Blog Changes: Time to Get Back to Basics

The Blog Changes Have Come... Back to Basics For Me (Selfie taken in the English countryside wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap) | Not Dressed As Lamb

How’s everyone doing? Are you used to your new normal yet? I’m talking about what’s new and what’s changing around here…

[Reading time: 4 minutes]

There’s no doubt that everyone is on tenterhooks right now. Everything is uncertain, and times are hard – and probably going to get harder. We all have to adapt and change.

Since lockdown began I’ve been doing some long hard thinking about what my future holds for me, and where I see myself in six months, a year, two/five/ten years from now.

In a bid to pull myself out of the slight rut and feeling-a-bit-sorry-for-myself state I’d got myself into, I had to brainstorm BIG TIME. Who knows what the blogging industry will be like post-Covid? No one knows.

But change is inevitable, and adaptation is vital, so I’ve made a few decisions that’ll hopefully make my life a bit easier as well as keep my readers entertained now and after lockdown life.

Don’t panic though – I’m not going anywhere or becoming a food blogger overnight! Let me explain…


The good news (and the bad)

Excuse the excessive use of the word “basic” here, but basically I’m going back to basics. In order to do that I need to make some basic changes.

When I started my blog back in 2011, it was purely a hobby that had me posting my outfits (mostly what I wore to work) two or three times a week. I posted several times consistently for ages because I enjoyed it. And it’s not that I don’t enjoy it anymore – far from it – but things are very different now.

Nine years later, I’m writing to a schedule of weekly outfit posts plus link up, a weekly ShareAllLinkUp where I can be talking about anything from blogging to thoughts on ageing and monthly posts about great links I’ve found online, bloggers I’m featuring and so on. Not to mention the social media that’s intrinsically linked to a blog – and expected these days. On top of all that it’s my career, and has been for seven years, so I’m in a permanent state of “Where’s my next paid campaign coming from?”, finding relevant affiliate links, and working towards securing those paid campaigns and maximising my affiliate income.

As you can probably imagine, coronavirus has blown the “career” part out of the water. Almost all of the campaigns I’d normally be doing have either been postponed till the autumn/indefinitely or just not materialised whatsoever.

So I have a bit of good news and a bit of bad news… shall I get the bad news out of the way first?

The bad news is that I’ve decided to put the link ups on hold for the time being. (I’m so sorry!) I’ve been running the #iwillwearwhatilike weekly linkups for the best part of five years now, and the hashtag has been used over 40,000 times on Instagram (wowsers). It feels great to have started something that people everywhere have connected with, and I thank everyone who’s linked up so religiously.

But I need a break from the added pressure of getting the link up out every Tuesday as well as all the extra admin it brings, as well as taking and editing fabulous outfit photos. I sometimes struggle to get it done on time, and taking that pressure off would be a huge relief for the next few months.

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The same goes for the Thursday/Friday ShareAllLinkUp. This I’ve REALLY struggled to keep up with in recent months with late posting times or missed weeks.

The good news is that I do intend to bring them back once a little more normality has returned. I’m not promising anything, but right now I definitely don’t want to give them up altogether. They’ll hopefully be back when the time is right.


Getting back to basics

So as the title of the post suggests, I want to get back to the basics of what this blog was about when I first started. No pressure to post to a particular schedule – I mean, I originally ran a blog alongside a full time job so producing some much more stripped-back posts now should be perfectly doable! I’d like to post some no-frills outfit posts. No-frills beauty or makeup posts. A before and after of my redecorated bedroom, that sort of thing. Things that won’t take me all day (or two days) to shoot, edit and write.

I had intended to do this when I wrote a few months back about writing shorter posts (which just about all of you were in favour of), but it never really happened – I think – because I didn’t change my schedule to allow them to happen, and to happen naturally. Taking away the pressure of a schedule will hopefully allow them to flow.

I need the extra time to maybe find a new skill (or two), to earn some extra money somewhere and somehow. I don’t know what will happen over the next few months, or next few years even. I need to find a back-up plan. At the moment all the campaigns have dried up and I need to be proactive.

