
My 2015 Fashion Blogger Bloopers and Outtakes

It’s finally here – the post you’ve all been waiting for! My annual bloopers and outtakes post shows you that being a fashion blogger is often not at all glamorous. I have the ability to look as crazy-eyed or undignified in photos as the next person, and sometimes have to put up with being upstaged by a photo bomber or two.

I think you’ll agree that the star of the show in 2015 was my four-year-old great-nephew, who stole my thunder at every turn. From showing me how I should be posing to standing right in front of the camera and pulling faces, the little monkey had us in stitches with his shenanigans.

I’ll warn you that it’s a long post with a lot of images, but I think it’s worth it – I reckon 2015 was a vintage year for outtakes. It’ll be back on 1st January next year, but till then: Happy New Year and thank you SO much for all your support and love sent my way! I hope to make the blog even better in 2016.

What were your favourites of the outtakes? Tell me in the comments!

1. The one where I was rubbing my tummy and patting my head

I have a ton of other skills, you know. I can do much more than just look pretty in front of the camera. [original post]


2. The one where I marched to the beat of my own drum

And can balance gracefully on one leg, of course. [original post]


3. The one where I was being a sundial

I mean, what other explanation is there?! [original post]


4. The one where I failed to look cute while running

If you run and jump in a photo shoot be prepared for a lot of outtakes. [original post]


5. The one where a plane flew overhead really low

And scared the c**p out of me. [original post]


6. The one where I turned my nose up at all the Covent Garden tourists

Don’t they know who I am…?!! There’s an artist at work here, people. [original post]


7. The one where I heard the ice cream van

The sound that never fails to excite. [original post]


8. The one where my sister photo-bombed the shoot

There’s always at least one photo shoot that gets bombed by friends or family. [original post]


9. The one where I got cheek-ache from smiling

You know that feeling, when you have to keep smiling for photos? And then you just don’t use any of the teeth-baring ones in the end. [original post]


10. The one where I thought a seagull might drop something on me

A regular occurrence in this location as they nest round there. It’s going to happen one day, I know it. [original post]


11. The one where I thought sucking on a straw would look sexy

Er, no – it doesn’t. Not when I do it, anyway. [original post]


12. The one where I was about to sneeze

I love that my photographer always captures these moments… [original post]


13. The one where my great-nephew took over the whole shoot

2015 was the year of the photobomb for me. My great-nephew adores my husband/photographer so much that he insists on coming outside with us when we do a shoot when the family’s all together. I can rarely hold it together because he is hilarious. [original post]


14. The one where I decided “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em”…

…So we just have to let him have his own little photo shoot. He’s way better than me in front of the camera. [original post]


15. The one where I was pointing out the obvious

In the Eden Project’s tropical biome where I was getting fed up with the light constantly changing from the sun going in and out. [original post]


16. The one where I was attacked by a fly

Another regular occurrence in summer photo shoots. Note the obligatory tongue sticking out (’cause blowing raspberries at a fly is really gonna help, isn’t it). [original post]


17. The one where I just had to scratch my nose

Nothing like being caught off guard – further proof that I don’t always look glamorous. [original post]


18. The one where I got my hair caught in the clasp of my choker

I’m already being strangled by the choker, so I thought, Why not add to the pain? [original post]


19. The one where I proved my armpits were fuzz-free

Though I have an awful lot of hair sprouting from the top of my head. Did you know that I’m a quarter wookie…? [original post]


20. The one where my great-nephew decided to offer me some sweets

Not being my great-nephew’s favourite out of me and my husband, I thought it was so lovely that he followed us down to the farm next to my parents’ house to offer me some of his sweets. Then I realised he just wanted me to take his empty bowl. Thanks a lot, kid. [original post]


21. The one where my great-nephew thought he’d show me some new poses

So from offering me no sweets to showing me how it’s done: He announced that I needed some new poses. This one I’ll definitely be using on the blog in the future. [original post]


22. The one where I photoshopped out my hoverboard

Because I want everyone to think I can actually float… Don’t all fashion bloggers use a hoverboard to achieve this effect? [original post]


23. The one where standing on one leg caused my face to gurn

Because there really isn’t any other explanation for this, either. [original post]


24. The one where I thought skipping would look good

It doesn’t, obviously. [original post]


25. The one where I tried a selfie-style duck face

I’ll leave it to the teenagers in future. [original post]


26. The one where I was, like, soooooooo bored

Being a fashion blogger can be so tedious, darling. [original post]


27. The one where I finally feature my walking stick

Many of you requested a photo shoot with my walking stick (that helps with my slipped disc). What the photographer didn’t capture was me toppling over when he took it away from me… 😉  [original post]

P.S. Like this post? You might also want to see 2014’s bloopers and outtakes!


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