If You’re New Here, Welcome! Get to Know Me With These Posts…

Catherine Summers, Not Dressed As Lamb | Over 50 Fashion and Lifestyle Blog

It may not have escaped the notice of some of my regular readers that I’ve had a bit of a hiatus from the blog.

If you’re new here – meaning you’ve subscribed in the past four or five months or so – you may have realised that nothing new has come through to your email Inbox since you signed up.

Then again, that makes me very presumptuous about how you’ve obviously been thinking about my blog all your waking hours after you hit that Subscribe button… let’s pretend that that’s the case, shall we? That it’s all you’ve been thinking about?

Ohhhhhh I know it’s not true (AT ALL). You may not even have any idea who I am because when you signed up you thought, Yes, I’ll subscribe to that blog and get regular updates! That’ll be fun!

Instead, you got… TUMBLEWEEDS. And for that I’m sorry, that’s if you’ve not completely forgotten who I even AM. But without wanting to jinx myself, things are changing round here and I’m fully committed to getting back into the swing of things because I LOVE my blog and I WANT to write and I WANT to shoot photos and I WANT to create (hopefully!) amusing listicles for the sheer enjoyment of it – for me, and for you.


[Reading time: 2 mins]


Therefore, to ease myself back into things, and to give all the lovely new subscribers (and not forgetting the seasoned readers of Not Dressed As Lamb) a taste of what I’m all about, I thought I’d write a short something with a selection of the best blog posts I’ve written in recent years.

Take your pick. There are outfit posts (for the style and fashion lovers who want outfit inspiration); there are the aforementioned listicles (for those who want to think about their own favourite things/least favourite things and more); there are annual bloopers from my outfit shoots; there are posts about mental health and menopause.

This Sunday there will definitely be another post as it’s my birthday AND 12th blogiversary: I never, ever miss posting on that day. It’ll probably also be short and sweet, even though I’m not sure what I’ll talk about yet.

And after that I have more outfit posts planned (already in the pipeline!), more listicles and posts on more serious topics.

I’m getting my blogging sh*t together. I have a whole calendar planned, I tell thee. I hope you’ll stick around for the ride 😀


Get to know me: My favourite blog posts of the last few years


Style & Fashion:

Remember C&A, Tammy Girl and Dolcis? Clothes and Shoe Shops of the Past

12 Outfits to Wear With a Genuine Panama Hat

Why It’s Perfectly Okay to Wear Unflattering Outfits



9 Things I Tried Once and Will Never Try Again

22 Things in Life I’m Absolutely CRAZY About

The 18 Worst Things About Ageing (That I Wasn’t Prepared For)


Health & Beauty:

My Perimenopause (and Menopause) Experience So Far

Why I Think Older Women Using Filters Is Damaging to Self-Esteem

Finally Admitting I’m Struggling With My Mental Health

How to Get Long Eyelashes Naturally: Revitalash Review

RELATED  Midlife: It's All a Bit Shit, Isn't It? (Life Lately...)



10th Blogiversary: A Brief History of My 10 Years Online

My 2021 Fashion Blogger Bloopers and Outtakes (& Celebrating 10 Years of Bloopers)

And Just Like That, I Cringed (Let’s Discuss the Sex and the City Reboot)


Which post did you enjoy the most the most? Share with me in the comments below (or leave a comment in the post you read)!


Thanks for reading! xoxo

Catherine signature



Linking up to… Monday: Stylish Monday (second Monday of the month), Inspire Me MondayMy Glittery Heart, On Mondays We Link Up || Tuesday: Style With a Smile, Trend Spin/Walking in Memphis in High Heels, Turning Heads Tuesday, Spread the Kindness, Confident Twosday, Happy Now Blog Link Up || Wednesday: WowOnWednesday || Thursday: Chic & Stylish, Ageless Style Linkup (third Thursday of the month), || Friday: Neverending Style, Fancy Friday, On the Edge, Fabulous Friday’s Link Up



  1. 2 August 2023 / 1:30 pm

    Hi Catherine,

    I just found you, but welcome back anyway. Is July 19 your actual birthday, b/c it’s my bday too!

    I know you hear this all the time, but I love your freckles.

