The Two Makeup Products I Use to Get Glowing Skin

Over 40 Skincare: The Two Makeup Products I Use to Get Glowing Skin | Not Dressed As Lamb, Over 40 Fashion and Beauty Blog

Warning: this post is not for you if you want a matt, pale look from your makeup… this is all about a bit of GLOW!

[Reading time: 4 mins]

Recently I was at a small all-women gathering – some of whom I hadn’t met before – and the topic of skincare came up. The friend I did know mentioned she’d been very pleased with the Seven Seas Perfect7 Renewal Advanced supplements for her skin that I recommended earlier this year.

Of course we, as women, are inherently interested in and obsessed with our skin. The conversation directed towards me and those supplements (which I still buy myself and take religiously every day), and I was told that I had “wonderful” skin, very youthful and glowing. Or something along those lines.

Aside from the fact that I was quite taken aback because I have NOT always had good skin (expect another blog post soon on how I changed that), I was very flattered – but I also knew that I had a little secret.

TWO little secrets, in fact: two products that make my skin glow, whilst still maintaining a fresh face look (no foundation or heavy mask-like makeup in fact).

A few years ago – or even six months ago – I would never have thought that possible.

But here we are…!


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That day I was wearing the lightest of makeup, and that same look is my go-to, everyday look for when I REALLY don’t want to look like I’m wearing much makeup, but I still want to look somewhat alive.

I’m not talking “the no makeup makeup look” – I mean no makeup as in no base. But with mascara and eyebrows (of course) done.

This is before the makeup products (all I have on is a little Touche Eclat around the red parts of my nose and my eyebrows are filled in)…

Over 40 Skincare: The Two Makeup Products I Use to Get Glowing Skin | Not Dressed As Lamb, Over 40 Fashion and Beauty Blog

Now let’s look at those two products and see what difference they make – they are:


1. THIS bronzer serum

The bronzer I use is one I’ve talked about in my 12 Beauty Products I Am Absolutely Loving Right Now post: Beached Rays for Days*. This stuff is the absolute BUSINESS for anyone who wants to wear bronzer but doesn’t want that cakey, powdery bronzer look. (US link)

Beached Rays for Days bronzer serum

It’s a liquid serum, so looks a lot more natural than a powder bronzer.

I wear it in two ways, depending on the kind of look I want: I either mix a couple of drops of Rays for Days in with my moisturiser or I use it on its own. Or sometimes a bit of both.

Be warned, adding it “undiluted” will give you an even greater glow, so use sparingly and with caution or you’ll look like an Oompa Loompa who’s gone cuckoo for highlighter.

Over 40 Skincare: The Two Makeup Products I Use to Get Glowing Skin | Not Dressed As Lamb, Over 40 Fashion and Beauty Blog

Here I added it straight to my bare skin. Can you see how the slight pastiness has disappeared? And how my skin has that lovely bronzed sheen to it?

I added small dots of it to the middle of my forehead, nose and each cheek, and bounce-blended it in with a damp Beauty Blender sponge (wet it thoroughly under the tap and then squeeze out on a towel or tissue). A little like contouring, but I add it to the parts that would normally catch the sun, like across the bridge of the nose and top of the cheeks rather than ‘traditional’ cheek contouring.

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It’s an effect I absolutely LOVE – no other bronzer of any description I’ve used has even come close to this delicious. As they [the Australian brand Beached] say, the Aussies know their glow.

That’s it – no foundation. Just the Touche Eclat I mentioned earlier.


2. THIS setting powder

I know that summer is pretty much over (well okay – completely over), but the powder I wear all summer long has a slight ‘sparkle’ to it. A long-time favourite product of mine, I use bareMinerals Illuminating Mineral Veil to make my skin look dewy, and therefore glowing.



Now don’t be put off by the word sparkle – it’s not like wearing highlighter all over your face. I find that it makes your skin look dewy as opposed to sparkly, almost as if you’re not wearing any powder at all.

On the Asos website they describe it as containing “light-refracting pearls for a glowing finish” – hence the reason why I’ve included it as one of my top products for making my skin glow.