I know that a lot of bloggers are abandoning link ups, but I promise they will return if it’s feasible for me to do so. By cutting out the admin that they inevitably require I might be able to feel freer about what I’m doing and find that spark that I feel I’ve been lacking lately… finding your mojo during a time like this – where you know that you and everyone reading is having a hard time – is difficult. But I realised that sticking rigidly to a schedule that I set up during very different times just isn’t relevant anymore.


The common thread that links us

Everyone’s schedules are out of whack right now. People are either totally bored (oh, to know what that’s like…), run off their feet working from home and/or managing kids, homeschooling and a household, or working flat out to provide essential health care and services to all of us.

I won’t ever talk about how “this is what you should be doing with all the free time you have” because a lot of you have no free time whatsoever, and I feel that articles that start that way are a little insensitive.

Then again, some of you have a ton of free time. We’re all in different positions financially, emotionally, socially and professionally, but the common thread we have is that we’re in it together. We must support each other – no matter what our personal situations – and be understanding and non-judgemental towards everyone.

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The blog will simply be stripped back, find its heart and soul again, and hopefully I’ll still be able to make a career out of it once we’re living in a post-Covid world.

If the lack of schedule or link ups here just isn’t your bag, then apologies – and no hard feelings if you’re no longer interested. But I hope you’ll stick around for a while as you never know, it could be a whole NEW AND IMPROVED Not Dressed As Lamb… why not give it a chance?


Stay home, stay safe XOXO

Catherine signature


P.S. If there’s anything you’d like me to cover or write about, please don’t hesitate to make suggestions, I’m all ears!


  1. 23 April 2020 / 10:59 am

    Hi Catherine, I’ve always admired you for your honesty and this post is another winner. Of course you’re going to have to reconvene and find your own way forward through this most strange and challenging of times, but as you can see from the groundswell of positive responses, we all are rooting for you and wish you well.
    I have several friends who are self employed and they are all scratching their heads, trying to find new opportunities that are pertinent to this situation. I know that there’s lots of fuel to be had regarding clothing and exercise and lifestyle changes that we’re all facing at the moment and I do hope that you’ll find something that you can turn your talents to and make some money besides.
    As a hobbyist blogger, I’m lucky to have been furloughed from the day job and therefore still have some income, but I couldn’t exist without the style inspiration of the likes of you and my other blogging contacts. My time is being well spent – never have I taken so much time with my closet changeover, nor have I been able to downsize and dejunk my wardrobe at the same time. Suddenly my wardrobe is full of colour co-ordinated pieces that flow from one shade to the next and lend themselves easily to some new outfits. Every cloud, eh?
    Keep on keeping on!

    • Catherine
      27 April 2020 / 11:38 am

      Scratching my head is definitely what I’m doing right now, Anna! Thank you for the lovely comment, it’s so nice to know I still have people’s support 😀

      Enjoy all that lovely sea, sand and sun down there, even though I’m in beautiful Devon I’m still jelly of you being by the sea (we can’t wait till we can drive down to the coast – one day, one day)! x

  2. 20 April 2020 / 6:22 pm

    Catherine, wishing you all the best with your activities. We don’t know what lies ahead and so you need to focus your energy to where the money will be coming from. Hopefully! This industry has never been real easy unless you are like A-list Kim K.
    However I do not think blog posts talking about activities for free time lack sensitivity I hope you don’t mind me saying. Everyone’s life is just different. So I would not take it personal.
    Your wonderful bog has always been an inspiration (that is one reason why I signed up for your newsletter:)) And have never unsubscribed. Because you have managed to come up with the most engaging topics.
    So kudos to you.

    Will continue to follow your posts. And thank you for the inspiration.

    Again all the best and sending lots of love from Germany.


    • Catherine
      20 April 2020 / 11:12 pm

      I’m wondering whether even the Kardashians will find getting deals harder at this time, Sabina…?!!!

