Pattern Mixed Scarves In Wiltshire & The First Photo Ever Taken

Black blazer & multi coloured scarves
Black blazer & multi coloured scarves
Black blazer & multi coloured scarves
Black blazer & multi coloured scarves
Black blazer & multi coloured scarves
Black blazer & multi coloured scarves
Lattice Window, Lacock Abbey, Wiltshire
Lacock Abbey, Wiltshire
This beautiful place is Lacock in Wiltshire – we decided to make an impromptu visit on our way back from London last weekend as it’s only a small detour off the way home. As well as being the most gorgeous little village that’s almost stuck in a time warp (in a good way), it’s also the home of Lacock Abbey, which in turn is the home of THE lattice window. The photography pioneer William Henry Fox Talbot took what is accepted as the first photograph ever (that could be reproduced with a negative) in 1835 of that window as you can see in the pictures above… and there I am standing right next to it. Being a photography graduate, I’ve been there a few times over the years and it’s pretty special every time – always a bit of a “wow” moment to see it πŸ™‚

So the weather is still chilly in Blighty; the poor sun is trying but the wind is giving it a run for its money. I had to layer up with sweatshirt, blazer and two scarves – I refuse to wear a woolly scarf at this time of year so made do with two cotton ones! Plus you can see how the wind wins the Battle of the Hairstyles. After a while you just have to give up trying to brush that bird’s nest for photos.

Hope you’re all having a FABULOUS weekend, and if you’ve got a long weekend like the UK, enjoy your extra day tomorrow, won’t you…?

Catherine x


Shop my look! Items marked* are the actual items, if still available:

Coral Scarf: Asos*, Pink ikat snood: Asos, Blazer: La Redoute, Jeans: Zalando, Bag: Accessorize*, Brogues: Office, Sweatshirt: Asos, Spike bracelet: Asos*, Spike cuff: New Look*, Sunglasses: Asos, Polka dot socks: Topshop, Nails: Nails Inc Hampstead Heath*


Lastly: don’t forget to enter the $500 Visa Card group giveaway – it’s open to everyone internationally and closes in one week!

And it’s my last call to “Like” my outfit on Facebook in the Damsel in a Dress style-off – I’ll give out the £250 voucher in a giveaway if I win so PLEASE like my outfit if you haven’t yet – it closes Monday!

Mothers-Day-Giveaway             Damsel in a Dress Style Off

Linking up to:

Share Your Style Saturdays at Claire Justine oxox
Visible Monday at Not Dead Yet Style
Monday Bloom at DC in Style
Monday Mingle at Bonbon Rosegirls
Creative Mondays at Claire Justine oxox
Yolo Mondays at Still Being Molly
Wardrobe Wednesdays at Kiwi Women’s Style
What I Wore Wednesday at The Pleated Poppy


  1. 12 May 2013 / 9:49 am

    Catherine, this is such a great look. I love how classic, timeless and effortlessly chic you look. A classic blazer and scarf is always a fabulous look and I love the pops of color from the scarf and your coral oxfords. I have been wanting some colorful oxfords too. Love the scenic setting, it is quite amazing.

  2. 11 May 2013 / 1:51 pm

    I love the way you have put this whole outfit together. You look so chic and stylish πŸ™‚

  3. 8 May 2013 / 2:40 pm

    I think this is a great look. The shoes and the scarfs make it such an interesting look. Another winner.

  4. 7 May 2013 / 1:39 pm

    AMAZING photos!! Loving this look…just beautiful!

  5. 7 May 2013 / 4:16 am

    You're always a stunner, but the photo quality just inspires. Thank you for the mini-tour of such a beautiful and interesting place.

  6. 6 May 2013 / 1:04 pm

    So much love in this post, the scarf, the bracelets, the shoes and the scenery. WOW!

  7. 6 May 2013 / 11:26 am

    Nice scarf and of course the brogue too! Sweet, casual and chic =)

  8. 6 May 2013 / 10:04 am

    I love your outfit Catherine and these photos are beautiful! I am always intrigued by history, so I would love to take a trip to see this wonderful looking building πŸ™‚

    Take care and enjoy the rest of your monday,
    Daniella xox

  9. 6 May 2013 / 6:56 am

    These are amazing photos of you – you always look lovely, but these are just beautiful πŸ™‚ X

  10. 6 May 2013 / 4:15 am

    darling outfit! its all so cute! my fav part is your cute polka dot socks and red shoes!

  11. 6 May 2013 / 12:00 am

    Gorgeous and gorgeous and gorgeous. Though I was just in London for the holidays I need more. What lovely photos of you and this amazing spot.
    xx, Heather

  12. 5 May 2013 / 11:00 pm

    Thank you for this info and these fabulous pictures, Catherine. I so appreciate your photography expertise! And your look is glorious as well – the scarves are yummy.

  13. 5 May 2013 / 9:58 pm

    your hair looks lovely loose and down like that. love the oxford shoes. i have one pair in a tan color and would love more but my small los angeles closet does not allow room for many more shoes.

  14. 5 May 2013 / 9:05 pm

    STUNNING Catherine – these are amongst my favourite photos of you. You look amazing and that whole outfit is fabulous – I want to re-create but need brogues…off to google! Have a great Bank Holiday, Avril x

  15. 5 May 2013 / 6:32 pm

    Looking great Catherine! Love love love the ensemble!!


  16. 5 May 2013 / 3:20 pm

    Fabulous look, Catherine, love the big scarf!
    Beautiful area, I have been there a couple of years ago.

    Lady of Style
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