Here’s the Mineral Veil setting powder added, with mascara and a tinted lip balm:

Over 40 Skincare: The Two Makeup Products I Use to Get Glowing Skin | Not Dressed As Lamb, Over 40 Fashion and Beauty Blog

And that’s my final look! All it took was just those two products to give my skin a lovely bronzed glow.

I tend to switch back to the (non-illuminating) bareMinerals SPF25 Mineral Veil in the colder months, but this year I might keep creating the glowing look with the illuminating version until it looks, er, wrong.

(I know it makes more sense to wear the SPF25 version in the summer, but you still need SPF in the winter and I always wear SPF in my day moisturiser anyway, summer or winter.)

What I love about this setting powder is that as well as the dewy, glowing look it gives you, it prevents oily shine. I’ve always had quite oily skin and a shiny T-zone was always the bane of my life come lunchtime before Mineral Veil. Even without a makeup touch up my skin doesn’t look like an oil slick at the end of the day, nor does my makeup slide. If you were to touch my forehead in the afternoon or evening, it’d be “dry”… not a greasy patch in sight!

I dust the powder lightly over my T-zone and then use anything that’s left on the brush on the rest of my face (job done). I can’t imagine anything coming remotely close to this product, I’ve used it for years.

Now, go forth ladies – and glow!


Have I tempted you to try any of the products I’ve mentioned? Tell me in the comments!


Catherine signature

Makeup products used:

Yves Saint Laurent Touche Eclat No.1 Radiant Touch Concealer
Beached Rays for Days Bronzer Serum*
Ardell Stroke a Brow Eyebrow Feathering Pen
bareMinerals Illuminating Mineral Veil
IT Cosmetics Tightline 3-in-1 Black Primer Eyeliner Mascara*
Nivea Cherry Shine Lip Balm


Asos headband
Eddi Clothing loungewear set*

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Over 40 Skincare: The Two Makeup Products I Use to Get Glowing Skin | Not Dressed As Lamb, Over 40 Fashion and Beauty Blog


  1. Midlife and Beyond
    14 November 2019 / 5:38 pm

    I will definitely try mineral veil . I’ve been using the NYX bronzer all summer, which has worked quite well. But now it’s not quite working with my white pasty complexion. Your skin looks fabulous. xx

    • Catherine
      17 November 2019 / 5:20 pm

      Thanks Alison – I’ve not found anything that comes even vaguely close to Mineral Veil, it’s a godsend!

  2. 12 November 2019 / 3:04 pm

    Great post and you look gorgeous! I’ve used several BM products over the years (it used to be my go-to foundation up until a few years ago). Have never tried the illuminating Mineral Veil (maybe it’s a newer product). But I really want to try it now. Thanks for sharing!
    Ellibelle’s Corner

    • Catherine
      12 November 2019 / 6:50 pm

      I’ve tried a few BM foundations but didn’t really get on with them… I can’t be without Mineral Veil though! Thank you Ellibelle x

  3. 12 November 2019 / 2:52 pm

    I love this barely there makeup look: you look beautiful and fresh! Lovely!!

    • Catherine
      12 November 2019 / 6:50 pm

      Aww that’s so kind – thank you Mireille!

  4. 9 November 2019 / 11:25 pm

    Eeep your skin is absolutely gorgeous! <3

    • Catherine
      11 November 2019 / 10:18 am

      Oh bless you Kailey… thank you!! 😀

  5. linda
    8 November 2019 / 11:13 pm

    Hi Catherine, you look fabulous and your post is so helpful. Thank you for sharing. I’ve gone ahead and ordered the mineral veil and the bronzing serum. (I’m not a fan of cakey bronzers either) Probably both look more “natural” on the face in summer, but I hate looking grey & dull in the winter. I’m going to try them as soon as the products arrive. I can’t wait for a little colour and glow. 🙂 You’re super!