      The insensitivity I mentioned was in relation to articles, not blog posts, that start “now that we all have a ton of free time…” – mostly by journalists and online magazines. I find it insensitive because they lump everyone together in the “we’re all so bored aren’t we” camp when many of their readers would be flogging themselves to death at work on the frontline and putting their lives at risk. I haven’t seen any blog posts that say that, and anyone that has blogged about doing stuff that can be done to fill time has been very considerate to their readers (just wanted to explain what I meant/was referring to)!

      Thank you for the lovely compliments, I’m so glad to know you’ll be sticking around xx

  3. 20 April 2020 / 2:42 am

    I welcome that decision of yours, Catherine. To be honest, if I may, too many bloggers that I follow succumb to the monetary side of blogging, forsaking the very basic, here is your favourite word 🙂 fundamental principal of fashion blogging – sharing your love of fashion with people of similar minds and helping those who are not sure to find their style and share with them the experience of being able to express it. Wishing you good luck in trying to figure out what to do and sure it would be something that would nourish your soul while helping you to pay the bills.

    • Catherine
      20 April 2020 / 11:15 pm

      That’s very kind of you to say, Anna – thank you! Let’s hope that some good comes out of this pandemic where blogging is concerned and we see more honest and real writing and photography happening again… back to basics in other words!

  4. 18 April 2020 / 8:34 am

    Catherine, you need to do what is right for you financially and emotionally. While I know this isn’t quite the same, but I have health issues that can often usurp my other priorities, and so I have learned to draw some boundaries as to the extent of my online presence. So I certainly understand your need to figure out what your priorities are, both financially and emotionally, and why you need to change your online presence.

    Take care and stay safe!

    • Catherine
      19 April 2020 / 3:08 pm

      Thanks Michelle – I think everyone is rethinking all areas of their life right now… health should ALWAYS be your no.1 priority!! Take care yourself, hope things are okay for you and yours x

  5. 17 April 2020 / 11:45 am

    Sending you lots of love Catherine! <3

    • Catherine
      17 April 2020 / 11:00 pm

      Kailey thank you – and to you xx 🙂

  6. 16 April 2020 / 8:25 pm

    Hello Catherine. I hope you find a new balance. We all have from time to time in life, but now all of us seem to have to do so at the same time, though not in the same way or at the same level.

    Let me rephrase the first bit of my reaction: I am sure you find a new balance and I am positive that it is one that will bring you and your readers joy (and you some money as well of course).

    Love, Lieske

    • Catherine
      17 April 2020 / 11:03 pm

      Thank you Lieske (I knew exactly what you meant by finding balance)! It’s lovely to have everyone’s support 😀

  7. Rozanne
    15 April 2020 / 9:35 pm

    I’m looking forward to your back-to-basics blog! It sounds like the perfect solution. Your outfits always brighten the day and it is a welcome distraction to just check in with whatever you decide to write about! I think we all need to free ourselves of whatever superfluous constraints we can right now, and keep engaging with what brings us joy.

    • Catherine
      15 April 2020 / 11:35 pm

      Thanks so much for the support, Rozanne… so glad to hear you’re sticking around! x

  8. 15 April 2020 / 6:58 pm

    I often pop over to read your blog posts Catherine and have been doing so for years (I know, I don’t comment and should do). I love your sense of style, have learnt from your photography (with my iphone) and blogging posts and even had a couple of ads on your blog back in the day (when I used to make and sell my jewellery). Lots of changes and upheaval for so many. Wishing you all the best with the direction you are going to be taking and truly hope it won’t be long before you are back working with brands etc. x

    • Catherine
      15 April 2020 / 11:58 pm

      So kind, Valerie- thank you for commenting!! And for the support too, it’s much appreciated 😀

  9. Mona
    15 April 2020 / 5:13 pm

    Catherine, as long as there is a blog from you I will always read it, in whatever form and whatever topic (even though I wouldn’t at all be unhappy about a cooking content – just joking, I get my fix on other blogs). I think we will all need to re-evaluate our life and what we truly need for happiness. I wish you good luck with getting to grips with your struggles and just want to remind you that with change comes the potential of growth. Thank you for your fabulous blog, here is to the challenges to be overcome. You will find your way, of that I am sure.

