If I had a time machine that I could only use to go back and give myself advice, the one thing I’d tell myself would be Sun safety, Catherine, sun safety.
(Actually I might use it mainly to tell myself not to buy that terrible car from auction in 2002 and to damn well stop spending on that store card in my twenties, but sun safety would be a close second/third. Oh, and I’d ALSO tell myself that sunshine headbands will be big in the late 2010s, so fairy lights at the ready, girl.)
Looking after my skin where the sun was concerned was only something I really only took seriously in my mid to late thirties. Till then I had NEVER worn a moisturiser with SPF. I’m also ashamed to say I used sunbeds for a while in the late 90s. I’m pretty sure sun safety – and especially the need to use a day moisturiser with SPF – just wasn’t as widely talked about.
Disclosure: This post is a paid partnership with Estée Lauder (click here for my full disclosure). All content is original and opinions are my own and 100% honest – I only work with brands and promote products that I believe in.
I think the advent of the internet and social media has done a lot to spread the message: and thank goodness! I hope that younger women today are far more educated about looking after their skin than we were.
It’s not just the fact that the sun is very ageing on your skin, but 1 in 36 UK males and 1 in 47 UK females will be diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer in their lifetime. [Cancer Research UK] That’s FRIGHTENING.
It’s also preventable in 86% of cases. That’s also frightening.
I think that as a nation we are mostly aware that we need to wear sunscreen in the summer. I don’t think we’re AS aware, however, that the sun can damage skin all year round, and on cloudy days. It’s one of those facts that people tend to poo-poo, because how can the sun get through cloud? How can it damage your skin when it’s not even hot? The “heat” of the sun has nothing to do with how harmful it will be from one day to the next. Clouds are hardly sturdy enough to block out the damaging rays – if light can get through them, then damaging rays are getting through them as well… it’s a perfect sphere of hot plasma with a surface temperature of about five and a half thousand degrees Celcius!
So as it’s May (and the beginning of summer), I thought I’d talk about day moisturisers that have SPF in them – and how important it is to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. I think most of us would like smoother skin with fewer lines, and while the ageing process can’t be halted altogether (I’m all for CELEBRATING ageing, laughter lines and all!), there’s a lot we can do to protect our skin.
I’ve collaborated with Estée Lauder skincare to bring you a review of three moisturisers that they thought would suit my skincare needs (VERY happy to try these)!
Healthier-looking skin that’s also protected from melanoma skin cancer is the goal here. It may be 93 million miles away, but a moisturiser with SPF will go a long way to prevent that pesky ball of fire from damaging our skin.
What I want from a moisturiser
I am VERY fussy about the day moisturiser I use. It needs to do several things for me:
- It MUST have SPF. Unless I’m staying in the house all day (which I rarely do as I have a dog, and hopefully a LIFE), I need to protect my skin from the sun. ALL year round.
- The consistency must be right: not too oily and not too mattifying. I need the Goldilocks of moisturisers, basically – anything too oily makes my skin look like it’s competing in the National Oil Slick Championships.
- It needs to work well under makeup. I want a smooth base for my foundation and it needs to contribute to staying power – the last thing I want is makeup that’s unknowingly slid off part way through the day.
- Nice packaging is not necessary, but it’s a nice bonus. You know, for the ‘gram (and my bathroom shelf).
Now if you want to skip this part (i.e. my review of the following three moisturisers) you can – instead you can go to esteelauder.co.uk to take a quiz to find your perfect moisturiser match, because not all moisturisers suit all skin.
But hey, that wouldn’t be as exciting as reading RIGHT to the end of this post, would it? Maybe I should have mentioned the quiz at the end rather than straight away… DAMMIT, I messed up.
