what they want for as little input as possible.
    They have no regard for the person doing the work… with bills to pay and a real life!

    I am furious for you!

    If you need any help at all, however small, please don't hesitate to ask.

  57. 7 September 2016 / 7:26 pm

    Oh Catherine, I'm so sorry. This was so not what I'd imagined to be reason when you announced taking a break. It's doubly frustrating that the larger corporations know the cost of taking legal action far outweighs the money they owe, and take advantage of that. Please let me know if you need anything. The UK is only a postage stamp and/or a phone call away. I'll DM you my number on IG xoxo

  58. 7 September 2016 / 7:23 pm

    Catherine. This is not good news.I'm right there with Allie B. A name and shame blacklist. I don't know how that would work legally, but something needs to be done, and you need to be paid. You will be missed so much by us all, even if it is only for a couple of weeks. I feel like a black cloud has arrived in blogosphere because of this, and I hope to hear good results in your payment when you come back xx Laurie

  59. 7 September 2016 / 6:22 pm

    I'm angry on your behalf! And I thank you for this post on the mechanics of success. Cheats bring everyone down. But you seem like a fighter, you have great support, your blog is definitely a winner, and you will come back stronger than ever – of that I am confident. We will all be here cheering when you do!

    • 11 September 2016 / 10:55 am

      Thank you sooooo much Melanie – I'm quite overwhelmed at how supportive everyone has been! xx

  60. 7 September 2016 / 5:28 pm

    Dear Catherine, how awful! I wish I could say I am surprised but, sadly, my former career in accountancy showed me this form of theft – and it is nothing else but theft when someone is not paid for work done – is all too common. I hope with all my heart you get it resolved. I haven't been reading you long but your blog is brilliant (and you have a lovely voice!). Sending you best wishes, good vibes, cats whiskers…

    • 11 September 2016 / 10:54 am

      Oh gosh Izabela I know only too well how people in charge of finance in a company can be dishonest – I've had experience of working for a company where the finance person brought the company to the brink of going under! As my mum said, I sure do pick 'em…!! Thank you so much for sending the love my way xx

  61. 7 September 2016 / 5:27 pm

    Hi Catherine. I'm so sorry to read about your struggles to obtain payment for work you have done in good faith. It's a pity you can't have a blacklist of non-payers that can be shared with other bloggers…The companies would soon realise that their bad reputation amongst the blogging community was having a negative impact on their online marketing etc.
    I wish you all the best and look forward to having you back after a few weeks. Keep strong

    • 11 September 2016 / 10:50 am

      Hi Allie and thank you… Because my situation is somewhat complicated (hence why I said I couldn't put all of the details here), I do agree that sharing information about companies is very important for bloggers. too many bloggers are on willing to share information and that doesn't help anyone!

  62. 7 September 2016 / 5:09 pm

    Oh Catherine, I'm so sorry you're going through such a crappy time. I know what it's like, having been in a similar situation a few times. I had to take a career break before resigning and going freelance because of childcare problems three years ago. I had six months of being very poor because I wasn't allowed to work during that time. It really gets you down and you start to feel like a failure when you have to rely on your other half financially but things always get better. Newspapers are notorious for being bad or non payers (my dad got badly burned by dishonest publishers when he had his own business) so sadly it doesn't surprise me that you've been left out of pocket. Your readers will be here when you decide to return to blogging, and I'm sure you'll come back stronger. You've worked so hard on your blog and with such integrity, it seems so unfair that you've been shafted like this. Us bloggers need to stick together. We're all behind you. Sending you big hugs.

    Emma xxx

  63. 7 September 2016 / 5:03 pm

    Hi Catherine,
    I am sorry to hear this and hope that things will work out and payment is rendered. My hubby works in IT and I know about people/companies that do not fullfill their financial obligations! It is frustrating. I wish you the best.
    Jess xx

    • 11 September 2016 / 10:47 am

      It's terrible, isn't it Jess how many people struggle in similar situations? Thank you so much for the support my lovely xx

  64. 7 September 2016 / 3:58 pm

    I'm a long time, generally quiet reader. I'm very sorry this is your circumstance. I know you work hard and with passion. Peace to you as you fight these battles.

