Funky Pattern Mix and Denim
I swear I mix patterns with every other outfit I wear. Stripes and florals are becoming a bit of a classic I think; it seems to be the go-to pattern mixing mix of most bloggers, and…
View PostI swear I mix patterns with every other outfit I wear. Stripes and florals are becoming a bit of a classic I think; it seems to be the go-to pattern mixing mix of most bloggers, and…
View PostThis is my first outfit post since my blog makeover yesterday, and I’m beyond excited about its new look – can you tell by the way I’m twirling about…?!! Regular readers may have noticed that…
View PostAlthough I want to talk about my new favourite day-at-the-office outfit, I have to first mention the last photo (I promise you, it’s NOT photoshopped): if you look very closely you should see something… Got it?…
View PostA quick post today as it’s Sunday and I’ve got a ton of things to do! A few layers made up of t-shirt, shirt and scarf over jeans makes me a happy, comfy girl… though…
View PostI have very little explanation for the title of this post, except to say that Peachy Helga is what popped into my head when drafting it up… and in the end I couldn’t think of…
View PostJust a quick outfit post today with a bit of a 70s-inspired number worn a week or so ago… hope you like the pattern mixing and Olivia-Newton-John-in-Grease-style shoes (I loved both the before and after Sandy…
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