But someone who HASN’T messed up is the person in charge of Estee Lauder’s moisturiser range (see what I did there? What a seamless segue). And rather than reviewing just one moisturiser, I’ve reviewed three different ones. Not all worked for me (in fact in the spirit of full disclosure, one didn’t work for me AT ALL). Hold onto your peptides, here are the three and my review of them…
Three Estée Lauder moisturisers put to the test
Estée Lauder have a wide range of moisturisers to suit all skin types (these three are just the tip of the iceberg)! Some will rehydrate the skin, some are designed to slow down the ageing process, some are mattifying, and so on. The three I tested were:
Revitalizing Supreme+ Global Anti-Aging Cell Power Creme SPF15
Resilience Multi-Effect Tri-Peptide Face and Neck Creme SPF15
DayWear Anti-Oxidant 72H-Hydration Sorbet Creme SPF15
and a daytime eye cream:
DayWear Eye Cooling Anti-Oxidant Moisture GelCreme
(I must also mention that I no longer use the term “anti-ageing”, so when I’ve mentioned it then that’s purely the name of the product. I’m all about pro-ageing, or even better: optimum-ageing!)
I will admit these moisturisers are somewhat pricier than what I would normally go for. But the whole point of testing them is to see if there’s one that works so well for me that I’d consider buying it myself in the future. The moisturisers start at £49.00 for 30ml (these pots are 50ml which range from £45.00 to £70.00) and the eye cream is £29.50 for 15ml. But seeing as I spend about £120 a month at the hairdressers, only for it to grow out and force me to go back again, in comparison they’re nowhere NEAR as expensive as my hair.
So let’s see if they ARE worth the price tag…
Revitalizing Supreme+ Global Anti-Aging Cell Power Creme SPF15
The Revitalizing Supreme + was actually the first one I tried, and I liked it a lot. It has the same sort of consistency as what I’ve usually gone for in a day moisturiser: neither too thick nor too runny. It’ll ALMOST fall off your finger if you have a big blob of it on there, if that makes sense.
It’s good under makeup when applying it, but I found that as the day went on my face did get a bit oily. However I do have a very oily t-zone, so no surprise there; I’m thinking this would work better for me on a makeup-free day.
An ingredient that interested me in this cream was Moringa Extract from the Moringa Plant, often referred to as the “miracle tree”. When I read that I thought, Now THAT interests me, tell me more…! Moringa contains calcium, potassium, Vitamin C, amino acids and Omega 3, so it’s a powerful optimum-ageing ingredient. It’s been used for thousands of years in South Asia. I always like a mixture of science and herbal extracts in my skincare products, and I’ve read that Moringa’s health benefits is rising in popularity.
I used this moisturiser for about five days in a row (mostly over days I didn’t need to wear makeup) and my skin consistently felt smooth throughout the day. This was a great start.
Resilience Multi-Effect Tri-Peptide Face and Neck Creme SPF15
The Resilience Multi-Effect Tri-Peptide moisturiser I was given to test is designed for normal/combination skin (which I have), but I found it to be very much thicker than the other two. There is also a version for dry skin, so that’ll be even thicker than this one.
It was a gorgeous cream – it also smelt lovely (to be fair they all did) – but the consistency was far too thick for my skin. Maybe it was the combination of other skincare products that I use as well, but I personally think this would be more suited to dry skin, and the dry skin cream would be suited to very dry skin. A great perk is its “IR-Defense Technology” (IR = infrared), so not only does it protect against UVA and UVB, but IR radiation exposure too.
However it’s not all bad news (for me I mean): I’ll be using this cream on my neck and décolletage. That’s a part that many women forget I think on a day-to-day basis. I read a quote from a skincare expert somewhere who said that where skincare is concerned, your face stops at your boobs, not your chin. Maybe they put it a LITTLE more delicately than that, but that’s the way I remember it…!
DayWear Anti-Oxidant 72H-Hydration Sorbet Creme SPF15
I’ll get straight to the point: the DayWear Anti-Oxidant was my favourite, and the one I’ve been continuing to use on a daily basis. It’s the lightest of the three and has a more “watery” consistency. However, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t moisturise… IT DOES. It just does it without heaviness or greasiness – it feels like it’s made from mostly cucumber, and has that light, fresh smell. My skin felt very “elastic” after applying it, if that makes sense?
