My 2014 Fashion Blogger Bloopers and Outtakes

My 2014 Fashion Blogger Bloopers and Outtakes | Not Dressed As Lamb

Happy New Year my little lammies!

For my first post of 2015 I’m once again sharing my bloopers and outtakes from the last year as I did on the last two New Year’s Days – this is definitely an annual thing for this blog now.

Instead of a recap of my best outfits from 2014 (like most bloggers), I share the worst of the outtakes from my outfit photo shoots for your amusement. It means everyone can take heart in the fact that I’m really not as poised as I seem in the photos I publish – I’m just as clumsy and awkward as the next person (if not more so)!

Let me know which outtakes you liked the most! Wishing you all a very happy 2015 🙂

Catherine x

Fashion blogger outtake

1. The one where my thumb looked like a dodgy appendage

This is a subtle one…. Always check what you’re doing with both your hands. A stray thumb can end up looking more than a bit dodgy. Original post >>


Fashion blogger blooper

2. The one where I looked like a crap matador

Stiletto heels and a floaty scarf being twirled about is just asking for trouble. Health and Safety, anyone? Original post >>


Fashion blogger outtake

3. The one where my mouth gaped open and I looked dopey

Something was happening off to my right, I forgot to shut my mouth. Original post >>


Fashion blogger outtake

4. The one where it was all about the glamour

The irony of having to take cover from the rain (under the photographic reflector) whilst wearing an outfit meant for a luxury cruise wasn’t lost on me. Original post >>


Fashion blogger blooper

5. The one where I did the Blogger’s Jig

Caught off-guard whilst amusing myself – not sure there’s more to it than that. Original post >>


Fashion blogger blooper

6. The one where my itch wouldn’t wait

Some itches just have to be scratched right on the spot. Original post >>


Blogger blooper GIF

7. The one where someone came around the corner

I’m swaying! I’m swaying!

[someone comes around the corner]

=Stops swaying and tries to look normal= Original post >>


Fashion blogger outtake

8. The one where I was snapped whilst talking and gesticulating

Nothing new here: Just talking and flapping my arms about. As usual. Original post >>


Blogger blooper

9. The one where I walked off, drunk again

I spun around just a few too many times in this shoot – and got so dizzy I started teetering off towards the grass verge. Elegance personified. Original post >>


Fashion blogger outtake

10. The one where I did my best just-got-off-my-horse stance

Demonstrating how not to walk in chunky heels. Original post >>


Fashion blogger outtake

11. The one where it all kicked off

I think something was stuck to my boot and I was trying to kick it off… Original post >>


Fashion blogger outtake

12. The one where I was the mouthy blogger with attitude

My favourite pastime: Giving the photographer some lip. Otherwise known as being a Cheeky Monkey (so my husband says). Original post >>


Fashion blogger outtake

13. The one where my face looked seriously puzzled

Studio-style shots indoors can sometimes get a little… perplexing. Original post >>


Fashion blogger outtake

14. The one where I needed an outfit adjustment

Does anyone else check their reflection in the lens of the camera, or is it just me? Original post >>

RELATED  My 2023 Fashion Blogger Bloopers and Outtakes


Fashion blogger blooper

15. The one where I had a photobombing friend

Never, ever, ever try and take photos when you’re out and about with friends. Especially not ones who love to try and make you laugh the whole time and then simply photobomb the picture. Original post >>


Fashion blogger blooper

16. The one where my fashion blogger nemesis reared its ugly head

Evil, evil wind! Begone, arch-enemy of bloggers…! Original post >>


Fashion blogger outtake

17. The one where I had a perturbed face

I was either puzzled by something or concentrating really, really hard. Original post >>


Fashion blogger outtake

18. The one where I had an itchy face

Last week the wind was so strong it kept blowing my hair into my face and itching the hell out of it. Original post >>


Fashion blogger blooper

19. The one where I cocked up big time

I think I’ve saved the best till last – but it needs an explanation. So why on earth am I wearing two completely different shoes? Original post >>

You know when you try on two different shoes in the mirror, and you hold up one leg, then the other, to see which you like best? Well, that’s what I did when I was at home sorting out what to wear. Except I couldn’t decide which to wear so I thought I’d take both with me for the photo shoot – for a post about accessorising a plain work outfit (which was also an entry in a competition I really wanted to win).

