Many weeks ago, I was honoured to receive my second Sunshine Blogger Award, awarded to me by Ashy of The Zing of My Life…. Ashy was good enough to let me pass on this award after the summer – I really appreciated her understanding [of the long wait] and for of course presenting me with the award! Thank you Ashy!
You may have noticed that I’ve taken the liberty to design my own Sunshine Award image… You know the one that’s normally associated with the award, the one with the orange gerbera flower against the blue sky? I felt like it needed an update (and a bit more sunshine in it) – a bit cheeky, I know, but I hope you like it and will pass this one on! Click the image to download it or click this link right here π
So! The Sunshine Blogger Award Rules are:
1. Include the award logo in a post and/or on your blog sidebar.
2. Link the blogger who nominated you.
3. Answer 10 questions about yourself.
4. Nominate 10 other fabulous bloggers and ask them ten questions.
5. Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blog, letting them know about the award.
So Ashy’s questions for me were (the questions for my nominees are at the bottom of the post):
1) If you could vacation anywhere, where would you go?
I have several places on my bucket list (I did the Grand Canyon last year so that’s one down…); Rome, Macchu Picchu in Peru and seeing the Northern Lights are the current top three. When you live in the UK anywhere seems exotic.
2) What’s your memorable moment/fave memory since you became a blogger?
I think the handful of occasions when really well known bloggers commented on posts of mine. I kept thinking – she’s been to MY blog!!! I can’t believe she’s been to MY blog!!!
3) What do you do to relax after a hectic day?
Curl up on the sofa, put a DVD on and make a nice cup of tea. And share a big bar of chocolate with Mr. Summers :))
4) When are you most alert, morning or night?
Oh, night – but only marginally. I’m terrible either side of bedtime.
5) Would you rather be by yourself or with lots of people?
I like both in even measures… depends on my mood. I quite often enjoy my own company, but just for half a day or so.
6) Your favorite fashion magazine and blog?
My favourite fash mag is In Style, but I can’t choose just one blog!! Frassy, Style & Pepper, Keiko Lynn and Eat.Sleep.Wear are probably my faves.
7) Are you active or quiet/silent person?
Haha… active, as long as it’s not near bedtime (see no.4). My dad would spit out his tea if I said quiet! However, I still think I can run round like a six year old, then I soon remember my 40 year old body is not up to jumping on the spot spontaneously (I get excitable and enthusiastic about stuff very easily). I’m also extremely clumsy and constantly bruised from whacking myself on things and flailing my arms about… then I’m very vocal – not at all quiet – about the resulting injuries.
8) How many hours do you spend on blogging in a week?
Too many. In theory it could be used against me in imaginary divorce proceedings.
9) Pink or black?
PINK. Any colour apart from black for me!
10) What’s your favorite place to shop in this world and why?
Online: ASOS – I’m an addict. It’s the easiest site to navigate and they have the most amazing selection of everything. Very rarely do I go there for something and not end up buying anything. And high street: Selfridges in Oxford Street, London. I worked there briefly many years ago and still love just milling around in every department – it’s something about the atmosphere and the buzz that’s so exciting every time I’m there.
So without further ado, here are my nominees – in alphabetical order – to whom I’m presenting the Sunshine Blogger Award. I love all these ladies and their blogs for their amazing style, their engaging writing, or their inspiring attitude… or all three! They really deserve the award, so do please go check them out!
A Southern Drawl
Butane Anvil
Expressive Style
Fashion For Giants
It’s Not That Deep
Red Tag Chic Los Angeles
The Queen City Style
And my questions for them are:
1. If you had to choose a totally different stage name for yourself, what would it be?
2. Excluding loved ones or pets, what one material possession would you save if your house was on fire?
3. Who’s the first celebrity you can remember having a crush on?
4. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever had?
5. If you could only ever listen to one band/artist for the rest of your life, who would it be?
6. Who would you want to play you in a movie about your life?
7. What is your favourite part of your body or appearance?
8. If you were to win an Olympic gold medal in any sport, skill or pastime, what would it be (e.g. spoon playing, procrastinating, ironing, party planning, etc.)?
9. What is your favourite all-time TV show?
10. Which celebrity’s wardrobe would you most like to own?
I hope that the nominees will pass on the award – or at least answer my questions in a comment here, I’d love to know your answers! I understand that it takes up a lot of time to do these award posts, but whatever you can do would be great, I’d genuinely like to hear your answers :)))
Thank you so much for nominating me, Catherine! Now that I'm back from being sick, I'll work an answering the questions and finding my own nominees! Thank you again!!
