Before & After Results of My 60-Day Supplements Trial to Improve the Appearance of Wrinkles

A 60-Day Trial of Supplements to Improve the Appearance of Wrinkles: The Results | Not Dressed As Lamb

Not Dressed As Lamb

Optimum ageing: it’s my own way to describe looking (and feeling) good as we age. And I’m VERY interested in products designed to help us age well.

For this reason I collaborated with supplements brand Seven Seas, a brand I’ve worked with before and am really happy to be working with again. In December I introduced their new product Perfect7® Renewal Advanced, a combination of supplements for the skin designed to improve the appearance of wrinkles, and I mentioned I’d be trialling it for 60 days.

Without necessarily expecting to regain my face c.1995, I was fascinated by the claims that the product helps improve the appearance of wrinkles. So I girded my loins, sorted out a supplements-taking routine and took on the position of Midlife Guinea Pig. I was READY.

A bit of background: This is the first time a product with this claim in pill form has been available in the UK. Generally, the products that are available to buy that claim to improve the appearance of wrinkles are creams. So rather than applying yet ANOTHER layer of product to your face, this is an entirely different way to approach optimum ageing [I don’t endorse the phrase “anti-ageing”] as it’s to be taken orally, not topically.

In that first post I promised I would follow up with the results of the 60-day trial (if you didn’t see my introductory post to this product, you might want to have a read of it here – just please remember to come back to this one)! Here are the answers to all your burning questions – did they work? What changes did I notice? What changes will YOU notice (I have before and after pictures)? Would I recommend the product? Will Brexit happen next month? Will Harry and Meghan have a boy or a girl?!

Read on for all the answers (except for the Brexit and Harry and Meghan questions, I can’t really answer those I’m afraid. My mind got carried away thinking of ALL THE QUESTIONS)…


Disclosure: This post is a paid partnership with Seven Seas (click here for my full disclosure). All content is original, however, and opinions are my own and 100% honest.


There has been a LOT of buzz in the interwebs about Perfect7 Renewal. I know people who have absolutely gushed about the results they’ve achieved. In trials (and this is the advertisy-sounding – but factual – bit), 85% of testers found their skin was smoother and softer than before after using Perfect7 Renewal†. So you can understand why I REALLY wanted to try this product.


First – a quick recap…

A quick recap of what supplements are included in the Perfect7 Renewal Advanced pack: 1. A Ceramosides™ capsule; 2. A comprehensive multivitamin and mineral tablet to support overall health and well-being, and 3. A Seven Seas Omega-3 capsule with DHA (docosahexaenoic acid, an Omega-3 fatty acid) provides additional health benefits. The key ingredient in Perfect7 Renewal Advanced is the Ceramosides, a natural source of ceramides (organic compounds) that help form the skin’s barrier and help it retain moisture in that barrier. That’s the exciting science bit that we should be getting excited about.

(I’m repeating myself a little from the introductory post… go and have a read! You won’t miss any vital information that way.)

You take the three pills once a day. I keep them on my bedside table by my water and take them before bed each night. Or you could keep them next to your toothbrush, or put an alarm on your phone – anything to remind you to take them every day.

The 60-day trial was easy, to be honest… taking supplements – as long as you remember to take them! – is easy peasy. They became as much a part of my beauty regime as cleaning my teeth or putting on my night cream.

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Future proofing your skin – the expert view

Two experts have been working closely with Seven Seas with regards to this product: Dr Helen Taylor, a PhD skin scientist and skin expert, and Abigail James, a skincare and wellbeing expert (one of London’s top skin experts according to Forbes).

Abigail James is quoted as saying something we’re all pretty much aware of, but often fail to put into action:

“As a skin expert, I can’t explain enough how important it is to look after your skin at all stages of your life. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that it has to be through a 360° approach, both externally and from within.”

Hands up if you’re one of the people that knows this but often forgets to put it into action {she raises her hand sheepishly…}? If you’re not already wearing sunscreen 365, drinking lots of water, cleansing properly, off the cigarettes for life, eating a balanced diet, etc. then get on the case NOW. Any supplements or creams are going to struggle if you’re abusing your skin by smoking or being dehydrated, for example.