Except when we got there I realised I’d literally only put the two individual shoes I’d tried on in my bag – yes, I’d packed just one pair of mismatching shoes. This was my only chance to take these photos (we were too far from home to drive back) and I had to get my entry for the La Redoute brand ambassadorship competition in as soon as possible.

The solution? We took the photos with me standing as symmetrically as possible, then in Photoshop I cloned the pink shoe and reversed it before “adding it” to my right leg. So the right shoe you see in the original post is not real!

This has to be my most successful cock-up of all time: I went on to win the competition which included a trip to Paris with La Redoute in May. Never give up, I say…!


    • 8 April 2015 / 4:12 pm

      Oh don't worry I'm a mere mortal too, Jodie… I can just about keep it together for 1 picture in 10 I think!! Thank you my lovely x

  1. 21 March 2015 / 3:46 pm

    Hey Catherine
    This is my favourite post of yours… ever!!!
    I love the photos and your write up of the background to each one!! It is brilliant and just shows the work that goes into producing a high quality fashion blogs like yours. Awesome!

    • 8 April 2015 / 4:11 pm

      Aww Nadine that's so lovely of you to say – thank you so much!!

  2. 12 January 2015 / 4:51 pm

    This post has me laughing out loud ( literally ) I think an outtake will make things more interesting.

    • 12 January 2015 / 7:14 pm

      Glad it made you laugh, Joy…!!!! Thank you xx

  3. 10 January 2015 / 1:57 pm

    Absolutely love this post! What a brilliant way to bring in the New Year. Love how you can laugh at your self and the fact that you're willing to share these 'bloopers' with us too 🙂 Saying that, you're still absolutely gorgeous! xxx

    • 11 January 2015 / 11:31 pm

      Hehe thanks so much Katie – and you're really too kind, you have to admit some of them are at least a *little* unflattering..!! ;))

  4. 9 January 2015 / 6:06 pm

    My favourites: 6 (itch), 9 (just got off my horse). 11 (giving lip)… and 15 (wind)… so recognizable… And finally 12 (seriously puzzled face) hahaha.
    See how many comments you get with this post? People love to laugh and love the courage of a person showing their vulnerability.
    Loved it.
    I also read your reply comment on the comment of "iwillbloom" … Also very recognizable. LOL

    • 11 January 2015 / 11:30 pm

      I know, the comments have been coming thick and fast, Greetje…!! I've already got a hilarious one from a shoot this weekend that was sooooo funny – everyone will have to wait a year before it gets published 😉 Thanks hun xx

  5. 9 January 2015 / 1:13 pm

    Ha ha this is hilarious Catherine and I LOVE the sentiment behind it – not taking yourself too seriously! Particularly liked the 'just got off your horse look'. Looking forward to more bloopers in 2015!

    • 11 January 2015 / 11:28 pm

      I have no idea why I was doing that pose, Suzanne… I must have been just horsing about, haha!!!! =Sorry=

      Seriously, I'm really glad you liked them… I do them because I wish I could see them from all the bloggers I follow! Thank yo for your lovely comment x

  6. 8 January 2015 / 9:42 pm

    I just love this! What a great idea. I also love how it shows your personality, the woman behind the poses and I can SO relate to all of them! Sheer brilliance

    • 9 January 2015 / 12:51 am

      I think that's the thing, isn't it Rachel – everyone who does a fashion blog can recognise themselves in these pictures! Thank you my lovely, hope you're well x

  7. 8 January 2015 / 9:39 pm

    These are hilarious and I have to say much more interesting to look at than a 'best of' post…
    I love the fact that you share them. Applaud you for your sincerity.

