How to Get Long Eyelashes Naturally: Revitalash Review

Revitalash review: How to Get Long Eyelashes Naturally, Before and After

…And as well as getting long, LONG eyelashes, here’s my secret to getting thicker eyebrows, too.

And it’s no exaggeration – I’ve got both. In the space of a few months I managed to go from having very average-length, straight eyelashes and plucked-to-oblivion eyebrows (thanks, 1990s), to incredibly long, dark, NATURAL eyelashes and thicker (not perfect but much-improved) brows.

Both are an absolute revelation, and many people (both online and IRL) have remarked on how long my eyelashes are. In fact, one person – who had reason to look at my face very, very closely – didn’t actually believe that they weren’t extensions.

Want to know the secret?


[Reading time: 10 mins]

Disclosure: This blog post uses some affiliate links (at no cost to you). Full disclosure


It’s all down to one product: Revitalash. (Well, it’s actually two products, Revitalash and Revitabrow, but both work on the same principle and both are by the same company. I’m sure you can work which does what.)

I’ll cut straight to the chase and proclaim that this is the best money I have EVER spent on a beauty product. Hands down, no contest.

To describe the effect this product has, I’ve gone from having that pale-eyed, I-need-mascara-at-the-very-least look, to a dark, looks-like-I’m-wearing-eye-makeup look. If I’m not wearing any makeup, it’s absolutely fine. I don’t feel washed-out or look like I’ve risen from the dead. The Revitalash has done more than made my eyelashes grow long: it’s made them grow (or at least appear to have grown) thicker, creating an eyeliner effect on my eyes.

That’s right: I look like I’m wearing mascara AND eyeliner. All. The. Time.

Revitalash eyeblash serum and Revitabrow eyebrow conditioner

Added benefit: the product is cruelty-free.

And with any good review, I have Before & Afters. But first…


Revitalash: what is it and how does it work?

What can I say: it couldn’t be easier. It’s a tube of liquid serum (that was formulated by the founder of the company to help his wife’s hair growth who was battling breast cancer at the time) with a little brush at the end. You apply a thin line of it to the base of your lashes every night… AND THAT’S IT. I applied it religiously every night and, after a month I noticed my lashes were quite a bit longer. After two months, they were really long.

After three or four months, they were CRAZY, almost out-of-control long.

The rub (and of course there had to be one, didn’t there) is that this product is EXPENSIVE. I’m talking almost eye-wateringly expensive. A 3.5ml tube – which they say lasts up to six months – costs £110.00 direct from Revitalash*.

EEP. I won’t deny that I almost felt a bit sick spending that much when I first bought it. But the reviews were so good, everyone was saying that it was totally worth the money.

*below I’ve listed ways to get it a lot cheaper… read on for my referral link for 15% off, expires 20/08/21

In layman’s terms, the way it works is by preventing hair loss. So, your lashes stay put for much, much longer (you’ll notice that you rarely have eyelashes drop out), and this allows them to keep growing. And because they’re not falling out as much and new ones are starting to grow in, then the lashes appear much thicker – you end up with a less sparse, denser lash-line.

My thoughts on the price versus the results?

For me, it’s a no-brainer. I already said that this is the best money I have ever spent on a beauty product, and I mean it.

So here are my eyelashes before and after – you can see that before they were average lashes. Barely visible. But look at them AFTER (and remember, this is WITHOUT mascara or ANY kind of eye makeup:

Revitalash review: How to Get Long Eyelashes Naturally, Before and After

WHOOOOOOOOAH every time I see a before and after I just can’t believe it. I’m used to them being so long and naturally curly now, but when I see any old picture of me and notice my lashes, I see that I had hardly any to speak of. And then here they are WITH mascara, and even then it’s a very light application of a very light mascara (gird your loins):

Revitalash review: How to Get Long Eyelashes Naturally, Before and After

I’m still in shock every now and then at how beautiful my lashes are. They’re even a little unruly they’re so bloody long.


