Wearing Head to Toe Berry Tones #iwillwearwhatilike

Wearing Head to Toe Berry Tones in Winter | Not Dressed As Lamb

Although this was meant to be all about the berry tones I was wearing this weekend, the photos are as much about the crazy hailstones that happened mid shoot…!

[Reading time: 3 minutes]

We started to shoot my head-to-toe berry tones outfit on Sunday afternoon, but we realised very quickly we were going to get rained on.

Rain, which almost immediately turned into hail… Great, big, fat hailstones.

Okay, so maybe they weren’t golf ball-sized, but they were the size of blueberries and came down in a torrential downpour – that’s a pretty rare occurrence here. They soon covered the driveway AND my outfit (see how the wet splodges on my hat match my freckles in the close up!), all in the time it took me to run and take cover.


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Wearing Head to Toe Berry Tones in Winter | Not Dressed As Lamb



So as you can see – one minute dry and calm, the next minute (below): hailstones a-plenty! I’ve saved some of the outtakes of me realising it was coming down and running for cover for my annual bloopers and outtakes post that always goes out on 1st January, so you won’t miss seeing my horrified reaction.

Anyway – the outfit! These berry tones are colours I haven’t worn in a while, and I’ve almost certainly never done them head-to-toe like this. I’ve had the oversized sweater for years (this stunning purple Winser sweater is almost identical), and it’s one of those awkward-to-style pieces because of it being a knit with short(er) sleeves. But its huge size mean it won’t do much to keep your middle warm anyway, so layering is a must. The berry tones are very strong so I went with grey/beige neutrals for the hat, bag and light sweater underneath.

The purple knit was made for my (also old) knee-high platform boots which I knew would work under the loose fit of the magenta cropped trousers* (that I first wore back in May with a riot of bold summer colours). I’ve featured the boots in my ‘Ways to Wear’ section at the end of the post… my aim is to try and add this feature to every single outfit post if I can. It means I’m definitely rewearing all of my wardrobe and shows you how bold pieces and colourful accessories are just as versatile (if not more so) than black.

I think my epitaph should be “Orange (or any other bright colour) is the new black” ; -)

Do you feel the love for all these berry tones? Or have you had any hailstone showers recently that can rival ours?! Comment below…!

Catherine signature

P.S. Do add your outfits to this week’s link up – and if you’ve added a link to here or my button to your post you may be featured in my bi-monthly Women Who Wear What They Like post!

Wearing Head to Toe Berry Tones in Winter | Not Dressed As Lamb
Wearing Head to Toe Berry Tones in Winter | Not Dressed As Lamb
Wearing Head to Toe Berry Tones in Winter | Not Dressed As Lamb
Wearing Head to Toe Berry Tones in Winter | Not Dressed As Lamb
Wearing Head to Toe Berry Tones in Winter | Not Dressed As Lamb
Wearing Head to Toe Berry Tones in Winter | Not Dressed As Lamb
Hat: La Redoute (similar)
Sweater: Asos (this one is almost identical)
Trousers: JD Williams*
Boots: Zalando (similar, and I love these)
Bag: Accessorize (love this one)
Earrings: Accessorize (love these)

RELATED  How I Like to Layer For Warmth AND For Style in Autumn/Winter






4 ways to wear knee-high platform boots…

Here are some of the other ways I’ve worn my platform knee-high boots so you can see the different ways they can be styled:

4 Ways to Wear Knee-High Platform Boots in Autumn/Winter | Not Dressed As Lamb

Original posts: Top left / Top right / Bottom left – this post / Bottom right

Pin for later!

4 Ways to Wear Knee-High Platform Boots in Autumn/Winter | Not Dressed As Lamb


✷  ✷  ✷  ✷  ✷


Not Dressed As Lamb #iwillwearwhatilike link up

Thank you for joining the #iwillwearwhatilike link up!

This started as a campaign on Instagram in August 2015 where women over 30 wore everything on a journalist’s list of “inappropriate” items for 30+ women (including leopard print, short dresses and oversized sunglasses. Yes, really). It was so popular that I decided to carry it on weekly where women of all ages link up their fabulous style, never mind what anyone tells them not to wear!

The link up goes live every Tuesday at around 3pm UK time and will stay open for a week. Whilst the original article was of course aimed at the 30+, you can be ANY age to link up. The only prerequisite is that you’re wearing whatever you damn well like!

Click here to receive an email reminder for the next #iwillwearwhatilike link up as soon as it’s live!

Linking up etiquette…

CLICK HERE to read the rules of linking up (and to grab the #iwillwearwhatilike button). Basically it’s just good manners to link back to here – to leave a comment is even nicer!
Click here to enter

PLEASE NOTE: This is for linking up WHAT YOU’VE BEEN WEARING ONLY. Non-outfit links will be removed! Also: by linking up you’re saying it’s okay for me to drop you an email to say the link up is open – you can unsubscribe at any time.

Wearing Head to Toe Berry Tones in Winter | Not Dressed As Lamb


  1. 20 December 2019 / 11:12 pm

    Oh wow I love those colours together, I’d have never thought to wear a berry colour with anything other than black/grey. Love your style

    • Catherine
      29 December 2019 / 10:27 pm

      Thank you Toni! Funnily enough I only ever think of black and grey last…!!

  2. Erika
    20 December 2019 / 12:57 pm

    Oh yes! I love these berry colours – juicy and luscious. You always do the BEST colour combinations. I also have a fondness for the ‘fedora and poncho’ interpretation from 2015….appeals to the hippy child in me!

