Smartly Dressed With A Vintage Scenery Print Blazer

Landscape patterned blazer, black & white shirt and purple peg legs

I’m a sucker for a great blazer, and when you incorporate a beautiful print then it’s a match made in sartorial heaven.

Unusual prints are definitely my “thing”, and anything with some sort of abstract or vintage-style feel to it always set my heart racing a little bit. I adore the colours of this vintage scenery print blazer, and the choices for what to wear with it are endless: dressed up as here with a smart blouse and peg leg trousers, or dressed down with jeans and boots, or jeans and heels… you get my drift.

The weather in the UK’s a bit chilly to wear this by itself; I still had to stick a great big winter coat on over the top. So you can’t see the blazer’s fabulousness until I’m inside and in the warm, but I reckon it’ll see me through to spring and summer with all sorts of pieces in my wardrobe. And it’s a great pattern for spring.

So an unusual pattern is my “thing” – what’s yours? Let me know in the comments!

Landscape patterned blazer
Landscape patterned blazer, black & white shirt and purple peg legs
Purple peg legs and black pointed heels
Landscape patterned blazer and black & white shirt

Catherine x

Blazer: c/o Choies, Blouse: Topshop, Trousers: Asos, Belt: Steve Madden at Tk Maxx, Heels: Office, Watch: 4itgirls, Nails: Models Own Dream Stream

RELATED  How I Like to Layer For Warmth AND For Style in Autumn/Winter


  1. 2 December 2013 / 3:26 am

    Outfit is nice, but that nail varnish is just fab. Care to share the shade?

    • 2 December 2013 / 9:25 am

      Thanks Kristina! The nail polish is listed with all the items 🙂

  2. 19 November 2013 / 7:13 am

    Oh my goodness. What a gorgeous blazer. Love the whole combo. So conservative yet edgy with that color scheme and piping on the shirt.

  3. 17 November 2013 / 12:26 am

    Polka dots have always been my thing. Polka dot everything!

    • 18 November 2013 / 12:40 am

      Polka dot everything is a good thing, Georgina! Though imagine if you literally were dotty everything, from head to toe…!!!! Hehe! Thanks hun x

  4. 15 November 2013 / 4:32 am

    Those pants are perfection on you, and I adore that blazer! Beautifully styled Catherine 🙂
    Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog! I'm so grateful because now I've found yours!

    • 18 November 2013 / 12:39 am

      Awww Carley you're most welcome – and thank YOU! It's so nice to meet you hun!! Speak to you soon xo

  5. 14 November 2013 / 7:50 pm

    Great printed jacket and…FAB pants! I love it 🙂



  6. 14 November 2013 / 7:08 pm

    I love the print of this jacket, and also the design, is a lovely piece. The full look with the beautiful blouse and burgundy pants, is a marvel.

    • 18 November 2013 / 12:38 am

      I always love your descriptions, thank you Josep-Maria!

  7. 14 November 2013 / 6:30 pm

    Awesome blazer! I have a weakness prints and have to remind myself I need solid basic pieces too…lol

  8. 14 November 2013 / 7:54 am

    Loving the look and that blazer is amazing. Love the colours and pattern on it.

    X x

  9. 13 November 2013 / 11:29 pm

    Great painterly blazer, Catherine, and I am loving the high-waisted trousers. xox

    • 18 November 2013 / 12:37 am

      Painterly is a great way to describe it – thanks Patti!

  10. 13 November 2013 / 10:28 pm

    This jacket is truly striking, isn't it?! I'm not a blazer girl, but the print on this is incredible!! You wear it well!!

  11. 13 November 2013 / 9:21 pm

    Great outfit. I so envy you for your ability to style. I would never have thought of that blouse to go with it. Fabulous jacket. I am a great jacket lover, but less prints and more bright colours. Skinnies and necklaces are my other loves.

  12. 13 November 2013 / 8:56 pm

    these are beautifully rich colors! they look so amazing with your hair

  13. 13 November 2013 / 8:36 pm

    I like prints and patterns and your blazer is really awesome. Your combination with jeans would be great to see. Have a nice evening, Conny
    Pants and Tops

  14. 13 November 2013 / 7:53 pm

    You look fantastic dear! 😉

  15. 13 November 2013 / 4:24 pm

    I am overwhelmed by the beauty of this jacket, and you have styled it really beautifully! Fabulous ensemble!

    • 13 November 2013 / 11:24 pm

      What a lovely comment, thank you Nicolene!

  16. 13 November 2013 / 3:25 pm

    Wonderful is not enough, my dear Catherine, even in trousers, lol
    What you are not linking to SHARE-IN-STYLE?, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    YOU ARE MAGIC, dear friend.

    • 13 November 2013 / 11:24 pm

      Heehee thank you Sacramento…! I haven't linked up because I don't have anything orange and I didn't do a Halloween outfit unfortunately 🙁 Hopefully next month!! x

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