The compliments

The best compliment I had was from the makeup artist who was doing my makeup for the L’Oréal advert we shot just before Christmas (I started using Revitalash in the first week of September, so I was well into the three-month length). She’d worked on my face, base and everything, for about 20-30 minutes, and the conversation went like this:

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MUA: Would you like me to put any mascara on?

Me: Er, yes please? [Pause] Umm, why would I NOT want mascara…?

MUA: I didn’t think you’d want to damage your lashes

Me: Oh these are my natural lashes, they’re not extensions

MUA: What? They’re NOT your natural lashes, ARE they?!

Me: Yes, yes they are

MUA: All this time I thought you had eyelash extensions!? What’s your secret?

Me: Well…

And there we have it – an MUA had been working closely on my face, much closer than anyone gets to me on a daily basis – for quite a while, and even SHE thought my lashes weren’t real.

Other than that, I regularly get comments like “Your lashes are INSANE“, “Are your lashes real?” and “Your eyelashes are so long – how?“.

Without mascara, my lashes look amazing (even with their natural curl I’ll still give them a quick, gentle curl with my eyelash curler, but that’s all they need to stay looking like that ALL DAY).

But WITH mascara, my lashes look INSANE. Better than any set of false eyelashes I’ve ever worn. Ever. (I’ve always thought that fake eyelashes look, well… FAKE.)

Here are the pros and cons of Revitalash so you can decide whether it’s for you:


Revitalash – the pros


  • It works. You’ll end up with REALLY incredible, long lashes
  • They’ll curl naturally too, so less need to use an eyelash curler
  • If your lashes are dark, you’ll probably go without mascara quite happily
  • It’s super-easy to apply


Revitalash – the cons


  • It’s expensive. Like, REALLY expensive
  • You HAVE to apply it every single day for at least two months for it to work
  • If your lashes are fair you may not get the same “eyeliner” effect that I get and you’ll probably still want to wear mascara every day (or dye them)
  • If you stop using it, your lashes will eventually go back to a normal length


So that’s Revitalash for insane eyelashes – what about Revitabrow for eyebrows?


Revitabrow – my results

Now although my brows haven’t undergone QUITE as dramatic a transformation as my eyelashes have, the difference is still remarkable. I guess how well it works depends on how thick your brows are naturally, how sparse they now are, and how much overplucking has affected them (if you succumbed to it in the 1970s and/or 1990s).

I plucked mine Drew Barrymore-style till they were a thin line in the early 90s. Shall we take a look at how bad they were in 1993…?

Catherine Summers 1993


After the Eyebrow Shit Show that was 1992-1998 ish (thinnish brows continued on till about 2010, but the pencil line-style ones were, thankfully, pretty short-lived), I obviously tried to grow them back.

Guess what? They never really grew back to the full fluffiness they were before (what a surprise). The thicker part nearer my nose wasn’t so bad, but the “tail” part was barely thicker than one or two hairs deep. They’ve been patchy ever since, despite all my attempts to grow them out.

Enter Revitabrow.

Here’s their Before & After: first, au naturel before I started the Revitabrow (note that I’d already been using Revitalash for a while when I took these so my lashes already look longer, plus I’m wearing mascara. Sorry if that confuses things). They were pretty sparse, pretty thin, and pretty awful. One brow plucked too far “in” so they weren’t even the same width. Basically, my brows were the one thing I couldn’t leave the house without ‘applying’ – I felt bare without them and my face needed the framing… secondly, the ‘after’, my brows now after nearly nine months of nightly applications:

Revitabrow review: How to Get Long Eyelashes and Fuller Brows Naturally, Before and After

(Note that the difference in colour in my brows is due to me JUST having lightened them in the Before pic, the After shows them a few weeks after being lightened so the darker brow hairs are coming through.)

They’re not perfect, but I can leave the house not feeling weird “because my brows aren’t done”. I’m wearing NO brow makeup at all in either photo above. The only thing I’ve done is brushed clear brow fix gel through my brows to fluff them out (as I do daily) and curled my lashes.

