8 Incredibly Stylish Fashion Bloggers You Should Know

8 Incredibly Stylish Fashion Bloggers You Should Know
Every once in a while I stumble across a blogger so fabulous that I think I must be the last person on earth to have discovered them. I click to follow their incredible style on my Bloglovin feed, on Twitter, Instagram, etc. and I’m fully expecting them to have 100,000 Bloglovin followers and 75,000 Facebook likes; instead I’m surprised to find they have much more modest followings. These girls are producing some of the most incredibly stylish looks I’ve ever seen (rivalling the likes of Atlantic Pacific or Gary Pepper in terms of style), and are so deserving of hitting the big time in the bloggesphere.

I’ve chosen eight of these incredibly stylish fashion bloggers to share with you, and what makes me really happy is that they’re all blog friends of mine – some I’ve known for practically the whole time Not Dressed As Lamb has been around (nearly three years), and some for just a few months. Nevertheless, none of them are strangers to me, nor me to them. They are all the loveliest girls who will reply to your emails and will respond to your Instagram comments, but at the same time creating a blog that’s worthy of the pages of a fashion magazine (and 100k followers on Bloglovin).

Please take some time to check them all out: you’ll see what I mean. Shout it from the rooftops about how fabulous they are…!

The Marcy Stop
The Marcy Stop

The Marcy Stop

If ever a blogger looked like she’s stepped off the pages of a magazine, it’s Lauren. She is so earth-shatteringly cool with her honey-coloured waves, beautiful bone structure and effortless rock-chick vibe, everything just looks amazing on her. Her New York flair is really evident with the clever layering, mixed textures and fabulous heels (not sure I’ve ever seen her in flats before). A perfect mixture of vintage, designer and high-street, Carrie Bradshaw would be proud to raid Lauren’s closet.

Prosecco & Plaid
Prosecco & Plaid

Prosecco & Plaid

Jess is a recent discovery and I practically hyperventilated when I unearthed her blog. You will find a fair bit of plaid as the name suggests – but also sequins, delicate fabrics and a lot of fabulous denim. If there was one blogger whose wardrobe I would happily wear (exactly as she wears it) it would be hers, not changing a single thing. I love being influenced by great style, but Jess makes it so hard not to want to simply copy every. single. outfit. Forever.

Love BlairLove Blair

Blair Badge 
I love a blogger with a bit of personality, and Blair’s got it in spades. She may look like a model (she is), but she’s also, in her words, an “undercover nerd”, and never takes herself too seriously. She swings from hippy-cool to layered sportswear and back again, all the time looking like she really did just throw it on – beautifully.

It's Not That Deep
It's Not That Deep

It’s Not That Deep

I’m sure you’re already thinking it: L – E – G – S. The owner of probably the best pins in the blogosphere, Sheree sure knows how to dress them. But whether they’re covered up or very deservedly on show in shorts or a mini, they never detract from her ability to make everything look chic. Whether a vintage coat or the fiercest boots, she rocks everything.

Tigers Don't Lose Sleep
Tigers Don't Lose Sleep

Tigers Don’t Lose Sleep

Bloggers don’t come much more funky than Brooke, and she creates some of the craziest-outfits-that-work that I see in my feed. She doesn’t apologise for her petite frame by wearing ‘cute’ outfits – she is fierce with a capital ‘F’. She layers like a pro and has a shoe collection I’d happily steal right now; her style always has something of the unexpected about it.

The Wind of Inspiration
The Wind of Inspiration

The Wind of Inspiration

Victoria is basically grown up elegant chic with a twist. One of my oldest bloggy friends, she started her blog around the same time as mine – but she gets the Manhattan backgrounds where I get countryside and fields. I don’t know anyone who does sportswear more elegantly than she does, and wait till you see her details shots of her amazing manicures and to-die-for accessories.

Lella Victoria
Lella Victoria

Lella Victoria

Daniella is a fashion goddess. I think she was born with the style gene; it simply oozes out of her no matter what she puts together. Her style is totally and utterly unique – I guarantee you won’t find another blogger who dresses anything like her. At the moment she is owning the masculine chic look in men’s boots, caps and oversized coats. She’ll wear pyjamas as outdoor wear and kilts over jeans and make it all look so right. Her look is never too perfect, and that’s what makes it all the more appealing.