    • Catherine
      15 April 2020 / 11:36 pm

      Funnily enough I had an idea to share my “recipe” for how to fake a McDonald’s burger for those who need a Maccy D’s fix, Mona… LOL!! 😉 Really kind of you to say those lovely things, means the world x

  10. 15 April 2020 / 3:29 pm

    I think we’ve all been having similar thoughts – I certainly have! I’m finding it hard to splash outfits over the blog, when all I’m doing is simply wearing jeans and lounge suits all the time! I’m trying to stay ‘normal’ but honestly it isn’t working – I’ve missed a post on Monday already. So I’m re-thinking everything all the time, still not sure what to do, so will plod along as I am doing. Thanks for sharing your ideas Catherine – good luck and I’ll still be visiting your blog for sure. Jacqui xx

    • Catherine
      15 April 2020 / 11:37 pm

      I’ve missed so many posts lately Jacqui I knew I had to ditch the schedule (so many people have no clue what day it is ever anyway)!! Thank you, and I hope you work our your own non-schedule schedule as well soon! x

  11. 15 April 2020 / 1:04 pm

    So nice to see all the support from all your readers, to which I wholeheartedly subscribe as well! I love your blog for the excellent writing and photography, but mostly your honest opinions and incisive points of view. Please keep the opinion pieces going, I really enjoy reading those and the insights into your world (and blogger life, whatever that might end up looking like during the lockdown and post).
    I hope things will work out for you as well outside the blog, whatever you decide to do to top income up. But please keep writing too!

    • Catherine
      15 April 2020 / 11:38 pm

      Alex you’re really kind, thank you! I’ve always enjoyed the writing part as well as the photography, so yes I’m sure I’ll still be producing content long after Covid x

  12. 15 April 2020 / 12:55 pm

    I think a lot of people are taking stock and re-evaluating right now. Hopefully the restrictions on travel won’t last too long so you can get back to doing campaigns again – if that’s what you want. Everything is so uncertain right now but I’m mentally preparing myself for this to last until June…I really hope things start to pick up then. I’m guessing a lot of brands have S/S stock that they need to shift so maybe bloggers will have a role to play in that. My blog is a hobby but I’m a freelancer working in TV news and it’s a roller coaster. I might have very little work, then someone needs to isolate so I have the opportunity to pick up more shifts…but my daughter is at home and my husband works long shifts too. It’s difficult juggling it all. I try not to think too far ahead or I’d worry myself silly! Fingers crossed you can work something out that suits you and makes you happy 🙂 Take care xxx


    • Catherine
      15 April 2020 / 11:40 pm

      I definitely want to do the campaigns still, Emma – that’s the exciting bit of my job that I really enjoy, meeting new people and not knowing what one week to the next will bring. Hope you work things out for you as well – it’s all so weird, isn’t it…? Thanks hon, stay safe x

  13. 15 April 2020 / 11:39 am

    Catherine , I’m overjoyed to hear this, I have sensed your dilemma for sometime now.
    Link ups are fine for beginners but I’ve never been a fan of hosting them, no matter how much they boost your DA !!
    Sooooo looking forward to you getting back to basics and posting what interests you too, after all it is your blog .
    Sending love
    Ash xxx

    • 15 April 2020 / 11:46 am

      Sorry I meant overjoyed you are going back to basics not you situation! I am in the same one so I know how it is ….
      That came out wrong, I need more coffee

      • Catherine
        15 April 2020 / 11:41 pm

        Hehe no worries Ashley, I knew what you meant lol! Thanks so much darling – hope you got your coffee 😉

  14. Erika Strachan
    15 April 2020 / 10:18 am

    I am totally in favour of you producing a stripped-back blog for the forseeable future. These are unprecedented times and re-evaluation is a major part of that. Like others have commented, yours is one of the few blogs I read and enjoy, for your mix of great style, honesty and general all round interesting stuff!

