17 Unmissable Reads, The Best of the Blogosphere (February 2018)

The Best of the Blogosphere February 2018 - great links to read

In my Best of the Blogosphere this month I have a gorgeous 50 plus woman in leather trousers, an upbeat attitude to Instagram, a clean makeup tutorial, #GirlBoss worries and more!

(In case you’ve not seen these posts before my Unmissable Reads are a monthly round-up of things I’ve seen, watched and liked in the blogosphere that I’m sure you’ll love too.)

February has actually been an AMAZING month for things I’ve read and seen… I found it hard to keep my choices down to just this many.

Do have a read of these great links – you never know who or what you might discover that makes your day/week/month!


(Photo credits: Top left | Top middle | Top right | Middle left | Middle | Middle right | Bottom left | Bottom middle | Bottom right)

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The most stylish, modern downstairs toilet makeover ever.

Coco Rocha backstage at the Jean Paul Gaultier show with her mini-me daughter is beyond cute.

Sharon talks about what it’s like being a woman in her fifties with a very positive attitude.

Forget the Instagram “no makeup makeup look” that uses about 73 products – Michelle’s simple, clean makeup look is really about doing the absolute minimum to your skin to make you look just wonderfully healthy.

I have the same side stripe trousers that Stella is wearing and I love them with her bright red sweater and heels.

Callie thinks that maybe she’s a #GirlFlop (she couldn’t be less like one if she tried) – but she explains how it’s perfectly okay not to feel like a #GirlBoss.

50 ways to practice self-care (I really should do #12 more).

Yet more solid proof that women over 50 CAN wear leather trousers.

As someone who’s growing out her fringe (bangs), I know the pros and cons of a fringe only too well – but Susie’s really emphasises her stunning cheekbones and eyes.

Ashley demonstrates one fashion trend that she will NOT be embracing in 2018 – but oh, how she looks good in it (and I’m envious).

Lisa has talked openly and honestly about her “so-called” perimenopause and talks about her strange, never-before-experienced brain fog.

A complete guide to what boots to wear with what jeans (and how to roll – or not roll! – them).

I love the embroidery trend and Liz shows her favourite embroidery pieces from the high street.

Forget the tactics: If you’d like a new, positive perspective on how to get the most out of Instagram then you have to read Emily’s upbeat, let’s-enjoy-Instagram-again approach.

Helen wrote a very poignant post about how it’s good to talk about mental illness, and how selfies can mask what’s really going on in someone’s head.

A glowing review of the stunning Transylvanian Ice Hotel (bucket list material I think)…

10 tips for giving up junk food and eating a healthier diet that aren’t preachy and are doable.

And a few Not Dressed As Lamb posts you perhaps missed first time around:

My Top 9 Hero Beauty Products for Over 40 Women,
Why I Don’t Go To London Fashion Week,
11 Fantastic Ways to Support Bloggers You Love and
Operation Update: The Results of My Cyst


  1. 5 March 2018 / 10:58 pm

    Oh you are lovely!! Here are I am again … how did that happen? I can’t wait to check out some of these. I love that you do these posts. Thankyou for including me, C xo

  2. 2 March 2018 / 6:03 pm

    Catherine Just spotted this! thank you so so much for sharing my shoes with sox post! You are simply the best and you know I mean it my friend xxx

  3. 1 March 2018 / 6:49 pm

    I love these posts Catherine… almost as much as outfits!
    Thank you for sharing some great reads.

  4. 1 March 2018 / 1:50 pm

    Oh Catherine, thank you so much for including me in your round-up. I’m going to read a few of these right now xxx

  5. 1 March 2018 / 10:54 am

    There are some great posts here, Catherine! I particularly love Sharon’s and Ashley’s posts!
    Thanks for sharing πŸ™‚
    Suzy xx

    • catherine
      1 March 2018 / 11:09 am

      They’re so good, aren’t they Suzy?! x

  6. 1 March 2018 / 10:18 am

    Ah, thanks for sharing Catherine! Hope the snow isn’t too bad where you are xx

    • catherine
      1 March 2018 / 11:08 am

      My pleasure, Susie! We haven’t got it as bad as up north but we’re on a red warning for this afternoon, eep

  7. Karen Ball
    1 March 2018 / 10:09 am

    Thats my reading & day sorted !!! Just about snowed in @Durham so good excuse to have an ‘in ‘ day !!!! Hope you haven’t been hit too hard with this Beastie weather x

    • catherine
      1 March 2018 / 11:08 am

      It’s quite timely, isn’t it Karen – not that I planned it! We’ve now got the snow but it’s only light at the moment… it’s set to be beastly this afternoon apparently. Stay warm and safe and enjoy the reads!!

  8. 1 March 2018 / 12:30 am

    A little Coco Rocha trivia. She used to be an Irish Dancer. My daughter, now a retired championship Irish Dancer and her friends loved the fact that this gorgeous model jigged her way down the runway a few years back. I’m hoping her daughter will be enrolled in an Irish Dance school!!!

    • catherine
      1 March 2018 / 11:06 am

      Oh gosh I didn’t know that Cathe!! I can just imagine her doing Irish dancing…!

    • catherine
      28 February 2018 / 7:41 pm

      pleasure, Nancy x

  9. 28 February 2018 / 6:41 pm

    Well, *I* won’t be getting anything accomplished today now!!!



    • catherine
      28 February 2018 / 7:41 pm

      hehe I’m sorry, Bettye…! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

    • 28 February 2018 / 8:32 pm

      Hahaha! Me neither; Catherine always digs up the best links to things, honestly! xx

      • catherine
        1 March 2018 / 11:10 am

        hehe I have a keen blogdar, Lisa πŸ˜‰

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