Styling a Boiler Suit for a Rainy Spring Day #iwillwearwhatilike

Styling a Boiler Suit for a Rainy Spring Day: Denim boiler suit \ grey duster coat \ striped Breton roll neck \ tan suede ankle boots | Not Dressed As Lamb, over 40 fashion

Could this possibly be spring? It’s certainly a nice change from snow and freezing temperatures, so a denim boiler suit styled for a rainy spring day was the perfect solution this weekend.

I popped into town (the town where we hope to be living soon) to collect my new Twiggy-designed glasses that I’ll be featuring very soon alongside my interview with her. (There’ll be so much interesting reading in that interview, so do pop back next week to read what she had to say.)

Aaaanyway – this is what I wore into town: a super-practical, rainy day in spring outfit. It was totally inspired by this outfit worn by the lovely Carelia – an outfit that I’d had in mind for a while since seeing her boiler suit/grey coat combo back in January. I loved the glittery heels with it, but I made it work for me by swapping heels for comfy ankle boots and adding a chunky tan belt to match. For once it wasn’t actually cold enough for hat and gloves (about flippin’ time too!) so because of the rain I grabbed my yellow umbrella (I think it was an Orla Kiely design?) which adds that gorgeous burst of colour to the photos as well as the outfit.

Styling a Boiler Suit for a Rainy Spring Day: Denim boiler suit \ grey duster coat \ striped Breton roll neck \ tan suede ankle boots | Not Dressed As Lamb, over 40 fashion


I’m inspired by loads of Carelia’s outfits – she’s petite and has a completely different body shape to mine but I don’t think them not looking like you should stop you considering others’ outfits to emulate when looking for style inspo. I never take any notice of someone’s body shape, height or age when looking at outfits – if I like it, I pin it. Then I switch up the bits that don’t work for me and keep tweaking until it looks like “me”. It was Carelia’s take on her boiler suit that caught my eye: a striped Breton top underneath and a grey duster coat on top. I needed another way to wear my boiler suit after wearing it in the summer and still not look like I’m about to get under the car to mend it.

However, that didn’t stop my dad saying Have you come to work on my car today? which I followed up with rolled eyes and a smile. I think he knows me well enough to know by now I’ll wear anything I like, and if that includes motor-mechanic chic then so be it…!

What have you lot been wearing this week (or anytime!) – come add your outfits to this week’s link up 🙂


Styling a Boiler Suit for a Rainy Spring Day: Denim boiler suit \ grey duster coat \ striped Breton roll neck \ tan suede ankle boots | Not Dressed As Lamb, over 40 fashion
Styling a Boiler Suit for a Rainy Spring Day: Denim boiler suit \ grey duster coat \ striped Breton roll neck \ tan suede ankle boots | Not Dressed As Lamb, over 40 fashion
Styling a Boiler Suit for a Rainy Spring Day: Denim boiler suit \ grey duster coat \ striped Breton roll neck \ tan suede ankle boots | Not Dressed As Lamb, over 40 fashion
Styling a Boiler Suit for a Rainy Spring Day: Denim boiler suit \ grey duster coat \ striped Breton roll neck \ tan suede ankle boots | Not Dressed As Lamb, over 40 fashion
Styling a Boiler Suit for a Rainy Spring Day: Denim boiler suit \ grey duster coat \ striped Breton roll neck \ tan suede ankle boots | Not Dressed As Lamb, over 40 fashion
Styling a Boiler Suit for a Rainy Spring Day: Denim boiler suit \ grey duster coat \ striped Breton roll neck \ tan suede ankle boots | Not Dressed As Lamb, over 40 fashion

Boiler suit: Asos
Coat: Marks & Spencer (similar)
Top: Finery (similar)
Boots: New Look (similar)
Belt: New Look (similar)
Umbrella: Orla Kiely at Asos (try this one)



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The #iwillwearwhatilike link up with Not Dressed As Lamb
Thank you for joining the #iwillwearwhatilike link up! This started as a campaign on Instagram in August 2015 where women over 30 wore everything on a journalist’s list of “inappropriate” items for 30+ women (including leopard print, short dresses and oversized sunglasses. Yes, really). It was so popular that I decided to carry it on weekly where women of all ages link up their fabulous style, never mind what anyone tells them not to wear!

