Here’s September’s Musings Monday, Helpful Humpday and Photo Tips Friday posts from my Facebook page. You can Pin these images (hooray!) and I’d love for you to get in on the conversations… everyone’s had some really interesting points to make on so many of the posts.
Let me know which posts you’ve found interesting/useful – and if you have any ideas for future posts (Photo Tips Friday, for example) then mention that in your comment, too! Happy reading 🙂
Musings Monday: The term “Real women” doesn’t sit well with me… It usually refers to the thinking that to be a “real” woman you have to have curves (total rubbish). I’ve yet to come up with an answer, but… [more]
Musings Monday: You may completely disagree with my theory, but take this ultra quick test to see if you agree. I’d love to know what you think to the final question at the bottom… [more]
Musings Monday: Where on earth did fashion “rules” come from? I think I’ve broken every single one of them, from L-R: 1. Don’t mix patterns (I think I break that one every day) 2. No white after… [more]
Musings Monday: Thinking about people who embrace their “worst” feature – or rather, what’s perceived (by others) as their worst feature. I greatly admire women who refuse to get this fixed or that fixed, not bowing to… [more]
Helpful Humpday: Want to create shorter URL links? Want to TRACK how many clicks they’ve had on social media? Use to create short links (it’s free). They… [more]
Helpful Humpday! SEO: It really works – I have proof. A niche blog started just 17 days ago is already on page 2 of Google search results if you search by its subject (not the blog name). Bet you’re wondering how… [more]
Helpful Humpday: I’m talking about the lead image in your blog post – make it eye catching! This will be the image that often makes people decide whether to click through to read your post because… [more]
Photo Tips Friday: “What DSLR should I buy?” This question is asked time and time again, and to be honest there’s no straightforward answer. I wouldn’t recommend buying any camera without… [more]
Photo Tips Friday: A well chosen background that complements your outfit will enhance it and make it “pop” in the photo. You can either: 1. Choose opposites from the colour wheel – a leafy green background will… [more]
P.S. If you’d like to read more along the same lines, follow my Pinterest boards: Photography Tips and Tricks, Blogging Tips, Social Media, Home Crafts Inspiration or My Musings!
Linking up to: Let It Shine, Friday’s Fab Favourites
Always a wealth of information and knowledge, dearest Catherine…you put my three weekly outfit posts to shame!! ;D I've always thought that Ms. Streisand's nose was her best feature (besides her voice, of course!) – doesn't she have such a noble profile?? And remember the actress Jennifer Grey from the movie "Dirty Dancing??" She never liked her distinctive nose and had it "fixed"…and pretty much lost her career after that because nobody knew who she was anymore!! As far as photography goes, my biggest challenge is finding just the right light for shooting pictures; we don't have a DSLR camera, and even though our little Canon CAN take some lovely pics, sometimes I look at the photos and think "what happened?!"
I completely agree about Barbra's profile – she had loads of profile pictures taken so I think she must have been really proud of it. And yes I knew about Jennifer Grey… that story fascinated me. Amazing how it can have the opposite effect! Lots to think about :))
I hope I am following most of your tips.
The real woman thing drives me insane, like skinny woman aren't real? Ridiculous! I really want a DSLR but feel so overwhelmed when I look at them
Agreed on the real women thing, Lauren! And the DSLR – feeling overwhelmed is why I advise people to go to an expert 🙂
Thank you for sharing the SEO tips – I never pay attention to these things but may need to now.
P.S. I hope to see at TBT Fashion link up tomorrow.
We were amazed at how well it's worked, Alice! x
Love that pic of Barbra! And I agree about breaking rules, let's do it every day. xox
I love the fact that she had so many taken of her profile – there were loads to chose from!! x
What a useful and interesting post, thanks so much for sharing!!
Love, Alena | meet me stylish
Glad you thought so, Alena, thank you x