Day 1 of lockdown (proper) – here’s a little bit of normality for you amongst the pandemonium.
[Reading time: 3 mins]
I had a bit of a week off [from normal blogging] last week – I’ll give you one guess why.
In last week’s post, where I talked about how I’m rethinking everything, I mentioned that the blog would carry on as normal as much as possible. Obviously I’m not going to totally ignore the fact that we have a major world crisis going on, but I’m hoping that with all the extra hours being spent at home by many, some light relief in the form of “wearing nice outfits instead of our PJs every day” will be welcomed.
Because writing a blog is What I Do, and it keeps me sane. It keeps me feeling that life is as okay as it can be. I’m lucky in that I haven’t really had to change my lifestyle all that much (I work from home pretty much all the time, except when I’m up in London doing campaigns or similar) and if I can ‘keep my head while all around me are losing theirs’, then I hope I can be in a better frame of mind to help others.
Disclosure: This blog uses affiliate links (at no cost to you) and any items listed as* were gifted within the last 12 months. Full disclosure
Today features the last outfit I wore out before it all really happened. It was still quite chilly, but I was determined to wear a dress – because when did I last wear a dress?!
(Answer: Christmas Day…)
A quick mention about affiliate links: I toyed with the idea of whether or not to include links to shop the items I’m wearing. It seemed insensitive to include them when so many of us are going to be in severe financial difficulties now or in the immediate future. However, I’m sure I’ll still get questions about where things are from, so the links are there purely for convenience for those who are still shopping.
I’ll ALWAYS encourage you to shop your own wardrobe, now more than ever. As I always say, my outfits are there for inspiration, not for anyone to critique (or copy 100%) and tell me how I should have worn them. I’ve worn it, you’re too late!
If you DO click a link to browse or buy something – anything, not just that item – from that retailer, then I earn a few pennies/pounds commission at no cost to you. And being self-employed, with no current financial help from the government, my earnings may well dwindle away. Therefore I FULLY appreciate any clicks and purchases through my links. If you ignore them then that’s okay too… they’re there for convenience, not to tell you to buy.
Mustn’t forget a quick bit of blurb about the outfit! Animal print dress* from JD Williams – love the long length. Perfect all-year-round dress. And like I did with my leopard and black coat last month, I’m trying to pair animal prints with more colour these days (rather than playing it safe with blacks and other neutrals).
Enter: mustard yellow and orange. I like.
Working from home? Fancy doing Dress Up Friday?
I saw this doing the rounds on the old Instagram last week (created by @the_brand_ambassadors_agency) – instead of doing a ‘Dress Down Friday’ if you work in an office, how about doing ‘Dress Up Friday’ now that so many people are working from home? For me, it would be a great idea to do forevermore as I only ever dress up on the weekends usually. I’m quite excited about it in fact(!) – if you want to join in just tag your Instagram post #dressupfriday. And I may, therefore, have some slightly more exciting outfits than just my workout gear or walking the dog clothes to share with you each Tuesday…! ๐
How are you getting on where you live? Comment below and share your lockdown stories, what you’re wearing… anything you like.
Stay home, stay safe XOXO
P.S. Do add your outfits to this week’s link up – and if you’ve added a link to here or my button to your post you may be featured in my bi-monthly Women Who Wear What They Like post!
Jacket: F&F (similar)
Dress: JD Williams*
Boots: Duo (similar)
Belt: Marks & Spencer (I like this wide belt)
Bag: Hobbs (similar)
Earrings: Bought in Amsterdam (I like these)
Sunglasses: Unknown (here’s the real deal)
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CLICK HERE to read the rules of the #iwillwearwhatilike link up…
CLICK HERE to receive an email reminder for the next #iwillwearwhatilike link up as soon as it’s live!
Oh, love the print and bold look. I’ve enjoyed your posts so much during this time. Love the outfits. I’m taking time at least a couple of days of the week to put on a nice dress and be creative with my makeup. It is a great pick me up.
Thank you so much!
Hi Catherine,
First time commenting – from Auckland, NZ. I was gratified that you mentioned it seems insensitive to put a whole lot of advertising in your post, when considering that many of us are economically squeezed at the moment and in our unforeseeable future.
I was shocked when I read on Saturday on another blogger’s post from US, that she had a huge page of sale items from many retailers on her website.
So I applaud you for your handling of our current situation – we are now in Level 4 of the management of this crisis, where we are confined to our homes, can walk about for exercise in our neighbourhoods and can go to supermarkets and pharmacies for supplies. We are only to associate with those in our household – termed a Bubble.