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The link up goes live every Monday at 3pm UK time and will stay open for a week. Whilst the original article was of course aimed at the 30+, you can be ANY age to link up. The only criteria is that you’re wearing whatever you damn well like!

Linking up etiquette…

CLICK HERE to read the rules of linking up (and to grab the #iwillwearwhatilike button). Basically it’s just good manners to link back to here – to leave a comment is even nicer!

Do share the love and visit as many links as you can (you never know what other lovely like-minded ladies you might meet) – the original Instagram campaign forged some wonderful new friendships so don’t miss out!

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links which means if you click through and buy I may receive a small commission at no cost to you (click here for my full disclosure). Items listed as c/o were gifted

Styling a Boiler Suit for a Rainy Spring Day: Denim boiler suit \ grey duster coat \ striped Breton roll neck \ tan suede ankle boots | Not Dressed As Lamb, over 40 fashion


  1. Digitizing Services
    14 April 2018 / 5:03 pm

    Lovely boiler suit with yellow popup, umbrella. Lovely classic styling for spring or rainy weather,.

  2. Digitizing Embroidery
    14 April 2018 / 4:25 pm

    Looking so pretty Catherine in all photos. And that umbrella is beautiful.

  3. Logo Digitizing
    14 April 2018 / 3:52 pm

    Perfect outfit for Rainy days in spring. You are looking adorable Catherine.

  4. 29 March 2018 / 3:42 pm

    A fabulous way to layer up for the unpredictable weather! Such a pretty umbrella too…it’s like you’re carrying your own sunshine around with you 🙂

    Emma xxx

  5. 29 March 2018 / 2:30 am

    Catherine, if I was going to wear a jumpsuit, this would be it. I love denim, anyway and I love the way you styled this, by adding the striped turtleneck and the belt. That umbrella is a beautiful pop of color too. Great rainy day look. – Amy

  6. Heidi
    29 March 2018 / 2:24 am

    You just look so pretty in these photos Catherine and I absolutely love the jumpsuit!

    Heidi || Wishes & Reality

  7. 28 March 2018 / 5:43 am

    I can’t wait to read your interview with Twiggy! Thank you so much for the link up.


  8. 27 March 2018 / 8:55 pm

    This outfit is almost neutral for you, but love how you’ve kept it bright with your umbrella! Good luck on the closing of your house!
    Cheryl Shops |

  9. 27 March 2018 / 8:23 pm

    Oh, So pretty rain spring look, I love! ❤️

  10. 27 March 2018 / 11:40 am

    You are ADORABLE in this jumpsuit/boilersuit/all-in-one-thingimigigy!
    I love the layering and would wear the whole lot quite happily.
    In fact, when you’re fed up with that jumpsuit remember your friends in Scotland … :oP

    As for inspiration.
    I’m feeling it from some of the “street style” images I’ve seen. Especially colour combinations like all over pastels.
    A scary one for me but worth a shot (*try hard not to get too grubby!!)

    P.S I love how different that grey coat looks compared to the orange scarf look, which I am still in love with!

  11. 27 March 2018 / 5:58 am

    Robin is working hard at convincing me I need denim coveralls or overalls in my own wardrobe lineup, dearest Catherine…and your cute combo here might just be the last little push I need to take the plunge!! I love the way you’ve incorporated a layer underneath (that striped turtleneck) and a layer on top (the grey coat) for lots of visual interest…and probably some extra coziness, too!! And your yellow umbrella couldn’t be a more perfect way to add some much needed sunniness to a rather gloomy spring day!! XOXO

  12. 27 March 2018 / 1:16 am

    Dear Catherine, this blog post has made my day. I feel extremely honored to know that a stylish lady like you is getting inspired by my looks. This is my main motto as a blogger – to inspire others to have fun with their wardrobe.
    I couldn’t agree with you when saying that you don’t take any notice of someone’s body shape, height or age when finding inspiration – no one should.
    Catherine, I love how you recreated this look adding your own personal touch by incorporating color and weather appropriate accessories, by the way, your hair is looking long and full of youth.