    • 9 January 2015 / 12:50 am

      Aww that's so nice of you to say, Daphne!! I do a quarterly round up of each season so it doesn't make sense to do yet another at the end of the year… so glad you enjoyed these! Thanks sweetie x

  8. 8 January 2015 / 1:21 pm

    haha! I actually love all of these and you STILL look totally gorgeous in your bloopers! Thanks for linking up to #brilliantblogposts x

    • 8 January 2015 / 3:15 pm

      Ohhh Vicki you're such a charmer!! Bless you…! Thanks hun – I must remember to link up more often xx

  9. 8 January 2015 / 1:00 pm

    Oh Lord I look like No3 ALL THE FRICKIN TIME. Long time fan of your blog esp this post! #brilliantblogposts

    • 8 January 2015 / 3:14 pm

      Hehe Kirsty I think I do, too – I reckon Dopey is the middle name my parents forgot to give me!! Thanks so much for commenting, nice to talk to you xx

  10. 8 January 2015 / 12:11 pm

    Happy New Year – I'm loving the itch you have to scratch photo! Seeing pictures like these shows me why I'll never be a fashion blogger – these are my usual looks!!!

    • 8 January 2015 / 3:09 pm

      Ohhh believe me, the outtakes come thick and fast, Carrie – sometimes I have just one solitary decent shot out of 50. It's taken over three years of practice to get this bad!! ;))
      Thanks sweetie x

  11. 8 January 2015 / 11:46 am

    Hi, just discovered your blog and am so glad I have! This post is really funny but you still look gorgeous and all the outfits are fab. My favourite is the walking like you just got off a horse – because it's hilarious but also I love the red take on a classic Breton and how you've styled it. The odd shoes made me laugh a lot too. Will look forward to seeing your non-bloopy posts this year!

    • 8 January 2015 / 3:08 pm

      Jess thank you so much!! What a lovely first comment. Hope you enjoy the non-bloopy ones… though I hope I get lots of bloopers for the next outtakes post in 2016?!!! C x

  12. 8 January 2015 / 3:09 am

    Love this. Your fun personality shines through.

    • 8 January 2015 / 2:54 pm

      Still can't believe I was such a dope to do that with the shoes, Emma!! Thank sweetie!

  13. 7 January 2015 / 9:37 pm

    Fabulous! Wind is really a pain in the butt .. lol. And I dislike when my husband doesn't allow me to re-pose before snapping .. man, those pics of me are awful .. lol.


    • 8 January 2015 / 2:54 pm

      Yes – the not being allowed to repose thing, I have that too, Monica!! I keep saying it's pointless to take them because if I don't know it's being taken then it'll be awful. As shots 3, 6, 7, 12, 13, 16 and 17 prove…!!
      Thanks hun xx

  14. 7 January 2015 / 12:58 am

    Great post Catherine, you are an inspiration to many of us out there. My favourites are the open mouth dopey look and the just got off my horse look. Can't stop laughing.

    • 7 January 2015 / 5:07 pm

      So glad you liked them, Elsie!! It's always funny to look back over them as the year draws to an end 😀

  15. 7 January 2015 / 12:14 am

    Great post! Love it when people can laugh at themselves!

    • 7 January 2015 / 5:06 pm

      I think blogging (and looking at so many photos of myself) would be very hard if I didn't, Kate…!! Hehe thank you sweetie x

  16. 6 January 2015 / 7:57 pm

    I loved this post! It shows you are real and have bad days, funny days (loved the mismatching shoes!) and 'take the piss' days! I enjoy all your posts but this one is my fav so far! xx

    • 7 January 2015 / 3:00 pm

      The shoes day was a nightmare, Rebecca! What an idiot to take just one of each…?!! Thank you so much, I'm really glad you enjoyed it xx

  17. 6 January 2015 / 3:47 pm

    such a fun post , its one of those things we always wonder right, we look at our own pictures and then other bloggers and sometimes thing, man can she even take a bad picture… always nice to see how real someone is. Even in your bloopers you are one gorgeous gal though. Camera loves you

    • 7 January 2015 / 2:59 pm

      Hehe the bad pictures really do apply to me, Linda…. they really, REALLY do!! But thank you hun, you're a sweetheart as always! x

    • 7 January 2015 / 2:58 pm

      Thank you so much, Leanne – and yes I'll pop over now! Thanks for inviting me 🙂

  18. 5 January 2015 / 2:36 pm

    hahaha this was so good! I love fashion bloggers that are able to laugh at themselves and show that they aren't as perfect as their photos make them seem. lol! I can't pick a favorite, they were all so good. And I never would have noticed the dodgy thumb unless you pointed it out….and when you did, I choked on my tea a little. haha!