P.S. Love what you did with the new button! So cute!
Dear Catherine, it was so nice to discover a bit more about you and thank you so much for including me in this list! Voila' my answers…
1. If you had to choose a totally different stage name for yourself, what would it be? CAN I KEEP MINE?!
2. Excluding loved ones or pets, what one material possession would you save if your house was on fire? THE DRAWER WHERE I KEEP ALL MY COSTUME JEWELRY
3. Who's the first celebrity you can remember having a crush on? THE TENNIS PLAYER GORAN IVANISEVIC
4. What's the best compliment you've ever had? WHEN SOMEONE SEE SOMETHING AND SAYS 'THAT'S SO YOU/YOUR STYLE!'
5. If you could only ever listen to one band/artist for the rest of your life, who would it be? MUSE
6. Who would you want to play you in a movie about your life? NOT SURE ABOUT THE ACTRESS, BUT I WOULD LOVE IF THE MOVIE COULD BE DIRECTED BY SOFIA COPPOLA
7. What is your favourite part of your body or appearance? MY FEET
8. If you were to win an Olympic gold medal in any sport, skill or pastime, what would it be (e.g. spoon playing, procrastinating, ironing, party planning, etc.)? SHOPPING
10. Which celebrity's wardrobe would you most like to own? TILDA SWINTON
I love your answers Catherine and I really like the ones you've asked your nominees, will have to check out the answers π
Thank you so much! And tea and a good dvd–doesn't get much better than that!
A Southern Drawl
You're welcome, Grace – you're a deserving winner! C x
Oh, I love Asos and Selfridges too. My fave stores. Oh, and Zara.
Why congrats as well as THANK YOU, dear Catherine! I look forward to checking out your other awardee picks, as I so admire your taste. Like you, it may take me a bit to put my award post together.
Great answers!
You're very welcome, Amber! I look forward to reading your post :)))
Congratulations & a big hug to you CATHERINE… deserve that lovely award for giving a ray of sunshine to all of us. Thanks also for your valued nomination….I highly appreciate it coming from someone like you. Now here are the answers to your questions:
1. If you had to choose a totally different stage name for yourself, what would it be? KRISTA PATTERSON
2. Excluding loved ones or pets, what one material possession would you save if your house was on fire? LOUIS VUITTON PURSE(S)….HAHAHA
3. Who's the first celebrity you can remember having a crush on? JOHN STAMOS
4. What's the best compliment you've ever had? THAT I HAVE THE BEST SMILE π
5. If you could only ever listen to one band/artist for the rest of your life, who would it be? BARRY MANILOW
6. Who would you want to play you in a movie about your life? MADELEINE STOWE
7. What is your favourite part of your body or appearance? HAIR/LEGS
8. If you were to win an Olympic gold medal in any sport, skill or pastime, what would it be (e.g. spoon playing, procrastinating, ironing, party planning, etc.)? SLEEPING
9. What is your favourite all-time TV show? REVENGE
10. Which celebrity's wardrobe would you most like to own? NICOLE RICHIE
Thanks again Catherine!!!
FANTASTIC answers, Rebecca!!! I'm a bit of a Barry fan myself!! C xo
Congratulations on the award!!! I like the image you designed. I really brins out the sunshine in the name.
Hooray for you lady! I'm definitely gonna check out the ladies you nominated!
<3 Cambria
Catherine, you made my day. Congrats on your award and I am so honored that you would pick my blog along with these other great blogs for this award. I always love learning new things about you and your style is awesome. I think you have true originality which I love. I'll get working on my Sunshine award post and the Sunshine image looks so good. I can't wait to check out these other blog winners.
Thank you, Carrie… you're so very deserving of it!! C xx
We could have great fun together but it would be exhausting for everybody around us haha. Recognised a lot. But I am a morning person. I like your award design. But as I am not a blogger myself, I cannot do anything with it. Nevertheless: much congratulated with the award. Very earned.
Congrats on the Sunshine Award, and thank you for the nom! I'm so excited to participate!
Love your answers – espesh number two (tee hee…number two…) Isn't it so cool, in this GINORMOUS blogosphere, when someone that you admire (or let's be honest, have the slightest bit of a crush on) recognizes you on your own blog? It's great!!
Oh Shannan you're too sweet!!! I bestowed the award on you just coz you're so great with compliments, haha ;))
Nice to know more about you, Catherine.