We’re Moving… Our House is Under Offer!

Goodbye, old house - moving house | Not Dressed As Lamb

Oh my GOD has this been a crazy week… we’re moving house!

Well, we’ve got as far as accepting an offer on our current house and having an offer accepted on the new house, so fingers crossed it all goes ahead as planned (I know that nothing is set in stone till you exchange contracts)!

It was only FOUR WEEKS ago today that my mum and I casually went along to an open house day at a small development of new builds in the town that we want to move to. Keith and I had not long decided that we’d get the ball rolling with putting ours on the market and then looking for somewhere new, and I happened to see some new builds in our price range online. We went along with no expectations – more out of curiosity to see what new builds were like. They weren’t actually on our radar at all, but I fell in love straight away. (Mum also thought the houses were amazing; it’s a good sign when your mum likes something, isn’t it?!)

Knowing that Keith would love it too, I went again with him a week later. He too fell in love and it started the mad scramble to get ours on the market so we could secure a new build.

Four weeks later and our house has undergone a lightening spring clean/mini makeover/decluttering. It went on the market, we had an offer the day after the very first viewing and we accepted it (crazy fast, eh?) – we couldn’t have hoped for better. We could then make an offer on the new build which was also accepted… yesterday we paid a holding deposit and signed papers to get solicitors to get things moving (literally), and we could be in our new house in 4-6 weeks.

I can’t quite believe how quickly this has all happened – we are BEYOND excited!

Hello, new build house - moving house | Not Dressed As Lamb

This busy week (along with all the in-advance sponsored blog work I’ve had to work on) explains the long break of no blog posts since Monday and why I’ve gone rather quiet on social media lately. Now that all the little finishing DIY jobs are done and we don’t have to wash up every damn mug immediately and pick up every bit of fluff off the floor immediately we can relax a little and just enjoy living in a tidy, minimal house for a few weeks. And I’ll get back to posting on social more regularly, I hope – we’ve not actually SOLD a house before so this is all new to us.

As my niece said to me, Welcome to the most stressful three months of your life… Let’s hope it’s only a few weeks as the estate agent promised!!

Short and sweet this week – oh and after so many of you said that you’d love to see some interiors posts when I asked if this would be of interest, I can now say that yes, I’ll introduce some (of our house of course) every now and then. A new build means a blank, all-white canvas… I can’t wait!


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Why Don’t You Move House…? Why Someone Else’s Advice Could Be the Best Idea You Never Had
Our House Before and After Shots – My Year in Review: 2018, the First Quarter
How a Little Reorganisation Has Transformed My Everyday Life

Not Dressed As Lamb - CLICK HERE to receive posts by email

So all that’s left to say is – I’ve shared my thoughts/stories/tuppence-worth this week, now it’s time to share yours… LET’S GET THIS [LINK UP] PARTY STARTED!

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  1. Tom
    8 May 2018 / 4:07 pm

    Well done on such a quick sale, its great when someone wants your house as it can be so demeaning to have people trundle your home and not even show an interest. The best of luck for your future.

  2. leanne
    9 April 2018 / 11:33 pm

    wow – all the ducks lined up beautifully !! having recently moved house my advice would be start packing now – its amazing how quickly those weeks disappear when you’re on a deadline !!

  3. Gill Ackroyd
    9 April 2018 / 10:30 am

    I moved into a new build 5 years ago and we’ve done nothing. It’s still a white box. I’d love to see how you transform your home to get inspiration!

  4. 8 April 2018 / 7:50 pm

    I can’t wait to see what you do with the new space! You did such a crazy transformation with the last house… your skilful stylish hands will work their magic on a new build, I have NO DOUBT! Congratulations, lovely lady.

  5. 8 April 2018 / 6:04 pm

    Good luck on your move! I look forward to posts all about your new home

    Mel ★

  6. 8 April 2018 / 1:47 pm

    Congratulations on selling your house! I hope everything goes smoothly for you! I know this is a crazy time, but you seem to be handling it well!

  7. 8 April 2018 / 9:33 am

    Lokking forward to all the interior decorating. Fingers crossed x

  8. 8 April 2018 / 1:21 am

    Your new house looks charming. Exciting! Best wishes for your ‘new’ life.

  9. 7 April 2018 / 11:49 pm

    So so happy for you C .. it will be stressful no matter how well you plan but the end result will be super joyful xo

  10. EffEmm
    7 April 2018 / 8:27 pm

    Congratulations on your sale! I’ve moved a lot, and I think 4-6 weeks is very optimistic. That would be pushing it for a cash sale with no upward chain, so steel yourself for 12 weeks, and lots of pushing to get that timeframe. I bought a new build off-plan three years ago, moved in two years ago, and sold it six months ago. We were the first to jump ship! So if you want any advice about what to look out for, questions to ask the developers, etc, you’re more than welcome to email me. Genuine offer 🙂 (Happy to share my real name off-blog too. I teach and write, hence the pseudonym!)