  13. 27 March 2018 / 12:41 am

    Such a cute outfit!! I love the blue and yellow together!

  14. 26 March 2018 / 10:25 pm

    What is not to like about this post…from the denim boiler suit to your bright pop of yellow…such a fun visual experience…looking forward to the deets on the interview and those glasses! 🙂

  15. 26 March 2018 / 8:58 pm

    Eye roll over here…Remembering some of the funny not funny comments my Dad has made about my outfits over the years 😉
    Gotta love ’em eh?
    My all time fave was about a mini skirt I was wearing “where’s the rest of your dress love?” Grr don’t “love” me Mister! Teeheehee
    Of course now I’m super careful about what I say to my kids & never “joke” about their choices which tbh can be pretty ropey at times. It’s how they express themselves & experiment with their style right?
    Btw love love love your brolly babe! xx

  16. 26 March 2018 / 8:42 pm

    Great boiler suit (I love that name for these). And I admit, I think I need to carry a colourful umbrella with me always. I love that punch of colour, which brings out the outfit but also makes our skin look positively radiant! Thanks for the linkup.

  17. 26 March 2018 / 6:38 pm

    Motor mechanic chic looks good on you, Catherine 🙂 xoxo

  18. 26 March 2018 / 6:36 pm

    I absolutely LOVE boiler suits so needless to say this is GORGEOUS! I love the brolly too, Catherine! Super excited about your upcoming move.
    Suzy xx

  19. 26 March 2018 / 5:17 pm

    well Boiler suit was a new one for me, was not sure what that actually would be.I love the phrases that we all use differently. Funny story when I was much younger and I mean much like 16-18, when I read Harlequin romances and they mentioned someone was wearing a jumper I always thought is was a dress, Never knew it was what we called a sweater or pullover for years. Now I have a new word Boiler suit, sounds way cooler then coveralls.

  20. 26 March 2018 / 5:16 pm

    I clocked the Orla brolly at 20 paces!
    I really love how you make an outfit your own, you honestly look so at ease in whatever you try. Good tip about altering others’ looks yo suit. Your Dad’s comment made me laugh! I am sure mine would have said something similar! Xx

  21. 26 March 2018 / 5:02 pm

    Another fab post Catherine, but I’m not sure which I love most – the boilersuit or the jazzy brolly! I can’t wait to read about your meeting with Twiggy. Now, there’s a lady who has kept her style credentials in very good nick over the years! Have a brilliant week, and thanks for the link up party.

    Anna x

  22. 26 March 2018 / 4:58 pm

    So happy that’s it’s spring although the weather here is not quite yet spring! This adorable outfit though is perfect for a rainy spring day! Love the way it’s layered and that umbrella is amazing!


  23. 26 March 2018 / 4:28 pm

    Love the jumpsuit! I spotted a denim one in Mango the other week. It’s calling me! I will most probably have to cut a good foot off though! Looking fantastic Catherine.
    Laurie xx

  24. jodie filogomo
    26 March 2018 / 4:23 pm

    Dad’s just don’t get the style thing, do they, Catherine?? But they still are wonderful and make us giggle!!!

  25. 26 March 2018 / 4:15 pm

    Awwwww, how cute do you look Mrs? This is a perfect rainy day outfit. I love the stripes and I love the yellow brolly. Can’t wait to read about your day with the lovely Twiggy either. Lots of love and thank you for hosting the link-up (as always) Lots of love xxxxx

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