Star Wars Fancy Dress Party for Two (Costumes on a Budget) #iwillwearwhatilike

Star Wars Fancy Dress Party for Two (Costumes on a Budget): Princess Leia and Obi Wan Kenobi | Not Dressed As Lamb

On Friday we celebrated Keith’s 50th birthday in style. STAR WARS style.

[Reading time: 4 minutes]

Coming to you a day later than usual (I’ve been helping out with a community project to do with coronavirus which I thought was more important than getting the linkup post out on time!), this was my first #dressupFriday. Luckily it coincided with Keith’s birthday, and as it was his 50th we knew we had to do something – within the rules of lockdown and StayAtHome – to celebrate.

In fact I think we had MORE fun than the original plans we had, which didn’t involve dressing up or anything Star Wars-related at all, really.

After I sent out a request on stories asking for ideas for ways to celebrate a lockdown birthday, a few suggestions came up for a Star Wars fancy dress party. And what do you think a 50-year-old man (who was 7 when Star Wars came out) will say when you ask him if he wants to do that for his birthday?

His wide-eyed answer: “OMG how am I going to make a lightsaber…?!!!”


Disclosure: This blog uses affiliate links (at no cost to you) and any items listed as* were gifted within the last 12 months. Full disclosure


Star Wars Fancy Dress Party for Two (Costumes on a Budget): Princess Leia and Obi Wan Kenobi | Not Dressed As Lamb

Making the costumes

Now, as I mentioned in my post featuring these outfits on Insta a couple of days ago, I’m a big fan of sh*t fancy dress. And by that I mean fancy dress that’s made out of any old sh*t, not sh*t fancy dress costumes!

Growing up, our family were big on fancy dress. Always, the whole family. And although I probably protested somewhat at wearing homemade costumes when all the other girls had pretty shop-bought fairy or princess costumes, I’m really glad that my parents encouraged us to make fancy dress costumes out of whatever you could find around the house. Because as they used to say to me:


[Joking, of course. Imagine if they HAD said that to us, now we’d be going Whoah you were right about fancy dress in the apocalypse, Mum and Dad…]

Seriously – we actually rose to the challenge of making two costumes out of whatever we had in the house. We never, ever buy pre-made costumes, but we do sometimes raid charity shops or order small things off eBay that help to get the costume right.

This time? Nothing from the outside world. Not a thing. We didn’t even start the costumes till the day itself – no planning. We just winged it.

I’d already decided I wanted to be Princess Leia, but thought that the dress she wore at the END of Star Wars Episode IV (see here) would be easier than her main outfit, as was the hair. (You just can’t get Chelsea Buns for love nor money in the apocalypse, no matter how long you’re prepared to wait in the queue at Tesco.)

I suggested Luke or Hans Solo to Keith, but then a light bulb went off because OF COURSE – he has grey hair and a beard: he HAD to be Obi Wan Kenobi (see here). It all depended upon whether we could find the brown Slanket I knew we had somewhere in the loft, or had we donated it to charity when we moved two years ago…?!

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Both outfits involved a lot of tape, cardboard, silver foil, safety pins and on-the-fly chopping up of old bed sheets. (All the “sh*t stuff” I described.) Here’s what we did…

Star Wars Fancy Dress Party for Two (Costumes on a Budget): Princess Leia and Obi Wan Kenobi | Not Dressed As Lamb

Princess Leia fancy dress costume

The dress: A white t-shirt, chiffon wide-leg trousers* (they come with a floaty panel bit on top) and a big piece of white fabric pinned under my armpits – I think it was protective packaging for something. I actually kept it specifically for fancy dress. It stuck out a bit as the fabric was somewhat stiff. I didn’t care.

The belt: A wide belt crossed over at the front and taped together, then wrapped in silver foil.

Boots: My new sparkly Madonna-in-Desperately-Seeking-Susan boots bought a few weeks ago (not yet worn)!

Jewellery: A silver necklace and bracelet from my collection.

Hair: Piled on top using a hair donut (remember them from a few years ago?) and some extensions pinned to hang down in a plait.

Mine was actually pretty easy: onto Keith…


Star Wars Fancy Dress Party for Two (Costumes on a Budget): Princess Leia and Obi Wan Kenobi | Not Dressed As Lamb

Obi Wan Kenobi fancy dress costume

Hair: All his own silver. No intervention required.

Beard: His own, but it’s still quite dark so I painted it whiter with some Snazaroo face paint. It worked a TREAT.

Robe: We found the Slanket! As it comes with sleeves nothing needed doing, but it didn’t have a hood. We actually safety-pinned the bag the Slanket comes in to the back of his neck.