My vice is lack of sleep. The combination of being my own boss (no “going home time” often means late nights in front of the computer screen) and owning an old doggo (much like having a newborn throughout the night) means I don’t get anywhere near as much quality sleep as I should. A bad habit I need to sort out/work round ASAP. The rest I’m pretty good with, however.

You can see why I was so interested to try Perfect7 Renewal, can’t you? If it can improve the appearance of my wrinkles DESPITE my severe lack of sleep, then goodness it’s doing something right.


Has the product helped my skin?

I know what you’re thinking… FINALLY – she’s got to the results bit! Well, here it is.

Unfortunately for me I wasn’t able to attend the Seven Seas events for the product, where the bloggers taking part got to have the appearance of their skin tested by Dr Helen both before and after the trial. She used the “Visioscanner” (state of the art skin analysing technology) on their skin to test and record the benefits of Perfect7 Renewal.

Roughness and appearance of wrinkles were tested before and after the 60-day trial but as my skin wasn’t tested, then MY results are only based on what I can visibly see in the mirror (or rather, in before and after photos).

It does seem, however, that the results for others have been quite astonishing (see The Sequinist’s post with a micro close-up image of her skin before and after the trial, plus the incredible percentage change in the smoothness of her skin).

In the interest of complete disclosure and honesty, midway through the trial the only change I noticed was the strength of my nails. My nails are usually pretty weak and tend to be quite thin, but my GOODNESS they were strong after 30 days. I’ve always been a bit lousy at taking supplements consistently, but I think the multivitamins and Omega-3 were seriously strengthening my nails.

As far as my wrinkles were concerned? I couldn’t see any change after 30 days. Was the lack of sleep taking its toll? Were the supplements fighting a losing battle? Despite my thoughts that nothing was happening apart from the strong nails, I saw the 60-day trial through.

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However, after 60 days…

Here’s me, before and after the 60-day trial (disclosure: the lashes are extensions, the supplements didn’t make my natural lashes grow inordinately!): I’ll admit I was surprised to see a difference in the two pictures. I DID look in the mirror one day near the end of the trial and think You know what, the lines around my eyes look remarkably improved. You know when you don’t notice yourself losing weight when you’re looking at yourself every day, then one day out the blue you see a massive difference? Well, THAT happened.

I really hadn’t seen a difference till that point, and then BAM – my lines didn’t look quite as deep. Interestingly, the reason I noticed was that my make up didn’t seem to be sitting in the lines as much. To me, they just weren’t as noticeable.

So did I think there was a difference in the appearance of my skin’s wrinkles before and after? Given the shaky start, I’m actually quite surprised to say I think there was.


Will I continue to use the product?

This is where I should be writing a long paragraph about the benefits, urging you to go and buy a box and try it for yourself. I thought I’d take a different approach to the closing paragraph, so I’ll just cut to the chase:

I’ve already bought another THREE 30-day supply boxes with my own money. Nothing to do with Seven Seas.

Is there much more of an endorsement than that? Can I really say much else apart from (Victor Kiam style), “I liked it so much I bought the supplements!” (if you’re too young to remember that advert this probably isn’t the product for you anyway).

Whether you’re a supplements kind of person (like myself) or not, I think with today’s lifestyles there are SO many factors working against us in our struggle to maintain natural-looking, smooth, healthy skin. I certainly need a fair bit of help seeing as I find it so difficult to be 100% “good” all the time. Something like this is definitely worth giving a go – after all, some women are freaking out over how well it’s worked for them.

For me, even a little improvement in the appearance of my wrinkles – plus crazy-strong nails – are enough to convince me to continue to buy Perfect7 Renewal. Which I have already done.

Imagine what the results might be if I got more sleep?! Let me know if you decide to try them…


Where to buy Perfect7 Renewal

Here’s the low-down on where to buy The Chosen Ones plus price, etc.:

  • Perfect7 Renewal Advanced is available to buy in Boots stores nationwide now
  • The Hero Product, Perfect7 Renewal Advanced, is priced at £39.99 and contains a triple pack consisting of Ceramosides capsules, a comprehensive multivitamin and mineral tablet, and a Seven Seas Omega-3 capsule with DHA to provide additional health benefits
  • Perfect7 Renewal is priced at £34.99 and contains a double pack consisting of a Ceramosides capsule and an Omega-3 capsule



Catherine signature

Note from the sponsor:

†Results from a study on 40 female volunteers’ own perception after 60 days.
Each pack of Perfect7® Renewal Advanced contains a 30-day supply.

