The Best of the Blogosphere is Now “Things I’m Loving This Month”

Not Dressed As Lamb blog | Things I'm Loving This Month: July 2023

As part of my reinvigorated blogging schedule, I had a bit of a think about my monthly Best of the Blogosphere posts and whether I wanted to continue compiling and publishing them.

Well, I did and I didn’t, if you see what I mean.

I did want to continue something monthly where I share things I’ve seen/watched/listened to, etc., and they’ve always proved popular with readers.

But I didn’t want to restrict myself to things in the blogosphere, because exactly how relevant is the blogosphere these days? Does it even exist anymore? Does it encompass social media (and if not does that mean I can’t share videos of cute hedgehogs getting a bath in a kitchen sink) or it is literally just blog content?


[Reading time: 3 mins – excluding time reading links]


So after a good 30 seconds thinking about it (meaning – I had a cup of Twinings Menopause Herbal Tea and a Go Ahead Apple Bakes/not an ad but I just love them and this will be relevant when you see what’s coming up in this post =and breeeeeeeathe=), I thought it’d be a simple solution to change my approach ever-so-slightly and just list whatever I’m into this month.

That’s anything and everything. Blog posts, social media posts, stuff I’ve bought, TV shows I’ve seen, things I’ve read… anything.

Therefore, here’s the very first 10 Things I’m Loving This Month. Some months it might not be exactly 10, it might be a few more – I’m gonna play it by ear and see where it takes me. I’ll try and stick to the last Thursday or Friday of the month from next month (yes, I know today is Monday but I was already flying by the seat of my pants where my Grand Return to Blogging was concerned), so that’s back to the schedule I had for the Best of The Blogosphere posts but in the new format/approach/concept.

So by now I’m sure you’re thinking Oh just get on with it woman I want to read about those menopause tea bags – here you are, 10 things I’m loving this month: July edition…!


What caught your eye/are you now loving too? Comment below…!

Disclosure: This blog uses affiliate links (at no cost to you) and any items listed as* were PR products received within the last 12 months. Full disclosure


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This month I’m loving…

1. And Just Like That, S2 E7. Please note I am only loving Aidan’s return, NOT the AJLT series itself. (You can read my rantings about the first AJLT season here.) I know his getting back with Carrie (if that’s what it is) has divided opinion, but for me I feel I’ve suffered this intolerable, godforsaken series up to now just to have Him back. I know Carrie treated him badly, but he’s a grown-up and he’s fictional. He’ll be fine. I’m a real-life person goddammit and I deserve this tiny glimmer of happiness.

2. My new favourite afternoon tea combo is Twinings Menopause Cool Moments Tea (peach herbal tea with lemon balm and honey) and Go Ahead Apple Bakes. Both absolutely delicious, and very hard to stick to just one of each.

RELATED  10 Things I'm Loving This Month: October 2023

3. The wondrous writings of Lizzie, a new-ish but also old-fashioned blogger [meaning, blogger in the traditional sense]. Read her latest post Five Days: “I have resolved to do my weekly food shop at a different, cheaper supermarket. For a timid soul, navigating an unfamiliar aisle layout is akin to riding the rapids”. Beautiful, beautiful writing.

4. These gardening claw gloves are the best thing since sliced bread: they make SO many gardening jobs SO much easier and I love the Wolverine vibes they give me.

5. Outlander. We’re now on Season 7 and it just gets better and better. I think I may declare it my favourite TV show of all time ever.

6. Sharon’s post about wanting More Strong Female Role Models (Like Happy Valley’s Catherine Cawood) hit hard – she’s right, there aren’t enough.

7. After nearly 30 years I’ve found the holy grail of fake freckles makeup: the Freckles Printing pad and brush set. I might do a blog post or reel about this because ermahgerd it’s too good.

8. I read The Accidental Imposter by Amber Eve – known to many as blogger Forever Amber – and bloody LOVED it. I got book 2 in the series, The Accidental Actress, for my birthday and can’t wait to read that too. Described as a “laugh out loud romantic comedy” and I can say I’m in 100% agreement with that.

9. “The more unique, the more bespoke, the more devastatingly effective”… a guide to giving great compliments.

10. Threads. Yeah, I’ll admit it – it’s a whole lot nicer than Twitter #RIP. Or The App Formerly Known as Prince  Twitter, X or whatever the bloody hell he’s calling it now. I just hope Threads stays A Nice Place To Be.

(Okay, okay, I couldn’t stick to just 10 this time. Failed at the first hurdle. Or should that be the first post?)

11. Barbie. It’s so long since I went to the cinema regularly, but our local’s post-pandemic seats – all of them – are now leather [pleather] recliner seats à la Joey and Chandler, I mean WHAT now?! Oh, a review, you say? It was an absolute JOYRIDE of a movie, and definitely not for kids. We laughed almost the whole way through. 10/10.

And a few Not Dressed As Lamb posts you might like…

My Birthday & 12th Blogiversary: My Style Evolution,
9 Things I Tried Once and Will Never Try Again
Why is the Way We Look to OTHERS More Important Than How We FEEL We Look?


