Probably My Favouritest Office Outfit. Ever.

2012-07-17 Not Dressed As Lamb 001

2012-07-17 Not Dressed As Lamb 002

2012-07-17 Not Dressed As Lamb 004b

2012-07-17 Not Dressed As Lamb 006

2012-07-17 Not Dressed As Lamb 007

2012-07-17 Not Dressed As Lamb 005

Although I want to talk about my new favourite day-at-the-office outfit, I have to first mention the last photo (I promise you, it’s NOT photoshopped): if you look very closely you should see something…

Got it? What are the chances, eh?!!!

In fact, if Mr. Summers had taken another photo a split second later, it would have been of me flailing about as the busy little bee [okay, hoverfly] flew right into my face πŸ™‚

So, my outfit … an office favourite simply because it was thrown together that morning and surprised me how coordinated it looked, but only after looking at the photos. Do you guys ever do that – you quite like an outfit when wearing it, then see the pictures and you realise it actually looks so much better than you thought…? Usually it’s the other way round for me so this was a nice surprise!

Oh and Happy Thursday! My last as a 30-something (did I mention it’s my birthday on Monday… πŸ˜‰

Cardigan: La Redoute I like this one and this one, Top: F+F at Tesco similar, Trousers: Next (old), Heels: Nine West similar, Bag: Next, Hairband: Unknown similar, Sunglasses: Urban Outfitters similar, Earrings: Accessorize, Bracelets L-R: ASOS / H&M / ASOS / Debenhams, Watch: Seiko similar, Rings L-R: H&M / H&M / ASOS / H&M, Nails: Barry M Magnetic Dark Silver

Linking up to:

Visible Monday at Not Dead Yet Style
Monday Mingle at Bonbon Rose Girls
What I Wore Wednesday at The Pleated Poppy


  1. 9 April 2013 / 7:45 am

    Oohh…Catherine I am such a huge fan! Ill be blogging about you because you inspire me to just go and have a good time and not think about my age. I am in my mid 30's and most of the blogs i see online, most especially in the Philippines are dominated by the beauties 25y/o and below.

    And you got me hooked most esp in this blog where I realized that it's Mr. Summers who takes your photos. Kudos to him. I can well relate because some of my photos are taken by mys huband( if he feels like cooperating. lol!). Showed him this blog with you mentioning Mr. Summer, just so he'd get more inspired to take beautiful photos of me πŸ™‚


  2. 26 July 2012 / 5:56 pm

    What a darling, darling outfit! Love those pants and the combo of colors you put together. I'm so not a "think outside the box" girl, so that's why I love finding blogs like yours πŸ™‚ Found you via WIWW, and so nice to "meet" you!

  3. 24 July 2012 / 4:44 am

    When I first read your blog and saw your countdown to 40 clock ticking away I had to laugh because at the time I was counting down to 61 and not liking it too much. I turned 61, it hasn't killed me yet and here you are 40 and still gorgeous. Love those trousers…

  4. 24 July 2012 / 12:16 am

    Love the entire thing! Those sunnies are just too fabulous and the pink striped cardi is adorable. πŸ˜‰

  5. 23 July 2012 / 3:36 pm

    Happy Birthday! What a photo, truly incredible really. It doesn't look real! You look beautiful as usual in all that color. Have a wonderfully happy day! πŸ™‚

  6. 21 July 2012 / 1:45 pm

    Hi! I found you through and I think your cardigan is really pretty. Nice blog!

  7. 20 July 2012 / 3:10 pm

    Thank you all you lovely people for the birthday wishes and fabulous comments! My last post as a 30-something will be up on the blog at the weekend :)))

    Catherine x

  8. 20 July 2012 / 9:56 am

    OMG I've been off the blogdar for a few weeks and I've been missing your blimmin office posts! Love this outfit. Dont know if I'd last the day in those shoes though. I'd quite happily wear my slippers in the office haha. Thanks for doing some office posts. I'm making notes πŸ™‚ Have a fab birthday dahhhling. x

    • 20 July 2012 / 2:34 pm

      Thanks sweetie… the office workwear post I promised is being compiled and will be up on the blog sometime in August: if you follow me on Twitter @notlamb I'll tweet you about it! C x

    • 20 July 2012 / 3:53 pm

      Look forward to it. Am now following via twitter although I am new to this tweeting malarky and it seems to be a bit tempermental on my BB. Anyhoo enjoy your weekend, hope you're celebrating in style πŸ™‚ xx

  9. 20 July 2012 / 3:46 am

    Ha, you must be a sweet thing!

