Last summer I wrote a post entitled 10 Things I Wish I’d Known When I Started a Blog. Having re-read it a little while ago, and the fact that I still receive the occasional comment on that post, it got me thinking about all the things I’ve learnt as my blog and I have grown. As with the post I wrote all those months ago, there are some things I’ve found out the hard way, some I had to ask for help on and some stuff I looked up.
I thought I’d share with you the things I thought most relevant to those who are getting a bit more serious about their blog and want to reach out to a wider audience or start to monetize their blog. As with all these I’m not claiming to be any kind of expert – I’m simply sharing the things that I found useful and could have done with knowing earlier! Please feel free to share any thoughts and extra things you think are relevant… I’m always willing to learn new things. So, in no particular order:
1. Tweet more!
Twitter. Oh, how I should have embraced you a long time ago (as written in this post last month). But I didn’t, and I lost a lot of opportunities to tell more people about me and my blog and my thoughts and my outfits and… you get the idea. I try to keep the tweeting blog or fashion/style relevant, but occasionally thoughts about the weather or who I’m girl crushing on will creep in, and I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I autofeed my posts into Twitter using Twitterfeed, which is a no-brainer and saves me forgetting to tweet about new outfits or stuff I’ve written on the blog.
2. Pin my own outfits onto Pinterest
This may be totally obvious to some of you, but it took me ages to realise that I could (should) be pinning my own outfits, not just those of other bloggers. It makes total sense to feed your own style into the might of Pinterest for all your followers to see and (hopefully) repin. Most bloggers that I follow on Pinterest have separate boards for their own style/outfits.
3. Instagram my own outfit posts
Like Pinterest, Instagram can also be used to promote your blog to people who just like looking at pictures. Although I didn’t have a smartphone until the end of last year, I could have Instagrammed my outfits via my iPad straight away – but didn’t. It took me a few months to realise I could.
I’m sure it seems obvious to some, but if you’re wondering how to do this: on your phone or tablet, go to the website that you upload your photos to on the internet; open up the photo you want to Instagram and save it to your photostream (on my iPhone I hold my finger down on the image and it comes up with a “save image” option); in Instagram you simply “choose existing” from your photos, then continue as if it were taken on your phone.
4. Use affiliate links
Like most bloggers, I like to provide links wherever possible to give others the opportunity to buy the same or similar items to what I’m wearing. Now if you think about it, you are giving the relevant retailer free advertising. Therefore, I think it makes perfect sense that if someone buys something through the link that you’d provided, you deserve a cut of the profit that the retailer makes – that’s where affiliate links come in. You’re providing visitors with a service, the retailer makes a sale, you earn a little money from it – everyone’s happy.
Reward Style is probably the most well-known website that bloggers sign up to, and it has some brilliant tools to aid bloggers and is very user-friendly. However, it is by invitation only*: if you’d like a referral, please email me instead of leaving a comment here. Send me an email me at, and tell me your full name, blog name, blog URL, and why you want to join… I’ll then let you know when I’ve referred you, and fingers crossed you’ll get accepted and be able to start earning from your hard work.
Update 2014: RewardStyle is no longer by referral only, you can apply directly yourself. Simply go to and click on “Apply”.
5. Sign up to blogger networks to partner up with retailers and businesses
I’d always wanted to partner up with companies from the time I started my blog, but didn’t really know where to start. It is possible to contact companies yourself and this is a good starting point, but an easier way to do it is to sign up to blogger outreach companies who put you in touch with brands and retailers, thereby saving you a lot of work and research. I signed up to E-tail Webstores and Best British Bloggers and I am regularly contacted with partnership offers: some good, some bad, but always interesting and varied. Or you can join retailers’ networks directly (Next is a popular one amongst bloggers). Other good networks to join are Better Blogger Network and – companies may well use these networks to find you.
Update 2015: I have since written a post entitled 12 Blogger Outreach Programmes to Sign Up to – a great resource for all the programmes that I’ve found so far.
6. Get a media kit sorted
It took me ages to get this sorted, and to be honest it took so long because I was unsure what a media kit was. Damn my lack of initiative at the time…! Also known as a press kit, Wikipedia describes it as a “pre-packaged set of promotional materials of a person, company, or organization distributed to members of the media for promotional use”. So in other words, if you intend to partner up with businesses or organisations, you’re providing a prepared information pack about everything they need to know about you as a blogger. That would be your visitor stats, followers, purpose of your blog, what you can offer, etc.
There are lots of formats – here is mine if you want to read it – but if you’d like to read more about how to write one, I’d recommend reading this post by vmac+cheese. It saves so much time as hopefully most companies will ask less questions when they do contact you as most of them are already answered in your media kit, or they won’t be put off contacting you through lack of information.
7. Use larger photos
This one is easy… I should have made my photos bigger much sooner. I only did so when I gave my blog a makeover after more than a year, when I could simply have increased the width of my main body (long before any other design changes) and proportionately increased the width, and therefore the quality, of my photos. Larger photos always look more professional, as long as the quality of the photos can handle being that size.
8. Take up visitors on their suggestions for posts
I’d had a few lovely visitors to my blog ask very nicely if I could do a post on this or that, and the suggestions were often things I’d not thought of covering before, or I wondered whether anyone would actually be interested in a post on that subject. I then realised one day that duh, I’ve been asked to do a post on “x”, so of course someone is interested in me covering that subject.
For example, last summer I was asked if I’d consider doing a post about dressing for work and coming up with outfits for the office. I thought no-one would want to see outfits I hadn’t actually worn myself, as they’d be outfits styled purely for the blog (I have a very slack dress code in my office). After many weeks I finally decided I would take up the challenge, produced a “10 Ways To Wear: Office Chic On A Budget” post, and found it to be the most talked about, most visited, and most pinned post I’ve ever written. On the back of that, I was approached by Marks & Spencer to compete in a blogger style challenge, and the “10 Ways” is still the most-read post every month, despite it being written all of six months ago.