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For a long time I thought that Revitabrow hadn’t really had an effect. They’d improved, sure, but the thick, bushy brows I’d longed for hadn’t really happened. But the brow gel makes a huge difference, and the results are even better with coloured brow gel and one or two strokes of my miracle brow pen… here’s a brows-and-lashes-after-and-with-makeup photo again:

Revitalash review: How to Get Long Eyelashes Naturally, Before and After

What’s happened (and it’s hard to see this in the photos, but they do exist) is that lots of little hairs underneath my brows have started growing again. You can see this better in the close-up picture right at the beginning of the post. Overall, my brows look generally “fluffier”.

And I’m really happy with the results. REALLY happy.


✷  ✷  ✷  ✷  ✷


A caveat (and a way to get it cheaper)

Many people have said to me that they’ve also tried it [lash serum], but it had no major effect on their lashes. When I ask if they used the actual Revitalash product, they umm and aah and say, Hmm no, maybe not, it was called XXXX I think.

In the past I also tried a couple of other types of eyelash serum, and they had very little effect on my lashes. They ended just looking “quite nice” after a month or two of daily use. There’s a reason that Revitalash is so expensive, and that’s because it REALLY BLOODY WORKS. So it HAS to be that actual product for me.

I’ll let you decide whether this is the product for you. The cost IS very prohibitive, I know, but the amount of money I’ve saved by not wearing mascara every day means that the excruitating pain of the expense is lessened somewhat.


How to get the products quite a bit cheaper


  • Sign up to the Revitalash mailing list. They do offer discount codes from time to time, and they give you a 10% code when subscribing to their emails
  • Use my referral link! (Not an ad, btw, but I do get £10 off if you buy via my link.) You’ll get 15% off if you buy via (UK) or (US) – these offers end 20/08/21
  • Revitalash is available on Amazon, it’s £97.00 for the 3.5ml
  • Revitabrow is also available on Amazon, it’s £99.00 for the 3ml. You can also buy it via the Subscribe and Save option and then get it for £94.05
  • Get the most out of the tube – when you think it’s finished, shake the tube before you open it and you’ll find loads more on the brush. You might have to close it back up and shake between each application, but I’ve been doing that for about three weeks now and it’s still got some in the tube (I can hear the liquid sloshing about)


That’s it, I think I’ve waffled on long enough… I’m so in love with my lashes and brows that I do find myself quite fascinated by them in the mirror (god help me and my newfound follicle-based vanity). Can you tell happy I am with my brows and eyelashes? Can you? CAN YOU?!

Have you tried Revitalash, or any other lash or brow serum? What were your results? And have I persuaded you to give Revitalash/Revitabrow a go? Let me know in the comments…


Stay safe XOXO

Catherine signature


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Revitalash review: How to Get Long Eyelashes (and Thicker Brows) Naturally

Products I used/mentioned/featured/wore

Top: Boden (on sale!)
Lash serum: Revitalash (direct) or via Amazon
Brow conditioner serum: Revitabrow (direct) or via Amazon
Mascara: IT Cosmetics Tightline Mascara
Clear brow gel: Revolution Brow Fixer
Coloured brow gel: L’Oréal Plump & Set Brow Artist
Brow pen for fine hairs: Ardell Stroke a Brow Feathering Pen Medium Brown / Taupe
Lipstick: Pixi Shea Butter Lip Balm Natural Rose

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  1. 25 February 2023 / 9:43 pm

    WOW! Your results are crazy impressive! I’ve tried a different lash growth serum, and although it helped them grow a little, i didn’t get the same results as you. Maybe i’ll have to give this one a try instead. Thanks for the great review.

  2. 21 February 2023 / 11:22 am

    I enjoy reading this. I always admire people having long eyelashes naturally. Thanks for giving us insights. Great content!

  3. 4 January 2023 / 8:27 am

    Interesting story and a great product, indeed! I will try Revitalash and hope it works for me. I always wanted to have long eyelashes. Thank you for posting this content!