    Do whatever you have to and I will continue to enjoy your output in whatever form that takes…..although I hope the lovely Suki continues her instagram account which is a particular highlight… xxx

    Take care of yourselves, you three xx

    • Catherine
      15 April 2020 / 11:43 pm

      Thanks so much Erika!! And yes, Suki has told me she’s still wanting to continue her Insta account all through lockdown. As long as her dad continues to take the photos, she’ll definitely be posting!! 😀

  15. Lea
    15 April 2020 / 9:00 am

    Catherine, I always enjoy your blogs. And will keep reading them whenever they appear. Stay safe.

    • Catherine
      15 April 2020 / 11:43 pm

      That’s so kind of you, thanks Lea x

  16. Cathie
    15 April 2020 / 7:30 am

    Catherine, I second or third or whatever the diet exercise part two. Have been eagerly waiting for it.

    On the earning side, I always think of blogs as free magazines. But they shouldn’t be free and maybe a subscription service like newspapers would be a good idea. I read some online newspapers and you get a couple of free articles a month then you have to pay. I am reading all sorts of newspapers from all over the world at the moment. Clearly there is some tech involved, but possibly many of your readers would be happy to pay a small monthly fee, enough of them would be an income.

    All the best

    • Catherine
      15 April 2020 / 11:47 pm

      Thanks Cathie! The exercise thing is definitely coming, I’ve just hit a technical snag as I think video is the best way to do it. But I haven’t had enough practice and we’re working out the tech… give me a stills camera anyday!!

      I know what you mean about a subscription fee, but I’ve always vowed I’d never charge people to read. Although many regular readers might be happy to do so I think it’d put off new readers, and I’m very much in favour of brands supporting me out of their pockets rather than women who’ve perhaps lost their way style-wise and want inspo. Choosing clothes or finding a new style can be intimidating, and the fewer barriers I create the more easily I hope they’ll be able to access the information. But thank you, I understand your reasoning and want you to know I’m so happy you’d be prepared to pay a small fee (in theory) to continue reading the blog! xoxo

  17. 15 April 2020 / 7:19 am

    I was like a nodding dog while reading this post Catherine!
    It all started when you used tenterhooks… Hahhhaa (how annoying is “tenderhooks”? They weren’t tender! )
    I’m off on a tangent!
    Anyway, I agreed wholeheartedly with every word in this post.
    From the seriousness of wondering where money is coming from to the frivolity of finding “spare time activities” (spare time?? Whazat??)
    What I want to say is that I’ve been following you for years and intend to continue for as long as you blog and I’m here to read it!
    Getting back to outfits and beauty and chat is fine by me.
    I won’t miss the link ups But I’d miss you!
    Take care.
    Be safe.
    And know you have support no matter how you blog.

    • Catherine
      15 April 2020 / 11:49 pm

      Hehe it seems you’re not the only fan of the correct use of “tenterhooks”, Samantha…!! 😉

      Thanks so much – so glad to know you’re sticking around (wouldn’t be the same without you)! x

  18. 15 April 2020 / 12:03 am

    This is one of my (very few) favourite blogs, so I shall be still following it consistently. I like what you do. It’s honest. So much so that I went back and started to read your earlier blogs as well. Catherine you have been so refreshing. Someone like myself who doesn’t have many clothes, is not gorgeous, is older, well, I just don’t feel so inadequate within the blogasphere and this only happens when ever I read your blog. So yes please, whatever you decide to do I’m sure will still have that unique and meaningful touch. Massive request: are you still going to do your exercise and dietary to lose weight? I’m very interested, and I’m sure so many others are too. Either way, go well and have faith in your many unique abilities.

    • Catherine
      17 April 2020 / 11:13 pm

      Oh bless you, Ratnamurti – thank you my lovely!! As mentioned to another commenter yes I am meaning to do the second part of the weight loss post, but it’s the technical side that’s foxing me right now. I figured video was the way forward and I need to rope in Keith to help me – he’s still at work however 🙁 so I have to try and catch him when he has some free time…!

  19. Liz P.
    14 April 2020 / 11:58 pm

    Hi Catherine,

    First off, God bless a woman who can use the word tenterhooks properly in a sentence. That’s someone worth reading right there in my book.

