Why It’s Always Good to Admit You Were Wrong

Not Dressed As Lamb talking at eRetail Europe 2017

A very short post this week as I’ve just arrived back from my 48 hours in Amsterdam – what a fantastic couple of days I’ve had!

Last week I wrote about having to attend a big European conference in Amsterdam (all to do with the retail sector) and give a presentation on Wednesday this week… to say I was bricking it because I hadn’t had time to prepare sufficiently was the understatement of the century. The post was all about how it’s important to do things that scare you – I mentioned hoping that I wouldn’t eventually regret saying that.

The bottom line? I don’t regret saying that.

The conference went really well.

I don’t know why I was so worried.

The thing that really scared me the most?

Going on a plane by myself for the first time. I hate, hate, HATE landings and usually I have Keith with me to offer a hand to squeeze or a knee to clutch while I grit my teeth and wait till the plane has stopped screeching (as if it’s never going to stop). Thankfully I got through the two landings without clawing at the men whose misfortune it was to sit next to me. Plus I find remembering what to do at airports so stressful… I get in such a panic that I’m not in the right place or I’ve forgotten to go somewhere or do something. But I did all of it right thank god.

So yes, I’ll admit it – the conference was excellent and I’m SO glad I went. Apart from one little hiccup when I lost my train of thought I was pleased with my presentation (I was talking about how brands can take advantage of influencers for mutual benefit – I was the only influencer invited to go apparently #veryproud). Lots of questions were asked in the Q&A at the end which was a relief, and quite an eye-opener to find out how some brands view what we (as influencers) do and think.

So not only that but I made lots of great new contacts, had a wonderful meal in the evening and met some fantastic people. Really, truly fantastic people.

I then spent all of Thursday with my dear Dutch friend Greetje of No Fear of Fashion – if you know her (IRL or online) you’ll know that she is an absolute hoot, we had just the BEST time. So thank you, darling Greetje, for showing me Amsterdam and treating me to a wonderful day (pictures to follow another time, I’ve had no time to go through them yet).

So yes – I was wrong to fear going. I couldn’t have BEEN more wrong. Everyone told me I’d be great, and whilst I may not have been amazing as such, I certainly did myself proud.

And that’s the best way to admit you were wrong, isn’t it…?


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  1. 14 October 2017 / 8:03 am

    Well done Catherine. It’s scary doing presentations. I had to stand up for the first time earlier this year and present on a stage to a crowd full of photographers. Leading up to it I felt so sick with nerves but amazingly the minute I was up I spoke fluidly and with confidence I didn’t know I had for 40 minutes! Sometimes we have to have faith that even if we don’t realise it, we usually know what we’re talking about and we all have something valuable to share! Sharron x

  2. 12 October 2017 / 1:48 pm

    Thank you for hosting dear! I'm linking back to you HERE Hope you'll check out my latest Fashion post

  3. 10 October 2017 / 3:13 am

    Sounds like you had a great time, other than the airplane landing but that is cool you gave a presentation.

    Thanks for hosting and have a good week.

  4. 9 October 2017 / 11:11 am

    It sounds like you had the most fabulous time, Catherine! The last time I did myself proud like that was late last year when I flew to the UK alone and hired a car and drove in England alone for the first time ever LOL. I was petrified (the roads are crazy busy there compared to here in Portugal) but needn't have been… it was brilliant!
    Congrats on the successful talk <3
    Suzy xx
    http://www.suzyturner.com & http://www.yogadocious.com

  5. 8 October 2017 / 1:14 pm

    Didn't know you were afraid of landing with a plane. Brave girl. And brave girl for giving the presentation. We had a lovely day.

  6. 8 October 2017 / 12:22 pm

    Thats awesome! I'm so happy it went well. BTY, I don't like to fly by myself either.

  7. 7 October 2017 / 3:07 pm

    Well, I'm not surprised either! Hopefully you have more confidence in the future when it comes to giving speeches as well as trusting your knowledge. Of course one should always prepare, but sometimes it kills a good "speech" if it's over-rehearsed and perfected. You can end up sounding like a robot. As for flying: I'm okay with take off and landing, but can't handle any turbulence during flight. Otherwise I would have been in London right this minute getting that coat from M&S that isn't available internationally! I think you've faced your fears on many levels here. Well done Catherine!

  8. 7 October 2017 / 2:15 pm

    "quite an eye-opener to find out how some brands view what we (as influencers) do and think." Do tell! How do brands view bloggers??

    And yay for you for doing scary things (speaking AND flying)!


  9. 7 October 2017 / 1:40 pm

    Haha "bricking it" cracked me up! Haven't heard that turn of phrase in a while, it's classic 😉
    Aw, never doubted you'd be fabulous my friend. Also Jelly I wasn't there with you & Greetje xxx

  10. 7 October 2017 / 1:01 pm

    So happy and proud of you for doing something that both scared and challenged you. These are the moments in life that present us with an opportunity to grow and in the end, make us stronger. I am so excited for you and proud of your shinning achievement. I see many more opportunities like this in your future, my friend. Xo Jonet

  11. 6 October 2017 / 10:33 pm

    Thanks for sharing this, I'm glad you had the best time, looking forward to see the post about it all. Jacqui

  12. 6 October 2017 / 9:29 pm

    Well done for facing your fears and kicking ass! Fabulous x

  13. 6 October 2017 / 8:46 pm

    I don't think there was anyone who doubted you! Of course you could do this! Looking forward to your photos of Amsterdam with Greetje.

  14. 6 October 2017 / 8:37 pm

    This might be the ONLY time I can ever say this to you, sweet Catherine… I TOLD YOU SO! I knew you'd be fantastic. You are a natural at public speaking AND you know this subject backwards and forwards. *proud face* xxx

    • 6 October 2017 / 9:10 pm

      Aww bless you Lisa, thank you… and yes you're very welcome to say it, you're 100% right of course!!!!!

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