As mentioned before, my t-zone tends to get very shiny as the day goes on, so a lighter cream is exactly what I’m looking for. I wouldn’t say it’s mattifying, just “unheavy” (for want of a better word than “light”). For me, this is the perfect base for makeup – my base didn’t slide off it either upon application or during the day.
I was actually quite excited by this Sorbet Creme: tops marks, Estée Lauder, we have a clear winner.
DayWear Eye Cooling Anti-Oxidant Moisture GelCreme
You know that cooling sensation you get from cucumber slices on your eye (they say try used teabags too but I’ve never bought into that one)? That’s what the DayWear Eye Cooling cream feels like. I always put eye cream on BEFORE moisturiser so it doesn’t have to “fight” through your moisturiser in order to work its magic on your eyes (a great tip but one I can’t take credit for, I read it somewhere).
And yes, more cucumber references…!
I’d not thought of using an eye cream in the daytime before, but I’m happy to say I’m a convert. The last thing I want is greasy eyes when makeup application is happening, and this fits the bill. It’s soothing and cooling rather than thick and creamy. It sinks right in. There’s no SPF in this eye cream, but that’s what your moisturiser is for. Once it’s sunk in you then apply your face moisturiser over the top.
It might seem a bit of a luxury, but I think it’s perfect for waking your eyes up and reducing any puffiness from the night before. Or you can go and fish a couple of cold teabags out the bin. I know what I’d prefer.
Pin for later:
Estée Lauder moisturisers: my conclusion
So in conclusion, I found a moisturiser that’s perfect for non-slidey daytime wear under makeup, a daytime moisturiser for makeup-free days when I can add a little more creaminess to my face, and a moisturiser that was too rich for my face but one I can use on my neck and décolletage. PLUS an eye cream I can wear in the daytime too that doesn’t cause my makeup to slide.
Would I buy anything myself again with my own money? I will definitely be buying the DayWear Anti-Oxidant 72H-Hydration Sorbet Creme in future – when I find a moisturiser that suits me THAT much I’m happy to pay a little extra for it. I can’t put a price on the value of preventing skin damage and – more importantly – my skin’s health; the statistics about skin cancer are really worrying. The fact that it can be so light and yet still have SPF makes it my Goldilocks of day moisturisers.
Yes, it’s pricey, but the 50ml is large and will last a long time I reckon. Let’s say it lasted six months and you used it every day… that’s less than 39p a day. My hair costs me £4.00 a day. Quite a comparison when you look at it that way!
I’d need to be feeling extra flush to buy the Revitalizing Supreme+ Global Anti-Aging Cell Power Creme as well (though I’d only be using one or the other – it’s not as if I’m using both and it would cost me more)! But I’ll definitely keep it in mind.
P.S. These moisturisers not quite right for your skin type? Have a look at the full range of Estée Lauder moisturisers – there are many more that may suit your skin more than these!
Brilliant post Catherine, I have quite sensitive skin which can get dry in the winter months. I have experimented with a few different brands- but tend to stick to slightly cheaper priced products ( if an allergy suddenly starts up I don’t mind throwing out a cheaper product !) I found it very interesting to read the facts and figures about the sun and your cost per wear is something I have never thought about….except for clothes, shoes and handbags !!! x
That makes total sense about trying cheaper brands if you have an allergy, Karen – makes perfect sense! But the CPW is interesting, isn’t it… the cost of my hair shocked me more than the CPW of a moisturiser like this!!
Most informative, Catherine . Loved your CPW comparison with hair expenditure! And you fun photo!!!
Happy bank holiday, Mary x.
I wasn’t really sure how it’d work out Mary – when I did the sums I was so surprised, probably more so at how much my hair costs me!! That I was MORE shocked about! Thank you, so pleased you liked the review and the image, lol 😉
Such a great informative post! I can see why men have a higher rate. My hubby is bad at wearing sunscreen…
Men are DEFINITELY bad at wearing sunscreen as a rule, Stephanie: I agree!! Glad you liked the post, thank you 🙂
I had a basal cell carcinoma removed from my nose followed by plastic surgery about 5 years ago. Still cancer but very different from a melanoma which can be fatal. I was advised by two dermatologists that we should be wearing SPF50 (which I do daily) all year round to protect our skins. Also which is not well known is that computer screens also emit rays that can damage our skins. Mineral based protections are the best.
