More Boho Chic in Santorini | Cold Shoulder Top & Wide-Leg Pants

Boho chic - wide legged patterned pants, cold shoulder top | Not Dressed As Lamb
I’m nearly at the end of my Santorini holiday outfit posts – only one more after this one, then it will be winter coats and scarves all the way through to Spring 2016… Boo!

Hopefully these pictures will give you a warm fuzzy feeling if you, like me, are wrapped up at home in furry slippers and a blanket, looking at the grey sky and rain pelting down outside. (Autumn is quite often not a lot of fun in the UK.) But on this day during our holiday we had a hot day, a warm evening and we got to enjoy yet another gorgeous sunset – golden hours were in abundance.

We photographed my boho chic look with the same wide-legged pants (now only £5!!) I wore in a previous Santorini post outside our favourite house in the area we stayed (you can just see the pool in the lead image). It was very much a Palm Springs-type house with cacti and a flat roof as well as that gorgeous pool, so a little different to the (mostly) domed-roof houses on the island. Mr. Summers and I decided that this would be our second home. No, first home. No, our only home!

Seeing these photos again makes me want to just pack up and move right now…!

What would be your ideal house if you could live anywhere (money not an object)? Would the location or the house be more important to you? Do share in the comments or tweet me @notlamb if it’s easier πŸ™‚

Boho chic - wide legged patterned pants, cold shoulder top | Not Dressed As Lamb
Boho chic - wide legged patterned pants, lace up shoes | Not Dressed As Lamb
Boho chic - wide legged patterned pants, cold shoulder top | Not Dressed As Lamb
Coral cold shoulder top, blue Marc Jacobs sunglasses | Not Dressed As Lamb
Coral cold shoulder top, blue Marc Jacobs sunglasses | Not Dressed As Lamb
Boho chic - wide legged patterned pants, cold shoulder top | Not Dressed As Lamb
Top: Asos | Trousers: New Look | Shoes: Asos | Bag: Dorothy Perkins | Sunglasses: Marc Jacobs | Necklace: Asos | Earrings: New Look | Lips: Maybelline Color Drama Lipstick ‘In With Coral’ | Nails: Barry M Gelly Nail Paint ‘Blueberry’

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  1. 11 November 2015 / 6:42 pm

    Wow the sunset picture is beautiufl, I liked all your photos of your trip, would love to visit there one day. I know what you mean, now seeing your outfit, you just want to go back and have more memories! Love the color, the peach is so pretty on you, and those shoes, awesome. I havent travelled enough to know many other parts of the world, but I invisioned me in a large log home in the woods, with a view of the mountains.
    Thanks for linking up with Turning Heads Tuesday
    jess xx

    • 13 November 2015 / 6:04 pm

      Thanks Jess so much!! A large log home in the woods sounds so amazing – not the sort of thing we really have in the UK…! But anywhere with mountains is wonderful, isn't it :))

  2. 9 November 2015 / 10:07 pm

    I'm looking at rain where I am, too! It's definitely beginning to get in the way of my good mood.

    Not sure what to say about the dream house. I think the house, itself, would be most important, but location would matter at least to some extent. For instance, I wouldn't want to live in a climate with six months of winter because I'd go stark raving mad. πŸ™‚

    I saw your post in the Visible Monday linkup. Here's my Visible Monday post…

    Have a great day!


    • 9 November 2015 / 10:07 pm

      And I forgot to say how much I like your cold shoulder top! I want one but haven't seen them where I've looked yet.

    • 13 November 2015 / 6:02 pm

      Thank you, Anna! I couldn't do a six-month winter stint either – though the UK has miserable weather for a lot of the year, so maybe it's not that different…!

  3. 9 November 2015 / 12:18 pm

    So cool in your cold shoulder top–which I'd like to comment on for a moment. Is that the funniest name for a top or what?! I do need to try one however. I have a feeling that my lack of shoulders will either look great in this top creating an illusion OR this top will demonstrate that yes, I have no shoulders. What do you think it will do?

    Now, on to the ideal home…ah, heck! I'm going to make it plural and go for homes. One of them will be in Florence, Italy. It'll be a town home right there in the heart of all that Italian goodness. Another one will be in South Beach Miami. The chi chi in me wants to cha cha there! And, hmmm, I'll keep the two I have. My nice little apartment in Stanley, Hong Kong. I love where we live. And finally, our summer home in Spirit Lake, Idaho. There are more homes….but these are the top four!

    Last thing: I want those sunnies! ;P

    Thank you for linking up to my Style Story Link Up!

    Love, Ann from Kremb de la Kremb

    • 13 November 2015 / 6:01 pm

      Haha yes it is a silly name for a top, Ann – though quite apt! Mind you the weather would have to be pretty warm to wear a top like that, so they're hardly going to get cold, are they?!!

      And ohhhh I love the idea of a home in Florence. I haven't been, but it's on my bucket list! Thanks sweetie so much x

  4. 7 November 2015 / 3:58 pm

    You are looking so perfect in such light clothes. I always think it is harder to dress with less clothes than with layers. What would be my location, money no object? Amsterdam, in a quiet and chic area in or near the centre. With my own parking space (preferably a coach house next to my house) and a garden surrounded by old stone walls. Then for the icing on the cake: a cute house in Italy. Sweet dreams baby.

    • 7 November 2015 / 6:49 pm

      Thank you, Greetje! The coach house in Amsterdam does sound rather wonderful, and I SO want to go to Italy (I've not been before). Tuscany and Rome are top of my bucket list, along with Hawaii, Iceland, Machu Picchu, and, and…!

  5. 6 November 2015 / 10:52 pm

    I have to say I can hardly look at your Santorini posts. I'm so jealous. I lived in Greece for about a year when I was in my twenties and I lived on Mykonos for three of those month. I spent quite a lot of time on some of the islands, Santorini being one of them. I would go back in a second. My dream is to have a home on one of the islands. Fabulous photos!!


    • 7 November 2015 / 6:46 pm

      Aww Cherie I'm sorry…! If it's any consolation it upsets me more because of how long I have to look at them to edit them!! I think living in Greece for a year must have been heaven :))

  6. 6 November 2015 / 10:36 am

    Love those trousers – super, super beautiful on you!

    • 6 November 2015 / 10:43 am

      Claire thanks so much!! They were a last minute impulse buy – so glad I got them!

    • 6 November 2015 / 1:49 pm

      Love this summery look ( your description of current UK weather has me feeling a bit smug here in Florida!) Have a wonderful weekend and see you at Vis Mon. xox


    • 7 November 2015 / 6:44 pm

      Ohh Patti that's what I'm talking about! That's really, really not fair…!!! But thank you, heehee x

  7. 5 November 2015 / 3:32 pm

    It feels and look like you are leave next doo, AHHHHHHHHHHH. That would be nice

    • 6 November 2015 / 10:42 am

      Oh gosh how lovely would that be, Sacramento…?!!!!! xo

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