The Wild Muse
The Wild Muse

The Wild Muse

I discovered Alicia a couple of months ago, and she reminded me that there are loads of incredibly stylish bloggers out there who’ve been blogging only a short while (barely more than six months in Alicia’s case), waiting for us to find them and tell everyone about their fabulousness. Going through her archives, I couldn’t find a single outfit I didn’t love instantly. Oh and she must own the greatest lipstick collection ever. Whether in a black suit or jeans and sweater, those deep plum lips add a gorgeous finishing touch that make her look so polished. 

I hope you love these gorgeous gals and their amazing style as much as me – let me know if I’ve introduced you to some new bloggers won’t you…? I hope the eight I’ve featured all visit each other as well. I feel like a bit of a blogger matchmaker πŸ˜‰

Catherine x

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Linking up to: Funday MondayAll Things ThursdayFriday’s Fab Favourites



  1. 4 June 2015 / 5:01 pm

    Wow, loving these finds of yours, off to check them all out, stunning style all of them x

    • 8 June 2015 / 10:21 pm

      Aww Vickie thank you!! Hopefully I'll be starting another round of "bloggers you should know" very soon…! x

  2. 15 March 2014 / 2:51 pm

    Thanks so much for sharing Catherine! Voted for you btw. And inspiring new styles are always great. xo Sabina OceanblueStyle

  3. 24 February 2014 / 9:04 am

    Thanks again for including me! You're such a sweetheart. I'll be sharing this with my lovely readers tomorrow. πŸ™‚


    • 24 February 2014 / 1:12 pm

      Alicia you are most welcome!! It was a pleasure to show you lovely ladies off to my readers, I hope it brings you lots of new fans xoxo

  4. 24 February 2014 / 3:02 am

    Great list! I'm not familiar with any of these ladies, but I can't wait to check out their blogs!

  5. 23 February 2014 / 6:03 pm

    thank you sooooo much for the feature Catherine it means so much!!!! ps thank you also for not calling me "cute" that was definitely my favorite part :)))))))

    • 24 February 2014 / 1:11 pm

      Oh I can imagine you probably get that a lot Brooke – and I think it rubs off in your dress sense in a "grrr I'll show them I'm not cute" way! If you dressed "cute" you'd be in pink dresses and skater skirts all the time. No, fierce you are and fierce you shall remain!! You're very welcome for the feature, it was my pleasure xx

  6. 23 February 2014 / 10:41 am

    You are so right. They are all fabulous. In styling, in fashion, in figure /shape and in photographing.
    I think I am going to pack blogging up. No sense in competing with this.

    • 24 February 2014 / 1:08 pm

      No don't be silly Greetje – it's not about competing!!!! (I hope you're joking about the competing thing!) If I were to look at these girls that way I would be packing it in too – I look at them I think I'm nowhere as stylish or gorgeous as they are, but that's why they're my top girls for inspiration. But inspiration is a GOOD thing.

      A bit like sportsmen and women: If all athletes looked at Mo Farrah or Usain Bolt and though "well they're so amazing I can't compete with them" then we would never have any athletes who are willing to strive and do their best… They are at the top top of their game, the best in the world – but that surely *inspires* us.

      Plus, some of these bloggers have much smaller followings and may think the same as you, about being nowhere near as great as other "top" bloggers. We should all be the best we can personally be, do the best we can personally do – in everything, don't you think…?

      Hmm there's my motivational pep talk for this morning. Though I hope it was your sense of humour what you saying, my lovely…!!!!!!!!!

      Catherine xxx

    • 24 February 2014 / 8:51 pm

      Something you should see! The last blogger – Alicia of The Wild Muse – mentioned her inclusion in this list in her post today… have a read, it goes to show she's inspired by these others and doesn't think of herself as "Oh I'm so amazing" at all!

