8 Vintage Style Fashion Bloggers You Should Know

8 Vintage Style Fashion Bloggers You Should Know

The latest in my Bloggers You Should Know series is one I’ve been looking forward to for ages: Vintage Style Fashion Bloggers.

I’ll admit that I wasn’t already following many vintage style blogs, but the couple I did know made me want to find some more. What I like about this round up is that they’re not all pure vintage – some are and embrace a whole vintage lifestyle with a very distinctive 1940s or 1950s look, for example, but others have taken elements of it by either wearing new and creating a retro look, or wearing vintage but making it look more modern.

As always I hope you get some inspiration from these amazing bloggers, and let me know if they are all totally new to you or whether you were already familiar with any of them.

Do you ever incorporate touches of vintage style into your outfits? Let me know in the comments!

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8 Vintage Style Fashion Bloggers You Should Know

Next time I’ll be featuring teenage fashion bloggers… you may be surprised at how many well established and stylish teens there are out there πŸ™‚
Catherine x

P.S. So far I’ve featured British bloggers, Europeans, Redheads and Incredibly Stylish bloggers. Don’t miss any of them.

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My 8 favourite vintage style fashion bloggers…

Diary of a Vintage Girl

1. Fleur – Diary of a Vintage Girl

Fleur is the ultimate vintage girl: she wears all-out retro styles, looks an awful lot like Dita Von Teese and has even had a doll made in her image. I love how she looks totally like she’s from another time and has made me desperate for an endless stream of patterned dresses and Hawaiian prints in my wardrobe – Fleur is elegance personified.


Suburban Retro

2. Harlow – Harlow Darling

When you have a name that conjures up the glory days of Hollywood I think you were destined to adopt a vintage style, and Harlow looks an awful lot like her namesake with those gorgeous platinum curls. A fan of bold, primary colours and pretty fit and flare dresses, she does old-fashioned ladylike style so beautifully (and rocks a parasol like no one I’ve seen).


Esme and the Laneway

3. Marianne – Esme and the Laneway

A Brit living Down Under, Marianne wears a mixture of vintage and modern and has the most devastatingly gorgeous smile and blue eyes – which look as good with pastels as they do with deep earthy colours. I’ve been following her blog for a while so was really familiar with her wonderful collection of vintage dresses and quirky accessories.


Va-Voom Vintage

4. Brittany – Va-Voom Vintage

I found Brittany when researching vintage blogs for this post, and it was her stunning red hair that caught my eye first. Shirt dresses and cinched-in waists were made for her, and vintage suits her so beautifully: she also has the most fabulous pair of legs (no wonder she’s in skirts and dresses so often).


Vixen Vintage

5. Solanah – Vixen Vintage

Solanah mixes it up the most out of these bloggers; she can be full-on retro one day and then she’ll just wear touches of it the next. From channelling Jackie K to a 1950s pin up, her combinations are girly, ladylike, funky – and everything in between. She’s just recently dyed her hair pastel pink and it looks amazing.


Xander Vintage

6. Alannah – Xander Vintage

On the face of it Alannah’s style may not look particularly vintage, but she mixes vintage pieces with on trend items to create wild and outrageously colourful combinations. She also adds touches of vintage-style chic with retro swimwear, round sunglasses and headscarves – I am completely smitten with her gorgeous, creative style.


Scathingly Brilliant

7. Kate – Scathingly Brilliant

You might be surprised to learn that a lot of Kate’s wardrobe is made up of high street purchases such as Primark and Asos as well as every retro queen’s favourite, Modcloth. With a distinctive lack of black and an overwhelming (but wonderful) amount of pastels and pretty prints, her look is as pretty as her interior decor and pastel-pink bob.


Yesterday Girl

8. Jeni – Yesterday Girl

Jeni totally looks like she stepped out of a time machine – not just because of her wardrobe but somehow she just has the face of a 1950s movie star. (Anyone used to watch Twin Peaks? She’s Sherilynn Fenn’s doppelgänger.) She looks fabulous in high-waisted trousers, wiggle dresses and tight sweaters which are all perfectly suited to her raven-coloured hair and fierce eyebrows.