Dress (? or whatever the under bit was): An old white duvet cover we’d kept for painting and decorating. Cut off to the right length and the chopped bits used to make the Obi belt and hangy down bits. Kept all in place with a brown belt.

Top: A v-neck sweater worn backwards.

Boots: Model’s own.

Lightsaber: Probably the most creative part of both outfits. This was made from a long length of wooden dowel we found in the shed with a handle made of rolled up and taped thick cardboard that was then covered in silver foil. And the blue shiny stuff? You know when you buy white gloss furniture or kitchen cupboard doors, it comes with that blue protective film all over it? It’s that. We had about seven doors for the wardrobes in our dressing room, and I kept the blue film rolled up to make stuffing tubes for my knee-high boots – much cheaper than shop-bought ones. We just unrolled it (it’s sticky but not permanent sticky) and wrapped it round the dowel. HOW lucky were we that protective film is blue and Alec Guinness’s lightsaber was blue?! You can imagine Keith’s face when it was completed…


If you missed the groovy dancing videos on Instagram we made, check them out on this post (swipe left to see them). No you’re absolutely right, we have no shame.

And, I have to say, I think our outfits were FREAKIN’ AWESOME. We were PROUD 😉

What was YOUR most creative home-made fancy dress costume ever? Are you planning any fancy dress/dress up parties in lockdown? Tell me in the comments…


Stay home, stay safe XOXO

Catherine signature


P.S. Do add your outfits to this week’s link up – and if you’ve added a link to here or my button to your post you may be featured in my bi-monthly Women Who Wear What They Like post!

RELATED  How I Like to Layer For Warmth AND For Style in Autumn/Winter

Star Wars Fancy Dress Party for Two (Costumes on a Budget): Princess Leia and Obi Wan Kenobi | Not Dressed As Lamb


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Star Wars Fancy Dress Party for Two (Costumes on a Budget): Princess Leia and Obi Wan Kenobi | Not Dressed As Lamb


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  1. 17 April 2020 / 11:56 am

    You guys did such an incredible job! <3

    • Catherine
      17 April 2020 / 11:36 pm

      Aww Kailey thank you!!

  2. Nicole K
    15 April 2020 / 4:07 am

    Saw all the great dancing and general hijinks on Instagram, but just now reading the story! HOW FUN ARE YOU TWO!

    I used to keep boxes of items for “dress up” when I had kids, but would be seriously challenged to come up with the astoundingly fun looks you two pulled together.

    Belated Happy Birthday to Keith and May the Force Be With You!


    My fave part? In listing Keith’s outfit…. Boots: Model’s Own (lolololol)

    • Catherine
      17 April 2020 / 11:38 pm

      Hehe there were definite hijinks on the night, Nicole… maybe even some shenanigans!!!!! 😉

      Thanks so much, so glad this brought a smile to your face 😀

  3. Pilar Collignon
    14 April 2020 / 7:36 pm

    OMG!!! Had seen the costumes but hadn’t read the post!!!! It is amazing you got them from STUFF in your house!!!!!

    • Catherine
      15 April 2020 / 11:27 pm

      Yep – no other way to get them really, Pilar…!! hehe 😉

  4. 14 April 2020 / 3:47 pm

    I HAD to comment on this post! Roy and I dressed as Princess Lea and Skywalker for last Halloween, and the puppies, my Shih tzus were Ewoks! I love it! Very creative looks and I had fun reading about how you made everything . Duvet covers and blue wrap is impressive. Keith looks right at home with his outfit and light saber!
    Hope you are well.
    jess xx

    • Catherine
      14 April 2020 / 6:48 pm

      Oh wow I bet you looked AMAZING, Jess!! We thought about doing some green Yoda ears for Suki, but at Christmas she refused to keep some reindeer antlers on her head for two seconds so we’ve realised she’s not into dressing up!

      Thank you, glad you liked the outfits x

  5. 12 April 2020 / 8:00 pm

    This entire post is freaking awesome! You two nailed these costumes perfectly. Looks like you two had a lot of fun too. A belated Happy Birthday to Keith!


    • Catherine
      14 April 2020 / 6:48 pm

      Aww thanks Michelle – we did!!

  6. 10 April 2020 / 9:56 am

    Love that you went ahead with your celebrations. You are showing true wartime spirit…

    • Catherine
      14 April 2020 / 6:49 pm

      Thanks Hilda – this isn’t what we planned AT ALL, but in a way I think we enjoyed this more!!

  7. 10 April 2020 / 5:10 am

    Both of your outfits look incredible! I love that you celebrated this way!