    • 5 January 2015 / 9:30 pm

      Ahhh the dodgy thumb…! I think I choked on my tea when I first saw those shots on the monitor screen too, Julie!! Thank you hun – so glad they brightened your day ;))

  19. 4 January 2015 / 8:35 pm

    I loved this post last year & was hoping you would do it again this year! Such great fun! Happy New Year Catherine! Ax

    • 4 January 2015 / 8:39 pm

      I'll definitely be doing them every Jan 1st as this is the third one now… can't get out of it! Thanks Andrea 🙂

  20. 4 January 2015 / 2:57 pm

    Fantastic post Catherine lol made me chuckle so much. Hope you had a lovely Christmas wishing you all the best for 2015 xx

  21. 4 January 2015 / 10:50 am

    You're hilarious Catherine! LOL!! By far, I like the "itch that won't wait" XD
    Just too funny.
    Hey, I would also like to wish you a Happy New Year and may 2015 be a great year for you and your blog =)

    • 4 January 2015 / 2:20 pm

      And to you, Yen – it's always great to start a new year afresh!!

      Glad you liked the bloopers… I'm sure I'll had plenty more for the next January 1st! xx

    • 4 January 2015 / 2:19 pm

      Glad you think so – thank you Isa!! HNY to you x

  22. 3 January 2015 / 7:05 pm

    These are fabulous. Life is too short to take yourself too seriously. Well done you! My great photos, in perfect outfits, in particularly fab locations always end up with a gorgeous smile…and closed eyes…

    • 4 January 2015 / 2:19 pm

      That's the worst, isn't it – you have the perfect shot and you've closed your eyes. Or your eyes have rolled back into your head like mine in my lead image…!!! Glad you liked them, thank you sweetie x

  23. 3 January 2015 / 5:41 pm

    I commend your bravery, dearest Catherine…I always erase my "bloopers" straight off the camera!! ;D Seriously though – or as seriously as possible, considering the subject matter! – an outtakes post like this is such a hilarious way of letting your readers see a little of what goes on behind the scenes; I always like to include a photo of me in mid-laughter with every outfit post…cause that's usually what happens when Robin (my hubby) starts snapping away!! P.S. Wearing two different shoes?? Priceless!! XOXO

    • 4 January 2015 / 2:18 pm

      Honestly I died when I realised that I'd only packed one of each shoe, Monika…!! Took me a while to get over my "Well it's all ruined now I may as well just forget it" rant and think of a solution! Thank GOODNESS I did as I got a trip to Paris out of it, so I think it has to be the best cock up ever in the history of cock ups ;))

      And I love how happy and smiley you are in your photos, Monika – hard to believe you would be looking anything but!! Thanks sweetheart xx

  24. 2 January 2015 / 11:53 pm

    So glad you can laugh at yourself! People who can smile at the blooper reels in their lives are the best kind. Happy 2015 – can't wait to see what outfits you have in store! xxx

    • 4 January 2015 / 2:15 pm

      That's lovely of you to say, Amy – thank you!!!

    • 4 January 2015 / 2:14 pm

      I think the Swaying, Swaying, Look Normal is my personal favourite, JJ!! Thanks sweetie 🙂

  25. 2 January 2015 / 11:09 pm

    So cute! I think the photobombing friend one is too funny.

    • 4 January 2015 / 2:13 pm

      I'm amazed I got ANY decent shots on that photo shoot – I should have known he was going to make me laugh the whole time!! Thanks hun x

  26. 2 January 2015 / 9:08 pm

    too good—especially the one of you kicking! feeling inspired to do a blooper reel too!

    Colour Me Classic

    • 4 January 2015 / 2:12 pm

      You should, Haley!! They're always really popular, and I love seeing bloopers from other bloggers myself. Thank you my lovely x

  27. 2 January 2015 / 8:46 pm

    I loved these, thank you for sharing!

    Maria xxx

  28. 2 January 2015 / 4:05 pm

    Crying. Number 3 made me shed actual tears of laughter. Thanks for this Catherine!!

