The Classics

Polka dots and trenchcoat

This is quite a unique outfit overall for me as each piece is a bit of a classic: classic raincoat, classic jeans, classic heels, classic polka dots.

I was sent the jeans by ASOS to review just before the launch of their new denim range – and boy did they fit beautifully! I had the choice of skinnies or skinny flares, so as I have loads of skinnies I chose the latter. Just the right amount of skinniness and flariness (flaryness?!) with a great fit on both the hips and waist, which isn’t bad for a £32 pair of jeans. I normally have terrible problems finding jeans that fit me properly so I was well happy.

Happy Hump Day everyone πŸ™‚

Catherine x

Polka dots and trenchcoat
Polka dots, trenchcoat & red hair

Raincoat: Ellen Tracy, Jeans: ASOS, Shirt: ASOS, Heels: Office, Belt: Unknown (old), Owl bracelet: Accessorize

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  1. 14 March 2013 / 8:30 am

    Gorgeous in polka dots, dear Catherine.

  2. 12 March 2013 / 4:25 pm

    As always, they're wonderful on you! Such an easy outfit, class all the way, young lady. Pop over, please, if you get a chance, to see my "avatar" in her strips and polka dots. Three is definitely my limit!

  3. 11 March 2013 / 10:31 pm

    Beautiful. And yes, classic (classy works too). Great jeans…love the black/white polka dot with the camel overcoat and denims. Love your smile (it just reaches your eyes) in the last photo…. Lynaea @

  4. 8 March 2013 / 4:22 pm

    Nice review for Asos jeans =) You look good in that jeans actually. Your raincoat is definitely gorgeous! =)

  5. 8 March 2013 / 1:35 pm

    I just stumbled upon your blog and I happened to notice that in yourabout me section you mention that you`re over 40… and I don`t see how that could possibly be! You look so young! {And seem to have less gray than I do in my 20s, which I`m very envious of, I must say ;)} This is beautiful classic ensemble – I love the pairing of your trench and polkadot blazer, and your flared jeans are a wonderful finishing touch.

  6. 8 March 2013 / 6:45 am

    Those jeans look great on you! And wow, your hair with the sun behind it like that? Stunning.

  7. 8 March 2013 / 2:41 am

    The day I discovered ASOS was a great day indeed. I love this classic look! It's fantastic!


  8. 7 March 2013 / 6:18 am

    you look so cute Catherine! this is a simple yet chic look, I've never tried on ASOS jeans but I may need to πŸ™‚

    C's Evolution of Style

  9. 7 March 2013 / 5:43 am

    I love this look! Polka dots are always my favorite print and the trench is a great classic piece that can be dressed up or down. And it's always nice to find great fitting jeans. I love ASOS clothes! <3


  10. 7 March 2013 / 5:13 am

    I wore a very similar outfit on my very first date with my partner. Apparently my polka dot blouse is one of the only things I own that he doesn't like! (The other is a western style shirt. I gather his years in Texas left him somewhat averse to the fashion.) He liked me enough to overlook it, and I like him enough to overlook the fact that he can't see the beauty in polka dots.

    Here's the outfit:

  11. 7 March 2013 / 1:00 am

    Classic and cool. Loving the flares! xoxoxo

  12. 6 March 2013 / 10:11 pm

    The look is classic with a twist – you look great in that entire ensemble!

  13. 6 March 2013 / 7:25 pm

    I love polka dots and you pull them off perfectly! I found your blog through the Visa Giftcard giveaway and I am so glad I did, I love it and I am now following you!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  14. 6 March 2013 / 6:51 pm

    Classic and chic perfection! Yes I lovee the fit of those jeans and their wash and flared shape is also perfect πŸ™‚

    Take care,
    Daniella xox

  15. 6 March 2013 / 6:43 pm

    Oh I love that classic look!
    I am currently thinking about getting my first flared jeans! On the website it says "low rise" but on your photos it doesn't seem to be. I prefer normal rather then low.

    Lady of Style

  16. 6 March 2013 / 5:35 pm

    polka dots and coat! love!

  17. 6 March 2013 / 4:13 pm

    Love the polka dots!

  18. 6 March 2013 / 3:55 pm

    Very chic. You always have great photos.
    I also have trouble finding jeans and usually have to get mine taken in at the waist because I have a very small waist compared to the rest of me πŸ™‚

    Not Going Out Like That

  19. 6 March 2013 / 2:49 pm

    girl, you rock those jeans soo well! and i wore a similar top on my blog today haha!!

    Sandy a la Mode

  20. 6 March 2013 / 2:48 pm

    the last picture.. o wow, you look sooo beautiful. no offense, but i would like to look like you in my 30s/40s. you are stunnig!

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