My Teeth Makeover Part Two: The Reshaping That Followed the Whitening

A total teeth makeover: The result of teeth whitening and reshaping (with before and after pictures)

Here they are in all their sparkly white, straight glory: My full teeth makeover. I promised a follow-up post to part one when I had them whitened – here are the final before and after pictures!

At the end of November I wrote a review of the Philips Zoom teeth whitening process, and I couldn’t have been happier with how beautifully white (but not scarily white) they turned out in the end. But when I had the initial consultation at Devon Teeth Straightening in South Street, Exeter*, I asked the very lovely Dr Grant about the possibility of having my teeth reshaped, meaning filed down a little.

*this post is not sponsored – see the end of the post for a full disclosure.

The reason the idea was in my head was because my 26-year-old niece had been to the same practice a few years ago to have her teeth whitened and filed, and they looked absolutely beautiful. She and I have almost identical teeth, typical of our family: Quite big teeth with pointed canines. She was conscious of her canines – as I’ve always been about mine – and the difference that having them filed down was amazing.

She’d ended up with teeth that were all the same length (meaning level along the bottom of the top teeth, hopefully you know what I mean!) and for ages I’d been meaning to book an appointment. So when I was at the practice for the pre-whitening consultation I asked about the filing – and to my delight I was told it would be very easy to do.

Being conscious of my pointy teeth permanently affected the way I smile: I couldn’t bear seeing them in photos, so I trained myself to smile without showing the canines until I did it subconsciously.

Here are the before and after pictures (always the best bit)!

Before picture of teeth whitening and filing makeover results | Not Dressed As Lamb

Before – not showing my teeth fully

This is how I’ve always smiled: With part of my top teeth “hidden” behind my bottom lip. I’ve trained myself to smile this way so well that I do it without thinking – smiling with an open mouth is just something I’ve never done!

Most people who’ve not met me in real life wouldn’t know that my teeth actually looked like this (below)…

Before picture of teeth whitening and filing makeover results | Not Dressed As Lamb

Before – showing my teeth fully

Here are the “before” teeth, post-whitening but pre-filing. I would never have willingly smiled like this before for a photo.

I smiled like this so you can actually see what my teeth looked like before. (Remember this is after the whitening, so I will admit they do look beautifully bright.) I was always so conscious of the “bobbled” edge of the front teeth and my long canines, hence the way I smiled to hide them.

As you can see my teeth are pretty straight. I had a brace to wear at night for a few years when I was a teenager, but they’re straight mostly due to having had four second teeth pulled out to make room… My teeth were too big for my mouth! But I’m grateful to the dentist that suggested it, because otherwise I’d have ended up with horribly crammed and crooked teeth.

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However, it was the long canines that really bothered me. I know it’s not the worst thing in the world, but when the dentist told me the price of filing them down it was so much cheaper than I thought: £15 per tooth. I figured less than £100 for the front six was absolutely worth it.


The results of my teeth makeover

All I can say is why had I not done this years before instead of being self-conscious of them for so many years?! It’s ridiculous how we put up with things that are often so easy to fix.

This is exactly what I had done: I had them whitened last month, and when I went back for the follow-up appointment to check all was well I asked for the front teeth to be filed down a little. I wanted the bobbles on the four front teeth to go and the canines to be filed down in line with the rest of my teeth.

And here are the results, with a pre-whitening, pre-filing picture – and the after!

Before and after teeth filing and whitening (Philips Zoom process review) | Not Dressed As Lamb

Can you see just how happy I am with my new teeth…?!

The after picture is somewhat grainy because I took it on my iPhone almost immediately after having them done. After leaving the dental surgery I went to get something to eat, and I took a selfie in the restaurant toilets because I simply couldn’t wait to send a picture to my friends to say “Look at my new teeth!

The canines couldn’t be filed down to exactly the same level as the other teeth because you risk filing them down far too much – I didn’t ask him to go into detail as to why (permanent tooth pain came to mind), I was already sitting in the chair and feeling nervous! He insisted he’d file them so they were slightly rounded, not filed off straight which I was happy about.



The process was totally and utterly pain-free and over in less than a couple of minutes… It’s no different to filing nails – Dr Grant filed them down to get the shape right, then buffed them to ensure they were smooth. In fact I did say “Is that it?” because I figured it would take a lot longer. I was handed a mirror and asked if I was happy with them… I was REALLY happy with them!