  11. Kareema
    7 April 2018 / 6:47 pm

    Congratulations Catherine! How exciting to be moving to a new house. We have moved several times….it’s stressful but exciting and worth it! Looking forward to seeing your new home. Kareema xx

  12. 7 April 2018 / 6:35 pm

    Very excited for you, Catherine. Congratulations! – Amy

  13. 7 April 2018 / 6:18 pm

    Congrats. With houses and men it is alike with old cars: As seen. When there are more than two things you don’t like/can’t live with, run away. Before buying have a look at the town’s development plan to make sure that in 20 years from now your house is between a school, highway, railroad and an airport, for instance, when you hate noise, or in the downwind of a stinky smelling waste burn facility. You get the idea.

  14. No Fear of Fashion
    7 April 2018 / 4:48 pm

    Congratulations!! What a change and in such a short period of time. Which is good really. If you have set your goal, you want to get there as soon as possible, right?
    Normally my changing house tip would be: take before and after photos. But you already know that and it is a new built house, so… no, no tips.

  15. jodie filogomo
    7 April 2018 / 2:35 pm

    That’s so fabulous Catherine. And it is quite a stressful time, but totally worth it!!

  16. 7 April 2018 / 12:27 pm

    Catherine and Keith the best news I love good news posts!
    Ashley xxx

  17. 7 April 2018 / 12:07 pm

    Super news well done. Oh a nice new house that will be fabulous! Thanks for letting us know your news. Jacqui Mummabstylish

  18. 7 April 2018 / 10:38 am

    Congratulations! That’s SUCH good news! I think moving is one the most exciting things you can do. It’s a little like travel, a pain the a** to get going, but then you never have to leave 🙂 So pleased that Riley will have a yard now, especially just coming into spring and summer. That will be nice for him.

    Here’s my only tip. Pack an actual suitcase for each of you, as though you WERE going on a trip, with all the things you’ll need for a weekend away, because though you’ll mark your boxes and something might say OPEN ME FIRST, that’s surely the one that will go missing and at least you’ll have your clothes and toiletries (include toilet paper and some plastic utensils for eating).

    Okay just one more: start packing next w, because it will take so much longer than you think it will.

    Enjoy your new adventure!


    • Gill Ackroyd
      9 April 2018 / 10:29 am

      Have an emergency tea box! It should contain everything you need to make a brew for the removal men and yourselves. Including, kettle, tea bags, coffee, milk, mugs, washing up liquid, tea towel, biscuits tea spoons and sugar. We went through many packets of biscuits for the removal men, so always buy too many!

  19. 7 April 2018 / 9:48 am

    Oh Catherine, I’m so excited for you!!! You and Keith deserve every happiness and your excitement is palpable. I bought a new build three and a half years ago. My circumstances around moving were very different as you know, and I had to rationalise everything to fit from a huge five-bedroom barn conversion in the country into a very small three-bedroom house in the town. I did it alone with a 13 year-old and an 11 year-old in tow and it was, without doubt, THE most stressful period of my life. I was also going through my horrific divorce at the same time. HOWEVER, I love my new house and it turned out to be the best move ever!!! A new build meant I could do exactly what I wanted with it and it was wonderful having a brand new kitchen, bathrooms etc. I wouldn’t change a thing. That move was totally life-changing and I have a feeling yours will be too. I can’t wait to come along with you on your journey! Lots of love to you both and to Riley of course! xxxx

  20. Judy
    7 April 2018 / 8:39 am

    Wonderful! Congratulations, and good luck! I am hoping that it really will go smoothly, with no one living in your new home there won’t be any last minute problems with THEIR onward chain, fingers crossed that your buyers move as fast as you have. You deserve this to go perfectly!

  21. Danish Pastry
    7 April 2018 / 8:35 am

    Congratulations! How about some interior posts when you move in

  22. 7 April 2018 / 8:22 am

    Fantastic news Catherine. I moved three times in a year once! It’s really not that bad. Take it in your stride.
    Laurie xx

  23. 7 April 2018 / 8:16 am

    Goodness that was quick! It normally takes months to sell. What’s your secret? 🙂

  24. How exciting for you!! We would love to move but we are waiting another few years. We are ready to downsize. I can’t wait to follow your move and especially your decor! I have my fingers crossed for you! xx

  25. 7 April 2018 / 7:17 am

    Depends on what mother you have dear
    We have lived in a new built, the great thing is that when it s done, it s done! No painting for years, no new kitchen for years etc. Take the time to think about your garden! We did it to fast because I wanted everything to be perfect, but later I regretted it. Goud luck!

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