  10. 20 July 2012 / 3:40 am

    Your cardigan is lovely. I'm really loving your handbag…it's beautiful!

  11. 20 July 2012 / 3:35 am

    I have the same cardigan, just a longer version..your making me wanna pull it out. The last pic is amazing..crazy! and yes it is usually the other way around for me..I will love an outfit but once photographed..i won't use it…nice change of pace..hope you have a wonderful b-day weekend hon!
    Also..following you via bloglovin'
    sheree x

  12. 20 July 2012 / 2:49 am

    You look gorgeous – your eyelashes look amazing. What mascara do you use?

    • 20 July 2012 / 11:58 am

      Thank you, Franziska…! I use Maybelline Volum Express One by One – BUT! More important than the mascara I use, the secret to the length of my lashes is a product called Rapidlash. You paint it on the base of your lashes at night and after six weeks your eyelashes are A LOT longer. It is expensive (about Β£35 for a tiny tube) but I used to get eyelash extensions done which in comparison were far dearer. So that's what I'd recommend!! xoxo

  13. 20 July 2012 / 12:07 am

    Agreed – an A++++ outfit! Adore the bag.

  14. 19 July 2012 / 10:09 pm

    Great photos. I hope I look half as amazing as you do on the eve of your 40th!


  15. 19 July 2012 / 8:35 pm

    You look great as ever. I would not dare to put a red/white bags with a pink/white top. But I am rather conservative. Just feasting my eyes on your outfits in admiration. And yes it happens sometimes that a photo of an outfit gives me a nice surprise. But most of the times it is the other way around.

    • 20 July 2012 / 11:52 am

      Funnily enough, Greetje, the colours in the photo are not really true to life at all… the cardigan is actually coral stripes, and the bag is dark coral, pink and cream. I think the knit and the leather react differently to the light, so that's why they look pink and red/white respectively! But thank you for your lovely comments sweetie!! xo

  16. 19 July 2012 / 8:32 pm

    That picture is wonderful! I love it! And I love this outfit too. And those shoes make me feel like I need (not want, need) some heeled loafers.

  17. 19 July 2012 / 8:22 pm

    First of all. A very happy birhday in advance!!

    Loving all the colors in your outfit..:)

    The last pic is really interesting with Mr. Hoverfly in it!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


  18. 19 July 2012 / 7:55 pm

    Loving the brown and grey with the pink, makes it so much more interesting…

  19. 19 July 2012 / 7:23 pm

    Probably my most favoritest outfit ever too! That last picture is awesome, can't believe it was captured. Happy almost birthday! πŸ™‚

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  20. 19 July 2012 / 6:21 pm

    I love this look sweetie, i can definitely see why it would be a favourite of yours! Your wide leg, cropped trousers are very chic. Also love how the bold pink stripes looks against the mustard coloured shirt, your loafer style shoes are also a great twist to the look.

    Hehe That last photo is soooo cool, what are the chances!

    Take care, Daniella xox

  21. 19 July 2012 / 5:36 pm

    I am looking for some good jewellery at ASOS right now! =)

  22. 19 July 2012 / 4:56 pm

    Love this colorful assemble!! You can pull off just about anything and make is look super stylish! πŸ™‚

  23. 19 July 2012 / 3:11 pm

    Super stylish! Yeah, usually it's the other way around for me. I'll take photos and feel all disappointed ha ha. Happy Birthday, doll!

  24. Gray Skies
    19 July 2012 / 3:10 pm

    Those green sunglasses are fantastic! Jewel tones look really great on you. And happy birthday on Monday!

  25. 19 July 2012 / 2:33 pm

    I want to work in your office just to see this bright happy outfit! and OMG on the bee!!!

  26. 19 July 2012 / 1:21 pm

    Definitely a bit fat scary bee! Love the yellow and have a lovely weekend and birthday on Monday!! xx

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