    I am so appreciative of all of your blogs I’ve been able to read for free, and I totally get that there are other things behind the scenes that make it viable for the content producer and I just wish I was able to pay for a subscription in order to support the effort during this odd time. I realize so much has been happening to so many people’s livelihoods in unforeseen ways. I was a contractor in my last job and the contract ended 12/31/19. I was unemployed for 2 months but there were so many opportunities in my field that I got another job fairly quickly. However, ominously, on the day that I was scheduled to start a new (6 figure) job mid-March, my job was essentially rescinded in the lobby. The company sent all their workers home that day and I went back on unemployment. It has been like that for so many people in so many fields. I guess the point I am trying to make is that we should not take what is happening personally or be hard on ourselves because it’s all be so unforeseen and beyond our control. But, hope springs eternal. It’s a divine virtue and even people who lose their faith or love rarely lose their hope. I know I would enjoy reading ANYTHING you care to write about.

    • Carole Furr
      15 April 2020 / 8:35 am

      Hi Catherine, totally agree with you and understand where you are coming from. The one thing this awful situation is doing for many peope is the re evaluating of life in general, whatever your age. My daughter is working from home 3 days a week plus trying to school 2 young children but at least she still has her job. Her partner is a plumber and heating engineer so he still has some work. Myself, I am retired so fortunately mine and my husband’s income is not affected by it all but we are now considered to be “at risk” as our daughter puts it, due to being 70+. What!! We can’t be, can we?? I have read several of the comments here and agree that you could consider making a charge/subscription to your excellent blog page. I’m quite sure many would be in agreement. Once this awful time is behind us and your work starts flowing again you can always reconsider the situation. Think about it.

      • Catherine
        17 April 2020 / 11:16 pm

        Thanks Carole my lovely… I’m very glad to hear you haven’t really been affected too much and I hope you’re safe and well. As for the suggestion about a subscription charge, I’ll quote what I explained to another commenter who suggested the same thing:

        I know what you mean about a subscription fee, but I’ve always vowed I’d never charge people to read. Although many regular readers might be happy to do so I think it’d put off new readers, and I’m very much in favour of brands supporting me out of their pockets rather than women who’ve perhaps lost their way style-wise and want inspo. Choosing clothes or finding a new style can be intimidating, and the fewer barriers I create the more easily I hope they’ll be able to access the information. But thank you, I understand your reasoning and want you to know I’m so happy you’d be prepared to pay a small fee (in theory) to continue reading the blog! xoxo

    • Catherine
      17 April 2020 / 11:13 pm

      Thank you Liz – that’s a second appreciative vote for the correct use of tenterhooks (the incorrect “tenderhooks” never made sense to me as tenterhooks effectively derive from the use of the word “tent hooks” which make much more sense considering their use in the modern-day expression)!!

      And wow what a lovely comment, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and love sent my way, that’s SO very kind of you. I’m so sorry to hear about your job situation though, what were the chances that you were about to begin a new job right before this started… that’s pretty much the worst timing in the world. But your positive outlook sounds like it will get you a long way in this [new] world, and I wish you all the very best now and in the future! Stay safe x

  20. 14 April 2020 / 10:19 pm

    I think it’s always a great idea to go back to basics so I shall look forward to reading your upcoming posts, Catherine. As for income, have you thought about writing a book? It’s so easy to publish these days. I highly recommend it 🙂
    Suzy xxx

    • 15 April 2020 / 12:05 am

      I second this Suzy. xxxx

      • Catherine
        17 April 2020 / 11:19 pm

        You’re very kind, Ratnamurti – thank you!

    • Catherine
      17 April 2020 / 11:19 pm

      Thank you Suzy – and for the vote of confidence in the book writing aspect! Funnily enough I have had an idea for a book going round my brainpan for a while now, but being a photographer [of sorts] I’m as much about the photos as I am about the writing, so the idea I’ve always had unfortunately (at the moment, anyway) requires photos to be taken. Maybe I’ll rethink the photos bit and think of another idea for a book – not sure what yet though – but, as with many things right now – needs must! xx

  21. Sue Dunlop
    14 April 2020 / 10:10 pm

    Hi Catherine – I’m happy to hear we’ll see more outfits and more flexible posting TBH. I’m here because of your original take on fashion and clothing and your refreshing and honest look at life.