    Wishing you a very Happy 2015. I can't wait to see what you get up to in the new year! 😀 xx

    Little Miss Katy | UK Lifestyle Blog

    • 4 January 2015 / 2:11 pm

      Aww thanks Katy – here's to a great 2015 for you too, hun! xx

  29. 2 January 2015 / 3:19 pm

    Ha, ha! Love this post! It just goes to show how crazy we all are. I think my favorite is… how not to walk in chunky heels! Thanks for sharing.

    Happy 2015! Steph – Signing Steph

    • 4 January 2015 / 2:10 pm

      Hehe I thought about calling that one "The John Wayne"…! Thanks Stephanie x

  30. 2 January 2015 / 12:38 pm

    Hi Catherine, happy new year. I love the dress from number 4, wow that so pretty! Haha they are not so bad – you done better then me. I'm awful in outfits posts as I never seem to look at the camera.

    • 4 January 2015 / 2:10 pm

      Thanks Anna – and HNY to you too! My most common mistake is to shut my eyes just as the photo is being taken (see lead image). I have hundreds of those…!!

  31. 2 January 2015 / 12:24 pm

    Hehe that one really made me laugh when I saw the photos at the time, Lorna – it *had* to be an animated GIF so you could see the reason for my awkwardness in the last frame. That location is right outside my parents' house in the middle of the country – normally no one's around but sometimes someone will come around the corner and we try and look all nonchalant. If I'm spinning or 'dancing' it's even worse…!

    Thanks my lovely x

  32. 2 January 2015 / 12:08 pm

    This is such a fabulous post!!!!
    I have to say I am completely awful at any outfit posts on my blog so its nice to see that sometimes even the pros get it a little bit wrong 🙂 x

    • 2 January 2015 / 12:27 pm

      Thank you, Lauraevelyn – though I think I get it more wrong more often than right: I take a LOT of photos just for a handful of good shots, and we have been 'practising' with outfit shoots for over three years now…! I'm sure even the super bloggers get dud shots, though I'm not sure they'd do a bloopers post like this?!!
      C x

  33. 2 January 2015 / 7:33 am

    Loved reading this post. Great to see authenticity that is fun and playful.
    With Gratitude


    • 2 January 2015 / 12:21 pm

      That's lovely of you to say, Belle – thank you! Most of the outtakes are due to my frustration, or impatience, or the fact that my husband takes my photos and it's easier to give him a bit of lip ;))

  34. 2 January 2015 / 12:45 am

    Great post chick, it's nice to see bloggers not taking everything to seriously.

    • 2 January 2015 / 12:19 pm

      Hehe thanks Lauren – I definitely don't take it seriously… you can't when the outtakes are so bad sometimes!!

  35. 1 January 2015 / 9:40 pm

    This post is so much fun, and thank you for sharing your occasional photo-fail! The protruding thumb had me laughing out loud : > You're still a beauty, no doubt about that. xox

    • 2 January 2015 / 12:19 pm

      Thanks Patti, so much – that thumb looked awful!!! I've never done it again, I know better now…!

  36. 1 January 2015 / 9:07 pm

    Fantastic! So much fun. Only a really great blogger like you can do that with such grace! You are a hard worker.

    • 2 January 2015 / 12:18 pm

      Aww thanks Martina – though my dad would laugh till his sides hurt if he knew you'd said I did anything with grace…!!

  37. 1 January 2015 / 8:16 pm

    Hehe great post Catherine 🙂 I keep all mine funny ones and they really cheer me up and make me laugh when I find them.. loved reading your post and seeing your pictures 🙂

    Happy New Year 🙂

    • 2 January 2015 / 12:17 pm

      Thanks so much Claire!! I collect the bloopers as I go and also sneak a look at them throughout the year. I still like looking at the previous years' ones as well just for a laugh 😉

      Happy New Year to you too!

  38. 1 January 2015 / 7:08 pm

    Fun! The funniest is the Itch.

    As for the 'wind'' issue, I think you look great! I live in the Chicago 'burbs. Wind is part of life. 🙂

    • 2 January 2015 / 12:15 pm

      Windy days are a total nightmare – and yes I can imagine living in the Windy City gives you plenty of photo problems! Thanks Christine, glad you liked them x

    • 2 January 2015 / 12:14 pm

      Aww Coco thank you, though you weren't meant to think I looked 'lovely' in these…?!! And HNY to you too!

