A Personal Timeline of the Fitness Routines of a 40-Something Through the Decades

A personal timeline of the fitness routines of a 40-something through the decades
What is your fitness routine like? How has it changed over the years – do you find yourself looking back and thinking how much fitter you were when you were younger? Or do you know that you’re stronger and healthier now? As someone in her 40s whose fitness routines have varied quite a bit over the years, healthcare service Benenden UK challenged me to write about my own fitness timeline. I’ve started with what I did as a kid, worked right through up until my 40s, and have pondered what I hope to achieve into my 50s, 60s and beyond.

Putting it into writing makes you stop and think about what you’re doing right – and what you’re doing wrong. It’s never too late to start healthy habits, so maybe my fitness timeline could be of some inspiration to you (of what to do and also what not to do)…? Here goes.


My pre-teen years
As a very small kid (pre-school) I played outside all year round with our next door neighbours’ children. I used to ride my bike around all day, every day. I also learnt to swim at a young age and my mum used to drop me off for swimming lessons once a week (it turned out to be my best sport at school). My dad and I would also go swimming together regularly. Basically it’s easy as a kid – you just run around a lot; exercise just comes naturally.

My teens
I was lucky that my school made us do one lesson of sports a day, throughout the whole year (not sure this happens in schools today). In the summer it was athletics, tennis, rounders and swimming. In the winter it was hockey, netball, aerobics and swimming. I loved rounders and I loved swimming. I think I managed to scrape onto the school swimming team just the once – I was never over-serious about it but I had a mean backstroke and could do one whole length of butterfly (probably the hardest type of exercise I’ve ever had to do). I was naturally slim, but also healthy and thought nothing of doing so much exercise.

My 20s
This is where my fitness routine, as I think it does for so many people, dropped off. It’s very typical that once you leave school you either carry on with a sport that you already love, or you just stop. And I just stopped. The only exercise that I ever did was walking to and from work – about half an hour each way – for about 5 or 6 years whilst I lived in London. Luckily the walking and my naturally high metabolism saved me from putting on excess amounts of weight. It wasn’t till I was 27 (and about to get married) that I thought I should do something to get myself fit.

So I started running. At first all I could manage was about 3 minutes of running, then 3 minutes of walking. This is what happens when you stop exercising for a decade: Your body has totally forgotten what to do. Your lungs can’t cope. It was scary, and it was also the first time in my life I’d been made aware that I wasn’t fit by default any more.

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Within a year, however, and together with the walking, I could manage a 20-30 minute run without stopping: A massive achievement.

My 30s
My fitness routine in my 30s was a bit hit and miss. I moved to the West Country and got myself a sedentary office job which I drove to and from, door to door, every day. With that and my metabolism coming to a grinding halt (a common occurrence in your 30s), the weight simply piled on. I’d forgotten to keep up the running until I’d piled on an extra two stone. I’m naturally slim and small-boned and this made a massive difference to my frame.

After a few years I got back into the running, albeit sporadically, until I had an epiphany aged 35. I realised that my health was the most important reason for staying fit, so I got back into it. I walked regularly, ran regularly, started yoga and bought a lot of exercise videos (and eventually could do them with my eyes closed). By my late 30s I was fitter than I had been in my 20s.

My 40s (now)
My 40s started well as I was continuing the regular fitness routines I’d started in my mid-late 30s. I became probably the fittest I’d ever been. I cleaned up my eating habits (despite the ever-present need for cakes and chocolate) and now know that being fit, strong and most of all healthy is my number one priority. This is the age that you start to notice aches and pains, but your body is still young enough to be retrained fairly easily.

For the last few years I’ve made sure I’ve gone for a brisk 20 minute walk, once or twice a day. When I had my office job I used to do it at lunchtime; now I work from home I walk first thing in the morning. It clears your head and gives you time to breathe, think and de-stress. It shouldn’t really be the only thing you do, but it’s the best way to keep up your basic levels of fitness.

What’s just as important, however, is training your brain. Unless your head’s in the right place and you know the reasons why you’re getting yourself fit, a strong, healthy body will never follow. Although my 40s started well, I’ve let my brain training slip in the last 6-12 months. I’ve got to find that mojo again, and hurry up about it. Sleep, exercise and clean eating are what we all need and currently I’m only completely succeeding with the last one.