      Link: http://bit.ly/1eqpk5W


    • 3 March 2014 / 3:07 pm

      Thank you for the pep talk. (I did mean packing it in and not up… Foreign language problem).
      Yes you are right, I am easily defeated.. Character flaw. I do consider stopping all together at least once a month. But I know that more bloggers have this dilemma. It is really nice to blog, but at the same time it takes so much time and you think "why?"… "for what purpose do I blog?" As I don't have an answer to that, the question keeps popping up.
      Well… Haven't stopped yet.
      Thanks for the big hug.
      PS I was planning to spend our holiday in Bath this year….not anymore. What a disaster for England.it is going to take a long time to recover I think.

    • 22 February 2014 / 11:53 pm

      That's a great point, Elizabeth!! Hope you love reading them as much as I do )

  7. 22 February 2014 / 8:59 pm

    Thank you for the intros, I now have even more wonderful blogs to follow and gather inspiration x

    • 22 February 2014 / 11:51 pm

      That's great, Rachael!! So glad to share them with you x

  8. 22 February 2014 / 8:38 pm

    Thank you for sharing these lovely bloggers w/us. They all have some great style. I love meeting new blog friends. πŸ™‚ And I plan to check.put each of their blogs later. Thanks again Catherine! πŸ™‚


    • 22 February 2014 / 11:49 pm

      I'm so glad you will, Debra – I promise you they are amazing!

  9. 22 February 2014 / 5:38 pm

    Their style isn't my style but I can certainly appreciate the beauty and style of them all! Thanks for sharing cc

  10. 22 February 2014 / 12:10 pm

    Thank you for this great review and introduce us new lovely bloggers!
    Have a fab week!

  11. 21 February 2014 / 9:16 pm

    HUGE fan of Daniella. Such a beautiful lady inside out. I'll have to check the rest. They look incredibly stylish too.

    • 22 February 2014 / 11:48 pm

      That's a lovely description of her Marlene! You've been lucky enough to meet her, I hope the three of us will all meet up very soon as we said x

  12. 21 February 2014 / 8:18 pm

    Thanks so much Catherine!!!!!!!!!! You are always such an amazing support!!!!!!!!!!

    • 22 February 2014 / 11:45 pm

      You are most welcome, Sheree – it is very well deserved!!!!! So glad I get to show you off πŸ™‚

  13. 21 February 2014 / 7:46 pm

    All of these are new to me except Sheree; I've been following along with her for several months now. Can't wait to delve into their archives and see what I've been missing. Thanks for providing this list!

  14. 21 February 2014 / 7:21 pm

    what a great list…definitely some people in here i wasn't following!

  15. 21 February 2014 / 6:52 pm

    I check and read a lot of blogs but these – except Sheree – are all new to me!
    Thank you so much, Catherine, off to their blogs now πŸ™‚

    Congrats again πŸ™‚
    Annette | Lady of Style

  16. 21 February 2014 / 6:43 pm

    I am obsessed with Love, Blair! Blair is gorgeous and super stylish! These other bloggers are amazing as well! Thank you for sharing this!


  17. 21 February 2014 / 6:00 pm

    This is sooo awesome, Catherine…a whole bunch of great new "style talent" for me to follow!! Sheree's blog (It's Not That Deep) has been on my follow list for several months now, and I follow "The Wild Muse" on Instagram…but the others are new faces that I'm really looking forward to visiting!! The timing is just a little unfortunate; if you check my own blog post today, you'll see that I'm going to be kind of out-of-touch for the next week or so! I'll miss you and my other blogger friends desperately…but will try to check in when I can!! XOXO

    • 22 February 2014 / 11:42 pm

      Oh gosh you are such a loyal and regular commenter Monika you deserve a break!! I've been catching up on my replies on all my comments from the last week so you really shouldn't apologise :))
      I'm glad I've introduced some new lovely ladies for you to check out!

  18. 21 February 2014 / 5:34 pm

    Catherine, this is such a generous post! It's a win-win! Lots of new to me blogs, and great exposure for these stylish ladies! Thank you!

  19. 21 February 2014 / 3:15 pm

    I'm a huge fan of Sheree of It's Not That Deep. Thanks for all the new intros too. xox

    • 22 February 2014 / 11:38 pm

      She's a popular girl, is our Sheree!! Glad you've found some fab new faces Patti x

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