The Double Pearl Choker with Lace, Coral and Lilac

Lace sleeved top and lilac jeans
I’m absolutely in love with this combination of coral and lilac – with the warm copper of my hair and the it makes for the prettiest late summer outfit. I’m still crushing on my white pointed flats I last wore here, and the is perfect for this top to add a little bit of subtle glamour. We’re definitely in summer to autumn transitional dressing time so these lace sleeves were fine during the day… I got a little chilly as the sun went down however!

What colour combinations are you wearing right now – is the new season starting to affect your choices yet? Do share in the comments! 

Lace sleeved top and lilac jeans
Lace sleeved top and lilac jeans
Lace sleeved top and double pearl collar

Photos: Silver Londoner
Catherine x

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Top: c/o Laura Ashley, Jeans: Asos, Shoes: Debenhams, Necklace: c/o , Bag: c/o , Sunglasses: Borrowed from the husband, Earrings: Unknown (old), Watch: Fossil

Linking up to: Visible MondayLet It ShineShare in StyleMonday MingleStyle SessionsTrend Spin Link-UpWhat I Wore WednesdayPassion for Fashion FridayFriday’s Fab Favourites


  1. 19 September 2014 / 11:36 pm

    The coral and lilac go so well together plus your choker is quite unusual looking. Love the overall look

  2. 16 September 2014 / 2:37 am

    The pink and lilac is such a dynamic combo! Necklace is really fun too.

    • 16 September 2014 / 3:16 pm

      So pretty, isn't it Susan? Thank you thank you x

  3. 15 September 2014 / 7:59 pm

    Beautiful in trousers and just DELICIOUSSSSSSSSSSSSS IN SKIRTS AND DRESSES, hahahahah
    tons of loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    • 16 September 2014 / 3:16 pm

      Heehee I know how you love your (and my) dresses, Sacramento… lots of love to you too x

  4. 15 September 2014 / 6:29 pm

    Hi Catherine!
    I have seen similar pearl chokers on bloggers. Love it! At first I thought the lace was a shrug, but notices it was part of the top, love the pastels together on you.
    from the link up

    please stop by, jess

    • 16 September 2014 / 3:15 pm

      Ahhh it is a bit of an illusion – and someone has previously mentioned it's basically a baseball top shape!! Thanks Jess my lovely x

  5. 15 September 2014 / 2:53 pm

    I agree, it's a nice color combo. Right now I am still wearing a lot of mint hah. Maybe some more red soon. I did start to pull out jackets for evening tho.

    Alex – Funky Jungle

    • 16 September 2014 / 3:14 pm

      Hmm jackets in the evening, I've needed them too! It's funny how mint is such a "spring" colour, I don't know why! Thanks hun x

  6. 15 September 2014 / 6:31 am

    The lilac and coral are really an unexpected colour combo, dearest Catherine…but super pretty!! And I'm so happy to see those buckle-embellished flats again; who would have thought that white shoes could be so versatile!! πŸ™‚

    • 16 September 2014 / 3:13 pm

      Hehe I've worn these shoes so much since I bought them!! And thank you Monika, it is a pretty combination I think too! x

  7. 15 September 2014 / 5:50 am

    Beautiful color combination. This outfit fits you so well.
    I am into fall-mood already. I completed my fall capsule wardrobe last weekend and cannot wait for the weather to cool down so I can wear all those beautiful warm colors.

    • 16 September 2014 / 1:14 pm

      Aww thanks Sabrina! I am looking forward to a change of wardrobe but not the cooler temperatures… I'm a summer girl all the way!!

  8. 14 September 2014 / 8:44 pm

    I'm all about grey this autumn – I've got a grey floral pair of jeans from Gap that I'm wearing to bits.

    • 16 September 2014 / 12:59 pm

      Grey florals – I love the sound of those!!

    • 16 September 2014 / 12:53 pm

      I'm surprised I haven't seen this style on more bloggers, Yaudy – it's such a statement piece, isn't it? I love mine too… thanks hun x

    • 16 September 2014 / 12:52 pm

      I love the sleeves too!! Thanks Lauren x

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