My 50s
So what am I hoping for in the future? I’m only seven years away from my 50s, and looking at the rest of my family I’m pretty hopeful for a fit future. My dad used to run half marathons in his 50s; my 52-year-old sister beat me (by a long way) in the 10k we ran together earlier this year, and my 55-year-old brother still cycles competitively and takes part in the Three Peaks Challenge. I have a lot to live up to, but I see that as a good thing. They are the inspiration for my future fitness.

My 60s+
I know that I’ll need to keep up my basic levels of fitness in my 60s and beyond. I like the idea of still running at this age – and plenty of people do – but the two things I know I want to keep up are the regular walking and yoga. My auntie did yoga right up till her 70s and was incredibly supple. My dad still does the gardening aged 86 and, despite two knee replacements, is pretty fit and mobile for someone of his age. If I can achieve either of these things at the same age I’ll be happy.

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I’m so glad I’ve realised early enough that keeping my body strong and healthy is important for a happy life – the last thing I want to be doing into old age is battling with my general health because I’ve let my fitness slide. I’d have no one to blame but myself for that. Sure, you can never prepare for what you have no control over, but I certainly want to be as healthy as I can be.

Benenden have made a video “100 Years of Fitness in 100 Seconds” – depending on your age, how many of these do you remember doing? Aerobics in the 80s is my favourite – brings back happy memories of doing it at school and giggling at the back of the class whilst trying to keep up with the teacher:

What were your fitness routines throughout the years – and are you fitter now that when you were younger? What are your hopes for your health and fitness as you grow older? Do share in the comments below!
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P.S. Like this post? You might also enjoy 10 Ways To Keep Fit in Your 40s (Or at Any Age)!

Linking up to: Let It Shine, Brilliant Blog PostsFriday’s Fab Favourites, Sunday Funday

Disclosure: I have written this post in collaboration with Benenden (click here for my full disclosure). All content is original, however, and opinions are my own and 100% honest.



  1. 15 July 2015 / 3:41 pm

    Like you, I got plenty of exercise as a kid – making obstacle courses with my best friend and walking and cycling lots, but in my teens I hated exercise and did everything possible to get out of games and PE…I think the hideous PE knickers were largely to blame! But in my very late teens I became interested in fitness and when I found my mum doing a Cindy Crawford workout one day I joined in and was instantly hooked. My body ached so much after that first workout but I kept going and eventually joined a gym and started lifting big weights. My mid 20s to mid 30s were a bit hit and miss, I had a couple of periods of letting myself go a bit when things got stressful but overall maintained a decent level of fitness. When I had my daughter just before my 35th birthday I only missed 4 weeks of going to the gym – two weeks before and two weeks after. She was a month premature and I did body pump and spin right up until the day my waters broke…at 33 weeks! Becoming a mum was one hell of a shock to the system and I was desperate to get back in the gym, so much so that I started running regularly and within 3 months was up to running 18 miles. I did my first marathon when my daughter was a year old and have done 3 more since. I hope I'll always be able to run as it's great for boosting my mood. Age is no barrier to fitness – I've been overtaken by a few pensioners while running a marathon. I hope I'll be doing that in years to come!

    Emma xx

    • 17 July 2015 / 8:06 pm

      Emma that's an amazing fitness journey – well done you for keeping it up so well after having a baby! I can imagine that'd be the time that most women go "Noooo!" when it comes to working out, but you sound like you had your head in the right place before the birth so it was easy for you to slip right back into it. Your story is so inspiring… thanks so much for sharing it! C x

  2. 14 July 2015 / 9:25 pm

    This is so inspiring, I've let fitness slip recently and it's affected all aspects of my life even in a short time, really must get back to it, the best stress-relief there is and it really makes a difference to how I feel and look, thanks x

    • 17 July 2015 / 8:03 pm

      Yes to the stress relief, Vicki!! They say that exercise releases dolphins or endorphins or something(?!!) and it definitely improves my positivity and outlook. We should both blog our need to get back into it guns blazing!!! x

  3. 12 July 2015 / 5:23 pm

    I hate fitness… HATE it. But when I became 50, I got disorders, trouble. Exercising made them go away. So hating every minute of it I go to fitness twice a week for an hour each time. And will do so till I die.