    I’d love to see some challenge posts for your readers to engage us in various initiatives, improvements, or trying something we might never have imagined we might do.

    • Catherine
      17 April 2020 / 11:20 pm

      Sue thank you – and for the suggestion! I’ll have to get my thinking cap on in terms of how to incorporate your idea into a post or two…

  22. 14 April 2020 / 9:51 pm

    I’ll look forward to your future posts…. the fashion of course, and love your photography tips. I’ve just bought a little Canon point and shoot, so any tips are very welcome in the future. This is certainly a time to reflect and everyone’s situation is so different. Take care and stay safe. xx

  23. 14 April 2020 / 7:48 pm

    Since I moved house I just haven’t been able to stick to a schedule. Even now with all this time on my hands I can’t! I totally understand your time out. Here’s to hoping that things will resume for us bloggers to near as the same as just before the dreadful Coronavirus that has shaken the world. xx

    • Catherine
      17 April 2020 / 11:23 pm

      Ughhhh moving house throws EVERYTHING out for ages, doesn’t it Laurie…?!! Thanks hon – I hope things will be okay for everyone too afterwards #fingerscrossed

  24. Debbie Jarman
    14 April 2020 / 7:45 pm

    I totally understand your need to re-evalaute. I started my blog when I was between jobs and had loads of time. Once I was working again it got squeezed in because I wanted to keep it going but in the end it became a chore, so with a heavy heart I took the decision not to carry on, it had stopped being enjoyable. Maybe if work ever slows up I’ll have time to go back to it.
    Looking forward to seeing the update on your weight loss journey, I’m a bit older older than you and I need the inspiration of someone who has achieved good things, lectures from my 17 and 19 year old children don’t seem to hit the right spot!
    Loving all your photos of Suki on IG, she is gorgeous.

    • Catherine
      17 April 2020 / 11:25 pm

      Thanks so much Debbie! Blogging definitely shouldn’t be a chore, whether it’s a hobby or your career. You never know, you may want to go back to it one day…?

      The weight loss/exercise part 2 is definitely on the way, I’ve just hit tech problems – video always foxes me! I’m roping in Keith to help so I hope it’ll materialise soon, I’m so sorry it’s taken so long…! x

      • Debbie Jarman
        18 April 2020 / 8:46 am

        no worries, we have plenty of time!

  25. Pilar Collignon
    14 April 2020 / 7:44 pm

    Keep posting in Insta!
    Love your stories and posts!
    Hope you find your spark and a new business model/revenue/what you need to bring in the dough!!

    • Catherine
      17 April 2020 / 11:26 pm

      Thanks Pilar – the grid posts might be a bit erratic but the stories will definitely keep coming, don’t worry! xx

  26. 14 April 2020 / 7:11 pm

    This truly is a good time to think about and reevaluate our lives, so I totally understand. Despite hoping to make it my “business” blogging as a career hasn’t materialized for me, so you have been a role model to me and to many others. As you say, it will take time for all of us to find our new place post-COVID and get our mojos back! Best wishes to you, Catherine, as you find your next path. Keep us posted!

    xx Darlene

    • Catherine
      17 April 2020 / 11:28 pm

      Aww Darlene thank you – making money from blogging is hard, I won’t lie. Even after nearly nine years I find it tough to make a living out of it. (It’ll be even tougher now!) But who knows what the future holds… you never know, the change might be the best thing that’s ever happened to the blogosphere! x

  27. Helen Watson
    14 April 2020 / 7:08 pm

    Most important that you keep safe and look after yourself. I will miss your blogs….I think the M and S pants are wonderful and would never have found them..tried them without you!
    Look forward to your return. Keep smiling xx

    • Catherine
      14 April 2020 / 7:10 pm

      Helen the blog posts aren’t going anywhere – only the link ups!! I might even be posting MORE… you can’t get rid of me that easily!! 😉

  28. 14 April 2020 / 7:03 pm

    I LOVE your writing – that’s largely what I’m here for and won’t miss the link ups. As ever, I admire your honesty and bravery and the fact that you are being so proactive about thinking your way out of the current situation. Thanks for your encouragement, too!

