16 Unmissable Reads, The Best of the Blogosphere – BLM Special

15 Unmissable Reads, The Best of the Blogosphere - BLM Special (July 2020) | Not Dressed As Lamb

In my Best of the Blogosphere this month I have a Black Lives Matter special. SO many educational and eye-opening reads.

[Reading time: 3 mins – not including time spent down the inevitable internet rabbit holes…!]

(In case you’ve not seen these posts before my Unmissable Reads are a monthly round-up of things I’ve seen, watched and liked in the blogosphere that I’m sure you’ll love too.)

I’ve been taking the time to compile this post thoughtfully and carefully – I didn’t want to put pressure on myself to rush this post and feel forced to publish it at the beginning of June during the height of the protests. As I mentioned in my newly-published (and permanent) diversity and equality statement page, this is an ongoing commitment that will not stop when BLM is no longer at the forefront of the news.

This also doesn’t mean I’m featuring Black-related articles and Black content creators this month only – far from it. I always make my monthly Best of the Blogosphere series as diverse as possible. This time I’m exclusively publishing links to articles with BLM subject matter to give talented Black people and issues about racism the spotlight they deserve. Now AND going forward.

Do have a read of these great links – you never know who or what you might discover, or, more importantly, educate yourself about. I learnt SO MUCH whilst researching links for this post. I hope you enjoy it.

What links did you like – and what have you learnt and who have you discovered? Comment below…!

(Photo credits: Top left | Top middle | Top right | Middle left | Middle | Middle right | Bottom left | Bottom middle | Bottom right)

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I’ve ALWAYS advocated bloggers discussing fees, and here’s another reason… apparently Black influencers are often paid less than their white counterparts, and it’s totally unacceptable. I’m glad they’ve spoken out about the industry’s diversity problem.

The Black British co-CEO of financial consultancy Redington, Dawid Konotey-Ahulu, discusses how we should Talk About Black. Think that racism doesn’t exist in Britain? Think again. This is one of the best BLM Calls to Action I’ve seen.

Blair Eadie is, of course, known for her style, so you can bet that the Black creators she’s showcased for you to diversify your feed with are as stylish as they come.

Sacrée Frangine is the creative duo of artistic directors and illustrators Célia Amroune and Aline Kpade – you can buy their beautiful, graphic prints online here.

Useful Black Lives Matter resources for everyone looking to be a better ally.

“Diversifying our social media feeds will impact not only our online selves, but our ‘real life’ selves too. It’s a start.” Why showing our support and diversifying our personal social feed is so important.

Harper’s Bazaar have listed over 90 Black creators, influencers, and tastemakers to follow right now.

“I thought I was stupid. Too dumb for college.” I’ve just bought How To Be an Anti-racist by Ibram X. Kendi and am looking forward to finding out how to be a force for good instead of being unknowingly complicit in racism.

How to talk to your white family about racism: being an ally means having uncomfortable conversations.

And finally, one of my own posts from last year: What we can ALL do to ensure diversity on brand-blogger campaigns and press trips.

Thanks for your support, as always. Please take a moment to read my diversity and equality statement if you have a spare minute ♥♡


Stay safe XOXO

Catherine signature


  1. 27 July 2020 / 6:29 am

    Black creators – love this and karenbritchik especially. I love it when younger people step up and are seen. Ok- conversations with family, or close ones about racism – I simply do not tolerate it. I gave up many years ago of talking reasonably with mean people. (I just avoid them now) Not cool, I know, but it just was too painful listening to it and trying to be nice when it’s not. I live in New Zealand, which is a very multi racial country. For which I am grateful. Most of last year I learnt te reo Maori (Maori language), and my goodness, what a multi-racial lot we were!! Maori, part Maori, Fijian, Samoan, Swiss, Danish, English, Dalmation, part German. I loved it. Even though I’m only about 1/8th Maori. Ok so a bi off topic here, But a great post from you Catherine xxxxxxxxx

    • Catherine
      27 July 2020 / 1:32 pm

      Ratnamurti I’m so pleased you enjoyed the post…! I now have so many Black creators to check out, I’m still working my way through the lists that were included in this post. Having a much more diverse feed is fantastic.

      That’s fascinating about your family and heritage, I have a feeling I’m very mixed as well with lots of different European and (we know) Jewish in me. I might do one of those DNA tests, it would be so interesting 🙂

      P.S. Dalmation, haha!!!!

  2. 26 July 2020 / 3:01 pm

    I’m African-American and I appreciate that you are supporting diverse bloggers. I have followed your blog for quite some time and I have always enjoyed it.

    • Catherine
      27 July 2020 / 12:04 am

      Tobi-Velicia that’s really lovely to hear – thank you so much, I really appreciate that! Much love xx

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