A Huge Thank You: I’m a 2017 UK Blog Awards Finalist

A Huge Thank You: I'm a 2017 UK Blog Awards Finalist

My readers have come through for me yet again – with your help I’ve been shortlisted for a third time in the UK Blog Awards!

Just a very quick post today to say a huge, huge THANK YOU for voting for me to get to the final eight of the Fashion and Beauty category, I’m so humbled by how kind and supportive everyone has been.

Not only have I been shortlisted, but so has my Over40Collective colleague Nikki of Midlifechic, so there are two of us (over 40 bloggers I mean)! I have said in the past that I don’t enter the blog awards for the glory, there are a few (much better) reasons than that:

  • By entering we’re ensuring there’s some representation of the 40+ community in this tough category
  • Being finalists/winners proves to brands that older women can achieve great things in a youth-biased industry
  • It means more prestige and recognition, which leads to better opportunities for me and it’d therefore be more likely that I can can continue to write the blog full time (if I were to win it would mean even more leverage)
  • The awards is a big dressed up event – as I’m self employed I don’t have a Christmas party or equivalent to go to, so it’s a great excuse for an “office party” and a long dress
  • It’s a chance to celebrate all the other bloggers out there doing really great work in all sorts of categories, from dating to photography and from education to travel – and everything in between

So the search for a great outfit starts all over again (how will I ever top the sparkly top and tulle skirt from last year or the vintage 70s gown from 2015?) – I’m thinking vintage gowns again, maybe 1940s or 50s this time.

Yes, someone may have been trawling through vintage gowns on Etsy and eBay already…!

We just now have to wait for the judges to make their decision and then we find out at the end of April (at the awards event) who the winners are. Third time lucky? Third time’s a charm? Who knows, I’m just glad to be representing older bloggers and going to a party. Thank you sooooo much again!



Dressed Like a Fairy Princess in a Sparkly Crop Top and Maxi Tulle Skirt (The UK Blog Awards)

What to Wear to an Awards Ceremony | Vintage 1970s Evening Dress (The UK Blog Awards)

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  1. 3 May 2018 / 9:59 am

    This is truly amazing! I wish you to become even more popular!

  2. 9 January 2017 / 3:04 pm

    Congratulations Catherine! Well done:). Renata xox

  3. 7 January 2017 / 9:10 pm

    Many congratulations Catherine, well deserved! x

  4. 6 January 2017 / 8:20 pm

    Congratulations! Vintage and green would be my vote for your outfit but I know whatever it is will be fabulous.

  5. 5 January 2017 / 7:36 pm

    Well done Catherine. I hope you win!! I really enjoy your blog – stylish and real. I dislike the blogs where stay at home mums are running around Harvey Niks buying designer stuff all the time! You show us there's lots of great fashion at reasonable prices and put things together in a very stylish and unique way. Best of luck….

    • 9 January 2017 / 6:34 pm

      Oh Carol that's a wonderful thing to say, I really appreciate that – thank you!! I guess the fact that there's choice even among the blogs by older women is a GOOD thing, I'm a high street girl all the way…!

  6. 5 January 2017 / 5:28 pm

    Congratulations!! That's amazing news and so well deserved, enjoy your moment! #Brilliantblogposts

  7. 5 January 2017 / 2:40 pm

    awesome news Catherine, so very proud of how both of you represent the over 40 blogger group. And hello any occasion to dress up is a yea moment. Best of luck

    • 9 January 2017 / 4:54 pm

      Aww thank you for the support and kind words Linda! x

  8. 5 January 2017 / 10:27 am

    Well done, that's such an achievement even if you don't win (which hopefully you will) I love vintage style so looking forward to seeing what your etsy/ebay diving brings #brillblogposts

    • 9 January 2017 / 4:53 pm

      Hehe thank you sweetie – I could browse vintage dresses forever…!!

  9. 5 January 2017 / 2:00 am

    Congratulations on your achievement and I wish you to win the award. You deserve it, and we do need to show everyone that women in their 40 can and are fashionable and relatable (if not more like the younger bloggers.

    March and May

    • 9 January 2017 / 4:53 pm

      Ana that's so kind of you to say, thank you – and yes you're absolutely right…!!!! x

  10. 4 January 2017 / 7:59 pm

    I most definitely voted Catherine. Wishing you and Nikki lots of luck, you are both fabulous ladies and I always look forward to your blog posts xxx

    • 9 January 2017 / 4:52 pm

      Kareema thank you!!!!!! It would be so wonderful for a 40+ blogger to win… keep those fingers crossed for us won't you! x

  11. 4 January 2017 / 7:42 pm

    Well deserved Catherine!
    I've got everything crossed for you….. how about something in the Pantone colour of the year?
    A green vintage smasher!!
    Whatever you decide to wear, it will be beautiful.
    Best of luck to you!

    • 9 January 2017 / 4:52 pm

      that's funny you suggested that green, Samantha – I have seen a beautiful dress in that colour…!! And thank you so much xxxxxxx

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