  4. Zaria
    19 March 2022 / 12:01 pm

    My eyelashes had gaps and eyelash growth dermalmd serum helped eyelashes to fill in! For me, I am super impressed. Sometimes mascara makes my eyelashes itch, and my eyelashes easily come out. This serum helps my eyelashes to grow back quicker than they would usually grow. I imagine the time period might be different for each of us; for me, days instead of weeks!

    • Catherine
      20 March 2022 / 10:28 pm

      The results of the really good serums seem to be quite amazing, don’t they Zaria…?! I can’t believe how short my lashes were when I look back at old photos 😐

  5. 5 August 2021 / 2:14 pm

    Oh wow, Catherine, this looks like a brilliant product! You lashes and brows really do look amazing! I have always had long thick lashes and very thick brows, but I am starting to notice much thinning of both over just the past few years. I have completely lost the outside tail of my eyebrows, too. And if I don’t fill them in, they look like Hitler mustaches above my eyes! I am definitely going to look into both the lash and brow serums! Thanks for sharing your experience and linking with me!


    • Catherine
      9 August 2021 / 7:14 pm

      Oh blimey Shelbee, Hitler moustaches for eyebrows isn’t a good look, LOL!! Thanks hon, hope you find something that works for you too x

  6. 3 August 2021 / 12:12 am

    The results are amazing! I was gifted a lash serum a few years ago that I loved – my lashes were incredibly long after a couple of months. Sadly I can’t find it anywhere now. More recently I’ve been using Wildmint lash serum, which has made a difference but it has taken months. I perm and tint my lashes which makes a massive difference – it’s a bit fiddly but well worth it! Thanks for linking up!

    Emma xxx

    • Catherine
      3 August 2021 / 11:41 am

      Funnily enough I bought a perming kit to do my lashes once they’d grown with the Revitalash, Emma, but they curled naturally anyway so I haven’t actually needed to use it yet! However they’re so long they’re a bit unruly and do tend to go in odd directions ( 😉 ) so maybe I should still consider it…! Thank you my lovely x

  7. 31 July 2021 / 6:35 am

    Your eyelashes have inspired me to buy Revitalash and I’m hoping I’ll be able to share some good results in a few weeks’ time! Thanks for joining my linky.

    • Catherine
      31 July 2021 / 2:25 pm

      We have another convert!! Thanks Gail, I hope you’ll get the same results (I’m pretty confident you will though…!)

  8. wendy Filsell
    30 July 2021 / 2:21 pm

    You convinced me to buy both. I did my PhD studies in hair growth a very very long time ago, so I did check out the scientific publications on the active ingredient before I threw all that money at it 🙂

    • Catherine
      30 July 2021 / 3:26 pm

      Ahhh that’s good to know, Wendy – how fabulous that you know about the ingredients in these sorts of products (what brilliant knowledge to have)! I’m sure they’ll work for you too – let me know how you get on xx

  9. Margaret
    29 July 2021 / 9:16 am

    Hi Catherine, new subscriber here, via your Instagram page.
    Revitalash is amazing isn’t it! I started using it about 5 years ago when my lashes started to get sparse. I purchased from a home shopping channel who used to do a double pack which was quite a saving.
    Honestly it’s the one thing I really don’t mind spending money on as within a few months people were commenting on the difference in my lashes. I’ve continued to use it on and off for the last few years and since last March haven’t used it at all and I really notice the thinning again. Purchased a new tube last week as its in my “can’t do without” product list.

    • Catherine
      29 July 2021 / 2:30 pm

      Margaret I think *everyone* that’s tried it has said that the results have been miraculous… there’s no doubt at all that this product works!! I’m going to be using it all the time I can still afford it! x

  10. Kate
    28 July 2021 / 3:17 pm

    I’ve just ordered using your link. I’d considered extensions in the past but I’m put off by the time for an appointment, the upkeep etc. I’m excited to see if I can have gorgeous long lashes of my own!