    • Karen Ball
      14 April 2020 / 9:50 pm

      Wow …we share the same name ……& have the same thoughts too !!!!

      • Catherine
        17 April 2020 / 11:29 pm

        Wow TWO Karen Balls!! That’s amazing! Thank you Karen, so kind of you xoxo

    • Catherine
      17 April 2020 / 11:29 pm

      Thank you Karen Ball! I’m so chuffed that you love the writing, that’s really kind 🙂

  29. 14 April 2020 / 6:56 pm

    Good for you! And so amazing about your hashtag #iwillwearwhatilike — it became A Thing!
    I totally understand about the time-consuming admin stuff with Linkups. I enjoyed yours and hope they’ll return.

    I watched a really interesting Zoom put on by Vogue US this morning (they are doing Zooms all week, 9am EDT). The topic today was “The Future of Creativity”. Marc Jacobs said something compelling, I’ll paraphrase: During this time of Pause, do what you can to be a better person. It’s what the world needs right now.


    • Karen
      14 April 2020 / 9:58 pm

      The most important thing Catherine is survival and diversity. I always admire your honesty, style of writing and humour – you could write about the inside of a ping pong ball and we’d all be still following you x

    • Catherine
      17 April 2020 / 11:32 pm

      WOW Anne – what Marc Jacobs was amazing… definitely food for thought. It’s absolutely what the world needs now. I get a little disheartened when I hear/read people being judgemental about how others are coping, and nobody needs that. Everyone is entitled to feel however they need to feel, because nothing like this has EVER happened before [in modern times] and the world needs kindness, full stop. Thanks so much xx

  30. 14 April 2020 / 6:53 pm

    I will miss your link up but totally understand. I have been contemplating a similar change bu have yet to pull the plug. It is a crazy time and yet a great time for reflection. Figuring out what matters and what direction we all want to take

    • Catherine
      17 April 2020 / 11:33 pm

      I never thought I would Linda, but it occurred to me one day when I realised I really had to take the pressure off somewhere. Maybe it’s the admin break I needed… fingers crossed the link ups WILL be back!! x

  31. 14 April 2020 / 6:39 pm

    Beautiful post, Catherine! This time we are in right now is forcing many of us be so much more introspective in reevaluating where we are and where we want to go. I am a firm believer that everything that is supposed to be will be when it is ready to be. You just have to follow the lead of where your soul is guiding you. I will still be checking in regularly, don’t worry about that!


    • Catherine
      17 April 2020 / 11:34 pm

      Aww Shelbee you’re always so kind, thank you my love. Maybe I’ll find more time to link up to others’ links now!! xx

  32. 14 April 2020 / 6:38 pm

    I think many, many bloggers are in the same boat and everyone is desperately searching for new business models/revenue streams. I have so enjoyed your blog over the last couple of years, and would really miss it it you gave it up entirely. I know that I and your many thousands of fans extend to you our blessings and the freedom to find whatever sustains you and brings you joy (while paying the mortgage 😉 ) As you said, we’re all in this together, and we’ll all find our way someway. I wish you great success.

    Peace be with you,
    Mary Katherine

    • Catherine
      17 April 2020 / 11:35 pm

      I don’t think there’s any way I could give up the blog entirely, Mary Katherine – it would be like giving up a child, lol!!!! 😉

      Thank you so much for the kind words, I really appreciate them and your support. Stay safe x

  33. 14 April 2020 / 6:33 pm

    Okay, well that’s a pity. I always liked to join. Perhaps you can now join my Fancy Friday link up party! Ha ha. Now is the best time to think things over I guess. Take it easy and stay safe.

    • Catherine
      17 April 2020 / 11:35 pm

      Aww I’m so sorry Nancy… I’ll do whatever I can to make sure the link ups return!! x

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