A Desperate Plea for More Blogging Heroes | Nominate Your Favourite!

Blogging Heroes | Nominate Your Favourite Blogger
Today I’m putting out a desperate plea: I need more of your blogging heroes please! If you missed your chance first time to nominate someone as your Blogging Hero, I’m giving you another opportunity. I’m not sure there’s anything nicer than spreading a bit of love around the interwebs – it puts trolls in their place and shows the naysayers that we’re not all in competition with each other. We DO take the time to show our appreciation to those that makes a difference to our day (or, sometimes, our lives).

So many bloggers inspire me every day – I thought it would be nice to give you lovely readers a platform to tell someone how much their blog means to you. They’ll get a tweet/comment/Facebook message once the post is up so they’ll know you nominated them.

Following the sheer number of nominations received the first time I asked for blogging heroes, I decided to split the post into two – but due to an error on my part I totally miscounted and put too many in the first post (Blogging Heroes Part One). I’ve asked for more nominations since so I have the same number in part two, but I still need more please!

So for a great way for us both to discover new and amazing blogs, please nominate the blogger that, in your opinion, deserves some recognition for being the most creative, the most innovative, the most motivational, the most hard working, the most generous, the most inspiring blogger out there.

A few pointers:

  • Please only nominate ONE blogger to make it fair to everyone
  • You can’t nominate me (a few people tried to do this and whilst I’m incredibly flattered, I want everyone to find new and exciting blogs)
  • ALL the bloggers nominated will be featured – you give them a vote, they’ll be listed
  • Please give me the URL of the blog in your comment
  • Say why you love them so much/how they’ve helped or inspired you
  • You can vote for any blog niche/country
  • If you voted for someone first time you CAN vote again
  • Once I have enough (I need 10 more) I’ll close the comments

And of course don’t waste your vote and pick a blog that’s already been nominated… Check the comments on the original post here to see if yours is already on there.


You’ll be able to nominate your blogging hero until I receive 10 more nominations on this post – so don’t miss another chance! Thanks so much my lovelies 🙂
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P.S. If I receive 10 nominations in time I’ll do my best to get the post up on Sunday 9th August as originally planned, otherwise it’ll be live the following Sunday.

Linking up to: Let It Shine, Brilliant Blog PostsFriday’s Fab Favourites


  1. 8 August 2015 / 11:56 pm

    Susie Johnson of not-your-average-mom.com has been making me laugh for a few years now. She has 7 children and offers insights into parenting, marriage, budgeting, exercise tips, and how yo feel empowered. Her blog is just the tight amount of serious, silly, and sentimental. So I nominate Susie. http://www.not-your-average-mom.com

  2. 8 August 2015 / 12:12 pm

    I nominate makingitupblog.com
    Jess talks about beauty in a fresh, non-cliche way and she's inspired me to make lots of different but helpful purchases.

  3. 8 August 2015 / 9:19 am

    Is Melanie from http://bagandaberet.blogspot.co.uk/ on your list? If not, she should be. This Canadian lady is one tour de force and I adore her blog. Even though her style is completely different to mine, I know every post is going to be worth my time reading. She has such wit and bags of creativity. The sketches she includes in many of her blog posts, crack me up. A true artist in many sense of the word. She's just recently organised the Vancouver bloggers meet up last month along with Suzanne Carillo and Sue from acolourfulcanvas (I would also nominate these two ladies but I'm only allowed one!) that quite a few of the bloggers already on your list attended – Patty and Greetje to name but two.

  4. 8 August 2015 / 8:36 am

    Hi there Catherine.
    I have recently found and subscribed to your blog, after seeing you featured in a dress from Hobbs. Loved the way you styled it with the hat and accessories. I am a huge Hobbs fan and adore their beautiful handmade shoes.
    As a keen home sewist, may I introduce you to a blog which is fashion related, for all of us that make some ( if not all in some peoples cases) of our clothes. I make couture level clothes for myself and my 19 year old daughter, so boned bodiced silk evening dresses and Chanel style jackets for her, following all the couture techniques and the odd dress etc for myself when I get the chance.
    So my suggested blogger is a prolific home sewist and the blog is Goodbye Valentino! You can find her at http://goodbyevalentino.com/
    Hope you take a peep and that you enjoy it.
    Thanks for your inspiring blog, really pleased to see you in my inbox and hearing about your adventures at M&S.

  5. 8 August 2015 / 7:53 am

    I'd like to nominate the fitness blog Lexi&Jones Swim,Run and Write. Aimed at women in their 40's and up, they are fun, realistic and inspiring and there aren't any scary Lycra-clad hard abs. Plus there's quite a lot about cocktails! http://www.lexiandjones.com

  6. 7 August 2015 / 11:40 pm

    I nominate Emma Hill, her style is always flawless, her outfits are so wearable and chic plus she's a really genuinely lovely person and has been so kind and generous to me with her time & blogging help and advice. She inspires me everyday to keep blogging. http://www.ejstyle.co.uk

  7. 7 August 2015 / 11:35 pm

    I nominate Beth Djalali of http://www.styleofacertainage.com She is 56 and ROCKS it!! I'm in my early 40's and it's hard to find a lot of stylish bloggers that are not in their 20's.

  8. 7 August 2015 / 9:57 pm

    Hannah Gale: http://hannahgale.co.uk
    I vote for Hannah Gale. She is very funny, not afraid to talk about difficult subjects such as mental health, and I love her writing style! Her lists are hilarious, I love her fashion sense and she has also inspired me to wear red lipstick!

    • 8 August 2015 / 8:36 pm

      Hi Kat, I'm afraid Hannah has already been nominated! But thank you anyway, she's obviously very popular…!! 🙂

  9. 7 August 2015 / 6:42 pm


    As usual another fabulous and bloggingly altruistic idea of yours. I love how you promote others so selflessly. Thank you for that. I too have a million loved blog heroes, many of whom appear to have already been nominated and so I am going to suggest one that appears to not be here. Let me know if I have missed her already nominated somewhere and I have no doubt I can come up with another.

    My vote:

    Marlen from Messages on a Napkin


    She has a quirky style I love, she tries adventurous things, she writes well and even though I don't usually like 'how to's with my fashion (because I am usually so out of fashion myself) I find her 'What to Wear to a …' Segment awesome – it makes me want to go on much more exciting outIngs.

    Thanks again Catherine!

    Fur Earwig

  10. 7 August 2015 / 5:33 pm


    Brenda Kinsel has inspired me for years. First through her book about over 40 style, and then through her blog, her ideas have thoroughly informed my personal style.

  11. 7 August 2015 / 5:15 pm

    Ok take two..
    I would vote for Kat of Does my Bum Look 40 (www.doesmybumlook40.blogspot.co.uk) as her writing is absolutely fantastic and cracks me up. Also i blame ehr for some of this years purchases. She has a great eye for finding some real gems!

DISCLOSURE: Items marked* are PR products (I never accept anything I wouldn’t choose for myself) and my opinions are 100% honest. I also use affiliate links where I may earn commission if you click through and buy, at no cost to you.

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