Flowers in the rain

I’m amazed I’ve managed to get any pictures of what I wore today due to the massive downpours of rain – it was classic sunshine and showers weather. It’s that time of year where getting dressed is so difficult because it can be mild and sunny one day, then grey, wet and windy the next… that’s English springtime for you 🙁

So – obligatory chat about the weather over: here’s introducing my new floral jeans which I’d been eyeing up for a while. I wasn’t brave enough to buy any until I saw these with a dark background, rather than floral on white. As the weather gets warmer I’ll hopefully reveal a little more of them and pair them with some heels or flats; in the meantime my feet are staying warm in my riding boots. I’m down to only two pairs of socks on these colder days, woo-hoo…!

Wishing everyone a very happy weekend!

Raincoat: Dorothy Perkins, Floral jeans: ASOS, Boots: Red Herring at Debenhams, Shirt: Thrifted, Sweater: F+F, Bag: J by Jasper Conran, Bracelets: ASOS / Debenhams, Gold ring: ASOS, Round ring: Accessorize, Nails: Revlon Elegant 380 with a top coat of Barry M Pink Iridescent NP264

RELATED  How I Like to Layer For Warmth AND For Style in Autumn/Winter


  1. 19 March 2012 / 11:36 am

    I just like that floral pants so much! I wish I could have one. I like how you styled it, the boots and coat is just so lovely. I like the textures and the mix of prints. Brilliant outfit!


  2. 18 March 2012 / 11:52 pm

    I love the look! Have yet to come across any floral pants in my thrifting (my main form of shopping), but I do have a sweater similar to yours and a gingham blouse. You have the wheels turning!

  3. 18 March 2012 / 11:11 pm

    I love the floral pants, I went to H&M this weekend and they have a similar pant,but it was sold out:( Maybe they will get more in. I just love your style, you use a great mixture of prints and textures.

    • 19 March 2012 / 3:49 pm

      Yes I've found the same with lots of florals (being sold out I mean) – they're flying off the shelves!! Thanks Carrie xoxo

  4. 18 March 2012 / 7:31 pm

    I think floral pants are so pretty for spring and summer. I'd love to find some that would not make me look huge and silly. I may just have to be satisfied with floral tops and solid pants.
    You look fantastic.

    • 19 March 2012 / 3:22 pm

      Have you thought about a smaller print floral, Debbi if you're thinking these big florals are too loud…? Thanks for being a sweetie as always xoxo

  5. 18 March 2012 / 4:48 pm

    I was in grade school the day girls were allowed to wear pants to school for the very first time. I was so thrilled to wear my floral jeans, even if they were high waters! Since my mother was a teacher she knew about the changes in the rules much before some of the other teachers and way before my class mates had any idea. I can still remember the shock on my classmate's faces when I showed up in pants! What a memory. I saw some floral jeans the other day at the store and smiled to myself because of that memory. 😉 You look great in yours!

    • 19 March 2012 / 3:19 pm

      Thanks so much Joni… isn't it great what memories items of clothing bring back: floral jeans (esp. in pastels) always remind me how amazing I thought Madonna looked at Live Aid in 1985 and how I wanted that exact same outfit…!! C x

  6. tammy Silverstyle
    18 March 2012 / 12:53 pm

    The floral pants are great I envy you. but I think this is one trend I'll take a pass on. If you have time stop by for the new trending link up !

  7. 18 March 2012 / 3:32 am

    Those jeans are adorable on you, especially as you've styled them, sort of preppy. Not a look I could rock myself so I admire how you carry it off!

    • 18 March 2012 / 9:30 am

      Hadn't realised but the look is a bit preppy, isn't it (which I am occasionally drawn to)! Thank you, Maven! C xx

  8. 17 March 2012 / 10:38 pm

    Love this!
    The pants are fantastic…and I love how you styled them for the rain…it was starting to seem like everyone was wearing their floral pants exactly like everyone else…nice to see something more original!

    Natasha ~

  9. 17 March 2012 / 9:59 pm

    Your boots are simply fabulous, Catherine. And you look smashing in your floral jeans too. I have not braved that fashion item yet, but you are inspiring me : >

  10. Gray Skies
    17 March 2012 / 8:42 pm

    Loooove the jeans! I just bought a pair of floral trousers from H&M the other day, but have yet to wear them because it's super rainy and cold here, too.

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