Musings Monday, Helpful Humpday and Photo Tips Friday – Now on Facebook!

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays on Not Dressed As Lamb's Facebook Page
Since the very start of the blog (just turned three!) I’ve been publishing the occasional posts about photography tips, better blogging tips, musings on ageing and body image, health and fitness, etc. These posts haven’t, however, been as regular as I’d intended or wanted them to be. Partly due to scheduling and partly due to the amount of time they take up (I find it so hard to keep them short), I’ve begrudgingly let them get more and more infrequent over the last year or so. But that’s all about to change!

I still really liked the idea of Musings Mondays and Photo Tips Fridays but this added to the scheduling problem – trying to fit them in around other posts was forcing me to put them further and further back each time. I then had a glut of drafts for posts that I was beginning to think were never going to see the light of day, or they were just too simple and short for a full post. So with the addition of a Wednesday topic as well, I will now be moving these quick and simple tips and musings to regular slots on my Facebook page on Mondays, Wednesdays (“Humpdays”) and Fridays:

  • MUSINGS MONDAY: Thinking about and pondering on anything from body confidence, the ageing process and age appropriateness; to fashion and style, looking back to the past and general thoughts on celebrities, lifestyle, family… you name it, I’ll talk about it.
  • HELPFUL HUMPDAY: Wednesday will be all about tips and tricks, whether that be about blogging, social media or better business. Or how to get perfectly curled eyelashes.
  • PHOTO TIPS FRIDAY: Does exactly what it says on the tin! From a quick tip on how to make your Instagram pictures stand out more to what type of lens to buy for blogging photographs, I’ll post something to hopefully help you improve your photography and understand it better.

Now I won’t be replacing my longer posts about general musings (such as What 3 Years Blogging Has Taught Me) or detailed photography posts (such as How to Get the Best Outfit Photos With Your Point-and-Shoot Camera) – those will still happen and they’ll be scheduled in between my outfit posts without being restricted to a particular day of the week. Many bloggers stick to particular days for themes but I find it too difficult – kudos to those who are so disciplined with their scheduling!

So do “Like” my Facebook page if you haven’t already to keep up with these musings, tips and tricks – they’ll go out on my Twitter feed as well so you can catch them there too. We’ll start tomorrow with a quick photography tip on how to improve shots of your accessories and jewellery on Instagram – don’t miss it!

Let me know if this works for you, and do suggest anything in the comments you’d like me to talk about! (Remember we’re after short and snappy, though I’m happy to answer more complex questions on the blog.) What burning questions within the topics I’m covering do you have? Ask away, I’ll see what I can do!

Catherine x

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P.S. I’ll probably do a monthly or bi-monthly round up of all the posts so you can catch up that way in case you miss them (and so you can Pin Them)!

P.P.S. If you want to catch up on my previous posts, you can catch up on Photo Tips here and Musings here (which include blogging tips)!

Linking up to: Let It ShineFriday’s Fab Favourites


  1. 4 August 2014 / 12:21 am

    Wow!! You are the Superwoman of blogging, dearest Catherine!! After being "at it" for almost a year myself now, I find I'm getting busier and busier when it comes to my blogging obligations…and I don't even have any sponsorships yet!! I want to read EVERY post and comment EVERY time; there's just so much inspiration and support out there to absorb!! I can totally believe that there are no "days off' when you are a full-time blogger…and I just wanted to let you know that your hard work is sooo appreciated!! P.S. The round-ups are an awesome idea; like I said, I don't want to miss a single thing!! XOXO

    • 4 August 2014 / 5:30 pm

      Oh bless you, Monika, you're such a sweetheart!! Thank you =mwah=

  2. 2 August 2014 / 11:29 pm

    Looking forward to this! I'll have to remember to check your Facebook page to make sure I don't miss them. It's a great idea to move them overs there. Scheduling can be tricky and I have no idea how bloggers can fit to set themes. I can post 3 outfit posts one week then 3 tip posts the next, ha. I'm a bit of a diva and like my freedom 🙂

    Corinne x

    • 4 August 2014 / 5:30 pm

      I'm a bit the same, Corinne – I have to do too much juggling! But regular Facebook themes I can stick to. I will be doing a monthly/bi monthly round up in case you miss any x

  3. 1 August 2014 / 9:28 am

    Fantastic idea! I'm liking that Facebook page right away! 😀

    • 4 August 2014 / 5:28 pm

      Yay – hope to see you there, Keit! Thank you for all your support hun x

  4. 31 July 2014 / 7:25 pm

    For me HELPFUL HUMPDAY is nº one followed by PHOTO TIPS FRIDAY
    I always learn so much from you.
    I hope you are ready in flowers for Share- in Style Monday 4th
    Tons of love.

    • 4 August 2014 / 5:28 pm

      Helpful Humpday is going to be a real mixture, Sacramento – tips from wherever I can find inspiration! Thank you for your support as always xx

  5. 31 July 2014 / 5:00 pm

    Your tips and tricks are the best and I cannot get enough of them, Catherine! How many hours does your day have…? I am so impressed how much work you do on/for the blog.
    Thank you so much, I look forward to all your posts and I am sure I'll have questions in due time!

    Annette | Lady of Style

    • 4 August 2014 / 5:27 pm

      Aww thanks Annette – and in reply to your question about hours in the day: not enough!!! x

  6. 31 July 2014 / 3:27 pm

    It's a good idea to share these tips and tricks on Facebook! I'll be keeping a lookout and will be liking your page now too 🙂 Will let you know when I have a question of my own.

    Yazmin xx

    • 4 August 2014 / 5:26 pm

      Oh please do, Yazmin!! Always looking for inspo x

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