    • Catherine
      9 November 2019 / 6:20 pm

      Wow Linda I’m so pleased – I hope you love them as much as I do! I guarantee your dull grey skin days in winter are over! Thank you so much my lovely, that was a lovely comment xx

  6. Karen
    8 November 2019 / 6:34 pm

    Your skin looks so beautiful ! I love Bare minerals and have used their products for years…..I normally shy away from the veil they sell as I found it did nothing to enhance my makeup…..however I haven’t tried the illuminating version – definitely one to try !!!
    Do you think the bronzing serum would be okay for sensitive skin ?
    Great post and lovely pictures to show the differences, thank you x

    • Catherine
      9 November 2019 / 6:18 pm

      Karen thank you! I love both the illuminating and the original versions, but the illuminating is especially great in the summer I find… just an all-round perfect setting powder that doesn’t look “makeuppy” to me.

      I think it best you ask Beached about the bronzer, but I’ve always been prone to breakouts and I haven’t had any since I’ve been using Rays for Days if that helps? Have a look at the ingredients list on the product page, they’re 100% natural so the chances are it might work for you too. But do check with them! x

  7. 8 November 2019 / 7:38 am

    Your skin looks great and the products you use really make it glow. It’s just the right amount for an ‘everyday’ look. I like to use a light BB cream – especially to hide dark under-eye circles. Have never tried a bronzer. Maybe it’s time to invest in one.

    • Catherine
      8 November 2019 / 2:03 pm

      Thanks so much Lorna! I’ve tended to avoid bronzer for the cakey powdery reasons I mentioned, but this serum is SO good I’m now somewhat addicted to it…!

  8. 8 November 2019 / 1:06 am

    Catherine, How do you get your freckles to show? They are so cute!! I wish mine would come through. Instead I’m like one big freckle–probably too much sun damage. But, I would love mine to show up the way yours do!! So cute!!

    I’m going to try the bronzer!!

    Love, Annie

    • Catherine
      8 November 2019 / 2:08 pm

      Thanks Annie… I’ve mentioned the freckles briefly on the blog before: my freckles have mostly faded due to the fact that I don’t go into the sun anymore (and always wear SPF), but I’ve faked them for the last 25+ years. At the moment they’re semi permanent – I use the Maybelline Tattoo Brow mentioned in this post (I’m planning a blog post with a step-by-step on how I do them)! x

  9. Karen
    7 November 2019 / 11:41 pm

    Catherine! LOVE your eyebrows and your skin is amazing. I can’t wait to try these products 🙂 Your posts always brighten my days.
    Karen xx

    • Catherine
      8 November 2019 / 2:09 pm

      Aww Karen that’s so lovely of you – thank you!!!

  10. 7 November 2019 / 7:27 pm

    My God Woman! Glowing doesn’t begin to describe how radiant you are and I’m talking about the first photo by the way.
    I’ve always preferred a natural makeup look but I’m also doing barely there these days. Is it self confidence? Maybe. Although I actually like how wearing less makeup feels cleaner on my face.

    • Catherine
      7 November 2019 / 7:45 pm

      Awww MT thank you! You know how I’ve been moaning about my skin for a while so it feels good to finally show off this natural [enhanced] glow!! Hoorah for you Aussies making Rays for Days, I say

  11. 7 November 2019 / 7:03 pm

    I love the bare minerals veil and the foundation BUT I love your brows more!!!!! Hahahahaha.
    Epic brow grooming that leaves me a little green with envy.
    With brows like those (and a little mascara, of course) you’re done!

    • Catherine
      7 November 2019 / 7:46 pm

      They’ve changed so much over the years, Samantha… finally happy with them, lol!! Thank you so much my lovely x

  12. 7 November 2019 / 6:08 pm

    Catherine, I love this minimal glow! I am a foundation gal all the way, but I might like to try this no foundation, bronzer application and see what happens! Thanks for sharing. You look beautiful as always!


    • Catherine
      7 November 2019 / 6:42 pm

      Shelbee thank you! I’ve been a foundation girl for a long time, but my skin has improved so much recently I like to ditch it whenever I can…

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