My 2013 Fashion Blogger Bloopers and Outtakes

My 2013 Fashion Blogger Bloopers and Outtakes | Not Dressed As Lamb

Happy New Year my little lammies!

For my first post of 2014 I’m doing another bloopers and outtakes post like I did exactly a year ago – instead of a recap of 2013 sharing my best outfits, I’m sharing the caught off-guard moments, some goofing around and a few photos which I cannot even comprehend myself.

Each deserved a title and a bit of an explanation – I’ll apologise now for shattering the illusion I try to create that I’m stylish and elegant: reasonably stylish, maybe, but definitely not elegant…!

Wishing you all A very Happy 2014, and a huge thanks to everyone for the amazing support you showed me in 2013 – I plan to make this year even bigger and better 🙂

Catherine x

Which outtakes did you like the most? Do let me know if any of them seem similar…!


Bloopers & Outtakes 2013

1. The one where I had ants in my pants

At least I think I was adjusting my jeans here… who really knows. Original post >>


Bloopers & Outtakes 2013

2. The one where I attempted to keep warm

Three outtakes from this shoot: firstly, jumping up and down on the spot to combat the cold (and blowing a raspberry always helps, of course). Original post >>


Bloopers & Outtakes 2013

3. The one where the over-friendly neighbourhood dog wouldn’t go home

… and secondly the loveliest, happiest dog ever to steal the limelight – we regularly see her being walked past my parents’ house (where these were taken) and she always goes nuts whenever she sees anyone. These were my attempts to get her to continue with her walk…! Original post >>


Bloopers & Outtakes 2013

4. The one where I belched

Yes, this was my face after accidentally letting out the most enormous belch. Oops. Original post >>


Bloopers & Outtakes 2013

5. The one where I had a weird fish hand

What’s going on with my left hand?! Original post >>


Bloopers & Outtakes 2013

6. The one where I did an ungainly crouch

Jumping photos will always provide a plethora of hilarious outtakes. But I didn’t expect photos to be taken as I was crouching/preparing to jump. Original post >>


Bloopers & Outtakes 2013

7. The one where I did a yakety-yak

I can’t quite remember exactly what was said that I reacted to, but it was a bit of a “whatever” moment where I thought my husband /photographer was going on and on. If in doubt, turn to childishness. Original post >>


Bloopers & Outtakes 2013

8. The one where I did my superhero stance

Battling the wind is all in a day’s work for this blogging superhero. Original post >>


Bloopers & Outtakes 2013

9. The one where I didn’t take the wind chill factor into account

This was the look on my face when we reached the top of the sand dune and I realised just how bitterly cold it was (it looks like such a gorgeous hot day – it really wasn’t). And this was before I’d taken off the jacket and top layers – I had to wear just the (flimsy) maxi dress. Original post >>


10. The one where I created the unflattering jump series

Too many jumping outtakes with crazed faces not to include them all in an animated gif. The jumping made me laugh at the time, the photos still make me laugh now. Original post >>

RELATED  My 2023 Fashion Blogger Bloopers and Outtakes


Bloopers & Outtakes 2013

11. The one where I nearly took a tumble

I may be an expert walking in heels, but I’m still ungainly when trying to balance and change the shoes I wore to walk up the hill for the photo shoot. Original post >>


Bloopers & Outtakes 2013

12. The one where I was blinded by the sun

An over-dramatic reaction to a bit of sun. Original post >>


Bloopers & Outtakes 2013

13. The one where I was staring vacantly

Something must have caught my attention… dopey, much?! Original post >>


Bloopers & Outtakes 2013

14. The one where there was a gigantic spider web curiosity

We were at the Herschel Museum in Bath where the garden is part of the attraction – and mid-shoot I realised that there were spiders’ webs right across the garden, several feet wide that you could just walk straight into. Here I’m pointing at one of the spiders in it’s web (those are gritted teeth you can see). =ewwww= Original post >>


Bloopers & Outtakes 2013

15. The one where I had a persistent photobombing friend

Photographing an outfit post at a friend’s house comes with the added distraction of the friend wanting to see the shoot in action. It was only so long before he could no longer resist bombing the photos. Original post >>


