14 Unmissable Reads, the Best of the Blogosphere (January 2020)

The Best of the Blogosphere, January 2020 | Not Dressed As Lamb

In my Best of the Blogosphere this month I have supermodels on ageing, changing room horrors, the trouble with Instagram and more!

[Reading time: 2 mins – not including time spent down any internet rabbit holes…!]

(My Unmissable Reads are a monthly round-up of things I’ve seen, watched and liked in the blogosphere that I’m sure you’ll love too.)

The first Best of the Blogosphere this year! The first one of the decade! It’ll be interesting to see where blog and social media content takes us in the next 10 years… I’m sure we couldn’t have predicted the rise of the monster that is Instagram or the age of the influencer in 2010.

Although I do “bend the rules” a little by featuring links from social media platforms and other non-blogging sites in this series, the principle is the same: to appear here it has to be insightful, interesting, funny, helpful, mindblowing and/or just downright brilliant.

I seem to have quite a few beauty-related links this month, as well as ones about self-esteem. As always let’s be kind to ourselves and to others, and laugh at those enormous sealions lounging about on a sinking sailboat while we’re doing it πŸ˜‰

Do have a read of these great links – you never know who or what you might discover that makes your day/week/month!

What links did you like – and have you found any fabulous new blogs to follow? Comment below…!

(Photo credits: Top left | Top middle | Top right | Middle left | Middle | Middle right | Bottom left | Bottom middle | Bottom right)

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“I’m hoping that I can be content with just being me.” Sharon opens up about her realisation that she is enough and how she’s learning to let go.

Do you want to see two gargantuan sea lions who climbed atop a small sailboat? Here you go.

At last, somebody said it: Kimberly talks about the trouble with Instagram, and why it’s just a snack compared to a blog being the main meal.

I’ve just discovered stunning clothing brand Needle & Thread who make vintage-style, ethereal, ruffled and embellished dresses and gowns – their dresses make me want to get married again so I can wear one.

Paulina Porizkova was always one of my favourite 80s/90s supermodels, and now I love her even more after she wrote very honestly and openly about ageing. (It was especially poignant considering she recently lost her estranged husband.)

Victoria Emes (formerly The Crafty Fox) bemoans the horror that is changing rooms in her own unique, self-deprecating style.

Lex’s How Do I Look series is all about skin positivity and features interviews with people with various skin conditions. It’s truly brilliant.

Michelle writes very passionately about whether the 2010s was the decade that sustainable fashion went mainstream – and where it goes from here.

Do you make visitors to your home remove their shoes? Amber ponders.

For anyone that’s ever said that makeup isn’t art, show them Dain Yoon’s account (and this post as a perfect example). Mindblowing creativity.

Ever wondered about injectables? Leah had quite a few procedures done (not her lips as hers are naturally full) and I must say the results are pretty fabulous.

Although I can’t stand the tabloids’ treatment of the Duchess of Sussex, I do find this Prince George parody account particularly amusing when it comes to his internal monologue about Aunt Meghan.

Having had a failed (first) marriage myself, I can identify with Kate’s beautifully written account of finding hope and peace in the ashes of a failed marriage.

Krystal lists her eight favourite hotels in NYC – don’t miss her stunning photos taken inside The Plaza.

And a few Not Dressed As Lamb posts you perhaps missed first time around:

9 Completely Brilliant Things I Bought Recently,
My 20 Predictions for the 2020s (I Didn’t Say They Weren’t Crazy),
13 Things I Wore on the Blog, Now Reduced in the January Sales and – OF COURSE –
My 2019 Fashion Blogger Bloopers and Outtakes!


Catherine signature


  1. 30 January 2020 / 6:48 pm

    Awww you are so good at this , Catherine…. finding really interesting stuff AND you’ve included my post!!

    Y’know I still can’t get my head around when lovely people like you do this with a post I’ve written. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy .. that someone likes even a little bit what I written. Makes it so worthwhile.

    You are such an inspiration and one of the loveliest people I still haven’t met YET!!!! Our meet up was so good and would’ve been even better { if that was possible} had you been there.

    Off to have a read.


    • Catherine
      2 February 2020 / 5:52 pm

      Hehe you might hate me when you meet me Sharon – I might be an absolute let down so be careful what you wish for, lol!!!!! πŸ˜‰

      Seriously though – you’re a sweetheart – thank you – and of course your brilliant post had to be included this month (your writing is fantastic). And yes, let’s make that meet up happen this year xo

      • 2 February 2020 / 8:14 pm

        I know I won’t be let down!! xo

  2. 29 January 2020 / 12:02 am

    I always liked Paulina. What a fabulous instagram post she did, and, weirdly, I don’t feel so bad about my ageing self after seeing that photo. Where I still think she looks fabulous. Yes, we do age.

    • Catherine
      29 January 2020 / 10:56 am

      It was SUCH a good post, wasn’t it Ratnamurti? And yes, she’s still beautiful but she still looks like a regular woman (albeit with incredible bone structure). I’m glad she made you feel better about ageing, it had the same effect on me too x

  3. 28 January 2020 / 7:10 pm

    I’ll be working my way through these, Catherine!


    • Catherine
      29 January 2020 / 10:54 am

      I’m sure you’ll love them, Michelle! Enjoy πŸ™‚

  4. 28 January 2020 / 1:59 pm

    You always find the best stuff on the internet! Those sea lions made my day!


    • Catherine
      29 January 2020 / 10:53 am

      hehe they were great, weren’t they Shelbee… just chillin’ while the boat was sinking LOL πŸ˜€

  5. 26 January 2020 / 3:11 pm

    Wow Leah’s non surgical rhinoplasty is inspired! Why would anyone go under the knife when using injectables works this well? These days many injectables last over 2 years. It’s really an art form when you have the right person doing the procedure.

    • Catherine
      26 January 2020 / 3:31 pm

      She looked amazing, didn’t she MT <3

  6. 26 January 2020 / 2:22 pm

    Oh, I really have had fun disappearing down a few rabbit holes online this morning, Catherine. I’d somehow missed Sharon’s Letting Go post, and lord have mercy, the makeup art that is Doon. Wow. I also enjoyed Kimberly’s Instagram assessment. I’m so out of love with that platform now because all is see is rubbish… no friends, nothing interesting, and I refuse to spend my life teaching an algorithm what I’d like to see. Life is far too effing short for that shizzle.

    • Catherine
      26 January 2020 / 3:32 pm

      Totally with you on the IG thing Lisa!! Stoopid bloody thing πŸ™

      Anyway YES to Dain’s makeup skills and YES to Sharon’s post. All so good πŸ˜€

  7. 26 January 2020 / 1:41 pm

    As usual, Catherine, you’ve taken up my whole morning! Ha πŸ™‚ But in a good way! I always love the stories and people you find – all inspirational in their own way. And they all send me down the bottomless time-suck of a rabbit hole that is the internet!


    • Catherine
      26 January 2020 / 3:33 pm

      hehe sorry Bettye!! πŸ˜‰ Glad you loved the stories though x

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