Double Denim, Red Jeans & Rainbow Heels

Double denim and red skinnies
Knitted layers and red skinnies
Red skinnies and wool covered heels
Double denim and knitted layers
Double denim and red skinnies
Okay… so I’m a total cheat again: this outfit I pinned inspired today’s clobber. Pinterest to the rescue once again! And to be honest I didn’t really change anything about it, even though what I pinned was a small “details” shot. The newish red skinny jeans that I wore to London last week were perfect with the double denim and knitwear, plus I hadn’t worn my beautiful wool covered platforms (now seriously reduced at Asos) in a little while.

So it’s all layer, layer, layer at the moment. I do long for some slightly milder days, just so that photo shoots get a little easier. The last shot shows what I was doing between photos to try and keep my hands warm – you just can’t see the gritted teeth beneath that smile 😉

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Catherine x

Heels: Asos* (now half price!), Jeans: Asos*, Cardigan: Zara, Denim jacket: F+F at Tesco, Denim shirt: Topshop, Watch: Asos*

Shop my look! All items marked* are the actual items, if still available:

Linking up to:

Visible Monday at Not Dead Yet Style
Monday Mingle at Bonbon Rose Girls


  1. 15 February 2013 / 6:47 am

    I AM AN IDIOT and have accidentally deleted all the comments on this post when deleting a spam comment on my phone.

    Damn you, spammers.

    I am so sorry for everyone who left all those lovely comments.

    *she cries a little to herself*

DISCLOSURE: Items marked* are PR products (I never accept anything I wouldn’t choose for myself) and my opinions are 100% honest. I also use affiliate links where I may earn commission if you click through and buy, at no cost to you.

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