    • 13 July 2015 / 8:40 pm

      Well you're absolutely to be admired, Greetje – your dedication to looking after your health despite hating the fitness is admirable! Well done… Sounds like you'll be leading a long, healthy life :))

  4. 11 July 2015 / 2:15 pm

    Like you, Catherine, I was really active as a child. I think we all were…biking, playing baseball and tag, and running all the time. In elementary school I played basketball and volleyball and ran on the track team. In high school I stopped. Until I was 27 and quit smoking and started running. Then I met my husband who is a high school phys ed teacher…and started learning all kinds of activities that I had never done and that we could do together…like canoeing, skiing. And being married to your personal coach can be really helpful. Especially when I took on administrative responsibilities on top of my teaching load. There was always more work to be done, but at the end of the teaching day I would change into my work out clothes and walk the 2 minutes to the gym at the community center attached to my school. That convenience was wonderful. Plus the fact that my hubbie would always ask when I came in the door…"Did you get to the gym?" His support really helped keep me motivated. At 59, my running days are long over (wonky knees) but I still cycle twice a week, power walk with friends once and ride my exercise bike 3-4 times a week with a weight work-out thrown in there somewhere. As my husband said to me years ago… you just have to make it a priority. Easier said than done some weeks…but always doable, I think.

    • 13 July 2015 / 8:38 pm

      Your story sounds VERY similar to mine, Susan! My husband is also very motivating when it comes to fitness: He's not a coach or trainer of any kind(!) but he likes his fitness too so we make a point of encouraging each other.

      I'm not sure about my knees holding out either for the running: Both parents have had both knees replaced, and mine do make funny "bubble wrap" noises when I bend them (makes me cringe). I asked the doctor about it and he said just don't give up the exercise, it'd be the worst thing for them! So I just have to put up with the horrid noise they make ;))

      And yes to the "always doable". I know I'm just making excuses when I say I can't do it. Mind over matter, isn't it…? Thanks my lovely for your input x

  5. 11 July 2015 / 12:42 pm

    I'm lucky as I've always enjoyed sport, despite not having much talent! At school, I was usually in the 2nd XI hockey team and not the first Xi. After school, I joined the WRNS and played hockey as well as indoor football (at 5' !", I found it scary as our opponents were always strapping lasses!) In my 20s and early 30s I had 3 children, which keeps you fairly fit. Going back to work and sitting in an office all day meant the pounds started piling on, so I started running in my late 30s and kept it up till we moved to Spain. Most of the time it's too hot to run, so we do a lot of walking (hint to fellow retirees in their 60s – get a dog!) plus I go to Tai Chi classes and enjoy my Zumba videos. To exercise my mind, I'm learning Spanish and blogging, plus love reading other people's blogs, like yours!

    • 13 July 2015 / 8:28 pm

      Sitting in an office is the most common cause of unintentional weight gain I reckon, Sue! (A lot of offices have vending machines and unhealthy snacks too which don't help either.) It sounds like you were naturally sporty anyway, so I love that you took up running in your late 30s… Luckily there's no chance of it ever being too hot to run in the UK!!

      You sound like you've got yourself well trained in the body AND mind department, and it's great to hear. You're quite an inspiration…!

  6. 10 July 2015 / 7:55 pm

    Great post, from my teens right up to my mid 30s I did no exercise. Zilch, nada, consequently I piled on the pound and felt awful most of the time. I started for much the same reasons as you. I wanted to go into my 40s fit and healthy, so I started looking after myself I'm now 41 and the fittest I've ever been. I make exercise and eating well a priority, because If I don't do it, no one else is going to do it for me.

    • 13 July 2015 / 8:24 pm

      I think your story is typical of probably a lot of people, sweetie! Well done you for recognising that your health is the number 1 priority, and to hear that you're the fittest you've ever been is fantastic to hear. Thanks so much for sharing!! C x

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