The Thirty Plus Awards: Winning ‘Most Addictive Blog’!

Not Dressed As Lamb - The Thirty Plus Awards November 2017

What a week I’ve had… I can’t believe it’s December already as I’ve been working non-stop and have barely had time to breathe: Now the week has finished with me unexpectedly winning an award – it’s crazy (and of course wonderful)!

The Thirty Plus Awards are now in their second year (I was very honoured to be a judge last year) and several weeks ago someone very kindly nominated me for the Most Addictive Blog Award. That in itself is very humbling, but to be shortlisted by the panel of judges and THEN go on to win (when you’re not expecting to win in any way shape or form) is absolutely amazing! I popped up to London yesterday to attend the awards even though I knew(!) I wouldn’t win – I wanted to see friends, have a few drinks and celebrate all the amazing ladies doing amazing things in the blogosphere.

But then I won the award in my category…!!

Really, the thanks all goes to you, my readers: Without the engagement I receive and the support and kind words you send me I’d never have the desire to continue writing this ol’ blog every week. It’s been a turbulent couple of weeks in the blogosphere, and I know that all you sane and level-headed readers know/believe that the majority of bloggers (including myself) are honest, decent folks who write things we think you’d like and are able to do this while earning a living. We’re not all out to deceive and mislead and grab all the freebies we can which is what some people seem to think… but that’s another blog post for another day.

The Thirty Plus Awards November 2017 - Most Addictive Blog (Not Dressed As Lamb)
Henry London Watches - The Thirty Plus Awards November 2017
Above: The stunning glass trophy (or is it a plaque?) and the engraved Henry London rose gold watch… what a gorgeous prize!!

It goes to show that older women CAN do amazing things. I hope that my win inspires others to go out there and pursue the things you want to do in life, whether that’s starting a blog, changing career, taking up mountain climbing or wearing leather trousers for the first time – age is NOT a barrier to any of these things!

The night itself was a lot of fun and it was lovely to catch up with so many lovely ladies I know already and to meet lots of new faces, plus how nice that so many wanted pictures with me and/or said they’ve been fans of my blog for ages – it was really quite humbling 😊. And a massive thank you goes to Hayley of London Beauty Queen for organising the awards, WHAT a trooper.

So thank you again for all the support and for voting for me, I truly appreciate it. I think because I didn’t nominate myself for this award (unlike the UK Blog Awards which, if you can believe it, are coming around again so I’ll be asking for votes for that from next week to see if I can win two years in a row?!) I feel it was entirely down to my readers this time.


RELATED  My Birthday & 13th Blogiversary: Wow, They Sure Moved the Goalposts

P.S. If you’re a blogger over 30 then I’d definitely recommend you join the thriving Thirty Plus community – and why not enter yourself next year… you never know what might happen!

Not Dressed As Lamb - CLICK HERE to receive posts by email


Not Dressed As Lamb - The Thirty Plus Awards November 2017
Not Dressed As Lamb and Honest Mum at The Thirty Plus Awards November 2017
Not Dressed As Lamb, Honest Mum and Midlifechic at The Thirty Plus Awards November 2017

Pictures above: with Vicki of Honest Mum. My jumpsuit is from Mango if you’re wondering!

So all that’s left to say is – I’ve shared my thoughts/stories/tuppence-worth this week, now it’s time to share yours… LET’S GET THIS [LINK UP] PARTY STARTED!

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Thank you for joining the #SaturdayShareLinkUp! Designed to allow you to share anything you like on ANY topic, it goes live every Friday at around 8pm UK time and will stay open for a week. You can share blog posts or Instagram posts, old posts or new posts, and link up as many as you like.


PLEASE be kind and leave a link somewhere on your post, and share your post using the hashtag #SaturdayShareLinkUp – if you tweet your link with the hashtag and tag me in @notlamb I’ll even retweet it to my followers for you 🙂

A hot tip for linking up:

Use clear, bright images (crop in close if necessary) and add a relevant, descriptive title (you’ve got 75 characters to use). These sorts of thumbnails and text always get the most clicks, so don’t waste the opportunity to increase traffic and engagement on your best work!