I always enjoy your posts. Thank you.
Hi Alaine – welcome, it’s nice to meet you (so sorry for the delay in replying)!
Yes I agree, I think it’s very insensitive to push a load of affiliate links right now. We need to be reading the room and acting accordingly! But I do want to continue as before, albeit with that sense of acknowledgement that things are very different.
I hope you’re coping okay and are safe and well. Take care! x
Love that look. Inspired me to get me such a beautiful belt! ๐
And by all means, add your affiliates! So will I.
This is how we as fashion bloggers “earn” a bit and I feel we should not have to apologize for it.
Buying and selling is at the core of our economy. If we stop doing that, stop ordering take away, well, consequences are plain to see for us all, aren’t they?
xo Sabina
Belt can make or break an outfit, can’t they Sabina?! Thanks for the support – it’s good to know that people get where you’re coming from, but as long as we adapt that’s the main thing, isn’t it x
Catherine, itโs a lovely outfit! And by all means, add your affiliate links. Some peopleโs income has not been impacted, and someone might want to mark an item for purchasing in the future.
My husband and I are retired introverts, so our day to day hasnโt been overly impacted. We will become vegetarians for the foreseeable future though. I put in a grocery order for pickup and the store had almost no meat. But we are adaptable, so itโs all good.
Hugs from afar, friend.
Thanks so much Michelle! We’re eating a lot less meat too – I can’t say we’ll become vegetarian, but our meat intake is certainly a lot less than ever. All good for the planet! x
It is a crazy time I actually thought with my IRL job being done fro home I could use the lack of commuting time as a way to spend more time developing my blog. Unfortunately I have been crazy busy. Managing remotely is so different than managing in the workplace. Real adjustments. I am hoping next week to re focus on the blog. The key is remembering we ar supposed to keep working and blogging, just in isolation not out in the world. Blogs are what people are turning to now for a break from their mundane and isolation.
I’ve heard a lot of people say they find working at home very difficult, Linda (I think a lot of them are dying to get back to the office)! I’ve had years of practice working at home… I find it easier as when I worked in an office I found myself chatting all day, whoops. At home I’m far more disciplined! ๐
Please keep great content coming- my only sense of normalcy! What would everyone do without dog walks?!?
Oh I’m so glad Mary Katherine – thank you!! x
Hi Catherine. Keep the entertainment coming! That is one of your best outfits and what really makes it for me is the combo of earrings and belt. I still like reading clothes blogs even though my plan is to buy almost nothing. Although I did order a new bra yesterday, after the wire on one came adrift on day one of lockdown!
Thanks Ruth! That’s good to hear you won’t be buying anything – good for the planet. Though I’m with you on the buying of bras, that’s something I *have* to make sure I have plenty of (and in a wearable state)!! ๐
I am definitely up for #dressupfriday ! I’ve been working from home and wearing jeans and sweaters for the last two weeks and am need of a wardrobe pick-me-up!
Cheryl Shops
It’s a really good idea, isn’t it Cheryl? I wear workout clothes so much during the week it’ll make a nice change for me ๐
This leopard print dress is a gorgeous piece! I think that blogging during this time and giving others useful content to read while staying at home is a great benefit, so please keep doing so!
I hope you have a fabulous week!
Oh I’m glad to hear that Amber – thank you! x
This is certainly a happy outfit Catherine – I love the animal print and mustard together. I’m finding it really hard to focus at the moment…trying to home school a 10 year-old and provide tech support to my mum over the phone is proving to be a little challenging! I’m trying to take one day at a time, and running on my treadmill is helping to keep me sane! Take care xxx
It’s surprising how well they go together, isn’t it Emma? Thank you <3
Well done on the home schooling, I can only imagine how hard/challenging it is... plus I feel you on the tech support to yer mum, I have that on a normal basis anyway!!!!!! aaaaaargh ๐
I absolutely LOVE this color combo, Catherine. As you say, we all need to dress up a bit to take our minds off the bad and try for some normalcy. I, too, feel a bit strange talking fashion during the crisis, but it will end and we will carry on at some point. Hopefully soon. ๐ Writing for our blogs does indeed help keep us sane–and connected. Stay safe and healthy.
xx Darlene
Thank you so much Darlene – it makes sense to carry on, doesn’t it… if I stopped blogging then I’d lose contact with all you lovelies and as we’re being encouraged to keep contact up then that’s what we shall do! x
Am so glad that you will continue with your blog. It is a breath of fresh air, and I just love it. Thank you xxxxx and go well. Your new hair colour is very flattering too
The tone may change a little, Ratnamurti, but only a little… I think it’s important to address what the world is going through but not dwell on it. We need some positive distractions to keep us sane! Thank you my lovely x
Love that orange and gold with animal print. So rich. Hope you are well and coping with however this thing plays out in your part of the world. xo
Thank you Sue – so glad I broke out of my “animal print with neutrals” rut!