    I hope you have a fabulous week!


    • Catherine
      14 April 2020 / 6:49 pm

      Thanks so much Amber x

  8. 10 April 2020 / 12:25 am

    How fun! You guys really went all out and totally look the part!! That dress is actually very pretty–APOCALYPSE or not!! Haha! He did a great job on the light saber, too! The most fun idea my girlfriends and I came up with was a virtual wine party! Missing our bi-monthly dinner meet-up, we hopped on Zoom and spent an hour or so chatting and gossiping. It was really fun to get together one way or another.

    xx Darlene

    • Catherine
      14 April 2020 / 6:50 pm

      Hehe thanks Darlene… the cape part could have done with a good iron but to be honest it may have melted, I wasn’t going to take the chance!! 😉

      The virtual wine party sounds fabulous, I really think I need to get our whole family on a Zoom chat thing!

  9. 9 April 2020 / 8:34 pm

    Such fun! Well done both of you, looking fab and I bet you had fun. Jacqui x

    • Catherine
      14 April 2020 / 6:51 pm

      Aww thank you Jacqui, we really did had fun x

  10. Karen
    9 April 2020 / 8:27 pm

    Just brilliant, loved the little video on instagram too…..really made me smile. You both looked fabulous and what a great idea of dressing up and having a bit of fun ……something we need more of at the moment. Happy belated Birthday to Keith x – p.s. that poor fur child of yours will wonder what sort of parents she has !!!!! ( bet she was sniggering behind her paw !)

    • Catherine
      14 April 2020 / 6:51 pm

      Haha thank you Karen – yes Suki does look at us with very judging looks… she proved at Xmas she’s not into dressing up so we let her be 😉

  11. 9 April 2020 / 2:37 pm

    That did make me chuckle – you look as if you had so much fun! Happy Birthday to
    your husband.
    Alison xx

    • Catherine
      14 April 2020 / 6:52 pm

      Thanks lovely Alison, we really did!!

  12. Liz P.
    9 April 2020 / 2:09 pm

    How fun! These costumes are amazing. How resourceful you are. Certainly a birthday for the books!

    • Catherine
      14 April 2020 / 6:52 pm

      That’s kind of you – thank you Liz! One to remember as you say x

  13. 9 April 2020 / 12:45 pm

    This is awesome. TFS.

    • Catherine
      14 April 2020 / 7:07 pm

      thank you Amy!

  14. 9 April 2020 / 9:15 am

    You both look amazing in your costumes and well done…making them yourself! Very creative! Happy belated birthday to your husband!

    • Catherine
      14 April 2020 / 7:07 pm

      That’s so sweet of you, Yvonne – thank you! xx

  15. Deborah
    9 April 2020 / 7:41 am

    You both look brilliant. I love Star Wars so I am a little biased but love the creativity with the outfits that you put together from stuff you had at home. Seems that Keith had a great birthday too.

    Congratulations to you both!

    • Catherine
      14 April 2020 / 7:08 pm

      I think he’ll definitely remember this one, Deborah!! thank you my love x

  16. 9 April 2020 / 1:31 am

    You both look amazing, and I’m impressed at your DIY costume-assembling abilities! Happy belated b-day to your hubs!
    Cheryl Shops

    • Catherine
      14 April 2020 / 7:08 pm

      Aww thanks Cheryl – I’ll tell him x

  17. 9 April 2020 / 1:23 am

    These photos look like the two of you had real fun. Happy belated birthday to your husband.

    • Catherine
      14 April 2020 / 7:08 pm

      We really did, Nicole… thank you! x

  18. 9 April 2020 / 1:19 am

    I LOVE it! Happy Birthday, Keith! You look like a proper Jedi! Catherine, you look amazing, and I love your sh*t costumes – I am totally the same. BRAVO and BRAVA!

    Check out our Men In Black just-for-the-hell-of-it photoshoot/story from the weekend!

    • Catherine
      14 April 2020 / 7:09 pm

      Haha HURRAH for sh*t costumes, Sheila!! 😉 Thank you – I’ll have a look! x

  19. 8 April 2020 / 11:08 pm

    What a fabulous evening you both had! Compared to my rather sedate – though enjoyable! – April 3 birthday. The costumes rock!

    I’ve only ever had ONE fancy dress party in my life, my 20th. It was quite an event as practically everyone made an effort. The best outfits were the home-made one. My flatmate Steve was a red devil. He looked brilliant. To achieve this look he borrowed our neighbours’ copper piping, plundered my bright red blusher and pinched my red mohair jumper (which he then shrunk in the wash!).