An InLinkz Link-up




  1. 8 December 2017 / 7:20 pm

    Of course I couldn’t agree with this more! So many congratulations Catherine! Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

    Heidi || Wishes & Reality

  2. 4 December 2017 / 2:48 pm

    Thank you for hosting dear! I'm linking back to you HERE Hope you'll check out my latest Fashion post

  3. 4 December 2017 / 1:43 pm

    Hi Catherine! You looked so lovely at the awards and it was so lovely to meet you at last. What a great atmosphere on the night and I'm so pleased you won an award – well deserved! Hope to meet you again soon 🙂

  4. 3 December 2017 / 2:51 pm

    Congratulations on an award well-deserved. But–I have to tell you–I first saw this post on my phone. That means the photos are small. OK?
    Well, anyway, I saw your pic and my first thought was "Holy Shit–Catherine is friends with Kate Winslet!" Then I saw the pic was YOU. And I realized something. I always thought "Hmmmmm. Ms. Summers looks like someone but I can't quite put my finger on it!"
    Now I know who it is. You look just like Kate Winslet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The resemblance is amazeballs!!
    I did try to comment yesterday on my phone but my iPhone sucks!

    Catherine Lartigue, no longer Urbanski:

  5. 3 December 2017 / 2:00 pm

    CONGRATULATIONS!! And so well deserved…. again! Just more proof that you and your blog are AWESOME, Catherine!
    Huge hugs
    Suzy xx

  6. 3 December 2017 / 2:00 pm

    Congratulations Catherine!!!

  7. 3 December 2017 / 5:26 am

    Very cool and congrats to you.

    Thanks for hosting and I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

  8. 3 December 2017 / 3:07 am

    Congratulations! You are hot hot hot!

  9. 3 December 2017 / 12:03 am

    I would say THAT'S AMAZING but really it was just WELL DESERVED and inevitable because your blog is REALLY likable. I mean, *I* like it and I hardly like ANYTHING (or so I'm told).

    So CONGRATS with balloons and sparkles and cake with pink frosting.


  10. 2 December 2017 / 6:39 pm

    Congrats, gal. You really deserve the award for all the hard work that you did over the last years. It's so great that you finally got the recognition. I am so happy for you!

  11. 2 December 2017 / 5:45 pm

    Congratulations Catherine!!! Renata

  12. 2 December 2017 / 4:51 pm

    Congratulations Catherine! Well done. I am sure you worked really hard for it and totally deserve it. It is so important to have older fashion bloggers just like us out there carrying the flag. xo Sabina

  13. 2 December 2017 / 12:22 pm

    Massive congratulations, you are a very deserving winner. Your blog is such a great mix of advice and inspiration xx

  14. 2 December 2017 / 10:32 am

    Congrats Catherine! Very well deserved, you are such an inspiration to bloggers of all ages, but especially to us older bloggers who can feel a bit out of the loop sometimes when it comes to getting recognized. You are a star! xo

    • 2 December 2017 / 12:00 pm

      Steff you're a star for saying such lovely things, thank you SO much!! Let's hope it paves the way for many, many more older bloggers getting the recognition they deserve xx

  15. 2 December 2017 / 9:46 am

    As I had the great pleasure of spending the day with you I can confirm you did not believe you'd win. Not for a second.
    You're a star Miss Catherine, it comes as no surprise to me that others see how you shine. Not just an incredible blogger but also a kind one. I've witnessed first hand you sharing your knowledge with the entire blogosphere & going out of your way to help others. I'm only disappointed I didn't get to see your face when they called your winning name!
    I'm super proud to be your friend xxx

    • 2 December 2017 / 11:58 am

      Oh bless you MT, thank you!!!!!!! Hehe yes that was funny how we discussed it at lunch and me saying "oh no I won't win, it'll be a fun night out though"… well would you believe it?!

      You're too kind sweetie!! But it's easy to help others out when everyone (well, most people…!) are just so lovely and receptive to what we do. May blogs (and blogging) go on for a long time yet :))

  16. 2 December 2017 / 8:42 am

    Wow! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. 2 December 2017 / 12:56 am

    WOW!!! Congratulations Catherine and you looked beautiful at the awards. XO

  18. 1 December 2017 / 11:38 pm

    That's just absolutely so wonderful, Catherine!!
    You really are addictive, because you're so honest and forthright. What's not to love??

    • 2 December 2017 / 11:51 am

      That's a wonderful compliment… thanks Jodie!!

  19. 1 December 2017 / 11:28 pm

    Congratulations Catherine, so well deserved!

  20. 1 December 2017 / 11:11 pm

    Congratulations. Yours and nikkis are my two favourite blogs.

    • 2 December 2017 / 11:51 am

      katy that's lovely of you to say, thank you! xx

  21. 1 December 2017 / 10:59 pm

    Well done and congratulations. x Jacqui

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