8 European Fashion Bloggers You Should Know

8 European Fashion Bloggers You Should Know

Continuing my “Bloggers You Should Know” series, I’ve been absolutely dying to share the European bloggers I follow with you. I can’t speak for all Brits, but I’m pretty sure that despite being in Europe we generally don’t think of ourselves as European at all.

When I hear the phrase I think French, Spanish, Italian… anything but British. It also gives me the perfect opportunity to showcase my favourite bloggers from across the channel and beyond, and I’ll treat you to fabulous Brits another time.

I’m sure that Europe breeds eclectic style – it’s not always as straightforwardly classic as you might think. These girls take risks, they enjoy the dressing up part of fashion, they look like they’re having fun. You may not necessarily want to emulate their style from head-to-toe, but I don’t always think that’s the sole point of following style blogs. Sometimes I want to enjoy the locations, or take inspiration from colours they’ve paired together, or dare to step outside my comfort zone and try on a wig or some ruffles (even just for fun).

So grab une tasse de café and enjoy these fabulous ladies, mes chéris…!

Audrey - Frassy
Audrey - Frassy

Frassy (France)

Audrey is the ultimate American in Paris. One of the first fashion blogs I ever found, I’ve watched her blog grow and her style develop over the years, but she’s never lost the ability to make me smile. Here is a blogger who you can tell loves her work and loves her clothes – and adores Paris. The city is as much of a star in her photos as she is, and it provides the perfect backdrop for her über chic and (somehow at the same time) über funky style. She’s never too perfect and she’s never (ahem) up herself, and for that I love her.

Iris - Fashion Zen
Iris - Fashion Zen

Fashion Zen (Netherlands)

One of the coolest bloggers in Europe, Iris is what I call pared-down-Dutch-chic-with-a-twist. Often seen in a hat (lots of fedoras and beanies) and a fabulous coat, her colour palette is minimal but there’s often a surprise thrown in with a lovely rich tartan or a fierce pair of boots. Like the British, I think Dutch style is greatly influenced by the weather, so I’m often drawn to it – it’s not easy to pin down a solid description of what it is exactly, but I know I like it, and it works.

Aminta Online
Aminta Online

Aminta Online (Spain)

I don’t think there’s anyone whose outfits I’ve enjoyed more than Aminta‘s during the years I’ve been following blogs (my 15-year-old niece is also a huge fan). She embodies “crazy cool” and it’s impossible to pigeonhole her style… it’s totally and utterly unique and will change radically from post to post. With her amazing collection of wigs (I love her with purple hair) you’ll be hard pressed to recognise her if it wasn’t for that gorgeous, megawatt smile she’ll flash now and then. Do not miss the opportunity to be totally inspired by her boundless enthusiasm and creativity.

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Borjana - Beeswonderland
Borjana - Beeswonderland

Beeswonderland (Austria)

Borjana‘s most striking feature is that platinum blond crop – but in the time I’ve followed her she’s gone from long, dark curls to a black crop which then went a fiery red, and she seems to have settled (for now) with the blond. This Austrian chameleon wears more statement pieces than I’ve had hot dinners, and each is as striking as the last. Without that long, perfectly highlighted, curled hair we see so much on the blogosphere she stands out – and for all the right reasons. I love how it only complements the tailoring and the beautiful fabrics she wears.

Annebeth - The Styling Dutchman
Annebeth - The Styling Dutchman

The Styling Dutchman (Netherlands)

Looking like the long-lost triplet of Katy Perry and Zooey Deschanel, Annebeth is another fabulous Dutch blogger. (You may see by the end I really have a thing for the Dutch.) With legs to die for and huge eyes you’ll simply get lost in, you’re as likely to find her in heels as you are in chic sports wear. Her style is beautifully simple with a lot of black, but she throws in well-thought-out flashes of colour and gorgeous textures here and there – all the time killing me with those big baby browns.

Katerina - Beauty in Insanity
Katerina - Beauty in Insanity

Beauty in Insanity (Bulgaria)

If you’re afraid of colour and pattern – be warned… Katerina (who also goes by the name Keit) does both unashamedly. She owns motif sweaters and t-shirts, she owns brights-with-neon colour combinations, and she owns in-your-face layers and accessories. Like Aminta, her style is no-holds-barred – and her playfulness and unconventional attitude towards fashion is what I admire and enjoy about her style so much.

Viktoriya - Tie Bow Tie
Viktoriya - Tie Bow Tie

Tie Bow-Tie (Turkey)

Viktoriya‘s style is ladylike, enviable and very elegant – a reflection of her graceful stature, no doubt. In each series there’s generally one blogger whose wardrobe I would happily steal and wear just as they do, and Viktoriya’s is it for the Europeans. She’ll rock a classic pattern (stripes, florals, dogtooth) and add it to distressed denim or a boxy jacket, top it with a fabulous hat – and she’s effortlessly radiant. The colours are sometimes soft, they’re sometimes bright; the fabrics are sometimes tailored, sometimes not, but this is style perfection in my eyes.

Lovely by Lucy
Lovely by Lucy

Lovely by Lucy (Netherlands)

So my Dutch blogger obsession wouldn’t be complete without lovely Lucy. If you want to know how to do sports luxe, go NO further – Lucy is the expert. The simplest (barely there) colour palette, relaxed silhouettes and an amazing collection of sports shoes all provide a gorgeous foundation for that show-stopping haircut. She’s as instantly recognisable for her brunette blunt-cut fringe as she is for her sneakers; I deeply admire how she has that very cool sporty aesthetic, but never lets it stray into tomboy territory. There’s a lovely contrast between her gorgeous, delicate features and the surprise that sports wear provides… not a touch of pink or hint of chiffon in sight: perfect.