Best wishes to you too, hope you’re all safe and well x
I am thankful, at least, that it won’t be BYOU (Bring Your Own Uniform), although no doubt you would come up with a smashing get up. My take is that we are being kept inside for our own good, albeit who really knows? In any case, I am hoping and praying that this will all be over by Easter Sunday. Much love from Southern California. Keep the Faith.
Oh I hadn’t heard about BYOU, Liz!I do prefer the sound of Dress Up Friday, I must admit ๐
I fully doubt it’ll all be over by Easter – the peak has only just started to drop in China, and that took three months. I think Europe and the US are in it for the long haul I hate to say… let’s hope I’m completely wrong though xx
Beautiful outfit, I love the colours! I hope you are doing well with everything going on, stay safe xx
Love from Anita
Thank you so much Anita – you too xx
I like the idea of dress up Friday. I am dressing the same as usual but with probably more comfy shoes since the boys and I have been riding our bikes and walking a lot when it is not rainy. I think it is good for our wellness of mind to still live as close as normally as possible albeit from home. We try to keep a normal routine of our meals, school work, outside time and playing.
Routine is VERY important at this time, Mireille – it’s what I told my parents they must do! They’ve always been very sociable and are always popping out for coffee and meals with friends… so they need some structure to their day.
Great to hear you’ve been cycling and walking! x
I went out today for the first time in eight days! We walked the dogs in the field across the road because we knew it was empty! Dee has been advised to isolate for three months so I’m hoping to find somewhere very remote for photos or my garden I guess. Like you, the blog is keeping me sane. Keep you and yours safe Catherine xx
Oh gosh that’s a long time to be cooped up, Laurie! Though thank goodness you’re able to get outside at all.
I hope Dee stays safe (well, both of you) – no one is expecting snazzy locations right now so your garden should be fine! x
I love this gorgeous combination of colors you have going on in this outfit! I think we are all trying to figure out what to do right now and how to proceed with our blogs and our lives in this difficult time. I am pretty much taking your approach to things right now and using my blog as an excuse to still occasionally get dressed up in something other than my PJs and sweatpants! Hope you are doing well!
Thank you lovely Katie! Having a blog IS a good reason to get dressed (in something better than PJs), isn’t it…?! Stay safe x
Catherine, this outfit is brilliant! I love the mustard jacket with it. And I absolutely laughed out loud at your disclaimer that you are not posting outfits for critiques โtoo late I already wore itโ! Hahaha. I was kind of feeling the same as you when it came to sharing shopping links on posts. But itโs not like we are pushing anyone to shop at all. It is just giving resources that someone may want. Plus I personally enjoy searching for similar products to link. It is like online window shopping for me. So maybe I add the links for my own personal enjoyment! In any event, I am appreciating that so many bloggers are continuing on. We have the resources to do so, so why now? I am just struggling with getting my own work done while trying to homeschool my kids. So my posts have dropped down to 2 or 3 a week and I am now losing money rapidly. Oh well. Nothing much we can do about any of it! Stay positive and keep shining your light!
Hehe I always tell trolls that, Shelbee – why tell me after I’ve worn it?!! Too late, mate! ๐
Thank you for the comments re. affiliate links… I wasn’t sure whether it was theright thing to do. Though if anyone is doing the rewardStyle LIKEtoKnow. it thing on Instagram right now that’d be VERY insensitive methinks…!
Glad to hear you’re staying as positive as can be, much love xx
Catherine Iโm loving your hair colour!
Seriously worried about my roots my hairdressers has shut, trivial to mention it I know during this time of crisis but well… you know !!
Stay healthy and Alabama rot free! (Such a worry)
Ash xx
Aww thanks Ashley – you need to try Garnier Olia, honestly I’m so glad I discovered it before all of this happened so I don’t feel so panicked about my roots while hairdressers are shut!! I switched from the Intense Copper (that they used in the TV ad) to this colour, Rose Gold. I love it too ๐
We’re washing Suki’s paws and pits after every walk, in a way I’m almost more worried about her catching Alabama rot than I am about myself and COVID-19…!