  39. 1 January 2015 / 5:51 pm

    Happy New year Catherine, love a lady with a sense of humor x

    • 2 January 2015 / 12:14 pm

      Hehe thanks Kareema my lovely!! And HNY to you x

    • 2 January 2015 / 12:13 pm

      Thanks Emma – I think I restricted the "itching" bloopers to just these two, there were so many…!!

  40. 1 January 2015 / 4:53 pm

    Oh you…I hesitate to click through to your blog sometimes when I see your posts popping up in Bloglovin, as I class it under one of my "uuurrrrggghhhh life is so perfect there, I can't be bothered to look at that perfect version of life now" blogs….I think you may just have gained a loyal reader in me with this post….you *are* normal….your body is *not* stick thin (you do have curves!)…you obviously do laugh at yourself! [For the record: I am stick thin – but curvy – too, I'm not a lardy hater lady]. Wonderful post. Loved it.

    • 2 January 2015 / 12:11 pm

      Oh Helen thank you – though your comment made me a little sad at first I then liked what you said about being normal. BELIEVE ME, I am quite, quite normal and I don't want you (or anyone) to think I have a 'perfect' life at all (but then what does that mean anyway)?

      Think of it this way: you know when you were a kid and you had school photos taken every year (if you had that)? Well my mum – probably like most mums – would make sure I had my smartest uniform on, that my hair was done nicely and that I didn't have jam all round my mouth. So in my school photos I looked all angelic with brushed hair, a straight tie and a clean face… but that's not what I looked like every day.

      It's just the polished images you see on the blog – for each shoot we take anything between 50 and 200 photos and only about 6 are published. You can imagine how many bad ones there are (as this post demonstrates)! But if you look at the backgrounds of my pictures, you can see I haven't gone anywhere glamorous… it's mostly the country lanes round my parents' house, the walls of my husband's work building, that kind of thing. Occasionally we'll have gone somewhere for a day out and taken pictures there, but it's whilst we were out shopping or at a friend's house (nowhere glamorous).

      I had a look at the last two months of posts (November and December) and counted how many outfit posts I published: it was 17 in total. So out of 61 days, I only featured what I wore on 17 of them. You might be surprised to hear that much of the time I'm wearing pyjamas till 1pm and then throw on some jeans and a sweatshirt because I'm not leaving the house. Or I'll put my workout gear on in the morning even though I'm not exercising till the evening, but I can't be arsed to change later (or I want to save on washing).

      So when I say I'm just as 'normal' as the next person I hope you see what I mean! The outfits I publish are more dressed up times, but that's because I want to give inspiration to those who may not dress up ever, or to those who want to change things up a bit, or to those who are afraid of wearing bright colours and in their forties and are looking for 'permission' to do so.

      I hope all of that makes sense…?! I think you've given me some inspiration for a Musings post: What being a full time fashion blogger – one that doesn't constantly jet around the world and design collections with top brands – is really like. Since going full time with the blog I've found that I leave the house less and have more excuses to stay in my onesie all day – so I have to make MORE of an effort now to dress up a bit. How ironic is that????

      Anyway I didn't mean to blather on for so long, but I just wanted to explain how the bloopers are more me, to be honest. I really appreciate your lovely comments, and hope that you'll visit the outfit posts with a different view now! :))

      Catherine x

  41. 1 January 2015 / 4:26 pm

    Thank you for showing us these! I have just gone through my photographs for my last post and I had to work really hard to pick a few proper ones. It is a lot harder then you think, appearing reasonable sane and poised in pictures, it is a true craft!

    • 2 January 2015 / 11:44 am

      That's all too true, Irmin! Sometimes out of 50+ photos I'll have just one or two that are good to pick between, with too many like the ones above ;))

  42. 1 January 2015 / 4:23 pm

    Love this post Catherine just brilliant, it's really made me smile & you still look gorgeous in every photo!
    Wishing you a fabulous New Year.
    Jane xx
    My Midlife Fashion

    • 2 January 2015 / 11:43 am

      Jane thank you so much, though I'm not so sure about looking gorgeous in these photos…!! HNY to you too x

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