Oh Josephine that must have been so worrying for you – I hope it’s all clear now…?
I have to admit I didn’t know about computer screens – I knew they were bad for your eyes but I wasn’t aware about them being bad for our skin… thank you for the info!
Another great topic for discussion, Catherine! I think so many of us didn’t realize the importance of a skin care routine until our 40’s. And I do attribute that to the fact that it was just not widely talked about in our generation and the generations before us. I guess they just didn’t know the damaging effects of the sun until our generations already did the damage. At least our mistakes have benefited the future generations who are now in the know about proper skin care and sun protection! Thanks for the wonderful product review.
It wasn’t talked about nearly as much, was it Shelbee – I mean I used to use sunbeds!! That’s horrifying to me now!
Thank you for the kind words, I’m glad you enjoyed the review x
Good review and… I chuckled throughout. I just love your style of writing. I was gifted Christie Brinkley’s day cream and night cream. I would say: don’t buy it. I so am going to have a look at Estee Lauder next time I need moisturiser, based on the quality of your reviews, actually. I found that, with oily skin, I didn’t need to use night cream until I was in my 60s.
Oh Ratnamurti that’s so kind of you to say, thank you!! If you have oily skin I think you’ll get on well with the Sorbet Creme, or maybe one of the mattifying moisturisers that they also do…? x
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks so much Patrick! You too.
Hi, I’m a “never commenter” but… I’m fairly passionate about this. I want to point out that SPF 15 in a moisturizer is likely to give people MUCH less protection than they think it will, given that they SPF is calculated based on an application of ~0.5 teaspoon for the face/neck area. That is ~3ml, and at that application a 50ml container would last only 17 days. A great read about this:
I just want to make sure people are clear on how much they are actually helping themselves. And, ABSOLUTELY, some protection is better than none, but it’s worth knowing that some isn’t all.
Hi Lauren, thank you for coming out of lurking! 😉
I’m not *quite* sure what you’re saying about these moisturisers or SPF15, did you mean we need to put a thicker layer on in order to be better protected…? Apologies, I wasn’t quite sure of your meaning!
Funnily enough I went to an astronomy event/day a few years ago, and solar activity was one part of the day. We looked at the sun through a sun-safe telescope, and the chap who hosted that part was a solar expert – in fact he may have been the leading solar expert in the country, he had to do some sort of solar readings every single day for several years for scientific research (as you can imagine his wife wasn’t too happy about it!) – he did some while we were there. He was also a Sky at Night contributor/writer.
He showed us the readings and calculations on his computer, and although most of it went over my head a bit, he was explaining something about solar readings and how they help you work out sun protection factor for suncream. From what he showed us, the readings proved that there is no difference between SPF15 and SPF30 or SPF50 – in other words, once you get to SPF15 you can’t get any higher. He said the reason why companies produce and sell higher SPFs is so they can charge you more: you can’t get any higher protection from the sun than SPF15, it doesn’t exist.
I know that wouldn’t satisfy many people – especially when it comes to kids being protected from the sun – but as he was a solar scientist and had the maths to back it up I’ve always tended to believe this is actually the case…!
But as you say, some protection is better than none. I went without protection for MANY years, and the fact that we’re talking about how day moisturisers need to have SPF in them – even when we’re walking around on cloudy days – is very important… I’m sure many, many people (especially in the UK) only EVER put on some suncream when it’s about 30C and full sun!!
Good point Catherine, the spf system is not intuitive! The higher ratings are not so much “more” protection as they are longer lasting. So (not actual numbers here, just as an example) SPF 15 and 50 should both block the the same amount of radiation BUT the protection from spf 15 might last for only 3 hours while the app 50 might last 6 hours (again not a calculation just eg).