9. Use drafts to schedule posts in advance
I now plan my posts up to about a month in advance. Not every post is planned for that time as I need to be flexible depending on what comes up that I need to blog about, but I use a wall calendar (a real one made of paper!) with small Post-Its showing post titles that can be moved around and rearranged. It’s a great visual tool that I use alongside the drafts that I have part-written in my blog. Any way of doing it is fine, whether electronic or not – I like an old-fashioned calendar as I like to see something on a board in front of me at all times.
The other thing I should have started a lot sooner was to jot down post ideas as soon as I thought of them – quite often I’d be racking my brains trying to remember a great subject I wanted to write about. Use a notebook, your phone, anything you like to write down those ideas to store for when you need some inspiration.
10. Study your stats
Whilst I’m no Google Analytics expert, it is an invaluable tool to learn how visitors are using your blog. There is so much information to use that can help bloggers learn what is working and what isn’t on their blogs. There are many other similar websites than can aid bloggers this way, and some I’m still getting to grips with, like Klout for example, which measures your influence based on your ability to drive action on social networks.
Phew… it’s a lot, I know, and I hope at least one or two points may be of some interest or help to you. As I said, if you have anything to add please share in the comments!
Have a great week everyone π
thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and experience
Thanks so much Angela! x
Most of the things I am doing or purposely not doing. But it is certainly a good thing to read these things again. By the way… are you still thinking of hosting a bloggers event in March or April?
Yes, Greetje – I literally just got confirmation yesterday from the venue. Am sending a "Save the date" email in the next few days!! x
Catherine, you are an invaluable source
Incredibly helpful, thank you. I've been thinking more and more about putting a media pack together and now it's going to the top of the list… as is scheduling posts. Must schedule posts in advance!!
I cannot believe that I haven't been pinning my outfits on Pinterest! I have been blogging on/off for more than a year, but decided that 2014 is the year for me to put full effort and build my blog, grow the readership. I've been working hard already and have such a respect for bloggers It's a hard work! Thank you for all the tips! Love your blog. (I am over 40 also… 44 to be exact π So happy I found you!
This is a lot to digest, but oh so very helpful! Thank you Catherine. I might even print this post out, highlight areas, and take notes on the side. Super post! Ann of Kremb de la Kremb
Catherine, I started blogging almost 2 months ago and I so appreciate how generously you share what you have learned. I have found this and other blog posts of yours incredibly helpful…thank you.
All of these things are definitely great to know. You always write the most interesting posts.
This is really helpful, thank you so much! π
This is a great post. I've just signed up to a bunch of those blogger networks – I never knew how to find them before so thanks!
Again this was a most helpful post. Thank you so much. I cannot do much with your excellent advice yet. But that is because I have not got the dedication too much hard work at the office) to mature my blog (is that the right word?).
You say a couple of times you regret not having known things before. But I think everything happens in due time. You have found out other things as well as you were searching and that time has given you the opportunity to grow. Which probably gives a better result than going too fast.
I love these post, I have taken so many tips and advice from you. I made my new header which I love thanks to you .
Thank you so much for sharing this post. I jotted down several things I need to start doing.
Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights
This is a great informative post, my blog is only about 7 months old and I am already doing all of these, just the medi akit I have to work on soon. I am also your new followef, feel free to stop by my blog anytime.
xoxo Pakize
Madame Keke
Im about 5-6 months in, great advice! xx
Such great info, Catherine! This is valuable stuff if you've been blogging 6mos or 6 years. Thanks, Pretty Lady!!!
~Sarah of Sarah Hulbert Style
Wonderful information here, Catherine, I appreciate you! xoxoxo
Good information! I just started my blog at the end of December. I'm going to try pinning my own outfits. You learn something new every day. Thanks for sharing.
Catherine, this is such a great and valuable post. I am going through all your topics and they will definitely help me to improve my blog, especially on the marketing side. I haven't considered Twitter yet but will look into it.
Also your advice on better planning and analysing statistics make great sense to me.
Again, thank you so much for sharing your own experience.
Lady of Style
Great post-these tips are really useful and I wish I knew this information much earlier! By the way, I'm hosting a link up party and would be thrilled if you decided to participate!
Excellent advice! I agree with you on all points.
Love this! I schedule my posts too….it gives me a way better sense of things!
love these! thanks for the great tips! i need to go sign up for some stuff!
ahhh this is great, i wish i would have known this 6 months in too!!!!!!
brooke @ what2wear
This is awesome and so timely for me! I had on my to-do list so many of these topics, like how to network, build audience, and partner with companies. Thanks!
I'm currently studying my stats. I honestly never cared about them; over the past two months though I've been diving deeper into my stats to figure out more about my readers!
More Modern Modesty
Catherine, thank you so much for sharing these things! It is also very consoling to me that you didn't know everything from the start! I've kind of been beating myself up lately for not having it all figured out right away (I've only been blogging since September). Thank you for being so honest and real.
Ah, this is great .. will read more in depth when I get home π
Catherine, thank you for the invaluable tips. I do notice that I'm getting traffic from Pinterest but I rarely keep it up. Silly me. You're right about tweeting which I do very infrequently. Ditto on the media kit. Right, best to get started.
Thanks!! I am approximately 6 months into my blog and this is some good info! Going to take me a while to incorporate it, but it's all very helpful!!
Becky π
Thanks for this! I am about 6 months in on my blog and this is really helpful!