Let me know if you’ve found any new blogs to follow – I hope you have! As I’ve said before these are my personal favourites; it’s hard to choose just eight for these features. Are there any other lesser-known European bloggers you want to suggest? Let me know in the comments!



Linking up to: Funday MondayAll Things ThursdayFriday’s Fab Favourites



  1. 28 September 2014 / 10:57 am

    Great Post! I love most of their styles and can't to check out their blogs. Frassy looks awesome in that black outfit. I can see that on me. Fashionablyidu.blogspot.com

  2. 30 April 2014 / 4:08 am

    In fact, I'm actually following a few of them and that includes you too! =D
    1 especially I'm very proud of her, to see her grow from only a few followers to be a Chictopia Style Icon now. She's Katerina (Keit). She actually came over my blog and started following me first, when we're both still rookies in the blogging world. That's how we knew each other. Look at her now. I'm so happy for her!

    • 30 April 2014 / 1:01 pm

      It shows the blogging world is a very small world really, doesn't it Yen…? So glad you liked the post x

  3. 28 April 2014 / 8:07 am

    Oo a few here are new to me! I've been following the Styling Dutchman since I started blogging, years and years now. I can't wait to have a browse through Tie Bow-Tie, I love a ladylike look! P x

  4. 28 April 2014 / 7:33 am

    Thank you so much for featuring me among these stylish ladies! ^_^

    • 30 April 2014 / 1:00 pm

      You're very welcome, Keit – a well deserved place I must say!!

  5. 28 April 2014 / 2:38 am

    So many fabulous bloggers, my head is spinning… I need to find more time for blog reading πŸ™‚

  6. 27 April 2014 / 9:19 pm

    Oh yes…I'll certainly be adding some new blogs to my regular reading list, dear Catherine!! (It's so cool to see another fashion blogger rocking a short blonde 'do – yay, Borjana!!) Thank you sooo much for continuing with this series; I am already looking forward to the next instalment!! XO


  7. 27 April 2014 / 8:58 pm

    Nice choices, they all have great taste in fashion! Some of them I see the first time. πŸ™‚ Lucy is my favourite here, her and Borjana is on my daily check list for a while now. πŸ™‚
    Oh, I can only hope I can be on your list one day :))))



    • 30 April 2014 / 12:59 pm

      Katarina I've finally had a chance to check out your blog – your style is amazing!! I only wish I'd found you sooner, I would have included you for sure! I've bookmarked your blog and will feature you in the future for sure, somehow…!

  8. 27 April 2014 / 7:33 pm

    I already knew and followed Aminta and Borjana, but all the selection you've made is amazing. It's GREAT to disco ver new interesting blogs full of inspiration.


  9. 27 April 2014 / 5:42 pm

    Brilliant new blogs to vistit, and my dear Aminta one of your favourite is magic Sunday.
    It is always wonderful to spread love in the bloggosphere and you do it with great style, dear Catherine.

    • 30 April 2014 / 12:57 pm

      That's really nice of you to say, Sacramento – thank you!

  10. 27 April 2014 / 4:37 pm

    thanks for featuring me!! I love these other bloggers as well, so I'm truly honored πŸ™‚

    • 30 April 2014 / 12:57 pm

      You're most welcome, Annebeth – it was great going through your posts and trying to choose just a handful of outfits (not easy)!!

  11. 27 April 2014 / 4:33 pm

    I knew Bee and Viktoriya but not the other girls. Thanks for introducing.
    Funny that Brits (I lived with an Englishman and have several British friends) always speak about "Europe" as if we are "different" – probably we are πŸ˜‰ but it doesn't happen the other way round!

    Annette | Lady of Style

    • 30 April 2014 / 12:56 pm

      Haha I know, Annette – I always think of Europeans as "The Europeans", not us… funny, isn't it?!!

  12. 27 April 2014 / 3:41 pm

    I feel so honored to be featured with these gorgeous ladies !! I love the post Catherine. Thanks so much for sharing .

    • 30 April 2014 / 12:56 pm

      The pleasure's all mine, Aminta – I'm so glad to have had the chance to feature you! x

    • 30 April 2014 / 12:55 pm

      Thank you Linda – I have checked her and I'm following her now! That's one inspirational blog, so glad to have been introduced to her πŸ™‚

  13. 27 April 2014 / 12:09 am

    Love the bloggers on this post. I add them to my follow-list.

  14. 26 April 2014 / 11:12 pm

    What a good post, Catherine! They were new to me…thanks for the introduction.

  15. 26 April 2014 / 7:22 pm

    I adore Lovely by Lucy as it's so far removed from my personal aestethic. I hate black on me but she always looks so effortless.

    • 30 April 2014 / 12:54 pm

      I feel the same about black – but I agree Lucy does look amazing wearing it!!

  16. 26 April 2014 / 5:24 pm

    Catherine you made my heart beat a bit faster with your post. I knew none of those ladies and although they are lot younger than me we share the same interest and all are fabuously faboulous!!! You did a great job presenting them all, mastering your lanquage skills and I thank you for expanding my style horizonz. Have a great rest of weekend!

    • 30 April 2014 / 12:54 pm

      Kelly I'm really pleased you found new bloggers – it makes it all worthwhile. And thank you for your lovely comments x

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