I thought I’d share something fun this week – have you ever thought about all the things you’ve never done before that most other people have (or so it seems)?
Well, I thought I’d share some of the things I always think that other people have done that make me go, Hmm I’ve never done that, I wonder why OR I’m glad I never have OR How funny that I haven’t. From things I’ve never eaten to films I’ve never watched, they’re all here.
I reckon there will be many, many more things I’ve not done that perhaps you haven’t either (that I haven’t thought of), so do share them in the comments: We can see if neither of us have not done the same things. How’s that for Bad Grammar of the Day?!
I’ve scheduled this post well in advance as today I’ll be at the Chelsea Flower Show for a special day out with the Over40Collective – do check out my Instagram feed (and Stories) as it’s bound to be FULL of gorgeous flowers and fashion in London’s predicted heatwave!!
Here are my Never Have I Evers, for your amusement/enjoyment…
1. I’ve never seen a Harry Potter movie, Mama Mia! or Downton Abbey
…out of choice
2. I’ve never seen Citizen Kane, Scarface or a Godfather movie
…not out of choice
3. I’ve never been to a hen/bachelorette party
…I didn’t even have one at my own wedding
4. I’ve never eaten a KFC
…Not sure I’ve even stepped inside one
5. I’ve never permed my hair
…despite being the perfect age for it in the 80s
6. I’ve never dyed my hair anything other than “standard” colours
…like brown, red or blonde – no pink, green or blue
7. I’ve never had a tattoo or wanted one
…Not my thing at all, I’d change my mind about it after a few months (weeks!)
8. I’ve never been to Scotland or Ireland
…despite living in England all my life
9. I’ve never had a professional manicure or pedicure
…I’ve always been happy with how I do it myself
10. I’ve never been skinny dipping
…I’m pretty adventurous, but I’m not that adventurous
11. I’ve never read 50 Shades of Grey
…and don’t ever intend to either
12. I’ve never been inside a gym
…despite being a fitness fan
13. I’ve never taken an Uber
… Black cabs or Addison Lee for me
14. I’ve never eaten oysters
…Just, no
15. I’ve never been asked out on a date
…with the exception of once when I was working in retail and he was about 20 years older than me, I said no – I don’t really count it
16. I’ve never drunk more than a few sips of wine
…Can’t get past that taste
17. I’ve never drunk coffee
…Can’t get past that smell
18. I’ve never received a proposal of marriage
…and I’ve been married twice
19. I’ve never gone a day in my life without crying at something
…even if it’s just watery eyes at a sad advert on TV
20. I’ve never cooked a proper roast dinner
…Except for a chicken, but that doesn’t count. Yes, I am ashamed.
10 things that I have never done!
How about you?
1. Never bought a brand new car. But, I have driven one!
2. Never bought a house. But lived in one growing up.
3. Never had children. But teach many.
4. Never been out of the country, except I have been Canada.
5. Never owned a dog. But I have a cat.
6. Never learned how to swim. But I love to go out on a boat.
7. Never cooked a roast, a whole chicken or a complete turkey. But have eaten many.
8. Never learned how to roller or ice skate. Too afraid of falling down!
9. Never had my ears pierced. I have enough holes. LOL
10. Never got any tattoos. I will pass!
That’s a pretty interesting list, Cindy! Although I’ve travelled to many far-flung places, I’m still ashamed that I’ve never been to Scotland or Ireland – is that the same with you and leaving the US (I assume that’s where you are if you said you’ve only been to Canada)?! 😉
I found this post and started thinking about some of the things I’ve never done. I’m 31 and I’ve never dyed my hair in my entire life. My hair is completely natural. I’ve never had an energy drink, coffee or alcohol in my entire life. I’ve never eaten in the school cafeteria in my entire life. I ate a packed lunch every single day of school. I’ve never gotten a speeding ticket. Just a few of the things I could think of that make me an odd ball in today’s society.
Holly that’s quite a few “good” things to have never done before… interesting what others have never done, isn’t it?! For me, to have never dyed one’s hair is amazing… I started at about 16 and never stopped, lol 😀
Same. Though I did bleach it once and use colored hair paste XD (and I’m only 22 so I’ve got my whole life to play with my hair XD)…. I want to one day though
I am in my 50s and I have never worn make-up other than lipstick, mascara and under eye concealer (not even on my wedding day at the age of 24). When I was younger, I wanted to but was forbidden by my parents. Back story – my parents were born in Croatia in the early 1930s. At that time,the only women to wear make-up were (to put it sensitively) women who worked at night pleasuring men. My father hit the roof when, as a teenager, I bought and put make-up on. To him, I was advertising myself as a woman of the night and I was made to wash it off. Despite my efforts to persuade my Dad that his view was archaic, he would not budge and only allowed me to wear lipstick and mascara. Mum, on the other hand, sensing my frustration with Dad talked with me and explained that she didn't want me wearing makeup because of the numerous toxic chemicals contained within them. I listened to her and now I choose not to place anything chemically laden on my skin.
Ohh… bummer (I had a diferent word in mind). I commented and it went AWOL. Let's shorten it to that I enjoyed this a lot and you cry even more than I do.
Love this! Cracked me up how many of your deliberate "nevers" are the same as mine. Fifty Shades of soft porn ugh never ever. KFC nope not even if I was starving. Downton Abbey…yaaawn period drama yaaawn
😉 Great idea for blog post mate xx
Have tweeted my answer! And am adding another: I have never been scuba diving, and probably won't now, too scary, worried about my ears! Just LOVE your outfit above. You look stunning in it. xx
What a great idea for a post!