  1. 13 April 2018 / 9:45 am

    I loved this post so so muc! what a great style

  2. Ciara Amy Peterson
    3 April 2018 / 1:21 am

    I love your blog!!! Its really good job. Love the pictures. Ciara.P ”Jeni totally looks like she stepped out of a time machine”

  3. 27 March 2018 / 6:03 pm

    I’m obsessed with vintage pinup style.
    Some of the bloggers I already knew, others I’ll follow now. xxx

  4. 20 March 2018 / 11:48 pm

    I am very much pleased with the contents you have mentioned. I wanted to thank you for this great blog.

  5. 17 January 2018 / 7:19 am

    I don’t know how to tell you this, but the Vixen Vintage links to something really nasty! Sorry!

    • catherine
      17 January 2018 / 8:03 pm

      Thanks Mimi, it seems she changed her URL… I’ve updated it now! The post IS almost 4 years old…

  6. 17 November 2017 / 9:48 am

    With a distinctive lack of black and an overwhelming (but wonderful) amount of pastels and pretty prints, her look is as pretty as her interior decor and pastel-pink bob.

  7. 19 January 2017 / 5:25 pm

    Love this post I only knew of Diary of a Vintage Girl. I will certainly be having a good look at these later. It is always good to see how other people wear their vintage items.

  8. 16 October 2016 / 6:07 am

    Also Vintage Valley is amazing!

  9. 24 September 2016 / 6:17 am

    Actually I'm obsessed with vintage clothing so thanks for sharing this post .It's really helpfull for me

  10. 2 January 2016 / 5:55 pm

    Great to have an updated list – thank you!


  11. 27 August 2014 / 6:31 pm

    These lovely women have amazing style. I do have a few favorites: Diary of a Vintage Girl, Vixen Vintage and Va Voom Vintage It is wonderful that you have decided to promote their fabulousness on your blog.


  12. 26 August 2014 / 10:12 am

    Thank you so much for featuring my little blog on here, I am absolutely thrilled to be on here alongside all of the blogs I love πŸ™‚

  13. 26 August 2014 / 6:33 am

    My reading list is growing by leaps and bounds, dearest Catherine…your "Bloggers You Should Know" series is a total goldmine!! As far as my own vintage-inspired looks go, I tend focus more on the 70's (you know, boho-chic!) but I just bought a pair of forties-style, t-strap shoes that I'm hoping to show off soon!! XO


  14. 25 August 2014 / 2:08 am

    Ooooh all so lovely! I'm always a sucker for the vintage, tho πŸ™‚

  15. 24 August 2014 / 2:21 pm

    Ooooh thanks for sharing these bloggers! They all looks so unique. I admit that I don't really have a vintage blog on my fave blogs list but I think I'll find a few I'll love here! πŸ™‚

    Yazmin xx

    • 30 August 2014 / 6:29 pm

      You are very welcome Brittany – so glad that I found you and got to share our style with everyone! C x

  16. 24 August 2014 / 1:21 am

    I am obsessed with vintage and vintage inspired clothing, so thank you so much for sharing! I'm following all of them now :).


  17. 23 August 2014 / 5:57 pm

    So glad to see Va Voom Vintage on here. I've been following her blog for about 2 years, and not only do she have great style, but I always learn so much from her.

    • 30 August 2014 / 6:28 pm

      Oh I'm so pleased, Courtney – I'd only just found her, she's wonderful!!

  18. 23 August 2014 / 4:41 pm

    Oh love the round up. Thanks for introducing me to these great vintage bloggers. As a vintage blogger myself, I hope to become as well known as them! Chicvic.com

    • 30 August 2014 / 6:28 pm

      I'm so glad you've found some new ones, Chic! x

  19. 23 August 2014 / 4:18 pm

    Great sites to read and get vintage inspiration. Thanks, Catherine. xoxo See you at Vis Monday!

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