In a post I did in April, I mentioned that my blog was originally something I only planned to do for a year, in the run up to my fortieth birthday. (To read what on earth I’m talking about, click here.) And I mentioned that I would have to make a decision over whether to carry on, as I couldn’t imagine not blogging any more – I have made sooo many fabulous bloggy friends along the way.
So, as Not Dressed As Lamb (NDAL) will be one and I will be 40 in less than a month, I have made a decision about what to do. (Oh and thank you to those of you that begged me not to stop! So very sweet of you!) And the decision is…. of course I’m going to carry on. Did you really think I wouldn’t? π
But there is a but…
When I started I never envisaged how much time the blog would take up; believe me I absolutely doing love it – it’s reignited my love of photography for a start – but I’ve worked out I need to recharge my batteries and have a more bit time away from this computer screen (I work on one all day at work too).
For want of a better expression: I’m taking a blog sabbatical, like having the summer holidays off school, if you will. However, there will not be a big gap over the summer at NDAL, as I’m going to pre-schedule a whole bunch of posts for the end of July to the beginning of September, probably posting every three to four days. I am going to continue to do outfit posts (I’ve been building them up, which is why I’m currently posting outfits worn a week or two ago). I’m also going to write a few fashion/style/image based posts – or Musings as I call them – maybe a vlog or two so you can laugh at my boring English accent – and a mini series of photography tips posts that I have been requested to do a few times… I knew I did that photography degree for something!!!
And finally NDAL will get a bit of a makeover. Now that I feel safe in saying I’m no longer a rookie blogger, I can let loose the surpressed graphic designer in me and get creative to make it work better for my needs. All in all it’s a mini break for me, but lots to see and read for you guys. Of course I will still come check out everyone else’s blogs and comment – that’s another thing I want more time for! So that’s the plan, I hope it will please everyone who was fretting (haha).
I’m happy to take suggestions for posts that I haven’t mentioned: is there anything you would like to see me post about? Let me know in your comments!
It sounds like a great plan! For my birthday + first blog anniversary last month, I also treated myself and my little blog to a restyling (new logo, colours, etc.) and it was the best present I gave to myself! Good luck with the project!
That's a great way to think about it, Caterina… and thank you! C x
I found your blog through a blog that I was following(: I'm a new follower! I really hope you follow back(:
Thanks for the follow, Shirley – I will pop on over soon! C xx
Hi Catherine. I just found your blog after the lovely comments you left on mine. Thank you so much!
I also spend a lot of time blogging and I totally understand where you are coming from on needing to recharge your brain. I am looking forward to following along from now on!
Hannah Tattoos and Pearls
Welcome, Hannah – thanks so much for coming by! You are very welcome for the comments on your blog… look forward to seeing you again sweetie :))) xo
I'm glad you decided to keep going! I do enjoy your blog you and take beautiful pictures! I look forward to the photography tips since that is what I need to work on! π
I'm so glad you'd like to see some photo tips, Tunde, I'm working on the posts at the moment! Thanks for your support, sweetie! C x
I definitely need to go back and read in your blog archives about the beginning of your blogging… I think you have a fab site, and can't believe it has been under a year since you started! I am looking forward to reading more over here on NDAL, and the next few months of post sound exciting! Cheers to your 40th!
Thanks so much Jessica – that means a lot!! C xoxo
h, I am so pleased you're continuing. *breathes a sigh of relief* I found your blog relatively recently (I don't remember how now, sorry – it might have been via another blog which had a list of 30+ or 40+ fashion bloggers *vague*), and I have been marvelling at your style, the use of colours and accessories. I am almost at *that age* (big birthday looming next year) and I am going through something of a transformation (well, I'm considering it – have had a personal colour analysis (PCA) and am rediscovering bright colours after several years of taupe, brown and khaki.
So I am thrilled that I will be able to admire your style in future. And if you have time, please do make a vlog. I'm a Brit too, and there aren't NEARLY enough British accents knocking about on the internet.
Aww thank you SO much Kitty – such lovely compliments, I really appreciate them! I know what you mean about a lack of British accents… I'll have to definitely do one then! C xx
Yes blogging takes a lot of time. My husband is complaining that I look at the computer screen more than him now LOL! A bit more time and hopefully my blog will run smoothly with less work soon and I promise I'd blog twice a week instead of every other day. Have a good break and enjoy!
My Monday post 'TO THE SALES, TO THE SALES!'