    • Catherine
      29 July 2021 / 2:31 pm

      Kate I’m so pleased! I don’t anyone who’s used Revitalash that’s said it didn’t work for them so I’m pretty confident you’ll have amazing results very soon. Just make sure that you apply it daily – without fail. Good luck and let me know how they look in a month or two!!

  11. 28 July 2021 / 12:45 pm

    Your eyelashes and eyebrows are amazing. Defiitely frame the face and make youralready beautiful eyes look bigger. I am going to see what it works out as in Euros.

    • Catherine
      29 July 2021 / 2:32 pm

      Thank you Hilda – yes I’ve noticed that it makes my eyes look so much bigger… the darkening effect is pretty darn miraculous!!

  12. Paula
    25 July 2021 / 9:22 am

    Hi Catherine, I’ve been using both products for six months and you’re absolutely right it’s just amazing how well it works! My eyebrows were very thin with lots of white, sparse hair and for some strange reason they came back much thicker and darker as well.
    I’m also very surprised how well my eyelashes filled in.
    Happy to know that you’re just as excited as I was by the results!

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 6:07 pm

      Paula that’s BRILLIANT that they worked for you too – the difference it makes to your confidence and how you feel about your reflection is amazing, isn’t it? x

  13. Carolyn Furber
    24 July 2021 / 12:41 pm

    Great review Catherine and just what I needed to hear. I’ve tried Rapidlash with little results so I have now ordered direct from Revitalash using your code – thank you.
    With 15% discount it works out a little cheaper than Amazon but I was concerned about the number of reviews (Amazon) from buyers saying they had received fakes. I’m looking forward to trying it.
    Thanks x

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 6:06 pm

      Thank you Carolyn, glad you liked it – and I’m so pleased you thought it good enough to try! This is a product that gives such visible results, there’s no denying how well it works. Good luck and let me know how you get on! C x

  14. 24 July 2021 / 3:51 am

    Ok this is for your readers- Catherine has been telling me about this product for ages and I didn’t believe her. I finally got sick of looking at stumpy lashes and forked out the cash for a trial sized lash serum. It’s not cheap for a skeptic like me.
    Anyway after 4 weeks of using it religiously, almost forgot I was using it, when suddenly my daughter said one day “Mummy your lashes are soooo long!”
    I jumped up, dumped that kid on the floor and ran to the nearest mirror. It was true! My lashes had grown. A LOT!

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 6:05 pm

      Wowsers I’m so pleased, MT – I know just how sceptical you were, lol!! I have a feeling we have a convert on our hands…

  15. 23 July 2021 / 9:45 pm

    I have been wanting to try something like this for such a long time!

    Danielle |

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 6:04 pm

      Revitalash do sell trial sizes if you wanted to try it, Danielle…!

  16. Sandie
    23 July 2021 / 7:58 pm

    I’m using a similar product but luckily is has worked for me. I’m glad this has worked for you having tried it I have to admit I wouldn’t want to go back – I love my long lashes. I’d pay the price if I had to!

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 6:03 pm

      I think all of us who’ve had great results have said we absolutely don’t want to go back, Sandie!! Amazing how long lashes are so coveted, isn’t it 🙂

  17. 23 July 2021 / 3:12 pm

    I heard about these products! I just wasn’t sure if this was another gimmick…thanks for the review and your lashes are superb!!

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 6:02 pm

      Lucy thank you – could you tell how pleased I was with them…?! Most definitely not a gimmick, I have no regrets about spending this much on a beauty product (can’t believe I’m saying that, but there you go)!

  18. 23 July 2021 / 3:32 am

    Revitalash user here and 100% agree with everything above. I get my lashes tinted the darkest color available at the local salon making them super dark on top of the length and fluff the serum gives me. It is expensive but aside from Sunday Riley Good Genes, it is my only beauty splurge, so it is worth it to me. I do have a faint darkening of the lash line skin but it doesn’t bother me as it creates a bit of dimension when I am not wearing liner. Great post, Catherine and gorgeous lashes!