I have never been to the UK, and my only European experience was 36 hours in Amsterdam en route to and from Kenya/Tanzania, so it doesn't count (despite getting totally lost and circling Madame Tussard's about 5 times). THIS MUST BE CORRECTED!
With you on the hair stuff, and I raise you one — never dyed, ever!
I love your blog. I accidentally came across it on Pinterest when searching for trendy outfits for 35+. I used to run a fashionblog but after becoming a mom and turning 30 I just lost myself completely – despairing that whet I loved the most – instagramming and blogging – was almost like "trying too hard". Feeling like I was competing with 20 somethings all the time. Something that has been the story of my life. Always feeling "I'm too old to" do certain things. Not quite sure why I constantly feel like that.
I lost my job and was unable to find a new one as Norway was hit by a ressecion just as I finished my maternityleave. And that sent me into a bit of a depression. So I gave up. Not just on blogging, but on dressing completely. PJs all day for me if I could.
I am now 36 years old, gone back to law-school and I have actually got a temp-job part time. And I am starting to want to style and dress nicely again. Thank you so much for this blog. I am going through absolutely everything. 🙂 And from hereon in, I'll make sure I never again feel I am too old to do something. 🙂
PS – Things I have never done: read 50 shades of gray here as well. Tried to watch the film, but gave up about 20 minutes in…
Agree on the Uber thing….yet my stepdaughter uses them all the time. I've never been to a rock festival….and really regret that!
Great list – coffee and wine are lost on me too. Also 50 shades of grey – NEVER! But Scotland is beautiful and I'm from NZ so you have no excuse!! 🙂 x
Pkay, the oysters I can live with but being that close to magnificent Edinburgh? Not acceptable Catherine!!!! :))))) Hope you get to go one day. Its a dream….xxxxx Sabina
I've never seen a Harry Potter movie either. I watched 50 Shades of grey for a little bit and was soooooooooooooooo bored than I switched it off.I have to Scotland so many time. It is the only place my husband wants to visit, so I go with him once a year, and do my own thing for the rest of the time.
Have a lovely weekend, dear Catherine
Brilliant. I just posted about colouring my hair at home for the first time and am getting lots off comments ( many offline) about how people can't believe I never did it as a teeny and how they don't do it now – seems like I am doing it back to front – previously only going to hairdresser – haha!
Here's the post – will funny little video clip…http://funkyforty.com/best-ever-hair-wellness-evening-to-remember/
xoxo Yvonne
So interesting…I did or experienced only about 5 items from your list. I enjoyed reading it and learned a bit more about you which is very nice.
Have a lovely weekend!
I haven't seen any of those films either, in fact I don't watch films very often. Fifty Shades does not appeal to me at all! I've never had oysters but I'm doing the Marathon du Medoc in September which is around the vineyards of Bordeaux. There are wine and gourmet food stops at every 5km point, including oysters at 30km…maybe not the best time to eat oysters for the first time 😉
Emma xxx
What a fun post, Catherine! I also have never been to a bachelorette party. I have tried to read 50 Shades of Gray…but never got through the first book. Bleck. Just horrid! I have done some crazy things in my life so my "Never List" would probably contain some pretty daring things…like I have never gone skydiving or bungee jumping (not really into extreme sports at all). Also, I have never been inside the White House and I have never been arrested! Hahahaha. And as you know, up until this week, I never had an online "stalker" but now that has changed! (I'm laughing about it now because I ignored the last attempt at communication and nothing further has occurred. Thanks again for you advice on that one!) Such a fun post. Thanks so much for sharing! Have a wonderful weekend with your Over 40 Collective!
I love this Catherine! My advice – go skinny dipping – it's so fun!
I’m currently writing a list of things I’ve never done as I am making it a goal in life to try something new-big or small- every day and I want to have a list of ideas to refrencing if I can’t think of anything XD So thank you so much for the list and thank you everyone who replied in the comments! I may even do a YouTube series where I try some of these ideas XD
P.S. I’m from B.C. Canada! (And no that’s not why the name. The letters in my name are my initials lol)
I laughed at your list Catherine…..you are a mysterious lady!
Ditto 11, 7,5 and 13 ….but YES to the rest!! :oP
Fake Fabulous | Fashion & Style, over 40
That's a fun list! But I agree with Jodie, I'm pretty sure the backstories to some of these would make fabulous reads… 😉
Hope you are having a wonderful time at the Chelsea Flower Show with your Over40Collective friends!
Andrea’s Wellness Notes
I have so many questions!! The marriage proposal – lack thereof despite two marriages – has has really got my ears up!
I have also never seen a Harry Potter movie nor have I ever cooked a roast.
Fun post!
xo, A
Great post, but you REALLY need to visit Scotland and Ireland. You're missing out!
Great post Catherine. Loved your answers. I have never seen Harry Potter even thought I have 4 children who love it and have watched it loads of times! I had the perms lol I looked 40 back then and I was only early 20's Ha!! What a post those photos would make!? Thanks for hosting.
Ha ha ha, what a funny things! I have never worn dungarees…And I don't intent to!
But those are such teasers for some of those items Catherine—that's so not fair!! We need more of the back story!!