Yes I hear you, Mrs C! I'm thinking that every three days would be better as a general rule anyway… I work my butt off to post every other day at the moment! Thanks so much for your support :))) xoxo
Dear Catherine,
A more critial note from me (and I think you and your blog are great, so it is out of "love" that I make this note.)
May I ask what your goal is with this blog? Is your goal to make a succes of your blog? Because I find it risky to leave "a business" in its building years. As you found out, it takes great effort and time to build an audience. And although everyone gives you lovely comments, most people are not that loyal in the end. If you are not providing (enough) material, your audience might find other blogs.
If you look at a shop or a restaurant that has been open for just a year and is beginning to be succesful… would you recommend them to close shop for a few days a week?
But if you have your blog just for fun, for your own hobby, then forget what I have just written. Because then this doesn't matter and have a lovely holiday break.
With great affection
I hear what you're saying, Greetje, and it makes perfect sense. As I only intended to do this for a year it was never a goal to do this as a business at all… I may have considered that if I was currently in my early 20s and still living in London; I'd want to be getting more involved with events and hope it would lead to a career in fashion probably. But my priorities have changed in 20 years, and doing it this way makes me happy! Basically I wanted a creative outlet and to see if I could improve my style by the age of 40 – becoming popular with so many lovely people has just been the cherry on the cake (or is it the icing…? You know what I mean!)
But as I said, there will be no difference for readers as I'll still be posting regularly and commenting on other blogs… I just need to get to bed earlier rather than sitting up late because I haven't finished a post yet. So, a rest for me, lots of content for you: it's a win-win situation, surely…!!! Thanks for your input and support, sweetie – I appreciate it! x
Glad to hear you know exactly what you want. I will keep visiting you.
that's a lot of thoughts into the blog! very glad you continue to do it! π
thanks for visiting my blog and left me a comment!
the STYLE Fringe BLOG
Hmm I have taken on rather a lot to prepare in advance, Janice… I'll just have to get on with it in order to take my break!! Thanks so much for stopping by and the follow: welcome! C xo
I'm so glad you've decided to continue! Your style has been an inspiration to me for a few months now. I follow dozens of blogs, but yours is my absolute favorite!! π
Thank you Brows, so much – that is sooo great to hear that I'm anyone's favourite!!! I really appreciate your following :))) xoxo
Following back π
Thanks, sweetie! x
Catherine I am glad that you are going to continue blogging , it is very time consuming and alot to take on. I was just talking to my husband about cutting back but I love it so much. I just want you to know I love your sense of style. I think your style is timeless and you are a risk taker . Can't wait to see more in the future.
What lovely, lovely compliments Carrie: really kind of you to say. Thank you!!! C xx
Happy Anniversary! Glad you are sticking with it and I am looking forward to seeing all the changes. Enjoy your break!
Thanks hon, so much! C x
I'm so glad you'll continue blogging! I'd miss seeing your wonderful outfits if you stopped π But a blog sabbatical is a great idea. Especially since you spend all day at a computer at work – you've got to give your eyes a break!
It is the constant computer work that concerns me, Stacey – poor Mr Summers is a bit of a laptop widower at the moment π Thanks sweetie for your support! xo
Sounds like a lovely idea to keep it all fresh, enjoy your little break – you deserve after all the hard work you've put in for us lot! π
That's really nice to hear that – thank you Sam!! C x
Glad to hear you have decided to continue! Enjoy your time off and I'm looking forward to your musings and a vlog would be great.
Thank you Alana, that's so nice of you to say!! C xx
yay!! all that sounds soooo good! i cant wait to read/see more!!xxxx
Oh thanks lovely Rachel… you know I would miss all of you lovely bloggers too much if I dropped it now! C xoxo
So happy you decided to keep going, I love seeing your style and what new outfits you have come up with! π
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Thanks Yi-chia – and thank you also for your unfailing support, sweetie! C xx
So glad you're going to keep blogging, but I'm also glad you're taking a break. I think everyone needs and deserves that once in a while, especially because blogging can be so consuming sometimes. So good for you!!
Aww that's so good to know – and I think you're right about needing a break! Thank you Merrick xoxo
I am so happy to hear you will continue to blog. I think you are my favorite style blogger! I would miss you terribly.
Oh my goodness, Kasmira – what a compliment!!! I think your blog was one of about 2 or 3 only that I followed for ages before discovering others… so that makes me REALLY happy. Thank you SO much…! C xxx
So glad you decided to keep blogging! Your style is a constant inspiration to me.
Thank you, lovely Lizz xoxo