Bloopers & Outtakes 2013

16. The one where I was tormented by the wind

A windy day: blogger’s nightmare. I have endless outtakes of me with my hair going everywhere and me desperately trying to keep it out of my face. Original post >>


Bloopers & Outtakes 2013

17. The one where my hair got tangled in jewellery

More hair malfunctions, this time trying to move stray bits out of my face and getting it caught up in my rings. Original post >>


Bloopers & Outtakes 2013

18. The one where I got a broken nail

I remember breaking this nail… I was just checking my lipstick/hair/signs of smudged mascara before we started the shoot when I broke the nail on the compact. An impressively clean break. Original post >>


Bloopers & Outtakes 2013

19. The one where the exercise hair had a life of its own

This was one of the hardest shoots to get my hair looking normal: if you’re running your hair will go all over the place. It looked mental in so many shots. Original post >>


2013-11-24 What Catherine Wore 134

20. The one where the tights needed straightening

Take one cute sleeveless dress and one freezing cold Sunday morning and you’ve got yourself a frozen popsicle of a blogger. I kept the parka on till the last second and struggled to straighten the pattern on my tights wearing mittens, but they weren’t coming off until we were absolutely ready…! Original post >>


2013-12-07 What Catherine Wore

21. The one where I was in a playful mood and got a neck crick

Oh, I don’t know what I’m doing here – the test shot we do to make sure the exposure and lighting is okay at the beginning is usually a bit dull, so I thought I’d liven it up. Then it looks like I had a fit in the second outtake, or a cricked neck. Original post >>


Bloopers & Outtakes 2013

22. The one where it became the tired and frustrated beauty shoot

Saved the best till last I think. Trying to get a beauty shot right, is, well, trying. My nerves were pretty shredded at our attempts to get my arm in the right position (see the original post to find out why), and the lighting right, and the hair looking good, and… I got cross and starting messing about. I think I had to include the final shot just to make myself feel better after all these unflattering photos. Goes to prove it’s all smoke and mirrors, isn’t it…?!! Original post >>

RELATED  My 2023 Fashion Blogger Bloopers and Outtakes


  1. 16 February 2014 / 11:02 pm

    Love this post…too cute! XO Kim

  2. 9 February 2014 / 9:33 pm

    found this post through sarah @ – love your sense of humor just as much as your sense of style! also love those red trousers…

  3. 19 January 2014 / 1:49 pm

    Oh man, I can relate to almost all of these as a blogger myself. Nice to know someone else is suffering for their art just as much as me!

    Sound of Chic
    Classic style set to an indie soundtrack

  4. 12 January 2014 / 9:02 pm

    Love all of them. And yes I have many too. But you still seem to manage to look good although you look funny in those pictures. When mine are off…. they are really off. No fun at all.

  5. 6 January 2014 / 5:20 pm

    All these pictures seem very familiar to me. I can totally relate! LOL! Just because I didn't post it up on my blog doesn't mean I don't go through similar issues like you =D
    I'm really glad to know a blogger friend like you who doesn't take yourself too seriously. Sometimes we all need to learn to let loose of ourselves.
    Happy New Year darling =)

  6. 4 January 2014 / 11:57 pm

    Found your blog a couple a months ago and it has become one of my 'must read regularly' blogs. I've recently started my own blog and I find Not dressed as lamb a real inspiration – the colourful outfits, the beautiful photography and the all over great content make me look forward to visit.
    This post is lovely, I think many fashion bloggers take themselves too seriously and it is refreshing to see what goes on behind the pictures, it makes the blogger seem a bit more 'normal' 🙂 I also like it because I'm actually doing a similar post myself 😉

    Keep up the good work,
    best wishes from Iceland!

  7. 4 January 2014 / 4:10 am

    I love this post! How many best of posts have you seen in the last week – we get it, everyone wore awesome outfits last year. Bravo to you for showing the out takes! Awesome!

    PS – work that dog into the shot next time! I always do! : )

    • 4 January 2014 / 9:05 pm

      Haha yes it would be great to have the lovely dog in the pictures – but she's so boisterous I could never get her to "pose"!!! Thanks Tori for your sweet comment x

  8. 3 January 2014 / 11:00 pm

    Vacant stare, tangled hair, (sounds like the start of a poem!) and the tight straightening are among my favourites – and credit to your obliging husband/photographer!