    • Catherine
      29 December 2019 / 10:28 pm

      Thats’s so nice of you, thanks Erika! I really should pull out that ‘poncho’ (it’s really just a big scarf) again…

  3. 19 December 2019 / 11:36 pm

    I do love a berry palette – as always you find a way to make multiple tones look so effortless! Obsessed with the platform boots now too! I will never forget the first time I experienced hail after I moved to Scotland – I was so stunned/terrified and hid under a doorway! I had never seen anything like it!

    • Catherine
      29 December 2019 / 10:29 pm

      Thanks Steff – I bought a brown pair after wearing these again after rediscovering my love for them!

  4. 19 December 2019 / 6:03 pm

    I really love these jewel tones on you! <3

    • Catherine
      29 December 2019 / 10:29 pm

      thanks so much lovely Kailey!

  5. 18 December 2019 / 3:51 pm

    Great outfit. I love this outburst of colours. And your freckles are sooo cute.

    • Catherine
      19 December 2019 / 12:26 pm

      Aww thanks Greetje – unusual colours for me but I love them altogether like this!

  6. 18 December 2019 / 12:34 pm

    I love all this gorgeous color.

    • Catherine
      18 December 2019 / 3:18 pm

      Thank you Amy! Unusual colours for me but I think they look fabulous together…

  7. 18 December 2019 / 11:15 am

    I love berry shades and they look so pretty on you! Crazy weather! I can’t tell you how many times sudden downpours or wind have made taking outfit shots an adventure…lol

    • Catherine
      18 December 2019 / 3:19 pm

      Thanks Debbie – the British weather has been ESPECIALLY challenging this autumn/winter (she says whilst looking out onto yet MORE pouring rain) 🙁 x

  8. 18 December 2019 / 10:25 am

    I can’t wait to see your bloopers post this year!!!! Gorgeous colours and gorgeous you. I adore you with freckles and as you say, they match the hat!!! xxx

    • Catherine
      18 December 2019 / 3:20 pm

      Aww thanks Liz – I have some classics lined up for January 1st!!

  9. 17 December 2019 / 11:49 pm

    Such luscious berry colors! Love them all. Great inspiration, once again, Catherine. Hailstones?!! Yikes! Crazy weather all over…

    xx Darlene

    • Catherine
      18 December 2019 / 3:20 pm

      Aww thanks Darlene! Yes I’m pretty sick of the British weather right now, hail was actually a welcome change from all the rain 🙁

  10. 17 December 2019 / 10:58 pm

    Gosh I love these colors together. It is a pleasure for the eyes.

    • Catherine
      18 December 2019 / 3:20 pm

      Oh wow thanks Nancy! x

  11. 17 December 2019 / 9:52 pm

    Berry tones are my favorite! Love how you styled this outfit and luckily you survived the hail storm! Thanks for hosting and have a great week!


    • Catherine
      18 December 2019 / 3:21 pm

      Thanks Katie – I haven’t worn berry tones in ages, I should wear them more…!

  12. Liz
    17 December 2019 / 9:03 pm

    You look great in this shade of berry. I think this might be “your color”. I find there are so many berry shades from year to year, clothing designers are always changing shades. I never thought to just wear them all together. Looks good. (In general I avoid purple, but these tones are good alternatives.

    • Catherine
      18 December 2019 / 3:22 pm

      Thanks Liz – it’s a very warm berry/purple colour… I very much avoid cold purples too, but berry, magenta and plum are nice alternatives x

  13. 17 December 2019 / 6:32 pm

    I love that shade of purple (is it called Royal purple?) and of course you look amazing with your incredible hair colour Catherine. You reminded me of my felt hat too so thank you, I’m going to dig that out of the closet now!

    • Catherine
      18 December 2019 / 3:25 pm

      I’ve not heard of Royal Purple, MT, looking it up…

      [talk amongst yourselves]

      Looked it up – no help, loads of different purples came up in a search, lol!! #eyeroll
      Maybe it IS Royal Purple, I might call it Plum. As long as it’s a warm purple and not a cold purple then I’m happy!
      Thanks hon x

  14. 17 December 2019 / 5:43 pm

    Loving those luscious berry tones!

    • Catherine
      18 December 2019 / 3:25 pm

      thank you Gail – I agree, very lush! x

  15. 17 December 2019 / 4:52 pm

    This berry outfit is just so fun and whimsical! I love it! Also, these are among some of favorite colors. And yikes on the hail!


    • Catherine
      17 December 2019 / 5:19 pm

      Thanks Michelle – I don’t wear them often, but maybe I should! x

  16. 17 December 2019 / 4:05 pm

    Love that color. I really like that feature of showing how you wore a certain piece. Great for ideas and to show us that our wardrobes should be versatile.

    • Catherine
      17 December 2019 / 5:19 pm

      Oh I’m so glad you like the feature, Mireille – and thank you! x

  17. 17 December 2019 / 3:59 pm

    Sounds like an exciting photo shoot! That’s A LOT of hail!
    Your outfit looks gorgeous, loving those colors on you!
    Thanks for hosting the linkup!
    Ellibelle’s Corner

    • Catherine
      17 December 2019 / 5:20 pm

      Hehe it was quite hilarious once we’d got over the shock, Ellibelle!! Thanks hon x

  18. 17 December 2019 / 3:34 pm

    Some of my favourite colours here Catherine. I love the jumper! xx

    • Catherine
      17 December 2019 / 5:20 pm

      Thanks Laurie, I really should wear it more…!

  19. 17 December 2019 / 3:15 pm

    Catherine, I love these beautiful colors together! I recently styled a head to tote outfit in shades of eggplant. I haven’t shared it yet on the blog but it reminds of this color palette. So pretty! And those are some crazy hailstones!


    • Catherine
      17 December 2019 / 5:21 pm

      Thank you Shelbee – the hailstones made for some funny outtakes 😉

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