For reference to vitamins and minerals: Zinc supports normal healthy nails.
For reference to Omega-3: DHA contributes to the normal function of the heart. The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250mg DHA.
Food supplements do not substitute a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.


  1. 17 February 2019 / 6:04 pm

    I have previously tried supplements but gave them up. Maybe now is the time to try again. Love – Jill x

    • catherine
      18 February 2019 / 4:37 pm

      I’d given them up in the past too, Jill – I think this 60 day trial is proof that you need to stick with it for a while before you see any changes!

  2. 16 February 2019 / 9:29 pm

    Gosh, what a fantastic and detailed review, Catherine. That slider is amazing!!!

    You know that I’m a huge fan of this product, and like you, I spend my own money on it because I see such great results. I expected I’d like it before I tried it; I never expected to be obsessed with it, which I totally am!

    I’m so pleased that you got on so well with it. Thank you for the mention in your post, that was really kind. Xxx

    • catherine
      18 February 2019 / 4:37 pm

      Thanks Lisa – I was inspired by your enthusiasm for it so I was determined to see the trial through!

  3. 16 February 2019 / 9:11 pm

    Awesome results!! I am a slave to supplements for sure. I feel like fighting the appearance of age (or whatever terms we are using these days, lol) needs to be a multi-step process from the inside out! Excellent post and I can see why you purchased another 30 day supply!
    ~Melissa xx

    • catherine
      18 February 2019 / 4:39 pm

      Thanks Melissa – it’s very reasonably priced for what it is, but it’s still a commitment (in terms of price). But I’m glad I stuck with it because it shows that you CAN get results from supplements, and not just for wrinkles (my nails are stronger than they’ve ever been)!

  4. 16 February 2019 / 6:29 pm

    This is such an interesting post Catherine, I love your detailed description of the entire process. The fact that you don’t skip to the good bits gives me food for thought. I’d have given up way before you and wouldn’t have enjoyed these positive results.
    Thanks for putting in the hard work and by the way that slider is awesome! I will be stealing the idea asap 😉

    • catherine
      18 February 2019 / 4:40 pm

      Aww thanks MT, I hope it gave a clear view of what to expect! Let me know if you need to know how to get the slider x

  5. 16 February 2019 / 9:08 am

    The formulations of all the various combinations on the market of vitamin/collagen/hyaluronic acid skin improvers are definitely improving and I’ve seen improved skin with every version I’ve tried. The problem becomes the cost —- they’re all fairly pricey and what you stop taking them, the results fade away.

    • catherine
      16 February 2019 / 10:33 am

      Yes I agree Gail that the cost can add up, but I got 3 for 2 deal on my packs which I was very happy about! Some people spend £50 on eyeshadow palettes or £25 on a lipstick, for me I’d rather spend that sort of money on something like this. No beauty treatments are ever permanent though, are they… haircuts and colour being the classic example!!!! 😉

  6. Susan Harner
    16 February 2019 / 3:12 am

    I agree the lighting isnt the same, and any makeup makes a huge difference.
    Photos are hard to duplicate that far apart regardless but the lighting looks vastly different from a photography standpoint.

    • catherine
      16 February 2019 / 10:29 am

      Sorry you feel that way, Susan, but I put an awful lot of work into this post and tried my very best to get the pictures looking as similar as possible. Have you ever tried to duplicate a picture months apart when so many factors are working against you to make things different? It’s not easy. Even in a photo shoot on the same day (within the same 5 minutes even!) lighting can change dramatically.

      I hope people will appreciate that I’ve worked hard on this and been 100% honest here – I’m not trying to pull the wool over your eyes. The fact that I’ve bought three packs with my own money I thought would be a pretty good indicator of my belief in the product, even if the photos don’t show it as well!