    • 11 September 2016 / 10:46 am

      Karen that's lovely of you to comment on this, I really appreciate it… Your kind words mean a lot, thank you!

  65. 7 September 2016 / 3:37 pm

    I sure hope you get everything straightened out Catherine. Larger companies taking advantage of individuals is a bit pet peeve of mine.

    Keep at them.


    • 11 September 2016 / 10:45 am

      Suzanne thank you… Isn't it frustrating how much power they wield:((

  66. 7 September 2016 / 3:34 pm

    I'm very, very sorry to hear this. I know very well how stressful a financial crisis can be, and I really wish you all the best in finding some resolution. I may be a very quiet reader (I rarely comment), but I'm a faithful one, and I hate to see this happen to someone who I know works so hard and doesn't deserve it.

    • 8 September 2016 / 10:01 pm

      Fran that is so lovely of you to take the time to comment – thank you!! And thank you also for those kind words, I truly appreciate them xx

  67. 7 September 2016 / 3:34 pm

    Good luck! I'm chasing a payment for my freelance design work from a university! Again, little person fighting a giant! It happens everywhere and to many many people. And even if you weren't doing that you deserve a break from blogging. I've only been blogging for 6 months and I took a two week vacation so you're definitely due some non-blog time!

    • 7 September 2016 / 4:15 pm

      Julia thank you – I hope you to manage to get what's owed to you too! I'm hoping to do whatever I can money-wise in the first week to then hopefully give me a few days off. So no actual break as yet, but fingers crossed in a few days xxxx

  68. 7 September 2016 / 3:29 pm

    Catherine, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I hope that you can continue that fighting spirit and not get too down about it. Your readers might not be able to give you advice, but hopefully we can give some collective support by just saying that we're on your side!! My husband is a musician – another profession where income is tricky and irregular – and he is still owed £400 from a gig a few years ago. That might not seem like much but when you're self-employed and don't know when your next paycheck is coming in, it is huge, and like you say, the bills come every month even if the paycheck doesn't. I am truly shocked by the level of debt that's owed to you. Absolutely scandalous. Good luck with everything, and 'see' you when you're back from your much-needed break.
    Sarah xx

    • 7 September 2016 / 4:12 pm

      Oh Sarah my lovely thank you… I can imagine being a musician is super tough as well, for so many of us it's hard enough to get people to agree to pay you – the last thing you expect is then never to see the money! Thank you for the support, I really appreciate it x

  69. 7 September 2016 / 3:22 pm

    Thank you soooooooo much Tone, I really appreciate the love and support! xx

  70. 7 September 2016 / 2:50 pm

    Oh sweet. I'm SO sorry to hear this!!! That's such an awful situation to be in. I've not had anything seriously bad (nowhere near as bad as this!) happen, but I've definitely had late payments from blog stuff. It's made me more aware of the dangers of freelancing, and what going full-time would really entail – and it's so disheartening!

    I hope everything gets sorted for you. Give em hell darling! <3

    Little Miss Katy

    • 7 September 2016 / 3:22 pm

      Thank you Katy my lovely – I need all the support I can get! It's so ****ing frustrating when you put all the measures into place with agreements, Ts&Cs and what have you. But people doing a runner is something you just can't prepare for, and I'm getting sick of that happening to me..!!

  71. 7 September 2016 / 2:50 pm

    oh Catherine, I'm so sorry you're going through this! I sincerely hope you get it all sorted and continue to blog xx

    • 7 September 2016 / 3:20 pm

      Trona thank you… I won't let them make me give up blogging easily. I'm in fighting mode 😉

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