Not long to go till the end of 2013 – and what better way to see this year out than to squeeze one more AW13 trend in before it’s over? I’ve worn a checked coat and tartan, and my last for this season is blush pink. I’ve been planning this post for a while, and have only just got round to it now because I thrifted a beige cardigan ages ago with the intention of dyeing it bright pink; a couple of weeks ago I finally got round to it. But I didn’t quite get the results I’d hoped for…!
I had a packet of candy (bright) pink dye, but as always with these things it didn’t do what I wanted – and in fact I was glad it didn’t. I’d already bought these wonderful blush pink loose trousers from Mango and didn’t intend to pair them with the cardigan once it had been DIYed, but when the result was more of a dusky blush pink, only then did I have the idea of wearing them together. All it needed after the dye-job was a statement brooch and the addition of some neutrals, and I had myself the perfect Boxing Day outfit: loose and comfy but still a little dressed up.
I’m fully aware that blush pink divides opinion amongst us, but I’m definitely in the “for” camp now I have my two new pieces… I love them together. What do you think – yea or nay to this season’s colour? Have you bought a blush pink coat which it seems is THE blogger’s item of this winter (I’ve resisted so far)!
Cardigan: Thrifted (& dyed pink), Trousers: Mango (on sale at half price!), Vest top: F+F at Tesco, Heels: French Connection (old), Earrings: c/o Matalan, Brooch: Gift (old), Watch: Asos, Fingertip rings: River Island, Nails: Models Own Purple Grey
Great transformation but pink is not for me. Washes me out. So I will head for the Radiant Orchid (fuchsia).
Excellent save. Lovely on you. I'd asked Santa for a pink coat, but it was not to be. Sad, but a woman my age shouldn't depend on Santa!
Aww that's a shame, Jan – maybe the January sales will bring something your way…? Thanks hun x
i am in the "for " camp also. Funnily rnough i just invested in a blush/baby pink coatigan type thing from the river island sale. I cant wait for it to come! Im not normally a pastel colour person as i find them wishy washy on me, but the trend bit me and i guess i had to try. Will keep you posted on whether i actually like my purchase once it arrives 😉 As for you , well blush is simply beautiful on you! It makes you look radiant! Well done on the dye job, such a great idea and also can you see? im swooning over those trousers, they are amazing! xxxxx
Oh yes doooo let me know, Rachel!! Thanks for your lovely comments hun x
Gorgeous, as usual – and I agree that the pale blush is perfect for your skin tone. I'm so impressed that you chose the DIY route – always my favorite! Although I do like pink and looked at a blush coat before I saw them on everyone, I've steered clear of them since I'd spill something on it before I made it out the door. But that fuzzy pink sweater you have in your looks might tempt me!!
You look fab-u-lous! What a gorgeous look on you, but I know that blush pink wouldn't suit me, so this was one trend I haven't been tempted to embrace. I have been buying a few brighter pink tops though as – much to my amazement – bright pink seems to suits me.
Love the grey matched with the blush pink – it works so well !
Having a blush pink sole under your shoes is just pure top notch attention to detail! :0)
I didn't realise that before, Fash – that's amazing isn't it!!! Thank you x
I am glad your cardigan turned out way better than my towels which I dyed a couple of days ago 😉
Love this colour on you and with the new brooch it looks brand new. Perfect with your hair!
Annette | Lady of Style
Blush pink happens to be one of my fave colours…but I think it always makes me look really washed out, so I never wear it 🙁 I don't think I've given it a chance since becoming platinum blonde, though; maybe it would work on me now?! You, on the other hand, look amazing!! Kudos on the cardigan's dye job…you've given it a new lease on life; and the brooch/button is a gorgeous finishing touch!!
Oooh yes I reckon it would look fabulous against platinum blonde hair, Monika! Let me know – and thank you as always x
Pink in the rain fabulousness, dear catherine.
Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year. Slowly sorting the house and new life out
Yep how we dodged the showers I'll never know, Sacramento!! Thank you xxx
Gorgeous! And I love the brooch in place of the button.