A Rainy (Summer’s) Day Outfit | Blue Honeysuckle Trench with Yellow and Lilac

Not Dressed As Lamb | Blue floral trench, yellow tank, purple flare midi skirt

Most Brits might agree right now that summer feels like it’s over (the wind and rain today is hideous)!

Normally it saves itself for Wimbledon fortnight but up till now we’ve had quite a few lovely days so far this month. The only upside to the wet weather was having a chance to wear my new Hobbs honeysuckle trench coat  – a gorgeous blend of style classic and modern floral print. Its lovely blue colour deserved some other deep pastels to set it off for a wet Sunday: I went with sunshine yellow and a lilac midi skirt.

Both the skirt and flats are SS14 unfortunately, but I am now crushing on this Ted Baker floral midi that I found whilst looking for alternatives for you. I’m also loving these two-tone gold and silver flats that I found after a search… these searches can be dangerous for one’s own bank balance! My restraint isn’t all that good and I regularly find myself making use of a retailer’s “Saved Items” list. I use the Asos, La Redoute and Zalando wish lists all the time.

Do you use retailers’ Saved Items lists or Wish Lists? Which ones do you use the most? Do share in the comments (I’d love to know some great new ones to make use of)!

Not Dressed As Lamb | Blue floral trench, yellow tank, purple flare midi skirt, pointed flats
Not Dressed As Lamb | Blue floral trench, yellow tank, purple flare midi skirt
Not Dressed As Lamb | Blue floral trench, purple flare midi skirt, pointed flats
Not Dressed As Lamb | Blue floral trench, yellow tank, purple flare midi skirt
Not Dressed As Lamb | Blue floral trench, yellow tank, purple flare midi skirt
Not Dressed As Lamb | Blue floral trench
Not Dressed As Lamb | Blue floral trench, yellow tank, purple flare midi skirt
Trench: c/o Hobbs | Tank: Topshop | Skirt: Asos | Shoes: c/o Daniel Footwear | Sunglasses: c/o Lulus

RELATED  Second Hand September: Charity Shops and Shopping Your Own Wardrobe


  1. 16 July 2015 / 4:59 pm

    I love these colors mixed together, the creamy light yellow with the lavendar, so pretty! I remember this skirt from last year as I loved it the first time you wore it. Pretty blue trench! I can see it being quite useful in England, whereas here in the South, we often skip spring and move right into the heat!

    Thanks for linking up with Turning Heads Tuesday!
    jess xx

    • 17 July 2015 / 8:01 pm

      It was actually quite warm – a bit too warm for the trench – hence me wearing it completely open. But it was definitely needed because it had been chucking it down most of the day!!

      Thanks Jess my lovely xx

  2. 14 July 2015 / 8:05 pm

    Such a gorgeous trench…I love the way you put colours together to make such lovely outfits x

  3. 14 July 2015 / 3:49 pm

    Love your trench! Gorgeous!

  4. 14 July 2015 / 1:55 pm

    I absolutely LOVE the trench Catherine!! One of THE most beautiful ones I have ever seen!! Wow! Your mix of colors is par excellence..love how they go together so well!!
    As for summer being gone, it is almost same here for us as well, a very unseasonably mild July..and thus I am dreading the winters. Saved lists are interesting, I have seen ASOS and Nordstrom do that..but I realized I seldom go back to them which helps me regulate through my whims of "I should buy this" vs "I need this".

    • 17 July 2015 / 7:59 pm

      Haha that's funny because I *always* go back to my lists… I'm terrible, I start wanting the things I'd forgotten about all over again! And thank you, I must agree with you about how stunning the trench is! x

  5. 14 July 2015 / 5:29 am

    What a pretty outfit!

    • 17 July 2015 / 7:58 pm

      I have to agree, Monica!! Thank you MUAH x

    • 17 July 2015 / 7:57 pm

      JJ that's so sweet of you, thank you so much! x

  6. 13 July 2015 / 11:06 pm

    Love, love the graphic floral print, you look stunning and those shades: swoon! Thanks for linking up to #brilliantblogposts x

    • 17 July 2015 / 7:57 pm

      Aww thank you Vicki – Hobbs have definitely hit the nail on the head with this print!!

  7. 13 July 2015 / 9:48 pm

    The big floral print is a real favourite trend for me this year and the trench is a great find. I love the yellow and mauve together too, a ray of sun on such a drizzly day!

    • 17 July 2015 / 7:57 pm

      Sarah I'm amazed any colour at all came out in these photos, the day was so dull!! Thank you my lovely x

  8. 13 July 2015 / 8:35 pm

    Catherine, you are Fabulous! I love how you have taken a colour I would avoid (like the plague) and made it look fantastic…. Lilac is one of my feared "Granny colours" and you have given it a good kick in the pants and made it look fresh and young.
    Yellow and blue….Brilliant. XXX
    p.s LOVE the pockets on that skirt.

    • 17 July 2015 / 7:56 pm

      Samantha isn't hat funny – lilac is one of my favourite colours!!! And yes to the pockets. They make ALL the difference to a dress or skirt 😀

      Thanks sweetie xx

  9. 13 July 2015 / 7:25 pm

    Beautiful trench Catherine! I can't wear pastels like that, much to my sadness, but you wear them so well. I have learnt that bright colours are my friend. It's been chucking it down here in Wales for the last two days, really feels quite Autumnal. I wore suede shoes today by mistake, gah! xx

    • 13 July 2015 / 8:22 pm

      Oh no about the suede shoes! I hope they're okay?!

      These are what I call bright pastels – bright enough for the summer without looking too washed out. But then, when do I ever let a particular season stop me wearing any particular colour?!! Thank you my lovely x

  10. 13 July 2015 / 5:59 pm

    What a stunning trench!


  11. 13 July 2015 / 5:58 pm

    Ah that trench coat is to die for! Love it!

    • 13 July 2015 / 8:20 pm

      Thank you Sophie – I have to admit I adore it too!!

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