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 6:00 pm

      I like the darkening of the line lash too, MM – because of the dimension it gives! My eyes have never looked bigger 😀

  19. 22 July 2021 / 8:07 pm

    I use Rodan + Fields and feel the same way about my eyelashes, especially the part about it working but being SO expensive. I’ve tried a couple of others to no avail, and since it takes my lashes a good 8 weeks to get long, I hate to try others now, LOL!!
    Since my lashes are totally pale, I do wear mascara daily, but it’s worth it since my lashes are so long,

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 5:34 pm

      Funny how long lashes seem to be something that women are very willing to pay a lot of money for, isn’t it Jodie? In the same way that they pay a lot to have extensions…! That’s great that you’ve found a product that works for you too 🙂

  20. ReaderRita
    22 July 2021 / 7:51 pm

    I want to try this so badly, but I did hear that one side effect of these lash growth products is that some of them can change your eye colour. Have you heard that? It obviously didn’t happen to you, but I’m still nervous. I love my green eyes!

    • Catherine
      26 July 2021 / 5:31 pm

      Wow that’s not one I’d heard of before, Rita – how odd?! I honestly can’t see how that could possibly happen, but as you noticed my green eyes most definitely haven’t changed. I love my green eyes too, but if I had to choose between long lashes as they are WITH a change of eye colour, and barely-there lashes but WITHOUT a change of eye colour, I have to admit I think I might choose the change of eye colour!!! 😉

  21. 22 July 2021 / 5:51 pm

    I’ve been using Revitalash for over five years now and wouldn’t use anything else. The few times I’ve strayed and used another product, out my lashes ping. My brows would be non-existent too, not with over-plucking, just the joys of getting older I guess. I agree it’s such a great product, though as you say it takes a good few months to see results, to me the money is well spent. Enjoy the rest of your week.
    Alison xx

    • Catherine
      22 July 2021 / 6:02 pm

      Couldn’t agree more, Alison – you REALLY have to have faith and stick with it, but boy the results are so worth it aren’t they?!!

  22. Terri
    22 July 2021 / 2:10 pm

    I’ve used RapidBrow (US $32) for months. It comes in a tube, and I began by brushing it on every morning and evening, After a month or so when I saw I wasn’t getting any more eyebrow growth, I began putting it on only at night in order to maintain the growth I already had. It’s invisible, very easy to use, and affordable.

    • Catherine
      22 July 2021 / 5:30 pm

      I’ve used Rapidbrow and Rapidlash in the past as well Terri, and they were one of the brands I referred to in my post as having very little effect on my brows and lashes unfortunately… I wasted a lot more money on those with no results than I do with the Revitalash being so expensive! Glad it works for you though 😀

  23. shirley Bowler
    22 July 2021 / 11:26 am

    I’m not generally a fan of trying to maintain unnaturally youthful looks….but I must admit one of the most disappointing things about aging for me has been my long dark curly lashes becoming straight and sparse. Years ago as a District Nurse I often had to administer eye drops eg. Post cataract ops. One of them had the odd side effect of making peoples lashes grow !! So I know it can work…no idea if this serum contains whatever that was…!
    Might have to have a sneaky try of it ( dont let on..)

    • Catherine
      22 July 2021 / 5:33 pm

      I definitely wouldn’t describe wanting longer lashes and thicker brows as trying to maintain unnaturally youthful looks, Shirley… it’s about wanting to look your best and making you feel good. So please don’t think of using this type of product as something you need to use sneakily – if you try it and get great results, be proud and soak up the compliments about looking wonderful!!

    • Caroline Roberts
      23 July 2021 / 6:36 pm

      I was told that the guy who invented revitalash was an eye specialist and it was through glaucoma treatment or similar he found it happened!

      • Catherine
        26 July 2021 / 5:28 pm

        That may well be true, Caroline – on the Revitalash website it says that he created it for his wife when she lost her hair through having had breast cancer… what a wonderful thing to do for your other half, isn’t it a gorgeous story <3

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