BUT but but, the people doing actual calculations (of how much/how long protection) work under the assumption that people will apply a certain amount per square cm of skin. And it’s way way more than people actually put on, either as sunscreen or as moisturizer. So, if you apply less than is used in calculations, your spf 15 might act as a 10 or 8 (ie protect for fewer hours). I highly recommend trying it using kitchen measuring spoons – try applying the full 1/2 teaspoon to your face and décolletage, comparing to what you would naturally apply.
Also, if you read the fine print on most sunscreens, it talks about reapplying pretty frequently. Almost no one actually does this, which to my mind is the main reason to get a higher spf in the hopes that it isn’t totally ineffective by the time lunch rolls around.
In the really extremely fine print, you may see something like “apply 15 minutes before going outside” and most people don’t do that either, despite it being crucial for chemical sunscreens. Also, if you apply foundation by vigorously rubbing it in, you could easily rub off your sunscreen. And of course many of us don’t apply enough around eyes, ears, or along our hairlines or parts. See this excellent blog/interview:
Basically there is a sunscreen rabbit hole, but it’s not just about aesthetics it is genuinely about our health. As someone with skin cancer in the family, I am slightly intense about it! I do hope that makes sense, let me know if it is less than clear.
Blimey those statistics are disappointing to say the least. Is the sun more harmful than ever? Yes it is but don’t we all know that by now? I’m a crazed Mama when it comes to sunscreen but that’s how I was raised under the Australian sun and thank god for that! My Dad was ahead of his time and a complete tyrant about wearing sunscreen so I am smug in my rather decent skin, thanks to him.
It’s absolutely paramount to start using a good sunscreen the moment you step outside, full stop. I think you’re doing a great service here Catherine. People, especially young Women, who are confused by so much brand advertising that they either give up or choose the wrong cream for their skin, need honest reviews.
More of this please Ms C!
The stats are scary, aren’t they MT… I reckon they might be worse over here than they are in Oz(?) – my sister lives there with her family as you know and they’re as pale as anything due to always covering up and being sun safe! Kudos to your dad for being a tyrant about sunscreen, good on him.
Thank you so much for your comments, I too think it’s really important…! x
I didn’t know melanoma is more common in men than women – would have guessed the opposite! But that’s why guesses aren’t science. lol
If you think about it, Suchot, men are notorious for going out in the sun without any sun protection on AT ALL… they’re always the bravado ones who think they won’t get burnt!! So I’m actually not surprised that it affects more men to be honest…!
Well, I’m definitely going to try the EL sorbet! That sounds perfect for my summer skin, with its very oily T zone. These photos are fabulous Catherine, so editorial and so you!!
Thank you Lisa! Yes I think you’d get on well with the Sorbet, knowing your skin type. It’s not a rich cream, but it’s definitely moisturising. I love the light cucumbery smell it has. Let me know if you do get some and how you find it! x
I’ve worn SPF on my face religiously since I was in my 20s, and between that and retinol, I’m convinced it’s why people think I’m younger than I am. It’s never too late to start using both!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
WOW Cheryl that’s amazing, I hope young girls today do the same – I wish I’d started young!! Never too late as you say though 🙂
Great shot and nice to see you featuring Estee Lauder. It was like a reunion with an old friend!
Thank you Gail – yes I agree, I still think of the Elizabeth Hurley days, she’s who I always associate with EL…!
Estée Lauder also own Bobbi Brown and they do amazing skincare, do I would love to try some of that cooling stuff (I wonder if it’s all the same but different packaging?)
What I love the most about this post is that gorgeous pic of you and those lights !! Genius Catherine just Genius!
Ashley Xxxx
The eye gel cream was lovely, Ashley – I forgot to put it on this morning and I really needed it, it wakes you up! Thank you, I know it was a bit of a crazy pic but hey, you gotta have fun, right?! 😉
I love Estee Lauder Catherine but I’ve not shopped there for years!
It’s time to revisit…
You look so beautiful in that first shot.
Fresh and glowing.
I hadn’t either, Samantha – it was great reviewing these creams, I felt like I was being reintroduced to the brand!
And thank you, glad you liked the photos 😀