    I’m an over 50 too — 59 — and I blog about maintaining a weight loss after age fifty.

    Looking forward to weekly emails!


    • Catherine
      2 August 2023 / 2:57 pm

      Hi Wendy – lovely to e-meet you, thank you for your lovely comment! My actual birthday is 23 July (I did a birthday post on that day, plus it’s always my blogiversary too: 12 years now) – happy belated birthday to you for the 19th!

      And I’ll let you into a not-so-secret secret about my freckles… they’re not real – well, 95% of them aren’t. When I stopped sunbathing years ago I lost all my freckles on my face and I missed them, so for 30 years I’ve been painting them on 😉 I’m planning a blog post about the newest product I’ve found for recreating them, so watch this space…! x

  2. 27 July 2023 / 6:18 am

    Welcome back! Can’t wait to hear your take on life again. Did you give series 2 And Just Like That a go? I did, but it’s still a wasted opportunity. Thanks for linking x

    • Catherine
      27 July 2023 / 9:09 pm

      Hehe yes I AM watching it Gail… And Just Like That, it’s just as bad 🙁 LOL (all I’m watching it for is the fact that Aidan definitely comes back this time! That and Samantha’s cameo!!)

      And thank you, I feel like I’m back in the blogging swing already…!

  3. Naomi
    23 July 2023 / 4:06 pm

    Catherine, great to see you writing again! I was a little worried you were never coming back. I am not on Instagram or Facebook, and I like words as well as pictures, so I really value the blog

    • Catherine
      27 July 2023 / 12:26 am

      Naomi that’s so nice to hear that social media doesn’t rule over everything else for some people – thank you much! x

  4. 21 July 2023 / 7:49 pm

    Welcome back lovely!

    Danielle | thereluctantblogger.co.uk

    • Catherine
      22 July 2023 / 7:49 am

      Thanks Danielle lovely x

  5. 20 July 2023 / 2:23 pm

    She’s BACK – that’s great news, Catherine – I’ve missed these so much. I have you to thank for Revitalash, realizing filters even EXISTED (which still creeps me out), and many wonderful folks I have followed because you’ve showcased them. I’m inspired now, as I make little time for my own blog, but I also have a whole calendar planned (or am just about to now).
    This old hand is mighty pleased, missus!

    • Catherine
      20 July 2023 / 10:37 pm

      I am, MK! Thank you so much for noticing I’d “gone”…!! 😉

      That’s so lovely to hear that you discovered Revitalash through me, and also great news to hear that you’ve content planned for yourself. Let’s do this together x

  6. Lynn Jones
    20 July 2023 / 1:31 pm

    Welcome back and looking forward to see what’s in store.

    As to ‘seasoned readers’, so much nicer than ‘old hands’ 🙂

    • Catherine
      20 July 2023 / 11:17 pm

      Thanks Lynn… I think 12 years of blogging warrants my readers being (lovingly of course!) described as seasoned…! xx

  7. 20 July 2023 / 10:43 am

    Catherine, I am so happy to see you back on the blog again! And I’m excited to start reading all your upcoming new posts too! I hope life is treating you well and that you’re feeling much better now.
    Big hugs
    Suzy xx

    • Catherine
      20 July 2023 / 11:18 pm

      Aww Suzy thank you ever so much! Yes things are finally a little better… a post is in the pipeline to explain all the crappy stuff that’s been happening and where I’ve “been” xx

  8. Maggie Yard
    20 July 2023 / 10:17 am

    Good to have you back! Actually I was wondering why you hadn’t written for a while ….

    • Catherine
      20 July 2023 / 11:20 pm

      Thank you Maggie – a post is being written to explain my absence, it’ll be up in about 2-3 weeks (I didn’t want to publish that as my first one “back”, it’s a bit on the gloomy side – with a happy ending though) x

  9. Sanja Van Huet
    20 July 2023 / 10:12 am

    I love the ‘why it is perfectly ok to wear unflattering outfits!’

    To use Alison Bornstein’s (the tiktoc stylist and shop-your-closet guru) 3 word method, my style is masculine, feminine and boho all rolled up together.