  7. Lesley Barker
    15 February 2019 / 7:34 pm

    Well Catherine you had beautiful skin before but yes I can see a difference!!
    I think I shall give them a try !!! also it’s interesting to hear about the nails as mine are weak and thin too.
    Many thanks

    Lesley x

    • catherine
      16 February 2019 / 1:58 pm

      I think taking supplements regularly, especially at an older age, is so good for nails and lots of aspects of our health, Lesley. As much as some people can’t see a difference (or are dubious because of the difficulty in trying to replicate the lighting for the second picture), I think my honest endorsement is evident in the fact that I went and bought three months’ supply myself…!!

      Thank you hon, I hope they give you great results! x

  8. jodie filogomo
    15 February 2019 / 6:24 pm

    I’m a huge supplement fan. I take many regularly and this would be an easy addition for me. Not that I need stronger nails….but I would like my skin to look even better. Especially when I feel like my foundation is settling by the end of the day.
    Thanks for the honest follow up, Catherine. You always have such a great approach to products.

    • catherine
      16 February 2019 / 2:00 pm

      Thank you Jodie! I’ve always been a huge supplement fan too. I really wasn’t expecting anything to really change that much, but after a month I kept saying to Keith that my nails were really strong and I was wondering why… I didn’t put two and two together for ages!!

  9. Meghan
    15 February 2019 / 6:17 pm

    I looked at the picture (always interested in non-surgical options!) and I was wondering why it was done in that way? . Why did you choose to do the before and after in that way? There is makeup in the after that is not in the before, which skews the results, and the angle is totally different (for instance, I can’t see the area beside the eye in the after picture. I can not tell what is photography and makeup and what might be the supplements.

    • catherine
      16 February 2019 / 12:40 am

      Meghan I’m sorry you feel that way… I’m not sure if you’re looking at the same picture as I’m looking at? The angles of the two pictures are almost exactly the same! We purposely shot them so you could compare the two pictures much better than you can when they’re two pictures side by side. I even overlaid them on Photoshop to try and match the two pictures, and my features lined up as close I could get them.

      I purposely shot them in the same place in my house with the same light. I’m afraid trying to do your makeup the same when there’s months between shoots is quite hard (my base was only light, I’m not wearing a thick layer of foundation, just concealer and a light dusting of powder). Yes I’m wearing a little blush as well which is a little more noticeable in the first than the second, but the purpose of a little makeup, especially around the eyes, was to show how it sits in the lines. Also the sun is in a different position when there’s months between shoots so the blush might show more on one picture than the other because the sun has moved round and almost blasted it out a bit due to the change in angle.

      I also chose that angle rather than head-on so you could see my crows feet more clearly than you would if I shot it head on. My eyebrows and lashes are darker in the second because I bleach my brows occasionally (as in the first picture) and have lash extensions occasionally (as in the second) – but that doesn’t affect how my wrinkles look. Personally I think there’s a significant difference in my crows feet at the inner and outer corners of my eye, and if you compare the “eleven” lines between the eyebrows there’s a major difference!

      I was happy with the sliding picture and thought it the best way to compare the two, but if you or anyone would rather have the two pictures side by side (which would make them smaller don’t forget) I’d be happy to publish them separately.

      Now I’ve written this I’ve realised you’ve said “I can’t see the area beside the eye in the after picture”.. you are sliding between the two pictures, aren’t you…??!

      • Meghan
        19 February 2019 / 4:47 pm

        I AM NOT! I didn t figure out the slider. I am so sorry! You did a very good job. I am very embarrassed. Thank you for your kindness in your reply. Can I remove my comment?

        • catherine
          19 February 2019 / 4:48 pm

          Meghan don’t worry! It never occurred to me that people wouldn’t know to slide it back and forth, I assumed everyone had seen that feature on the internet in other places – so sorry for that. I couldn’t work out why you couldn’t see that part of my eye, and then it dawned on me…!!

          Do you want to leave a completely fresh comment? Obviously still be honest, and I’ll then remove your other one

DISCLOSURE: Items marked* are PR products (I never accept anything I wouldn’t choose for myself) and my opinions are 100% honest. I also use affiliate links where I may earn commission if you click through and buy, at no cost to you.

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