Some of My Favourite Fun and Fabulous Links – May 2015

Not Lamb's Favourite Fun and Fabulous Links - May 2015
As today is the fourth Sunday in the month that means it’s time for my Favourite Fun and Fabulous Links! Here’s some great Sunday reading for you: A boho home office, a personal trainer’s body struggles, bold florals and retro swimwear – and lots more. Enjoy, and Happy Sunday πŸ™‚

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The best example of a strong woman if ever there was one. A superb, at times sad but ultimately uplifting post about Liz’s first two years of blogging.

The best Save the [Wedding] Date ever.

How top bloggers earn a six-figure salary: Via sponsored Instagram posts.

Not Dressed As Lamb Fun and Fabulous Links
Probably the most perfect bold floral summer dress worn beautifully by Grace.

Vicki shares some brilliant tips for being on camera (and everything to do with making a great video) – she’s also an award-winning film maker.

The pros and cons of being 30 something (and childless)Not just for 30-somethings.

The stunning  that I first saw advertised ages ago is fiiiiiiinally in stock at New Look.

A stunning pin-up style swimsuit.

The real [facial] expressions of bloggers that PRs rarely see. But I wish they could.

Gracey’s blazer and cropped trousers are so stylish and perfectly suited for the office.

Not Dressed As Lamb Fun and Fabulous Links
The most amazing, luxurious, gorgeous boho-style home office I’ve ever seen.

Fantastic tips on how to take outfit photos in public – without the awkwardness.

I am totally going to recreate Amy’s white on white look this summer.

And finally… THIS.

Catherine x
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P.S. Like this post? You might also enjoy April’s Fave Fun and Fabulous Links!

Linking up to: Let It Shine, Brilliant Blog Posts, Friday’s Fab Favourites, Sunday Funday


  1. 1 July 2015 / 11:01 am

    Oh I'm absolutely honoured you've included my office in your fabulous round up! Thank you sooo much! I'm so pleased you liked it πŸ™‚ Now off to check out all the other goodies here… xxx

  2. 7 June 2015 / 1:14 am

    I hope you keep your "Fun and Fabulous Links" series going for a looong time, dearest Catherine…I always know I'm in for a real treat!! I haven't (yet!) had the chance to check out ALL of your May picks, but the tips for taking outfit photos in public without the awkward factor?? Definitely worth remembering…and with a smile, too!! πŸ˜‰ The "Save the Date" video is absolutely adorable; I laughed out loud at the collection of "facial expressions" in response to PR requests; and the final "perfect body" video?? That one will stay with me for a while…

    • 8 June 2015 / 10:12 pm

      I will, Monika, I will!! I'm so glad you love the links, I find so many each month it's such a great way to share what I've seen and loved…! x

  3. 1 June 2015 / 12:11 am

    I love it when you post this Favourite and Fabulous links Catherine! This time around you introduced me to Chicago Chic–holy bombshell! She's BEAUTIFUL! WoWzA! Also that "save the date" is too cute. And that clutch is something else!

    I really look forward to these posts of yours Catherine.

    Thank you!

    Ann from Kremb de la Kremb

    • 4 June 2015 / 10:43 am

      Ann I'm so glad – I think discovering new bloggers is always great on other blogs so I love including ones readers may not have seen before! x

  4. 31 May 2015 / 3:44 pm

    I love seeing other's ideas. The "perfect" body video really hits home because I'm hoping as we get older, we are liking our own bodies more and more. All of the imperfections, make us unique and truly ourselves! jodie

    • 4 June 2015 / 10:42 am

      It's a great video isn't it, Jodie – really makes you think..!

  5. 27 May 2015 / 12:39 am

    Ah, thanks so much for including me, Catherine! And I loved checking out the other links too!

    • 4 June 2015 / 10:42 am

      No problem, Gracey, glad you liked the post :))

  6. 26 May 2015 / 8:13 pm

    Wow, thank you so much for mentioning my look. You are so sweet! Can't wait to see you rock the white on white. πŸ™‚ You picked some great things to share.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

    • 4 June 2015 / 10:41 am

      Thank you Amy, I'm so glad to have featured you! x

  7. 26 May 2015 / 4:00 pm

    Huge thanks from Jamaica darling, touched to feature x

  8. 26 May 2015 / 1:50 pm

    A fun great post which ended on a great note (video). Thank you for sharing.

  9. 25 May 2015 / 8:40 pm

    I like these little round ups you pick great links. That save the date is amazing, if only I could convince my man to marry me lol

    • 26 May 2015 / 3:06 pm

      You should do what I did, Lauren: I asked him to marry me…!!!! Luckily he said yes :)))

  10. 25 May 2015 / 8:44 am

    Had to laugh over the (facial) expressions.

  11. 24 May 2015 / 8:02 pm

    I love these posts. Its like flicking through a favourite magazine on the laptop. Really interesting and entertaining links. Lx

    • 26 May 2015 / 3:02 pm

      Lorraine that's really nice of you to say – that's exactly what I hope these posts will be! Thank you x

  12. 24 May 2015 / 4:38 pm

    Thank you for including my 30-something blog post xo

    • 26 May 2015 / 3:02 pm

      Lisa you are most welcome, it was an excellent blog post…!!

  13. 24 May 2015 / 3:21 pm

    So glad you loved that dress {I'm obsessed with it!}. Thanks so much for sharing, pretty lady! Hope you're doing well!

    A Southern Drawl

    • 26 May 2015 / 3:01 pm

      Grace it was my pleasure!! Absolutely adored that dress on you, you looked amazing :))

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