I know this iPhone photo isn’t the best quality but I’ve published this one because I think it best represents just how happy I was with my new teeth right after having them done – and I figured I wouldn’t be able to recreate that joy if I tried to set up a new photo. I got it right first time, in other words… I didn’t take dozens of selfies to get one good one, I didn’t Photoshop it (not that I would have anyway, what’d be the point) – it was one take, no editing.

All I can say is that if your teeth are pretty straight but have seen better days, for a few hundred pounds (about £300 for the whitening and £90 for the filing is what this would have cost me in total) you can have a brand new smile with very little fuss indeed.

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It’s totally worth it in my opinion.




How a Whiter Smile Can Take Years Off Your Looks | Philips Zoom Teeth Whitening Review
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Disclosure: This specific post was not sponsored in any way. Although Philips sponsored the teeth whitening post, the Devon Teeth Straightening practice very kindly wavered the cost of the filing when I came to pay for that part. All content is original, however, and opinions are my own and 100% honest.



  1. 19 April 2017 / 9:20 pm

    Where did your beautiful new eyebrows go? They looked so soft and flattering. Love your blog btw.

    • 25 April 2017 / 12:09 am

      Juliana I couldn't travel back in time… This post was written long before I bleached them!! 😉

  2. 19 April 2017 / 5:06 pm

    I have no doubt how subtle changes can have such a huge impact when it comes to teeth & indeed our appearance. I was very lucky being brought up in Australia when this was a major concern so my over-bite was corrected at a young age. Had I been raised in the UK at that time it would be a different story. On the other hand I now have children here in the UK who are seeing the dentist far too often in my opinion. I actually told our family dentist that I saw no poInt in him seeing the children in 6 months time as he'd requested so declined his appointment until 12 months – thank you kindly but I have to wonder how that is necessary for growing jaws & falling out teeth? I smell a rat, is someone taking advantage?
    I fear the weight on the NHS will ultimately leave future generations back where we started i.e. with no choice but to pay or have awful teeth. Sorry off track here & YES I love the result of your teeh makeover Catherine, everyone should have this opportunity, well done you for doing it!

  3. 18 December 2016 / 12:38 pm

    I have to be honest I can't see anything wrong with the before! Its funny the things we become self conscious about that other people don't even notice. Having said that if its given you the confidence to beam that beautiful great big smile then that can only be a good thing!

  4. 18 December 2016 / 10:57 am

    Fabulous!!!! I had my teeth whitened as well, but apparently my real colour isn't that white, and they were kuch better, but not the whote I was after. Bummer. Never mind, it's better than it was.
    You have a perfect smile nw.

  5. 16 December 2016 / 1:55 pm

    It is amazing how we can make our teeth look better now with very little effort!!
    Great results Catherine. I still use my whitening trays since I've had them for so long!!
    ps…FYI, your email notifications have been taking me to your About page instead of the post it's announcing?

    • 16 December 2016 / 7:45 pm

      Thanks Jodie! I think you've been clicking on the header of the emails rather than the "Read More" or the post's image… the header is preferably meant to go to the homepage or the About page – I checked them, they are linked properly! x

  6. 16 December 2016 / 7:52 am

    That s fantastic! I have mine done this year. I had very points teeth and they grew over eachother. My cosmetical dentist ,,built,,new teeth four above and four under. And now I can smile again! All I have to do now is whitening!

  7. 16 December 2016 / 7:41 am

    Perfect, Catherine! From my personal experience I know that others wouldn't even notice our own concerns but I totally understand why you had undergone that treatment. It is purely a personal decision.
    The result is absolutely brilliant! I can't wait to get rid of my braces in about a year (hopefully earlier) and then have them whitened and filed.

    Annette | Lady of Style

  8. 15 December 2016 / 9:34 pm

    I had the Zoom whitening done a few years ago and had painful nerve spasms at odd times for days afterwards. I guess my teeth are just too sensitive for the one shot whitening. They looked great (for a while) but.. oh man… I don't think I'd do it again. Yours look great. I wonder if the process has been improved lately to avoid sensitivity?

    • 15 December 2016 / 10:56 pm

      Thanks Susan – I don't know if you read the first post on the whitening process, but I mentioned there that I had it done about eight years ago and it was incredibly painful on my sensitive teeth. I mentioned this when I had it done with the Philips process, and I was told that EU regulations mean that the bleach has become a lot less harsh than it used to be. This time I only had a couple of twinges a few days later so it was definitely different – for the good!

    • 15 December 2016 / 10:53 pm

      Thanks Gail – I know it's a fair bit of cost but I think it's totally worth it if you can afford it!!

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