Vintage Black and Mustard Polka Dot Dress

2012-09-26 Not Dressed As Lamb 001
2012-09-26 Not Dressed As Lamb 003
2012-09-26 Not Dressed As Lamb 007
2012-09-26 Not Dressed As Lamb 006
2012-09-26 Not Dressed As Lamb 005
… plus it’s sheer, too, but that would seem like one too many trends to put into the post title! I can’t gush enough about how much I love this vintage dress I bought from eBay several years ago. It doesn’t get worn nearly as much as it should (in fact this is its blog debut), but I suppose it means I always feel special when I do wear it. I did a mini DIY job on it: the front panel actually comes right up to the neck and folds over to button on one shoulder – and that wasn’t flattering on me. As soon as I got it I decided to tuck the two corners right under and stitch them to make a false wrapover style – and I’m glad I did as it looks so much better this way.

Is it my favourite ever outfit post? I think it’s close. Not least for my awesome shadow in the first picture.

Happy weekend everyone, hope you’re all having a blast :))


Dress: Vintage eBay, Tank: Next, Belt: Accessorize, Heels: Nine West, Sunglasses: Red Herring at Debenhams, Earrings: Unknown, Watch: Red Herring at Debenhams,  Ring: Boots, Bracelets: ASOS / New Look / Tiffany & Co, Nails: Revlon Elegant

Linking up to: Visible MondayMonday MingleThrifters Anonymous


  1. 6 October 2012 / 4:22 am

    Awesome and unexpected color combo.

  2. 4 October 2012 / 10:56 pm


    What wonderful comments… I'm so glad you all seem to love the dress as much as I do – it really is one of my favourites. Thank you all for taking the time to visit and comment – I appreciate every single one!

    Catherine xoxo

  3. 4 October 2012 / 1:52 am

    Love that you paired the dress with the purple accents. So unexpected and so great. You look beautiful as usual.

  4. 3 October 2012 / 11:01 pm

    That's a pretty cool dress, but I really love the butterfly belt you paired with it! I never would have thought to put those colors together, but they look awesome!

  5. 3 October 2012 / 8:33 pm

    The dress looks great on you. Love the magenta accessories.
    Stopping by from WIWW.

  6. 3 October 2012 / 7:37 pm

    Gorgeous dress … good find πŸ™‚

  7. 3 October 2012 / 6:27 pm

    Great dress! Love the color combo! Love your hair too!

  8. 3 October 2012 / 6:10 pm

    Polka dot dress! And loafer pumps! I'm so jealous of this outfit. You look beautiful!

    Popping by from the pleated Poppy. Come check out my blog too if you get a chance!


  9. 3 October 2012 / 1:43 pm

    I absolutely LOVE that dress! I love the purple with the mustard too – I would have never thought of that but it works! I'm wearing polka dots on the bog today too – they seem to be a popular item! πŸ™‚ Have a great day!

    xo Niki

  10. 3 October 2012 / 12:53 am

    I love this look. The colors and patterns are so great together. And those shoes are phenomenal. That last picture of you is stunning.

  11. 2 October 2012 / 8:15 pm

    Indeed, awesome. Right in the top 3 of best outfits. I think you are so clever to combine it with a purple (lilac?) top and belt. I would never, really never, have thought of that. I take my hat off for you.

  12. 2 October 2012 / 5:45 am

    Oh dear! That vintage is so beautiful! I want it. LOL! And you look beautiful in it too. What a great find! πŸ™‚

  13. 2 October 2012 / 3:40 am

    I can't tell you how much I love this dress…and the unexpected fuchsia touches are perfect! Also, your skin and hair area absolutely gorgeous.

    Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life
    I'm giving away a beautiful Soft Surroundings top!

  14. 1 October 2012 / 11:39 pm

    I love the colors, very autumnal but still nice and bold!

  15. 1 October 2012 / 8:30 pm

    I admit – I clicked your thumbnail at Not Dead Yet Visible Monday because of the shadow πŸ™‚

    I love that dress and agree that the faux wrap is a much bettter look than something buttoned up to the neck. What a great outfit. The lavender belt and cami make it that much better.

  16. 1 October 2012 / 8:07 pm

    Very pretty blog.
    I'm a new reader & follower <3

  17. 1 October 2012 / 6:34 pm

    Dots, and sheer, and vintage, oh my! And I love that you paired the black and goldenrod with this purply pink, Catherine. Yay for the butterfly belt!!! ~Sarah

  18. 1 October 2012 / 6:26 pm

    You look wonderful in this dress, and I can easily understand if this is your favorite! Very well chosen alteration, the v-shape of the neckline is so flattering, and leaving room for the layer underneath!

  19. 1 October 2012 / 5:03 pm

    So beautiful with your purple accessories and wonderful loose mane of hair. The alteration on the dress is great, gorgeous on you!

  20. 1 October 2012 / 2:34 pm

    Cute! I'm obsessing over pleats lately (and polka dots always), so this dress is right up my alley!

  21. 1 October 2012 / 12:02 pm

    Gorgeous!!! Love a) the polka dots, b) the fact that it's vintage, and c) the lighting in these photos – you look glorious!!

  22. 1 October 2012 / 7:19 am

    A really lovely dress. That's a stylish shadow there. πŸ™‚

  23. 1 October 2012 / 4:02 am

    LOVE this dress – the pleats and sheer panels are so perfect!
    -Daisy Nguyen from PS BANANAS fashion blog:

  24. 1 October 2012 / 1:22 am

    that dress is pretty fabulous, i can see why it is one of your favorites
    hope you had a great b'day celebration this weekend

  25. 30 September 2012 / 9:56 pm

    What an awesome dress. I really like how you paired it with magenta :).

  26. 30 September 2012 / 9:14 pm

    Love your dress πŸ™‚

  27. 30 September 2012 / 8:01 pm

    Beautiful dress, but I love the shoes even more.

  28. 30 September 2012 / 6:13 pm

    Catherine these pictures are beautiful, the lighting is perfect! I love your dress and the wrap over style you have created with it! The splashes of purple pop beautifully and I love you shoes πŸ™‚

    Take care,

    Daniella xox

  29. 30 September 2012 / 5:06 pm

    This is such a gorgeous dress! I absolutely love the colour combo in this outfit as well πŸ™‚

    Natasha ~

  30. 30 September 2012 / 3:38 pm

    You are right about the shadow – she is her own fabulous model! Love this dress and I can see why it's a fave.

  31. 30 September 2012 / 2:39 pm

    Wowwwwwwwwwwww the sunset pics honoured the perfect dress and wonderful ensemble, my dear Catherine.
    Your last photo is AMAZING!!!

  32. 30 September 2012 / 2:07 pm

    WOW! I love that dress!!! What a great find, and how smart you were to alter to get it just right for you. You look amazing.

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