Baby Blue, Mint and Teal Combination With Tan Boots

Baby blue, mint, teal and tan
What started as a very simple outfit last weekend – jeans and my  – soon became a riot of all shades of blue. Baby blue, mint and teal all happily combined with tan (both my boots and my hair) to create another ‘anti-autumnal colours’ outfit. (I did yellow and grey the other week.)

I hadn’t actually worn the mint jacket since the spring (see here), and I thought the would jar a little but I’m happy to say it didn’t. I think shades of blue with mint can be tricky to get right, but these were all greeny-blues: anything on the side of cobalt or purply-blue definitely wouldn’t have worked with the mint… believe me I’ve tried them all!

The tan boots have been brought out yet again for the fifth or sixth winter in a row and gave a nice warm contrast to all the cool colours I had on. I’m not giving up on these boots any time soon so I’m afraid you’ll have to put up with them for yet another season…!

Do you have an old faithful pair of boots that you’d had for years that you’re determined to keep wearing till they fall apart (like me)?

Baby blue, mint, teal and tan
Baby blue, mint and teal
Baby blue, mint, teal and tan
Catherine x
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P.S. If you like this, why not follow my Pinterest My Style – Autumn Winter board – you’ll see lots of outfits with all sorts of boots (including these ones) featured!

Scarf: , Jacket: c/o , Jeans: Toast, Boots: Duo (old), Bag: Nine West, Ray-Bans: c/o , Earrings: c/o kuka-me, Ring on ring finger: c/o kuka-me, Lips: Revlon

Linking up to: Visible Monday, Let It Shine, Share in Style, Monday Mingle, Style Sessions, Trend Spin Link-Up, What I Wore Wednesday, Throwback Thursday, Passion for Fashion Friday, Friday’s Fab Favourites


  1. 2 November 2014 / 7:53 pm

    Well done. All those blues and mints. And yes I have faithful boots as well. I keep throwing them out and … back in the closet at the last moment. Black riding boots.

    • 3 November 2014 / 9:58 pm

      Will riding boots ever go out of style I wonder? Probably not – they're just too classic…! Thanks Greetje my lovely x

  2. 1 November 2014 / 5:38 pm

    I love these bright blue colours, they look great with the tan boots chick. My black Kurt Geiger boots are my go to's. On my third year in them now

    • 3 November 2014 / 9:57 pm

      Great boots are ALWAYS a wise investment…! Thanks Lauren x

  3. 1 November 2014 / 12:42 am

    I love these colours on you, so perfect for your skin tone. Your scarf is super large which I like plus I don't think I've seen a mint biker jacket before! You look fab!

    • 3 November 2014 / 9:57 pm

      I was definitely drawn to the jacket because of the colour, Lorna – I got in the spring but it seemed silly not to wear it just because mint is regarded as a spring colour. And thank you so much for your lovely comments x

    • 3 November 2014 / 9:56 pm

      The boots always get so much love on the blog, Stephanie!! Thank you hun xx

  4. 30 October 2014 / 3:04 pm

    Great colours πŸ™‚

  5. 30 October 2014 / 11:48 am

    Wow. Fantastic colour combination.

  6. 30 October 2014 / 4:51 am

    Love all the shades of blues together. These boots are great and they look brand new can't believe you've and it for several seasons. I tend to spend more money on boots and buy quality so that they will last for several seasons.


    P.S. Hope you will stop by and join TBT Fashion link up.

    • 3 November 2014 / 9:55 pm

      I spent a lot on these boots at the time, Alice – I've got more than my money's worth out of them!! Thank you hun x

  7. 29 October 2014 / 11:54 pm

    the collage of colours in this outfit is perfect… and anchored by the tan boots. great look.I have several ole stand bys that I will not get rid of

    • 30 October 2014 / 9:01 am

      Thank you Linda! I've remembered I have another pair of really old wedge boots that are faves too… great minds and all that! x

  8. 29 October 2014 / 10:08 pm

    Oh those boots are fabulous! I've had my Born riding boots for about 6 years now too and they're still my favorite!

    • 30 October 2014 / 9:01 am

      There's something about an old pair of fave boots, isn't there Gracey…?! Thank you hun x

  9. 29 October 2014 / 5:24 pm

    meant to say resole them when they need it.

  10. 29 October 2014 / 5:23 pm

    Love the jacket and you really do color blend well. Those boots rock. I would keep them, resole them and just know they are mine until they fall apart.

    • 30 October 2014 / 9:00 am

      Aww that's so nice of you to say, Kathy – thank you! Amazingly they haven't needed resoling yet, but I will when they need it πŸ™‚

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