Thank you for reading! xoxo

Catherine signature

Linking up to… Monday: Stylish Monday (second Monday of the month), Inspire Me MondayMy Glittery Heart, On Mondays We Link Up || Tuesday: Style With a Smile, Trend Spin/Walking in Memphis in High Heels, Turning Heads Tuesday, Spread the Kindness, Confident Twosday, Happy Now Blog Link Up || Wednesday: WowOnWednesday || Thursday: Chic & Stylish, Ageless Style Linkup (third Thursday of the month), || Friday: Neverending Style, Fancy Friday, On the Edge, Fabulous Friday’s Link Up



  1. 16 August 2023 / 11:55 am

    I still haven’t seen Barbie but a few of us are planning on going together…wives AND husbands which should be fun!
    Suzy x

  2. 3 August 2023 / 1:18 pm

    Thankyou so much for including me as no, 6. I’ve missed these discovery posts

    That was one of my very last posts befoe I started writing over on my new Substack.

    I only made it to ep. 5 of AJLT … I wanted to last out til Aidan but the cheese was just too much

    I loved Barbie, Catherine.

    And Ferrera’s monologue about being good enough I was like that’s the reason for my I Am Enough t-shirt right there ,,,, yay!!!


    • Catherine
      5 August 2023 / 12:32 pm

      My pleasure, Sharon!

      I don’t blame you for bailing before his return… it’s been bad, hasn’t it :/

      And I’m 100& with you on Barbie and America Ferrera’s monologue: it was THE BOMB. Just so moving and saddening yet uplifting at the same time. I have no idea why there’s been negative press/reviews about the film because it was just WOW in my opinion, and yours too it seems 😀

      Thank you for the lovely comment! x

  3. 3 August 2023 / 7:58 am

    We need to talk about what Aidan was wearing….a sort of military looking jacket. Was he always fashion forward!?
    Saw Barbie in the local fleapit, no refinements I’m afraid, and not even a Westler’s hot dog (I had a Cornetto).
    Thanks for linking

    • Catherine
      5 August 2023 / 12:35 pm

      Hehe I think I’m about the only one who liked his jacket, Gail!! I’ve heard a lot of comments about it looking like a military jacket as if he’s just come off the battlefield and the like, lol… I guess it’s to ensure we know he’s “a different man”. I mean MY style has changed massively in 20+ years, so I’ll give him this one! 😉

  4. 2 August 2023 / 9:17 pm

    Loved Barbie, watched it last night. Will checkout the other likes too. Jacqui x

    • Catherine
      5 August 2023 / 1:22 pm

      It was soooooo good Jacqui!! Not just for Barbie lovers at all (I was always more of a Sindy girl myself)…! Thanks hon x

  5. Joanne
    2 August 2023 / 6:20 pm

    I am loving that so many of our movie theaters are changing out their seats to the reclining ones too; they make movie going so much more enjoyable! That tea and those apple bakes sound like the perfect afternoon treat.

    • Catherine
      2 August 2023 / 8:50 pm

      I haven’t been to the cinema in so long Joanne that I didn’t know it was a thing! I was so comfortable I couldn’t stop yawning once I stepped outside, lol 😉

  6. Lizzie
    1 August 2023 / 9:37 am

    Thank you so much for the mention, Catherine. It was the loveliest surprise to see my name in this list 🙂 I’m thinking I really should have persevered with Outlander; I so enjoyed the first three series, then for some reason fell out of love with it in series 4 and abandoned it… That may have been an error of judgement!

    • Catherine
      1 August 2023 / 12:53 pm

      Lizzie it’s my pleasure, I hope you’ll be writing books one day as I’d be the first to read them!!

      Outlander did lose its way a bit a bit around the time you said, but honestly it’s TOTALLY worth coming back to. Even the last series (6) was pretty meh about three episodes in, but then all of a sudden everything kicked off and and it was amazing for the second half of the season. Go back to it, you won’t regret it!!!!! 😉

  7. Pamela
    31 July 2023 / 10:54 pm

    So glad you are back. A breathe of POSITIVE thinking in this increasingly depressing world of ‘JOBES’.

    RE YOUR FINAL POST ABOVE – I am a 93 year old English widow. I welcome each new day as a challenge and make a point of dressing to suit my interests and personality rather than the age on my passport. It is much more important to look the age we FEEL we are rather than how we look to others.

    • Catherine
      1 August 2023 / 12:50 pm

      Wow Pamela, I’m so glad to have you as a reader! Thank you for those kind words, and YES to your fabulous attitude to ageing and your style, you’re a woman after my own heart! 😀

  8. Dianne Reeks
    31 July 2023 / 10:48 pm

    I loved outlander. I’ve recently started reading the books.

    • Catherine
      1 August 2023 / 12:48 pm

      It’s sooooo good, isn’t it Dianne… I haven’t read the books, I don’t think I could while the series is on. I tend to like reading books after I’ve seen the TV show or movie so that I don’t get any spoilers! 😉

  9. 31 July 2023 / 9:22 pm

    So glad these are back! I love seeing what people I like are watching, reading, listening to. I like it so much I may resurrect it on my own blog….

    • Catherine
      1 August 2023 / 12:47 pm

      Aww that’s great to hear, MK – I knew these posts were popular but it felt like time for a change! x

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