    Masculine is not necessarily flattering as it disguises (read – swallows) curves, and boho – not to be ageist – but I know I sometimes look like someones kooky new-age aunt rather than a fresh, young Glastonbury attendee.

    I gravitate toward these styles and add a flounce, or a bit of floral and usually my long straight hair loose and unruly (not by choice – it just does it).

    Somehow, my look makes me feel stronger, and more in tune with who I am.

    Vive peu flatteur!!!

    • Catherine
      21 July 2023 / 10:38 am

      So glad you liked that post (“advice”), Sanja – I’ll have to look up Alison Bornstein! Plus I too gravitate towards masculine chic and sometimes a bit of boho too: how fabulous that you just do you and that it makes you feel stronger, that’s what it’s all about 😀

  10. 20 July 2023 / 6:36 am

    It would be lovely to see you blogging again.

    • Catherine
      21 July 2023 / 2:48 pm

      Thank you Nancy – consider it done! x

  11. 20 July 2023 / 6:26 am

    Welcome back!! You are one of the bloggers who inspired me to start my own blog and through blogging we became real-life friends. Good luck with your blogging comeback- I can’t wait to read more and I look forward to following along once again xxxx

    • Catherine
      21 July 2023 / 6:04 pm

      Awww Liz that’s so sweet of you my lovely… thank you thank you xxx

  12. Rona
    20 July 2023 / 4:00 am

    Hello Gorgeous!
    Lovely to hear from you. I’ve enjoyed your past posts very much and look forward to hearing from the re-energized you.
    You really do look fabulous, you know, your eyes and smile are always so kind.
    Much love to you and yours my dear, looking forward to seeing you pop up in my in-box.


    • Catherine
      21 July 2023 / 6:05 pm

      Rona that’s one of the nicest compliments I’ve ever had!! Thank you so much… I hope I continue to create posts that you enjoy reading <3 xx

  13. Susan
    19 July 2023 / 10:18 pm

    You write so well.I am happy to see your back.You were missed

    • Catherine
      21 July 2023 / 6:07 pm

      Susan thank you, that’s so very kind of you xoxo

  14. 19 July 2023 / 9:57 pm

    And just like that … you’re back. Fabulous news!

    I can’t pick a favourite as I’ve loved all your content since I very first found you but if I had to really really pick something I do enjoy your Listicles posts.

    I’ve moved my writing over to Substack recently and I’ve got to say I’m loving it so far. I’m writing a post soon about what i think so far as a few die hard blogger friends have asked how I’m finding it.

    Missed you xo

    • Catherine
      21 July 2023 / 6:09 pm

      Thank you Sharon! So glad you like the listicles, I think they’re my favourite to write…!

      I honestly have very little idea what Substack is, I need to check it out: does it replace WordPress? Or is it a sideline to WP thing? I need to know!! x

      • 3 August 2023 / 1:11 pm

        No idea why my comment posted twice btw!

        In answer to your Substack question its a platform really created for writers in essence.

        It’s a newsletter essentially but in emails and the Substack app just looks like a blog post.

        All newsletters are then stored on the web so it then looks a lot like your traditional blog.

        Here’s mine: https://bestbeforeenddate.substack.com/

        I’m going to write an in depth article about how I’ve found it so far but safe to say for me there are more pros than cons x

        • Catherine
          5 August 2023 / 1:39 pm

          Thanks Sharon – I’m a little more in-the-know now! I’ve signed up, looking forward to what you have coming up…! x

  15. 19 July 2023 / 9:55 pm

    And just like that … you’re back. Fabulous news!

    I can’t pick a favourite as I’ve loved all your content since I very first found you but if I had to really really pick something I do enjoy your Listicles posts.

    I’ve moved my writing over to Substack recently and I’ve got to say I’m loving it so far. I’m writing a post soon about what i think so far as a few die hard blogger friends have asked how I’m finding it.

    Missed you xo

    • Catherine
      27 July 2023 / 12:28 am

      Sharon thank you! It feels good to be back, it feels like I really am [back] for good this time 😀

      I honestly need to find out what Substack is, I haven’t a scoobie tbh… it’ll be interesting to see what you have to say about it! x

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