    • Catherine
      14 April 2020 / 7:12 pm

      Emerald I popped over and had a look… that was some fancy dress party!!!! 😀

      Thanks hon – hope you still had a fun birthday anyway! x

  20. Justine
    8 April 2020 / 9:41 pm

    You two dressed up like that gave me and my husband the biggest laugh we’ve had for weeks !!!
    Thank you for breaking all the recent doom and gloom with the birthday fun, and many happy returns for Keith.

    • Catherine
      14 April 2020 / 7:12 pm

      Heehee I’m so glad Justine – and thank you! x

  21. 8 April 2020 / 9:36 pm

    A huge round of applause and a big birthday kiss for ‘keef’ wheres Suki in all this?
    Brilliant idea xxxx

    • Catherine
      14 April 2020 / 7:13 pm

      Thanks Ashley… we tried Suki with reindeer antlers at Xmas and she was having none of it (they stayed on for about two seconds)… we thought about doing her some green Yoda ears but thought it probably wasn’t worth the trouble, hehe 😉

  22. 8 April 2020 / 8:56 pm

    Seems like a lot of work and a lot of fun. Fancy dress is not really my thing but you did a great job with the costumes.

    • Catherine
      15 April 2020 / 11:29 pm

      The work was half the fun, Lorna – no other way to fill your time when you vow to have a no-work day…!! thank you hon x

  23. 8 April 2020 / 8:40 pm

    Whoeaaa, how fabulous! Happy belated birthday Keith!

    • Catherine
      15 April 2020 / 11:30 pm

      aww thanks Nancy 😀

  24. 8 April 2020 / 8:19 pm

    Chuckles. Yes a 50 year old man – of course it’s Star Wars!!!! Does he not already have a light sabre? (there is always Christmas…..) And you are a gorgeous Princess Leia. You did her proud.

    • Catherine
      15 April 2020 / 11:30 pm

      He was the perfect age for the first one in 1977, Ratnamurti! Thanks sweetie – I may just have to put one on his Xmas list for him 😉

  25. 8 April 2020 / 8:10 pm

    Oh my stars, that is The Best! Great job! I LOVE the foil belt! And the saber!

    • Catherine
      15 April 2020 / 11:31 pm

      Hehe thank you Anne!!

  26. 8 April 2020 / 7:54 pm

    I love the costumes (extra points that they SOOOO don’t loook like DIY costumes… totes profesh), I love the dancing videos, and I love the idea. You guys are just adorable. xxx

    • Catherine
      15 April 2020 / 11:31 pm

      Thanks so much Lisa, they look much better in the photos than they probably did IRL (the lack of ironing and chopped up hems were a sight to behold, LOL) x

  27. 8 April 2020 / 7:22 pm

    Well done, Catherine. And happy belated birthday wishes to your husband.


    • 8 April 2020 / 8:45 pm

      Brilliant! Both the costumes and having such a fab birthday celebration.

      • Catherine
        15 April 2020 / 11:32 pm

        Thank you lovely Gail x

    • Catherine
      15 April 2020 / 11:32 pm

      Rena thank you!

  28. Vera
    8 April 2020 / 6:44 pm

    What a wonderful idea!!…Happy birthday to your husband!

    • Catherine
      15 April 2020 / 11:32 pm

      Thank you Vera!

  29. 8 April 2020 / 6:44 pm

    Those are impressive and amazing especially working with only what you had at the house. So much fun! Congrats to your hubby on his birthday: mine turns 50 in September.

    • Catherine
      17 April 2020 / 11:38 pm

      Aww Mireille thank you!! Seems a LOT of people are turning 50 this year…!

  30. 8 April 2020 / 6:31 pm

    Oh, girl. My favorite post, of ANYBODY’S, EVER! The video of you two dancing is etched in my memory forever:D I love people who don’t take themselves too seriously, and looking for tin foil to start my own belt…

    • Catherine
      15 April 2020 / 11:32 pm

      WOW now that’s a compliment, Mary Katherine!! Thank you 😀 xxxxxxxx

  31. 8 April 2020 / 6:10 pm

    love this, and what a great way to celebrate while in lockdown

    • 12 April 2020 / 9:11 am

      How amazing idea! I love it. Happy Birthday to your husband.


      • Catherine
        15 April 2020 / 11:33 pm

        Thanks Anna xx

    • Catherine
      15 April 2020 / 11:33 pm

      Thanks so much Linda! x

  32. 8 April 2020 / 6:06 pm

    Oh my goodness, you two are so cute and so much fun! Happy birthday to your husband!


    • Catherine
      15 April 2020 / 11:33 pm

      Thanks Shelbee my lovely x

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