19 Unmissable Reads, The Best of the Blogosphere (July 2019)

19 Unmissable Reads, The Best of the Blogosphere (July 2019) | Not Dressed As Lamb

In my Best of the Blogosphere this month I have fashion blogger roasting, granfluencers, bread slippers(!), being awkward af and more…

(In case you’ve not seen these posts before my Unmissable Reads are a monthly round-up of things I’ve seen, watched and liked in the blogosphere that I’m sure you’ll love too.)

There was no Best of the Blogosphere in June I’m afraid due to our sad news, so here’s a bumper July edition (that’s crept into August) for you instead.

Do have a read of these great links – you never know who or what you might discover that makes your day/week/month!


(Photo credits: Top left | Top middle | Top right | Middle left | Middle | Middle right | Bottom left | Bottom middle | Bottom right)

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What today’s celebs would look like with 90s brows is as weird as it is fascinating.

“The seniors who are better at social media than you” is about the rise of the granfluencer (though I wish there was a better word than that).

At the opposite end of the age spectrum, this gorgeous 4 year old knows that she doesn’t need a man to get things done.

Kimberly, the writer of brilliant interior design blog Swoon Worthy, has launched her own Finishing Touch styling service.

When Dad makes Mum wear bread slippers” is exactly as it sounds (do not watch somewhere where it’s inappropriate to laugh out loud).

Rebecca talks about life’s little imperfections and those quirks that we get self-conscious about.

The effects on your body that lack of sleep causes is scary – Lisa explains how and why lack of sleep is so detrimental to our health.

Amber explains all the weird (but funny) things she does because she’s as awkward af. I can relate.

Kelly has a love/hate relationship with the word ‘flattering’: “I suppose it’s because for so long, folks equated flattering with skinnier. Not flattering? Good.”

“I don’t like what I do, I love what I do. When you fall in love with something then you’re willing to go all the way.” Arnold has a passion for his craft that we could all learn from.

There have been a LOT of great posts written about that ghastly article in The Telegraph about Nike’s plus-size mannequin, but I especially liked Emmie’s post pointing out the disparity between people being told to lose weight and then being criticised for wearing the clothes to do it in.

Shelbee talks openly about the benefits of altruism and general kindness: it “releases endorphins that activate the part of the brain associated with trust, happiness, and social connection”. What better reason is there to practice it?

These world maps showing cities, railroads, airports and more are fascinating.

Joe Wicks (AKA The Body Coach) explains why he turned down a £2million contract with a supermarket, proving that not all “influencers” peddle any old shit just for the money – his integrity sets the bar HIGH:


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These photos by “I am not a wedding photographer” Ian Weldon show us the drunks, the dress disasters and the dad dancing… isn’t that what we REALLY want to see?!

In the ultimate display of #iwillwearwhatilike, 25-year-old Zack Pinsent has only worn historical clothing since the age of 14 and now has his own clothing line. What a legend.

Kailey made herself up as a modern-day Marie Antoinette – and looks stunning.

Tears-inducing hilarious video of the month: friends Musemo and Assa roast each other’s old blog outfits with the MOST infectious laughing (and wheezing and giggling).

Jules (male) has the attitude we all need when it comes to our own beach bodies.

And a few Not Dressed As Lamb posts you perhaps missed first time around:

On Being the Redhead in the L’Oréal Garnier Olia TV Advert,
6 Not Dressed As Lamb Alter-Egos | My 8th Blogiversary,
Do Soap Brows Mean the End of Instagram Brows? and
A Tribute to Our Lurcher Riley, 2005-2019

Catherine signature

Linking up to: Inspire Me Monday, BlogCrush, SpreadTheKindness, BloggerClubUK, Share All Link Up


  1. 21 August 2019 / 2:37 am

    Yes to JULES!! Such a great message!

    Thanks for these reads Catherine.



    • Catherine
      28 August 2019 / 10:38 pm

      thanks Annie – and YES to that video from Jules! He’s the best!!

  2. 14 August 2019 / 11:24 pm

    Hi Catherine! You always find interesting things. Thank you for sharing.

    • Catherine
      15 August 2019 / 9:28 am

      Glad you enjoyed them, Maria – thank you!

  3. 6 August 2019 / 4:17 pm

    Ah, Catherine, I’ve only just seen this! Thanks so much for including me !

    • Catherine
      7 August 2019 / 11:25 am

      My pleasure, Amber! Your posts are always the best! x

  4. Mary Katherine
    5 August 2019 / 1:18 pm

    Well, there’s a whole day’s worth of juicy reading right HERE! Why do I torture myself by opening the post right before starting WORK!?!? These will be my little “breaks” today. Thanks for trolling the web so we don’t have to!

    • Catherine
      5 August 2019 / 3:06 pm

      Oh gosh Mary Katherine maybe I should have put a caveat the beginning to say Do Not Open Before Work!! =sorry= 😉

  5. 5 August 2019 / 12:50 pm

    Catherine, as always, I love checking out your best of the blogosphere posts! You find some really great stuff out there! And I am honored to be included in this month’s list! Thank you so very much for that….altruism and kindness at its best! Keep the kindness chain unbroken!


    • Catherine
      5 August 2019 / 3:07 pm

      Aww thanks Shelbee – and it was my pleasure to include you! Loved that post of yours…

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