    • 4 January 2014 / 9:04 pm

      That I'm definitely not, Corinne!! Thank you hun 🙂

  9. 2 January 2014 / 1:57 pm

    Super fun post!

  10. 2 January 2014 / 1:28 pm

    I love this post … Your photos are always stunning so it's fun to see the others … which is what most of mine are like … Happy 2014.

  11. 2 January 2014 / 11:33 am

    Wonderful photos, I like them. They are fun, beautiful and charming.

  12. 2 January 2014 / 7:12 am

    These are great, nice that you don't take everything too seriously

    • 4 January 2014 / 9:03 pm

      I usually find it's when I'm getting tired and cold that the pulling of faces starts, Lauren!! Thank you x

  13. 2 January 2014 / 7:08 am

    Happy New Year, Catherine!! A really fun post…at least I now have proof that I'm not the only one who has "special" moments like that show up on my camera roll every so often!! 😉

    • 4 January 2014 / 9:02 pm

      And some of these are pretty 'special', Monika…! HNY to you too x

  14. 2 January 2014 / 5:20 am

    These are hilarious. Thanks for sharing your bloopers! Happy New Year.

  15. 2 January 2014 / 2:57 am

    Great way to start off the new year for your blog! If I took more pictures for my blog (and I need to), I bet mine would look pretty similar!

  16. 1 January 2014 / 9:23 pm

    Best New Year's post I have seen yet! Thanks for the smiles 🙂 🙂
    I hope 2014 is full of all the best things!

  17. 1 January 2014 / 7:49 pm

    These are so much fun, Catherine – and you *cannot* look bad, no matter your efforts! Happy New Year, xoxo

  18. 1 January 2014 / 6:55 pm

    Absolutely brilliant post……..loved it, really made me chuckle.
    keep up the good work xx

  19. 1 January 2014 / 6:46 pm

    Love this post, Catherine! I could add endless photos like yours except mine are certainly less flattering and I am not brave enough to post them *g*

    Annette | Lady of Style

    • 4 January 2014 / 9:01 pm

      Really, Annette…? I'm pretty sure those last ones and the jumping series are not flattering!! ;)) Thank you xx

  20. 1 January 2014 / 6:26 pm

    I love these. The doggie ones are my favorite, and maybe the nose pucker too. Thanks for sharing your style. It's nice to see more of the over 40 ladies doing it right.

    • 4 January 2014 / 9:00 pm

      And there should be more of us – let's hope more appear in 2014! Thanks for stopping by my dear 🙂

  21. 1 January 2014 / 5:45 pm

    Funny and sooooooo lovely .
    happy 2014, my dear Catherine

    • 4 January 2014 / 8:59 pm

      Thank you Sacramento, and right back at you!! 😉

  22. 1 January 2014 / 5:17 pm

    Haha this post makes me feel much better about all of the unflattering photos of me floating around out there. Sometimes Being elegant is just so difficult!

  23. 1 January 2014 / 5:15 pm

    I remember loving these last year too – I hope this becomes a tradition! If this is what you look like in the least flattering, you're doing okay for yourself 😉

    • 4 January 2014 / 8:59 pm

      I think I've tied myself to doing this every Jan 1st now, Franziska!! Thanks hun x

  24. 1 January 2014 / 4:30 pm

    You really are stunning! Even in the 'less than flattering' shots.

    • 4 January 2014 / 8:58 pm

      Ohhh that's so nice of you to say, Eleanor – thank you!

  25. 1 January 2014 / 3:46 pm

    You're hilarious my friend! I love this post! It's a great reminder of how real of a person you are!

    Wishing you the very best of a new year!!

    xo April

    • 4 January 2014 / 8:58 pm

      Heehee thank you April!! And HNY to you too x

  26. 1 January 2014 / 3:36 pm

    LoL .. really fabulous. I was going to do a similar post, but I'm in a different location than my computer with all the not so flattering photos 🙂

    I really enjoy your blog and try to stop by often. Happy New Year to you!


    • 4 January 2014 / 8:44 pm

      Monica thank you – and HNY to you too! Your comments mean a lot x

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